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Topic: Carbon Offsetting

Related Articles (5)

Reforestation programs could threaten vast area of tropical grasslands

  2024-02-29 (or before) in Science Daily

New research reveals the scale of inappropriate reforestation projects across Africa. A new study reveals that an area the size of France is threatened by forest restoration initiatives, such as the AFR100 initiative (African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative), due to inappropriate restoration in the form of tree-planting.

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting | Trees | Africa

Top Offset Project Must Hand Zimbabwe Revenue or Close - Bloomberg

  2023-05-18 (or before) in Bloomberg

Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister said the operators of a project generating carbon credits from an area almost the size of Puerto Rico will have to give the government half its revenue if the initiative is to survive.

  Tagged under: Zimbabwe | Carbon Offsetting

Gucci And Burberry Are Now ‘Carbon Offsetting’ – But What Does It Mean And Does It Actually Work?

  2019-11-18 (or before) in British Vogue - Fashion, Trends, Latest News, Catwalk Photos & Designers | British Vogue

  Tagged under: Fashion Industry | Carbon Offsetting

Why carbon offsetting is not the panacea Harry and Meghan might think it is

  2019-08-20 by Emine Saner in The Guardian

Elton John claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private jet use was ‘carbon neutral’. The reality is more complicated

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Air Travel | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

  2019-05-22 by in Pro Publica

The hunger for these offsets is blinding us to the mounting pile of evidence that they haven't — and won't — deliver the climate benefit they promise.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Climate Change | Forests | Carbon Capture and Storage | Carbon Offsetting | Trees

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