The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Biodiversity Loss

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Living Planet Index - Latest Results

  2023-07-18 (or before) in

Graphing tool showing the Living Planet Index over time.

The Living Planet Index (LPI) is a measure of the state of the world's biological diversity based on population trends of vertebrate species from terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. The LPI has been adopted by the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) as an indicator of progress towards its 2011-2020 targets and can play an important role in monitoring progress towards the post-2020 goals and targets negotiated at COP15.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Related Articles (73)

Q&A: ‘The window of opportunity is there, but closes a little every day’

  2024-08-26 by in - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community

As COP16 in Colombia nears, renowned Argentine biologist Sandra Daz champions the need for transformative change to tackle biodiversity loss.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

The influence of exploration activities of a potential lithium mine to the environment in Western Serbia - Scientific Reports

  2024-07-24 in Nature

The proposed exploitation of the Jadar Valley lithium/borate deposit in Serbia, by the Rio Tinto Corporation, indicates that it would become large-scale processing of boron- and lithium-containing ore. It would be one of the world’s very first lithium mines in populated and agricultural area. The company claims that the envisioned mining will be in accordance with environmental protection requirements. The Jadar Valley deposits have been claimed to cover 90% of Europe’s current lithium needs. Yet, local opposition to the mining has arisen due to potential devastating impacts on groundwater, soil, water usage, biodive...

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Fighting Climate Change Requires a Different Mindset | by Sonia Guajajara - Project Syndicate

  2024-07-16 by Sonia Guajajara in Project Syndicate

Sonia Guajajara thinks the rest of the world can learn a lot from how indigenous peoples relate to nature.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Adaption | Indigenous People | Biodiversity Loss

Put biodiversity at heart of finance – ARU Professor - ARU

  2024-07-15 (or before) in University courses at ARU | Anglia Ruskin University - ARU

‘Species and habitat loss should be given the same importance as climate change’

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity loss is biggest driver of infectious disease outbreaks, says study

  2024-05-09 in The Guardian

Researchers say reducing emissions and biodiversity loss and preventing invasive species could control disease

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Effects of climate change on Lepidoptera pollen loads and their pollination services in space and time - Oecologia

  2024-03-25 in Springer Verlag

Shifts in flowering time among plant communities as a result of climate change, including extreme weather events, are a growing concern. These plant phenological changes may affect the quantity and quality of food sources for specialized insect pollinators. Plant–pollinator interactions are threatened by habitat alterations and biodiversity loss, and changes in these interactions may lead to declines in flower visitors and pollination services. Most prior research has focused on short-term plant–pollinator interactions, which do not accurately capture changes in pollination services. Here, we characterized long-term ...

  Tagged under: Insects | Biodiversity Loss | Butterflies and Moths | Drought

Investing to address biodiversity loss - Impax Asset Management

  2024-03-01 by in

The scale of exposure to nature-related risks means investors must urgently understand the drivers of biodiversity loss and invest in ways to reduce them

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

The #1 Reason I Became A Doomer

  2024-01-16 in Collapse Musings

We're not doomed because of climate change, resource depletion, or biodiversity loss. We're doomed because human nature made those things inevitable.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Biodiversity Loss

Should We Tell People It’s Too Late To Save Civilization?

  2023-10-09 in Collapse Musings

Civilization is definitely going to collapse in the near future, but will telling people only make the problem worse?

  Tagged under: Collapse | Biodiversity Loss

Nature Action 100: Global investors call on corporates to tackle biodiversity impacts

  2023-09-26 in Business Green

New group unveils list of 100 companies in key sectors that investors will push to improve their nature-related policies

  Tagged under: Finance | Biodiversity Loss

Surprising Study: Seemingly Healthy Ecosystems May Already Be on the Path To Decline

  2023-08-12 in SciTechDaily - Science, Space and Technology News 2023

A recent study on biodiversity suggests that using species richness alone may not be a reliable metric for monitoring ecosystems. Ecosystems that appear healthy, with stable or even rising species counts may already be on the path to decline and loss of species. Negative trends in such ecosystems c

  Tagged under: Health | Biodiversity Loss

In pictures: How climate change is causing loss and damage around the world by UNDP Climate on Exposure

  2023-08-06 (or before) in

Here are the many faces of loss and damage caused by climate change around the world –and what it can look like for those on the frontlines.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Chile | Wildfires | Madagascar | Biodiversity Loss | India

Bruised Earth uncovered by new mapping product - Space Intelligence

  2023-08-02 by in Home - Space Intelligence

The combined impact of deforestation and biodiversity loss in the tropics has been laid bare by a new mapping product from Space Intelligence. The nature data specialist has combined datasets from multiple sources and applied …

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Biodiversity Loss

Living Planet Index - Latest Results

  2023-07-18 (or before) in

Graphing tool showing the Living Planet Index over time.

The Living Planet Index (LPI) is a measure of the state of the world's biological diversity based on population trends of vertebrate species from terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. The LPI has been adopted by the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) as an indicator of progress towards its 2011-2020 targets and can play an important role in monitoring progress towards the post-2020 goals and targets negotiated at COP15.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Recent and future declines of a historically widespread pollinator linked to climate, land cover, and pesticides | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2023-07-14 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

The acute decline in global biodiversity includes not only the loss of rare species, but also the rapid collapse of common species across many diff...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Bees | Insects | Collapse | Biodiversity Loss

Insect decline a threat to fruit crops and food security, scientists warn MPs

  2023-06-07 in The Guardian

Poor pollination caused by destructive farming methods leads to loss of biodiversity and is a threat to food production, inquiry told

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects | Food Production and Consumption | Biodiversity Loss

Study: Solar farms can be 'wildlife havens'

  2023-06-07 in Business Green

New report by Solar Energy UK reveals how well managed solar farms have potential to boost ecology and tackle biodiversity loss in the UK

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Experts call for ‘loss and damage’ fund for nature in developing world

  2023-05-29 in The Guardian

Rich nations should pay for biodiversity loss, which disproportionately affects poor countries, say scientists

  Tagged under: Fish | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Sally Weintrobe | Climate Breakdown Shakedown - Climate Grief | Extinction Rebellion UK

  2023-05-26 (or before) in YouTube

Sally Weintrobe speaks to XR Greenwich on the topic of Climate Grief.“Most of us have been living in a bubble of disavowal about global heating”, Sally Weint...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Activism | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Bubble | Climate Anxiety and Grief | Extinction Rebellion | Biodiversity Loss

National survey finds that well managed solar farms can address loss of biodiversity

  2023-05-25 (or before) in Solar Power Portal

A national survey of wildlife on solar farms has found that they can be havens for wildlife when specifically managed for conservation.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Global loss of wildlife is 'significantly more alarming' than previously thought, according to a new study | CNN

  2023-05-22 by in CNN

The global loss of wildlife is “significantly more alarming” than previously thought, according to a new study that found almost half the planet’s species are experiencing rapid population declines.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Ongoing over-exploitation and delayed responses to environmental change highlight the urgency for action to promote vertebrate recoveries by 2030 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2023-04-19 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

To safeguard nature, we must understand the drivers of biodiversity loss. Time-delayed biodiversity responses to environmental changes (ecological lags) are often absent from models of biodiversity change, despite their well-documented existence. We ...

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

IPCC Synthesis Report: What does it say? What does it mean? | IPCC FINAL REPORT 2023

  2023-04-09 (or before) in YouTube

JOIN XRUK THIS APRIL 21-24 AT THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENTDr Charlie Gardner and Clare Farrell discuss the latest IPCC synthesis report, the final report in the m...

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Activism | Extinction Rebellion | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth

  2023-03-19 (or before) in Society for Conservation Biology Journal

Abstract Increasing evidence—synthesized in this paper—shows that economic growth contributes to biodiversity loss via greater resource consumption and higher emissions. Nonetheless, a review of in...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Biodiversity Loss

Co-extinctions annihilate planetary life during extreme environmental change - Scientific Reports

  2023-03-13 (or before) in Nature

Climate change and human activity are dooming species at an unprecedented rate via a plethora of direct and indirect, often synergic, mechanisms. Among these, primary extinctions driven by environmental change could be just the tip of an enormous extinction iceberg. As our understanding of the importance of ecological interactions in shaping ecosystem identity advances, it is becoming clearer how the disappearance of consumers following the depletion of their resources — a process known as ‘co-extinction’ — is more likely the major driver of biodiversity loss. Although the general relevance of co-extincti...

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change | Collapse | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Scientists warning on the ecological effects of radioactive leaks on ecosystems

  2023-03-09 (or before) in Frontiers

A nuclear leakage or tactical nuclear weapon in a limited war could cause immense and long-lasting ecological consequences beyond the direct site of exposure. We call on all scientists to communicate the importance of the environmental impact of such an event to all life forms on Earth, including humankind. Changes to ecosystem structure and functioning and species extinctions would affect the biosphere for an unknown time frame. Radiation could trigger cascade effects in marine, atmospheric and terrestrial ecosystems of a magnitude far beyond human capabilities to mitigate or adapt. Even a "tactical nuclear war" could alter pla...

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Ecosystem collapse ‘inevitable’ unless wildlife losses reversed

  2023-02-24 in The Guardian

Scientists studying the Permian-Triassic mass extinction find ecosystems can suddenly tip over

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Collapse | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Overshoot: Why It's Already Too Late To Save Civilization

  2023-02-09 by in

Overshoot is the reason civilization is going to collapse. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion are merely symptoms.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Collapse | Biodiversity Loss

How "nature positive" can guide the world’s response to the biodiversity crisis — Business For Nature

  2023-01-30 (or before) in Business For Nature

‘Nature positive’ is a disruptive term that has quickly gained traction. It is widely agreed to mean a “global goal to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 with a view of full recovery by 2050” - providing a collective and ambitious objective to guide the urgent actions of government, civil society, and business, in the same way ‘net zero’ does for climate action.

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Biodiversity Loss

Corporate Capture of Global Biodiversity Efforts of UN Summit

  2023-01-06 by in Deep Green Resistance News Service

Corporate interests have influenced the UN Biodiversity Conference efforts to protect the variety of life on Earth amid rampant species loss.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Fueling Resistance

  2022-12-14 (or before) in MIT

In Fueling Resistance, Kate Neville dissects the processes, and political economy framework, of resistance to two different alternative fuel projects in two distinct and disparate locations. The comparison centers on resistance to a biofuel project in Kenya and a fracking project in the Yukon territory of Canada. The unwritten premise is that these two energy projects, and the subsequent resistance to them, may not have obvious similarities given their distinct characteristics and locations but in fact have several elements in common. Neville outlines how these cases can be viewed as similar and concludes that understanding the ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Colonialism | Rivers | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Wind Power | Health | Climate Justice | Food Production and Consumption | Finance | Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity impacts associated to offshore wind power projects

  2022-11-02 (or before) in IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature

The available scientific literature agrees on the key impacts of offshore wind: i) risk of collision mortality; ii) displacement due to disturbance (including noise impacts); iii) barrier effects (also including noise impacts); iv habitat loss; and v) indirect ecosystem-level effects. There is still much to understand on these five key impacts – but it is clear that that they must be considered carefully in all stages of offshore wind farm planning and development. The broad approach to undertaking an impact assessment for onshore wind energy is often equally relevant to offshore wind projects.

  Tagged under: Wind Power | Biodiversity Loss

‘Apocalypse Papers’: Scientists Call for Paradigm Shift as Biodiversity Loss Worsens - Inside Climate News

  2022-05-29 (or before) in Inside Climate News

When scientists from the United States and Europe published a study two weeks ago, warning that climate change was on track to push more than half of the world’s species of cactus—a plant known for its extraordinary ability to survive heat and drought—into extinction by midcentury, Tierra Curry simply filed it among the quickly growing […]

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

State of the World's Birds

  2022-05-05 (or before) in Annual Reviews

We present an overview of the global spatiotemporal distribution of avian biodiversity, changes in our knowledge of that biodiversity, and the extent to which it is imperilled. Birds are probably the most completely inventoried large taxonomic class of organisms, permitting a uniquely detailed understanding of how the Anthropocene has shaped their distributions and conservation status in space and time. We summarize the threats driving changes in bird species richness and abundance, highlighting the increasingly synergistic interactions between threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and overexploitation. Many metrics of a...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

‘Canaries in the coalmine’: loss of birds signals changing planet

  2022-05-05 in The Guardian

Billions of birds are disappearing because of humanity’s impact on Earth, global review finds

  Tagged under: Coal | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

‘Relentless’ destruction of rainforest continuing despite Cop26 pledge

  2022-04-28 in The Guardian

Tropics lost 11.1m hectares of tree cover in 2021, including forest critical to limiting global heating and biodiversity loss

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | COP26 | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

Global biodiversity loss from tropical deforestation | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2022-03-19 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Global biodiversity loss from tropical deforestation

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Biodiversity Loss

Legal eagles: how climate litigation is shaping ambitious cases for nature

  2022-03-16 in The Guardian

Environmental lawsuits are nothing new but now lawyers are turning their attention to cases that address the loss of biodiversity

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Litigation | Wetlands | Biodiversity Loss

Increasing loss of mature boreal forests around protected areas with red-listed forest species - Ecological Processes

  2022-02-21 (or before) in Ecological Processes

Background Protected areas (PA) are central to biodiversity, but their efficiency is challenged by human-induced habitat loss and fragmentation. In the Fennoscandian boreal region, forestry with clearcutting is a threat to biodiversity causing the loss of mature forest elements and deterioration of ecological processes in forest landscapes, ultimately affecting PAs via declined structural connectivity. This paper aims to (1) determine PAs with high, red-listed species concentrations; (2) estimate the change in forest habitat around these PAs on different spatial scales; and (3) determine if forest management intensity is higher ...

  Tagged under: Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' - scientists - BBC News

  2022-02-13 (or before) in BBC

The UK has an average of only 53% of its biodiversity left, well below the global average, study shows.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

World must ‘change track’ to protect oceans from climate crisis: Guterres

  2022-02-11 in UN News | Global perspective Human stories

The planet is facing the triple crises of climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution, Secretary-General António Guterres told the One Ocean Summit on Friday, warning that “the ocean shoulders much of the burden”.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | Biodiversity Loss

Expanding national parks not enough to protect nature, say scientists

  2022-01-19 in The Guardian

‘Urgent’ coordinated action to tackle overconsumption, farming subsidies and the climate crisis also needed to halt biodiversity loss

  Tagged under: Oceans | Farming | Fish | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Scientists urge quick, deep, sweeping changes to halt and reverse dangerous biodiversity loss

  2022-01-19 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Halting, then reversing the dangerous, ongoing loss of Earth's plant and animal diversity requires far more than an expanded global system of protected areas of land and seas, scientists warned today.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Bogs, banks and bubble barriers: five great projects to protect nature

  2021-12-26 in The Guardian

Across the world conservation groups, researchers and volunteers are working to combat the five key drivers of biodiversity loss identified by scientists

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

Wealthy nations must do much more, much faster The UN General Assembly in September 2021 will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis. They will meet again at the biodiversity summit in Kunming, China, and the climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK. Ahead of these pivotal meetings, we—the editors of health journals worldwide—call for urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5°C, halt the destruction of nature, and protect health. Health is already being harmed by global temperature increases and the des...

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Health | Women and Children | Biodiversity Loss

UN sets out Paris-type plan to cut extinctions by factor of 10

  2021-07-12 in The Guardian

Ambitious draft goals to halt biodiversity loss revealed, with proposed changes to food production expected to ‘raise eyebrows’

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | Wildlife | Food Production and Consumption | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

BP is planning to drill for fossil gas on edge of world’s largest cold-water coral reef | The Independent

  2021-06-21 (or before) in The Independent

Exclusive: Oil giant’s plan to drill off west coast of Africa could raise the risk of biodiversity loss, further global heating and toxic fuel spills, an investigation reveals

  Tagged under: BP | Climate Change | Africa | Coral Reefs | Biodiversity Loss

The State Of Britain's Moths

  2021-03-03 (or before) in Butterfly Conservation

The State of Britain’s Larger Moths 2021 report is now available. This new report summarises current knowledge of the state of Britain’s c.900 species of larger moths, presenting analyses of long-term change based on millions of records gathered through the Rothamsted Insect Survey (RIS) and National Moth Recording Scheme (NMRS). Key findings: The total abundance of larger moths caught in the RIS light-trap network in Britain decreased by 33% over 50 years (1968–2017). Losses were greater in the southern half of Britain (39% decrease) than in the northern half (22%). Long-term abundance ...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Wildlife | Butterflies and Moths | Insects | Biodiversity Loss

Nature is a blind spot in economics that we ignore at our peril, says Dasgupta Review

  2021-02-02 (or before) in GOV.UK

A fundamental change in how we think about and approach economics is needed if we are to reverse biodiversity loss and protect and enhance our prosperity, an independent, global review on the Economics of Biodiversity said today (Tuesday 2 February).

  Tagged under: Economics | Biodiversity Loss

The World Needs to Wake Up: At Risk the Survival of Humanity - Impakter

  2021-01-13 in Impakter

At a time when the world, battered by COVID-19, is watching with dismay the rocky transition from Trump to President-Elect Biden, a group of 17 world

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Climate Change | Biodiversity Loss

Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption

  2021-01-13 in The Guardian

Sobering new report says world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Greenhouse Gases | Wildlife | Trees | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Severe climate-driven loss of native molluscs reported off Israel’s coast

  2021-01-06 in The Guardian

Mediterranean study finds subtidal populations of cockles, whelks and other species have collapsed by 90%

  Tagged under: Israel | Collapse | Biodiversity Loss

Proactive conservation to prevent habitat losses to agricultural expansion - Nature Sustainability

  2020-12-21 (or before) in Nature

Agricultural expansion to grow food, fibre and biofuel will further threaten biodiversity. This study finds that almost 90% of terrestrial vertebrate species will lose habitat to such expansion, but proactive food policies could reduce these threats.

  Tagged under: Sustainability | Biodiversity Loss

An Overview of Seabed Mining Including the Current State of Development, Environmental Impacts, and Knowledge Gaps

  2020-11-15 (or before) in Frontiers

Rising demand for minerals and metals, including for use in the technology sector, has led to a resurgence of interest in exploration of mineral resources located on the seabed. Such resources, whether seafloor massive (polymetallic) sulfides around hydrothermal vents, cobalt-rich crusts on the flanks of seamounts or fields of manganese (polymetallic) nodules on the abyssal plains, cannot be considered in isolation of the distinctive, in some cases unique, assemblages of marine species associated with the same habitats and structures. In addition to mineral deposits, there is interest in extracting methane from gas hydrates on c...

  Tagged under: Cobalt | Minerals | Methane | Papua New Guinea | Water Resources | Biodiversity Loss

Farms, cities eat up 148 million hectares of biodiversity hotspots in 24 years: Study

  2020-10-31 (or before) in Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia

The largest losses, mostly in forests, occurred in the Sundaland, Indo-Burma and Mesoamerica hotspots, all in developing countries

  Tagged under: Farming | Rainforests | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Rampant destruction of forests ‘will unleash more pandemics’

  2020-08-30 in The Guardian

Researchers to tell UN that loss of biodiversity enables rapid spread of new diseases from animals to humans

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Wildlife | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Dry tropical forests may be more at risk than wet rainforests, study says

  2020-07-03 in The Guardian

Areas with a drier climate have seen greater loss of biodiversity from global warming

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Africa | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Insect numbers down 25% since 1990, global study finds

  2020-04-23 in The Guardian

Scientists say insects are vital and the losses worrying, with accelerating declines in Europe called ‘shocking’

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Insects | Biodiversity Loss

'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?

  2020-03-18 in The Guardian

As habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics

  Tagged under: Africa | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity loss is a development issue. A rapid review of the evidence

  2020-02-23 (or before) in IIED Publications Library | International Institute for Environment and Development

From genes to micro-organisms to top predators and even whole ecosystems, we depend on biodiversity for everything from clean air and water to medicines and secure food supplies. Yet human activities are destroying biodiversity around 1,000 times faster than natural ‘background’ rates.

  Tagged under: Biodiversity Loss

Global economic growth will take big hit due to loss of nature

  2020-02-12 by Fiona Harvey in The Guardian

Damage to environment could wipe £368bn a year from growth by 2050 and UK will be hard hit, WWF warns

  Tagged under: Animal Populations | Biodiversity Loss | Natural World | Economics | GDP | Fish | Economic Growth | Trees

UN draft plan sets 2030 target to avert Earth's sixth mass extinction

  2020-01-13 in The Guardian

Paris-style proposal to counter loss of ecosystems and wildlife vital to the future of humanity will go before October summit

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Europe’s state of the environment 2020: change of direction urgently needed to face climate change challenges, reverse degradation and ensure future prosperity

  2019-12-04 (or before) in European Environment Agency

Europe will not achieve its 2030 goals without urgent action during the next 10 years to address the alarming rate of biodiversity loss, increasing impacts of climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) latest ‘State of the Environment’ report published today states that Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency. The report says, however, there is reason for hope, amid increased public awareness of the need to shift to a sustainable future, technological innovations, growing community initiatives and stepped up EU action lik...

  Tagged under: Consumption | Sustainability | Biodiversity Loss | Climate Change | European Union | Europe | Climate Change Impacts | Economics

Robust evidence of declines in insect abundance and biodiversity

  2019-11-27 (or before) in Nature

Data are mounting that document widespread insect losses. A long-term research project now provides the strongest evidence of this so far, and demonstrates the value of standardized monitoring programmes. Long-term standardized monitoring reveals the scale of biodiversity losses.

  Tagged under: Insects | Biodiversity Loss

Populations of UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted since 1970

  2019-10-03 by Damian Carrington in The Guardian

Quarter of mammals and nearly half of birds assessed are at risk of extinction, says State of Nature report

  Tagged under: Oceans | Farming | Agriculture | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss | Wildlife | Birds

Loss of biodiversity is just as catastrophic as climate change | Robert Watson

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

Nature is being eroded at rates unprecedented in human history, says scientist Robert Watson

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth's natural life

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

Scientists reveal one million species at risk of extinction in damning UN report

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

‘Death by a thousand cuts’: vast expanse of rainforest lost in 2018

  2019-04-25 in The Guardian

Pristine forests are vital for climate and wildlife but trend of losses is rising, data shows

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

Butterfly numbers fall by 84% in Netherlands over 130 years – study

  2019-04-01 by Patrick Barkham in The Guardian

European insect populations shrink as farming leaves ‘hardly any room for nature’

  Tagged under: Farming | Agriculture | Biodiversity Loss | Insect Populations | Butterflies and Moths | Wildlife | Insects

How to build a circular economy | Ellen MacArthur Foundation

  2019-01-25 (or before) in Ellen MacArthur Foundation - How to Build a Circular Economy

Help build a circular economy: a better system that can help fight climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Explore circular solutions for businesses and policymakers plus courses, circular economy examples and more.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Biodiversity Loss

Habitat loss threatens all our futures, world leaders warned

  2018-11-17 in The Guardian

Biodiversity experts say mass extinction of wildlife is as big a danger as climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Stop biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN

  2018-11-06 in The Guardian

The world has two years to secure a deal for nature to halt a ‘silent killer’ as dangerous as climate change, says biodiversity chief

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds

  2018-10-30 in The Guardian

The huge loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilisation, say the world’s leading scientists

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

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