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Topic: Carbon Capture and Storage

Related Articles (15)

Explainer: How the world’s largest ocean decarbonisation plant will work

  2024-03-04 by in - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community

The plant, backed by Singapore's water agency PUB and US-based startup Equatic, aims to remove 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the ocean each day.

  Tagged under: Asia | Carbon Capture and Storage | Decarbonisation

Enhanced weathering in the US Corn Belt delivers carbon removal with agronomic benefits | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2024-03-04 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Terrestrial enhanced weathering (EW) of silicate rocks, such as crushed basalt, on farmlands is a promising scalable atmospheric carbon dioxide rem...

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Olivine weathering - Works in Progress

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Olivine is a green mineral that reacts with CO2 in the ocean to form a harmless silt. This reaction might be the key to slowing down climate change, or reversing it altogether.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

For Captured Carbon, Scientists Plot a Sub-Ocean Tomb

  2024-02-19 by in Undark

It's a contentious idea, but supporters say storing CO2 under the seafloor could help address climate change—if it can scale up.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

Can Rock Dust Soak Up Carbon Emissions? A Giant Experiment Is Set to Find Out

  2023-12-08 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

How carbon removal technology is like a time machine

  2023-12-08 (or before) in MIT Technology Review

Sucking greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere could help address climate change. But so far, available technology is barely winding the clock back.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

The U.S. has a controversial plan to store carbon dioxide under the nation's forests

  2023-11-20 in NPR

A proposed rule change from the US Forest Service would allow storage of carbon dioxide pollution under national forests. The plan comes as communities resist such projects in their areas

  Tagged under: USA | Carbon Capture and Storage | Trees

Tory MPs Tout Carbon Capture at Chevron-Sponsored Event

  2023-10-04 by in DeSmog

MANCHESTER – Conservative MPs gave resounding backing to the fossil fuel industry this week at a conference event paid for by U.S. oil giant Chevron.  The panel “Can fossil fuel companies play a role in the energy transition?” was hosted on Tuesday in Manchester by Conservative think tank Bright Blue and Chevron. Chevron is headquartered […]

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage | UK Politics | Chevron

Shell Silently Abandoned Its $100 Million-a-Year Plan to Offset CO2 Emissions - Bloomberg

  2023-09-02 (or before) in Bloomberg

A faltering offsets program points to new problems with the corporate world’s favorite “climate solution.”

  Tagged under: Shell | Carbon Capture and Storage

Study: Direct Air Capture costs must fall by 75 per cent to drive widespread adoption

  2023-06-05 in Business Green

Nascent technology will need to scale at twice the speed seen in the solar sector, consultancy giant BCG warns

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Carbon Capture and Storage

Shell Pulls Out of Large Carbon Capture Project in Northern England

  2023-04-25 in

Shell has decided to pull out of the Northern Endurance Partnership, one of Britain's largest carbon capture and storage projects.

  Tagged under: Shell | Carbon Capture and Storage | Sustainability

World’s biggest machine capturing carbon from air turned on in Iceland

  2021-09-09 in The Guardian

Operators say the Orca plant can suck 4,000 tonnes of CO2 out of the air every year and inject it deep into the ground to be mineralised

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

Planting trees is only a good news story if it’s done right | Bibi van der Zee

  2019-12-25 by Bibi van der Zee in The Guardian

In the fight against global warming, we’d be better off preserving natural forests than planting new monoculture plantations, says Guardian journalist Bibi van der Zee

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Activism | Carbon Capture and Storage | Forests | Trees | Deforestation | Climate Change

Why carbon offsetting is not the panacea Harry and Meghan might think it is

  2019-08-20 by Emine Saner in The Guardian

Elton John claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private jet use was ‘carbon neutral’. The reality is more complicated

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Air Travel | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

  2019-05-22 by in Pro Publica

The hunger for these offsets is blinding us to the mounting pile of evidence that they haven't — and won't — deliver the climate benefit they promise.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Climate Change | Forests | Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Trees

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