The Elephant

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Topic: Forests

Related Articles (5)

Industry push to earn carbon credits from Australia’s native forests would be a blow for nature and the climate

  2024-08-12 by in The Conversation

Australia cannot risk any further declines in its biodiversity resulting from harvesting native forests, or actions that bring further risks to its emissions-reduction goal.

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting | Trees | Forests | Australia

Drax: UK power station still burning rare forest wood

  2024-02-28 in The BBC

Owner Drax, which received £6bn in subsidies, continues to burn timber from Canadian trees - BBC finds.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Forests | Canada | Trees | Biomass

Set a global target for ecosystems

  2020-02-22 (or before) in Nature

The conservation community must be able to track countries’ progress in protecting wetlands, reefs, forests and more, argue James Watson and colleagues. The conservation community must be able to track countries’ progress in protecting wetlands, reefs, forests and more, argue James Watson and colleagues.

  Tagged under: Forests | Wildlife | Conservation | Coral Reefs | Wetlands | Trees

Planting trees is only a good news story if it’s done right | Bibi van der Zee

  2019-12-25 by Bibi van der Zee in The Guardian

In the fight against global warming, we’d be better off preserving natural forests than planting new monoculture plantations, says Guardian journalist Bibi van der Zee

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Activism | Carbon Capture and Storage | Forests | Trees | Deforestation | Climate Change

An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

  2019-05-22 by in Pro Publica

The hunger for these offsets is blinding us to the mounting pile of evidence that they haven't — and won't — deliver the climate benefit they promise.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Climate Change | Forests | Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Trees

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