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Topic: Carbon Offsetting

Related Articles (45)

Industry push to earn carbon credits from Australia’s native forests would be a blow for nature and the climate

  2024-08-12 by in The Conversation

Australia cannot risk any further declines in its biodiversity resulting from harvesting native forests, or actions that bring further risks to its emissions-reduction goal.

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting | Trees | Forests | Australia

Offsets on fire

  2024-08-08 (or before) in Politico

Wildfires are once again threatening California’s climate goals.

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Trees | Carbon Offsetting | California

Reforestation programs could threaten vast area of tropical grasslands

  2024-02-29 (or before) in Science Daily

New research reveals the scale of inappropriate reforestation projects across Africa. A new study reveals that an area the size of France is threatened by forest restoration initiatives, such as the AFR100 initiative (African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative), due to inappropriate restoration in the form of tree-planting.

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting | Trees | Africa | Grasslands

Ministers could use loophole to water down carbon reduction commitments

  2024-02-28 in The Guardian

Climate committee urges government not to relax future targets after UK overachieved in 2018-22, in part thanks to lockdowns

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting | Committee on Climate Change UK

Trees struggle to ‘breathe’ as climate warms, researchers find

  2024-02-02 (or before) in EurekAlert! Science News Releases

Trees are struggling to sequester heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) in warmer, drier climates, meaning that they may no longer serve as a solution for offsetting humanity's carbon footprint as the planet continues to warm, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers.

  Tagged under: Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Cookstove carbon offsets overstate climate benefit by 1,000%, study finds

  2024-01-23 in The Guardian

Cookstove projects are one of the fastest-growing carbon offset schemes but research finds carbon benefits are vastly overstated

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Carbon Offsetting

Revealed: top carbon offset projects may not cut planet-heating emissions

  2023-09-19 in The Guardian

Majority of offset projects that have sold the most carbon credits are ‘likely junk’, according to analysis by Corporate Accountability and the Guardian

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting

The world’s biggest carbon capture facility is being built in Texas. Will it work?

  2023-09-12 in The Guardian

The plant will inject 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the ground each year – but is it just greenwashing from big oil?

  Tagged under: Texas | Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting

Shell signals retreat from carbon offsetting

  2023-09-08 in The Guardian

Oil company is latest firm to act amid indications that carbon credits do nothing to mitigate global heating

  Tagged under: Shell | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Offsetting

Carbon credit speculators could lose billions as offsets deemed ‘worthless’

  2023-08-24 in The Guardian

Many credits in the voluntary market going unused, with study finding some offsetting could make global heating worse

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting

Drop carbon offsetting-based environmental claims, companies urged

  2023-07-10 in The Guardian

New guidance says carbon credits should only be used to contribute to climate mitigation

  Tagged under: Climate Change Mitigation | Carbon Offsetting

Oil lobbyists spend millions to stall California’s game-changing climate bill

  2023-07-05 in The Guardian

Bills would force large companies that do business in the state to report all emissions and crack down on bogus carbon offset claims

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | California | Carbon Offsetting

Improving soil could keep world within 1.5C heating target, research suggests

  2023-07-04 in The Guardian

Better farming techniques across the world could lead to storage of 31 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide a year, data shows

  Tagged under: Farming | Carbon Offsetting

‘Worthless’: Chevron’s carbon offsets are mostly junk and some may harm, research says

  2023-05-24 in The Guardian

Exclusive: investigation finds energy giant’s efforts to offset its huge emissions rely on schemes with little impact

  Tagged under: Chevron | Carbon Offsetting

Top Offset Project Must Hand Zimbabwe Revenue or Close - Bloomberg

  2023-05-18 (or before) in Bloomberg

Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister said the operators of a project generating carbon credits from an area almost the size of Puerto Rico will have to give the government half its revenue if the initiative is to survive.

  Tagged under: Zimbabwe | Carbon Offsetting

Adverts claiming products are carbon neutral by using offsetting face UK ban

  2023-05-15 in The Guardian

Advertising watchdog to begin stricter enforcement on use of terms such as ‘carbon neutral’ amid concerns over offsets

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Carbon Offsetting

EU lawmakers vote to ban firms from relying on offsetting when making green claims « Carbon Pulse

  2023-05-14 (or before) in Carbon Pulse

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting

Carbon dioxide removal: the tech that is polarising climate science

  2023-04-25 in The Guardian

For some, CDR is crucial to staying below 1.5C. Others say it should not even be on the table. Why is it so controversial?

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting

New oilfield in the North Sea would blow the UK’s carbon budget

  2023-04-01 in The Guardian

Campaigners say Rosebank, with a potential yield of 500m barrels, would seriously undermine legal commitment to net zero

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Carbon Offsetting

Biggest carbon credit certifier to replace its rainforest offsets scheme

  2023-03-10 in The Guardian

Verra will phase out programme by mid-2025 after Guardian investigation found it was flawed

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Labor’s unlimited use of carbon offsets could lead to rise in emissions, report says

  2023-02-10 in The Guardian

Analysis says land-based carbon offsets lead to more fossil fuel mining and fail to deliver genuine emissions reductions

  Tagged under: Coal | Land Use | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Offsetting

The Carbon Con – How offsetting claims are vastly inflated

  2023-01-18 by in SourceMaterial Ð Climate. Corruption. Democracy.

The world’s biggest companies are pouring billions into an offsetting industry whose climate claims appear increasingly at odds with reality.

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting

‘Nowhere else to go’: forest communities of Alto Mayo, Peru, at centre of offsetting row

  2023-01-18 in The Guardian

The Guardian visits the Peruvian Amazon as part of a continuing investigation into forest-based carbon offsetting

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless, analysis shows

  2023-01-18 in The Guardian

Investigation into Verra carbon standard finds most are ‘phantom credits’ and may worsen global heating

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Shell | Rainforests | Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

California's carbon offsetting may actually be increasing emissions | New Scientist

  2022-12-24 (or before) in New Scientist

The state's ambitious plan to be carbon-neutral by 2045 relies on carbon offsets through the state’s forests. But scientists say it may be causing more harm than good

  Tagged under: California | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Gove’s defence of UK coalmine dismissed as ‘greenwashing nonsense’

  2022-12-13 in The Guardian

Head of offsetting standard rubbishes minister’s claim of Cumbrian mine’s carbon neutrality as ‘absurd’

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Offsetting

Forest regeneration that earned multimillion-dollar carbon credits resulted in fewer trees, analysis finds

  2022-11-06 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Claim by academics, including former integrity chair of Australia’s carbon credit scheme, raises further doubts about system

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Drive Carbon Neutral

  2022-01-26 (or before) in Shell in UK | Shell United Kingdom

Offsetting with the Shell Card and enabling your fleet to drive carbon neutral can play a key role in your low carbon planning, allowing you to offset unavoidable emissions in a simple and cost-effective way.

  Tagged under: Shell | Carbon Offsetting

Carbon offsetting is not warding off environmental collapse – it’s accelerating it | George Monbiot

  2022-01-26 in The Guardian

Wealthy companies are using the facade of ‘nature-based solutions’ to enact a great carbon land grab, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Shell | Greenhouse Gases | Wildlife | Collapse | Carbon Offsetting

‘Dangerous blindspot’: why overlooking blue carbon could sink us

  2021-11-06 in The Guardian

Exceptional new findings show the huge potential of salt marshes for sucking up carbon. But is it too late for blue carbon to save the world?

  Tagged under: COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Wildlife | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Reforestation hopes threaten global food security, Oxfam warns

  2021-08-03 in The Guardian

Over-reliance on tree-planting to offset carbon emissions could push food prices up 80% by 2050

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

The climate crisis can't be solved by carbon accounting tricks | Simon Lewis

  2021-03-03 in The Guardian

Disaster looms if big finance is allowed to game the carbon offsetting markets to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions, says climate scientist and writer Simon Lewis

  Tagged under: COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Finance | Carbon Offsetting

Shell, BP, and Easyjet: The Big Polluters Designing the Rules for Voluntary Carbon Offsets

  2021-01-22 by in DeSmog

Many of the world’s most polluting companies are being handed a “get out of jail free” card by being invited to shape a scaled-up offsetting market, campaigners claim. The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets is due to publish its “roadmap for implementation” on Wednesday, four months after it was launched by former Bank of England […]

  Tagged under: BP | Shell | Carbon Offsetting

10 myths about net zero targets and carbon offsetting, busted

  2020-12-11 by in Climate Home News

Carbon neutrality targets are often not as ambitious as they sound, relying on problematic carbon offsets and unproven technologies

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Carbon Offsetting

Beyond “Net-Zero”: A Case for Separate Targets for Emissions Reduction and Negative Emissions

  2020-03-05 (or before) in Frontiers

• Targets and accounting for negative emissions should be explicitly set and managed separately from existing and future targets for emissions reduction. • Failure to make such a separation has already hampered climate policy, exaggerating the expected future contribution of negative emissions in climate models, while also obscuring the extent and pace of the investment needed to deliver negative emissions. • Separation would help minimise the negative impacts that promises and deployments of negative emissions could have on emissions reduction, arising from effects such as temporal trade-offs, excessive offsettin...

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Carbon Offsetting

Airlines want you to think they’re serious about the climate crisis. They’re not | Max Wakefield

  2020-02-04 in The Guardian

An offer to plant trees to offset carbon emissions isn’t a solution – it’s a licence to continue with business as usual, says environmental activist Max Wakefield

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Air Travel | Trees | Carbon Offsetting | Activism

UN climate talks failing to address urgency of crisis, says top scientist

  2019-12-08 in The Guardian

COP25 in Madrid criticised for focusing on details instead of agreeing deep cuts to emissions

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Carbon Offsetting | Extinction Rebellion | Extinction

Gucci And Burberry Are Now ‘Carbon Offsetting’ – But What Does It Mean And Does It Actually Work?

  2019-11-18 (or before) in British Vogue - Fashion, Trends, Latest News, Catwalk Photos & Designers | British Vogue

  Tagged under: Fashion Industry | Carbon Offsetting

Why carbon offsetting is not the panacea Harry and Meghan might think it is

  2019-08-20 by Emine Saner in The Guardian

Elton John claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private jet use was ‘carbon neutral’. The reality is more complicated

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Air Travel | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

Tree planting 'has mind-blowing potential' to tackle climate crisis

  2019-07-04 in The Guardian

Research shows a trillion trees could be planted to capture huge amount of carbon dioxide

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting

An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

  2019-05-22 by in Pro Publica

The hunger for these offsets is blinding us to the mounting pile of evidence that they haven't — and won't — deliver the climate benefit they promise.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Climate Change | Forests | Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Trees

UK's 'creative carbon accounting' breaches climate deal, say critics

  2019-04-25 in The Guardian

UK exclusion of international aviation and shipping figures from carbon budgets was highlighted by Greta Thunberg

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Greenhouse Gases | Carbon Offsetting

London mayor unveils plan to tackle 'climate emergency'

  2018-12-11 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Sadiq Khan accuses government of dragging its feet and calls for investment to avert catastrophe

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Carbon Offsetting

James Lovelock: 'Enjoy life while you can: in 20 years global warming will hit the fan'

  2008-03-01 in Wayback Machine

The climate science maverick believes catastrophe is inevitable, carbon offsetting is a joke and ethical living a scam. So what would he do, asks Decca Aitkenhead

  Tagged under: Activism | Carbon Offsetting

James Lovelock: 'Enjoy life while you can: in 20 years global warming will hit the fan'

  2008-03-01 in The Guardian

The climate science maverick believes catastrophe is inevitable, carbon offsetting is a joke and ethical living a scam. So what would he do, asks Decca Aitkenhead

  Tagged under: Activism | Carbon Offsetting

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