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Topic: Geoengineering

Related Articles (40)

We can’t afford to stop solar geoengineering research

  2024-08-26 (or before) in MIT Technology Review

It is the wrong time to take this strategy for combating climate change off the table.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

No, UK weather is not being manipulated

  2024-07-04 in The BBC

False claims about weather manipulation and geoengineering have been spreading online. What are the facts?

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

The University of Chicago’s new climate initiative: brave research program or potentially dangerous foray into solar geoengineering?

  2024-06-20 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The University of Chicago is attempting to position itself as the place for serious scientific consideration of the logistics and implications of Earth system interventions aimed at reversing or counteracting climate change.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Solar geoengineering: Should we tweak the atmosphere to counteract global warming? | New Scientist

  2024-04-23 in New Scientist

With severe climate impacts becoming more and more apparent, many scientists think we should explore ways to block out solar radiation, but doing so would be risky

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Swiss geoengineering start-up targets methane removal - The Engineer

  2024-04-18 by The Engineer in The Engineer

A Swiss startup is developing geoengineering technology to remove methane from the atmosphere, which it says could help cool the planet by 0.5-1.0 °C within 25 Years.

  Tagged under: Methane | Geoengineering

How to Build a Climate Bomb | Common Dreams

  2024-04-10 in Common Dreams

Starting and then stopping solar geoengineering would cause the warming that had been temporarily held in abeyance to show up quickly and with a vengeance.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

E&E News: Geoengineering test launched with salt flecks and secrecy

  2024-04-07 (or before) in Politico PRO

The experiment in San Francisco could lead to brighter clouds that reflect sunlight. The risks are numerous.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Scientists Investigate Drying out the Stratosphere to Reduce Warming

  2024-03-11 (or before) in

The new study examines the feasibility of removing water vapor by injecting ice-nucleating particles into the atmosphere.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Radical idea to protect 'doomsday' Thwaites Glacier with 62-mile long curtain divides scientists

  2024-03-06 in Sky News

The drastic idea has been praised by some scientists as "highly aspirational", while others have branded it "dangerous, illusionary and distracting".

  Tagged under: Ice Melting | Antarctic | Geoengineering

Dehydrate the stratosphere to curb global warming? Scientists float risky new strategy

  2024-03-01 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Seeding clouds above the western Pacific would keep water vapor, a greenhouse gas, from reaching the atmosphere’s rooftop

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Research programme to model impact of solar radiation management

  2024-02-29 (or before) in UKRI - UK Research and Innovation

A new £10.5m, five-year research programme will deliver independent risk-risk analyses to inform policymakers in the area of solar radiation management (SRM).

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Not such a bright idea: cooling the Earth by reflecting sunlight back to space is a dangerous distraction

  2024-02-29 by in The Conversation

A UN meeting this week considered a motion on a suite of technologies known as ‘solar radiation modification’, but no consensus could be reached on the controversial topic.

  Tagged under: Regulation | United Nations | Geoengineering

Pumped up: will a Dutch startup’s plan to restore Arctic sea-ice work?

  2024-02-27 in The Guardian

As the Arctic warms, devastating the climate and ecosystems, an old idea used to create skating rinks could be deployed to restore melting ice caps, despite scepticism from some experts

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Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists

  2024-01-13 in The Guardian

New paper claims unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Aerosol geoengineering will not stop Antarctic ice sheet from melting, simulations suggest – Physics World

  2023-08-31 in Home – Physics World

Emissions reduction is the only way to avoid catastrophic sea-level rise

  Tagged under: Antarctic | Geoengineering | Ice Melting | Sea Level

Geoengineering Is Going to Happen

  2023-08-11 in Ryan Cooper

In my last paid issue here, I discussed the virtual certainty that a heat wave megadeath disaster is going to happen at some point. Heat already kills more people than any other kind of natural disaster, and many places are already creeping up to the limit at which even young,

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

‘We’re changing the clouds.’ An unintended test of geoengineering is fueling record ocean warmth

  2023-08-05 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Pollution cuts have diminished “ship track” clouds, adding to global warming

  Tagged under: Oceans | Geoengineering

Marine cloud brightening | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

  2023-08-05 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

The idea behind the marine cloud-brightening (MCB) geoengineering technique is that seeding marine stratocumulus clouds with copious quantities of roughly monodisperse sub-micrometre sea water particles might significantly enhance the cloud droplet number ...

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

The Future Is the Termination Shock: On the Antinomies and Psychopathologies of Geoengineering. Part One

  2023-06-29 (or before) in Brill

Abstract As capitalist society remains incapable of addressing climate breakdown, one measure is waiting in the wings: solar geoengineering. No other technology can cut global temperatures immediately. It would alleviate the symptoms of the crisis, not its causes. But might it be combined with radical emissions cuts? This essay, the first instalment of two, scrutinises the rationalist-optimist case for geoengineering: the idea that soot planes in the sky can shield the Earth from the worst heat while society rids itself of fossil fuels. A more likely outcome is that they encourage business-as-usual to continue, while negative si...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Geoengineering | Capitalism

Opinion | My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory

  2023-04-18 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Geoengineering

BBC Global Dimming Documentary About Geoengineering & Global Warming - video Dailymotion

  2023-04-05 (or before) by in Dailymotion

A BBC documentary about how unintentional increased reflectance due to man made pollution has actually hidden the affects of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Global warming in the pipeline

  2023-03-31 (or before) in e-Print archive

Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change implies that fast-feedback equilibrium climate sensitivity is at least ~4°C for doubled CO2 (2xCO2), with likely range 3.5-5.5°C. Greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing is 4.1 W/m2 larger in 2021 than in 1750, equivalent to 2xCO2 forcing. Global warming in the pipeline is greater than prior estimates. Eventual global warming due to today's GHG forcing alone -- after slow feedbacks operate -- is about 10°C. Human-made aerosols are a major climate forcing, mainly via their effect on clouds. We infer from paleoclimate data that ae...

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | IPCC | Climate Change | Geoengineering

Solar Geoengineering Non-Use Agreement

  2023-03-01 (or before) in

Our initiative stands against such emerging initiatives to explore planetary techno-fixes as a climate policy option.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Mechanism of ozone loss under enhanced water vapour conditions in the mid-latitude lower stratosphere in summer

  2023-02-01 (or before) in ACP - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Abstract. Water vapour convectively injected into the mid-latitude lowermost stratosphere could affect stratospheric ozone. The associated potential ozone loss process requires low temperatures together with elevated water vapour mixing ratios. Since this ozone loss is initiated by heterogeneous chlorine activation on liquid aerosols, an increase in sulfate aerosol surface area due to a volcanic eruption or geoengineering could increase the likelihood of its occurrence. However, the chemical mechanism of this ozone loss process has not yet been analysed in sufficient detail and its sensitivity to various conditions is not yet cl...

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Texas | Geoengineering | Sea Level

A startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate

  2022-12-25 (or before) in MIT Technology Review

Make Sunsets is already attempting to earn revenue for geoengineering, a move likely to provoke widespread criticism.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

White House pushes ahead research to cool Earth by reflecting sunlight

  2022-10-14 (or before) in CNBC

There are several kinds of sunlight-reflection technology, and none have been thoroughly researched due to a perceived moral hazard. But sentiment is shifting.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Geoengineering

An Indigenous Group’s Objection to Geoengineering Spurs a Debate About Social Justice in Climate Science - Inside Climate News

  2021-07-07 in Inside Climate News

It was February in northern Sweden and the sun was returning after a dark winter. In the coming months the tundra would reawaken with lichens and shrubs for reindeer to forage in the permafrost encrusted Scandinavian mountain range. But the changing season also brought some unwelcome news to the Indigenous Sámi people, who live across […]

  Tagged under: Geoengineering | Climate Justice

Controversial geoengineering scheme will dump iron in the sea

  2021-07-05 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | Geoengineering

Safe Limit for Global Warming Is Lowered Dramatically by Experts

  2021-06-23 (or before) by in Scientific American

Carbon taxes and nuclear power will be necessary to cut CO2 emissions quickly enough to avert disastrous climate change, they say

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Geoengineering

There's a simple answer to climate change. But will capitalism allow it? - Prospect Magazine

  2021-05-24 in Prospect Magazine

In discussions of climate emergency, degrowth has always been the elephant in the room; acknowledged from time to time, but rarely spoken about. But it may be the only solution

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Degrowth | Capitalism | Geoengineering

Should Governments Consider Engineering the Atmosphere?

  2021-04-08 in The Nation

Two writers debate whether solar geoengineering would help or harm the effort to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Geoengineering

Solar Geoengineering: Ineffective, Risky, Unnecessary | Jonathan Foley | Medium |

  2021-04-03 (or before) in

Some people are proposing to counteract climate change by artificially dimming the Sun. But it’s ineffective. It’s risky. And it’s…

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Climate Change | Geoengineering

'Dimming the sun': $100m geoengineering research programme proposed

  2021-03-25 in The Guardian

All options to fight climate crisis must be explored, says national academy, but critics fear side-effects

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

The Sugar Daddy of Geoengineering

  2020-10-14 in

Bill Gates’ fossil fuel interests and funding for global climate engineering

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

The environment in 2050: flooded cities, forced migration – and the Amazon turning to savannah

  2019-12-30 in The Guardian

Unless we focus on shared solutions, violent storms and devastating blazes could be the least of the world’s troubles. Civilisation itself will be at risk

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Extreme Weather | Wildfires | Drought | Amazon Rainforest | IPCC | Climate Change | Geoengineering

Students accuse Cambridge university of 'greenwashing' ties with oil firms

  2019-11-23 in The Guardian

Activists call Cambridge Zero initiative a ‘PR stunt to divert attention from links to fossil fuel industry’

  Tagged under: Activism | Greenhouse Gases | Fossil Fuels | Geoengineering

David Wallace-Wells: ‘There are many cases of climate hypocrisy’

  2019-08-25 in The Guardian

The journalist and author on the climate crisis

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Greenhouse Gases | Geoengineering | Extinction Rebellion | Extinction

Manmade Antarctic snowstorm 'could save coastal cities from rising seas'

  2019-07-17 in The Guardian

Blowing trillions of tonnes of snow on to ice sheet could halt its collapse, researchers say

  Tagged under: Oceans | Antarctic | Geoengineering | Sea Level | Collapse

Devil's Bargain

  2018-02-08 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

We already have planet-cooling technology. The problem is, it’s killing us.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Geoengineering

The Geoengineering Fallacy | by Barbara Unmüßig - Project Syndicate

  2017-10-12 by Barbara Unmüßig in Project Syndicate

Barbara Unmüßig raises serious doubts about the viability and safety of proposed technological fixes for climate change.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Geoengineering | Carbon Capture and Storage

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