The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Royal Society Publishing


Articles from this source (9)

Actions speak louder than words: the case for responsible scientific activism in an era of planetary emergency | Royal Society Open Science

  2024-08-02 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

The world's understanding of the climate and ecological crises rests on science. However, scientists' conventional methods of engagement, such as producing ever more data and findings, writing papers and giving advice to governments, have not been ...

  Tagged under: Science | Activism

Bellwethers of change: population modelling of North Pacific humpback whales from 2002 through 2021 reveals shift from recovery to climate response | Royal Society Open Science

  2024-2-28 in Royal Society Publishing

For the 40 years after the end of commercial whaling in 1976, humpback whale populations in the North Pacific Ocean exhibited a prolonged period of recovery. Using mark–recapture methods on the largest individual photo-identification dataset ever ...

  Tagged under: Oceans

Characteristic processes of human evolution caused the Anthropocene and may obstruct its global solutions | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2024-01-30 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

We propose that the global environmental crises of the Anthropocene are the outcome of a ratcheting process in long-term human evolution which has favoured groups of increased size and greater environmental exploitation. To explore this hypothesis, we ...

Marine cloud brightening | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

  2023-08-05 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

The idea behind the marine cloud-brightening (MCB) geoengineering technique is that seeding marine stratocumulus clouds with copious quantities of roughly monodisperse sub-micrometre sea water particles might significantly enhance the cloud droplet number ...

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Ongoing over-exploitation and delayed responses to environmental change highlight the urgency for action to promote vertebrate recoveries by 2030 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2023-04-19 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

To safeguard nature, we must understand the drivers of biodiversity loss. Time-delayed biodiversity responses to environmental changes (ecological lags) are often absent from models of biodiversity change, despite their well-documented existence. We ...

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Matches and mismatches between the global distribution of major food crops and climate suitability | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2022-11-01 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

Over the course of history, humans have moved crops from their regions of origin to new locations across the world. The social, cultural and economic drivers of these movements have generated differences not only between current distributions of crops and ...

Atmospheric methane removal: a research agenda | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

  2022-09-06 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

Atmospheric methane removal (e.g. in situ methane oxidation to carbon dioxide) may be needed to offset continued methane release and limit the global warming contribution of this potent greenhouse gas. Because mitigating most anthropogenic emissions of ...

  Tagged under: Methane | Carbon Capture and Storage

Pesticide and resource stressors additively impair wild bee reproduction | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2021-11-22 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

Bees and other beneficial insects experience multiple stressors within agricultural landscapes that act together to impact their health and diminish their ability to deliver the ecosystem services on which human food supplies depend. Disentangling the ...

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects | Health

Climate sensitivity, sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

  2021-11-12 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

Cenozoic temperature, sea level and CO2 covariations provide insights into climate sensitivity to external forcings and sea-level sensitivity to climate change. Climate sensitivity depends on the initial climate state, but potentially can be accurately ...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Sea Level

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