The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Women and Children

Related Articles (120)

Children uprooted in a changing climate

  2024-07-28 (or before) in UNICEF

Young people on the move are among the most impacted by climate change. They should be part of shaping the response

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Climate Change | Children | Climate Change Impacts

Warnings over lethal and contagious strain of mpox as children in DRC die

  2024-06-26 in The Guardian

Alarm over high mortality and miscarriage rates as mutated virus spreads in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Climate Change, Volume 2 - Information for Children

  2024-06-19 (or before) in

Our climate refers to the different types of weather we have all around the world. Some places are hot, some are cold, some are dry and some are wet. But now, our climate is changing and it's affecting everything and everyone. We know that this is happening because of the pollution we make, like putting greenhouse-gases into the air that trap the sun's heat and make our world get warmer. This is called global warming. <br/><br/>The changes in the climate are hurting people, animals, and plants everywhere and will continue to do so. In this Collection, we will explain what is causing the climate to change, what we can...

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Ecuador’s president won’t give up on oil drilling in the Amazon. We plan to stop him – again | Nemonte Nenquimo

  2024-06-16 in The Guardian

This forest is our home, our existence and our children’s future. Politicians who can’t resist selling it for oil cash will feel the strength of the Waorani people, writes campaigner Nemonte Nenquimo

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Colonial erasures in gender and climate change solutions

  2024-05-13 (or before) in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews

Extractive economic growth fundamentally contradicts the goals of socioecological sustainability and social justice.

  Tagged under: Economics | Women and Children | Colonialism

‘I am starting to panic about my child’s future’: climate scientists wary of starting families

  2024-05-10 in The Guardian

A fifth of female climate scientists who responded to Guardian survey said they had opted to have no or fewer children

  Tagged under: Children | Women and Children

Smoke, heat keeping Canadian kids indoors instead of exercising: report - Greater Victoria News

  2024-05-07 in

Participaction says climate change is not helping in the push to move kids away from their screens

  Tagged under: Children | Canada | Climate Change Impacts | Forest Fires | Women and Children

How the Oil and Gas Industry Smuggles Corporate Propaganda Into Schools

  2024-05-05 by in Rolling Stone - Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage

STEM lesson plans from Discovery Education provide an efficient model for oil and gas companies to indoctrinate children.

  Tagged under: Children | Women and Children

We’re being swallowed by the ocean and running out of freshwater

  2024-05-04 (or before) in UNICEF

The reality of climate change for children in Maldives

  Tagged under: Children | Women and Children | Oceans

Bangladesh: Extreme heat kicks 33 million children out of schools

  2024-04-25 in The BBC

Bangladesh has closed schools and colleges due to extreme heat for the second year in a row.

  Tagged under: Children | Women and Children

Extreme weather should be defined according to impacts on climate-vulnerable communities - Nature Climate Change

  2024-04-23 in Nature

Defining thresholds for extreme weather events is important for adaptation but often ignores impacts on climate-vulnerable communities. This research finds current practices do not capture experiences of women in informal settlements and self-reported impact data could help to address the issue.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Climate groups hail 'monumental' victory in European human rights legal ruling

  2024-04-09 in Business Green

European Court of Human Rights rules against Swiss government in landmark climate case brought by group of 2,000 women

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Grand Chamber rulings in the climate change cases

  2024-04-09 (or before) in

The case Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland concerned a complaint by four women and a Swiss association, Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz, whose members are concerned about the consequences of global warming on their living conditions and health. They consider that the Swiss authorities are not taking sufficient action to mitigate the effects of climate change. The Court found that the Convention encompasses a right to effective protection by the State authorities from the serious adverse effects of climate change on lives, health, well-being and quality of life. However, it held that the four individual ap...

  Tagged under: European Union | Litigation | Activism | Women and Children

European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction

  2024-04-09 in The BBC

"We are not made to sit in a rocking chair and knit," said one of the older Swiss women who won.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Join UNDP Weather Kids Climate Action for Children's Future

  2024-03-24 (or before) in

Pledge for climate action with UNDP to protect our children's future. Your commitment can change the 2050 outlook. Act now!

  Tagged under: Children | Women and Children

Extreme heat at work can double stillbirth risk, India study finds

  2024-03-21 in The BBC

Women in India are found to be twice as likely to lose babies if they are working in hot conditions.

  Tagged under: Women and Children | India

Women and girls suffer first when droughts hit poor and rural areas, says UN

  2024-03-21 in The Guardian

World water development report warns that access is major source of conflict between countries

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Drought

How the UK is falling behind on tackling child poverty

  2024-03-17 (or before) in Financial Times

Almost a third of children in the country are living in relative poverty, which has increased more than any advanced economy

  Tagged under: Children | Women and Children

Solidarity and strategy: the forgotten lessons of truly effective protest

  2024-03-14 in The Guardian

The long read: Organising is a kind of alchemy: it turns alienation into connection, despair into dedication, and oppression into strength

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Activism

Palette to paycheck: the Lagos gallery helping children make a living from their art

  2024-03-13 in The Guardian

The Children’s Art Gallery supports young Nigerian artists from low-income families, helping them sell their work around the world and build a better life

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Nigeria | Africa | Children

Financial toll of climate crisis hitting women harder, UN says

  2024-03-05 in The Guardian

Rural households led by women lose about 8% more income to heat stress than male-led families, data shows

  Tagged under: Extreme Heat | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Women and Children

Why South Korean women aren't having babies

  2024-02-27 in The BBC

South Korea has spent billions to reverse its low birth rate, but some say it isn't listening to young women’s needs.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

DR Congo floods leave more than 2 million in need of aid: UNICEF

  2024-02-08 in La Prensa Latina

Kinshasa, Feb 8 (EFE).- More than 2 million people, 60 percent of them children, need humanitarian aid due to the floods in the last two months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund said. The Congo River, the world’s third largest by water discharge volume, has reached levels …

  Tagged under: Rivers | Women and Children | Congo

Children’s emergency mental health referrals in England soar by 53%

  2024-02-07 in The Guardian

NHS data exposing a ‘devastating explosion’ of mental illness should be a ‘wake-up call’ for the government, MPs and health leaders say

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Experts lament ‘appalling decline’ in health of under-fives in UK

  2024-02-05 in The Guardian

Academy for Medical Sciences report highlights rising infant mortality, obesity and tooth decay

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Women, girls suffer the most from climate displacement

  2024-01-21 in Nation Africa

Forced to leave their homes behind, this vulnerable population is bearing the biggest brunt of global warming

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Africa

Dark Matter Women WItnessing | Living on the Edge of Devastation

  2024-01-18 (or before) in Dark Matter Women WItnessing

Dark Matter Women WItnessing |

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Azerbaijan appoints no women to 28-member Cop29 climate committee

  2024-01-15 in The Guardian

Campaigners condemn decision as regressive, saying ‘climate change affects whole world, not half of it’

  Tagged under: COP29 | Women and Children

Mississippi quits child food program amid Republican ‘welfare state’ attack

  2024-01-13 in The Guardian

Critics condemn ‘cruelty’ of state opting out of federal program to feed children from low-income families during summer break

  Tagged under: US Politics | Women and Children | Children

Born into the Climate Crisis: Why we must act now to secure children’s rights | Save the Children’s Resource Centre

  2023-11-30 (or before) by in

  Tagged under: Women and Children

The scariest climate plot in the world

  2023-11-14 by in The Climate Brink

do not let small children read this

  Tagged under: Collapse | Women and Children

‘The children screamed for hours’: horrors of Hurricane Otis leave devastation for Acapulco’s poorest

  2023-11-04 in The Guardian

Mexico’s Pacific coast was battered by 165mph winds and torrential rain on 25 October. Thousands lost their homes and many now have too little food or water to survive

  Tagged under: Mexico | Women and Children | Children

Court tosses EPA ban on pesticide linked to brain damage in kids

  2023-11-02 in The Hill

A federal appeals court on Thursday is tossing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ban on a pesticide that has been linked to brain damage in children. The decision from the 8th Circuit Cou…

  Tagged under: Pesticides | Women and Children

Destitution in the UK 2023

  2023-10-24 (or before) in Joseph Rowntree Foundation

This study, the fourth in the Destitution in the UK series, reveals approximately 3.8 million people experienced destitution in 2022, including around 1 million children. There is an urgent need for action to tackle destitution in the UK.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021

  2023-10-10 (or before) in World Health Organisation

The number of people affected by hunger globally rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, an increase of about 46 million since 2020 and 150 million since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic (1), according to a United Nations report that provides fresh evidence that the world is moving further away from its goal of ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. The 2022 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report presents updates on the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including the latest estimates of the cost and affordability of a healt...

  Tagged under: Farming | Famine and Food Insecurity | Meat Production | Economic Growth | Health | Women and Children | Food Production and Consumption

‘Only the rich can bear this heat’: how Dhaka is battling extreme weather

  2023-10-03 in The Guardian

As high temperatures hit the poor hardest, climate change may undo years of development gains, says Asia’s first heat officer

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children

Extreme weather events linked to increased child and forced marriages

  2023-09-14 in The Guardian

Researchers say families under stress unable to support daughters and look to marry them off

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

In our blood: how the US allowed toxic chemicals to seep into our lives

  2023-09-13 in The Guardian

Many people don’t know the health risks from chemicals in common household products

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health | Women and Children | Children

Warming trends will likely result in major disturbances of networks of forest fungi

  2023-09-08 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Children are taught to leave wild mushrooms alone because of their potential to be poisonous. But trees on the other hand depend on fungi for their well-being.

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Trees | Children

“Business will kill your children:” Was Andrew Forrest’s climate speech really that “loopy”?

  2023-09-03 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Andrew Forrest has been described as “loopy” and weird for his striking speech that warns “humanity is at risk” and that “business will kill your children.” Just…

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

General comment No. 26 (2023) on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change

  2023-08-30 (or before) in Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights

Committee on the Rights of the Child

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children | Children

Children have right to clean environment - report - BBC News

  2023-08-29 (or before) in The BBC

The UN says countries must act urgently to protect children from the harmful effects of climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children | Children

Children Have a Right to Sue Nations Over Climate, U.N. Panel Says

  2023-08-28 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

In the battle to save the world’s forests, women are leading the resistance | Elif Shafak

  2023-08-26 in The Guardian

From the Akbelen forest in Turkey to northern India to Brazil, rural women are standing up against the corporate chainsaw, says novelist Elif Shafak

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Brazil | Women and Children | Trees | India

Misreading the Bengal Delta | University of Washington

  2023-08-18 (or before) in University of Washington

Perilously close to sea level and vulnerable to floods, erosion, and cyclones, Bangladesh is one of the top recipients of development aid earmarked for climate change adaptation. Yet, to what extent do adaptation projects address local needs and concerns? Combining environmental history and ethnographic fieldwork with development professionals, rural farmers, and landless women, *Misreading the Bengal Delta* critiques development narratives of Bangladesh as a “climate change victim.” It examines how development actors repackage colonial-era modernizing projects, which have caused severe environmental effects, as clim...

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Flooding | Sea Level | Health | Women and Children | Finance

Fracking Linked to Increased Cases of Lymphoma in Pennsylvania Children, Study Finds - Inside Climate News

  2023-08-16 by in Inside Climate News

Children living within a mile of a natural gas fracking well were up to seven times more likely to suffer from lymphoma, a rare kind of cancer, than those who had no such wells within five miles of their homes, according to a long-awaited study that adds to a growing number of investigations into possible […]

  Tagged under: Fracking | Women and Children | Children

Drilling while the world burns - 99%

  2023-08-05 by in 99 Percent

  In a week when climate records have again been broken, fires rage across much of the world, and the UN Secretary General spoke of “children swept away by monsoon […]

  Tagged under: Women and Children

‘What if everybody decided not to have children?’ The philosopher questioning humanity’s future

  2023-07-22 in The Guardian

Émile Torres has become a thorn in the side of the branch of moral philosophy that advocates prioritising our distant descendants. They explain the danger of utopian movements

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children | Extinction

Friends fly to Ibiza for 24 hours as tickets 'cheaper than London day trip'

  2023-07-06 in Indy100 | News | Politics | YouTube and TikTok News

Two women who wanted a girls day out have documented their decision to spend £37 on a return flight to Ibiza for the day, after discovering it was far more expensive for them to go to London. Clare Jeffs and Hannah Brown had brunch, went to the beach, and hiked on the island before being home by midnight.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Opinion | Our Childrens’ Lungs Are Uniquely Vulnerable to All This Wildfire Smoke

  2023-07-02 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Climate crisis linked to rising domestic violence in south Asia, study finds

  2023-06-28 in The Guardian

Increase of 1C in average annual temperature connected to more than 6% rise in physical and sexual domestic violence

  Tagged under: Women and Children | India

Women's Institute pollution campaign a 'clarion call' - BBC News

  2023-06-04 (or before) in The BBC

The initiative was sparked by Herefordshire member Christy Crouch and approved by members.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health and children are especially vulnerable

  2023-05-17 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

I studied medicine at the University of Cape Town, graduating in 1989. Over six years as an undergraduate I was taught the science of medicine by teachers who were superb scientists and clinicians. I graduated with a keen sense of pathology, anatomy, microbiology and all the specialties. Unsurprisingly, I was acutely aware of how the politics of the day impacted on how I practised medicine in South Africa and from a very early undergraduate stage it didn’t take a genius to realise that ethnicity had a direct impact on the pattern of diseases and patient outcomes. Yet we were not taught about the social determinants of heal...

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Women and Children

Harrowing lives of children sent to work in English mills revealed in first study of kind

  2023-05-17 in The Guardian

Research on remains of 19th-century ‘pauper apprentices’ shows bodies riddled with disease, in study that resonates today

  Tagged under: Women and Children

The guilt I feel being a mum in the midst of a changing climate

  2023-05-15 by in Women's Agenda - News for professional women and female entrepreneurs

Bianca Sands, a member of Parents for Climate Action, explains why she sees speaking up on climate change as a duty of care as a parent.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children

Our Global Voices

  2023-05-08 (or before) in Population Health | GirlPlanet.Earth

Women's global voices on planetary health, culture and personal choices

  Tagged under: Economics | Health | Women and Children

Air pollution causes harm at all stages of life - report - BBC News

  2023-04-18 (or before) in The BBC

The study found exposure to certain particles can lead to miscarriages and stunt children's growth.

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

What We Heard at a Climate Change Deniers' Meeting at Parliament

  2023-04-09 (or before) in VICE

"Children are completely indoctrinated into one point of view at schools up and down the country," said one of the speakers from the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children

‘Forever chemicals’ linked to infertility in women, study shows

  2023-04-06 in The Guardian

Those with higher levels of PFAS in their blood had 40% lower chance of conceiving within a year of trying

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health | Women and Children

An Afrofuturist School Program Empowers Children to Envision the Future

  2023-03-28 in American Alliance of Museums - American Alliance of Museums

Futurism is a powerful tool to share with kids—equipping them to think about the world they want to live in when they grow up, challenging them to make it better. Today on the blog, Executive Direc…

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

We should regulate SUVs out of existence | Financial Times

  2023-03-27 (or before) in Financial Times

They’re not only awful for the climate, they’re also killing pedestrians, including children in driveways

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Greta Thunberg and Sophia Kianni face disgusting misogyny from climate deniers | Red, Green, and Blue

  2023-03-21 in Red, Green and Blue

Happy Women’s History Month! Unfortunately, it comes as no surprise that the climate disinformation sphere is once again filled with misogynistic attacks against women climate activists. By Climate Denier Roundup Recently, Greta Thunberg was targeted on social media for allegedly deleting a 2018 tweet that linked to an article that predicted climate change would wipe out humanity by 2023.  However, …

  Tagged under: Predictions | Climate Change | Activism | Disinformation and Misinformation | Women and Children

Still counting: Wellbeing, Women’s Work and Policy-making: Marilyn Waring

  2023-03-12 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island

  2023-03-11 (or before) in Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Children face acute risk amid Malawi’s deadliest cholera outbreak

  2023-03-10 in The Guardian

The disease, which has killed 1,500 people since last March, has been aggravated by heavy rains and an overburdened health system

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Women and Children | Children

Rochford: Child protection referral lodged after oak tree loss - BBC News

  2023-03-03 (or before) in The BBC

Children are at risk from extra pollution after a 100-year-old tree's removal, a councillor says.

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

BREAKING: Barclays 7 given 2 years unconditional suspended sentence for breaking glass during an emergency - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2023-01-27 by in Extinction Rebellion UK

At 4.30pm this afternoon, seven women attended sentencing at Southwark Crown Court in London for carefully cracking windows at Barclays HQ in Canary Wharf, to draw attention to Barclays’ financing of fossil fuels and to call on the bank to stop accelerating the climate emergency. All seven women were given two years unconditional suspended sentences. 

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Fossil Fuels | Women and Children

Breaking the Silence: Kids’ Media Can Step Up On Climate Change - This Is Planet Ed

  2022-12-07 (or before) in

“Breaking the Silence” shows kids’ media has a massive untapped opportunity to meet parent demand, help children navigate the world, and build a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable tomorrow.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children | Children

Microplastics found in human breast milk for the first time

  2022-10-07 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Researchers concerned over potential health impacts of chemical contaminants on babies

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Health | Women and Children

USDA ERS - Key Statistics & Graphics

  2022-09-17 (or before) in

Current trends, statistics, charts, and maps related to food security--access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children

Twelve angry children: young jurors call adults to account for climate crisis in The Trials

  2022-08-04 in The Guardian

Dawn King’s new play at the Donmar imagines a reckoning for environmental chaos, presided over by the kids who inherit the mess. We join the writer and cast, including stars of Heartstopper, in rehearsal

  Tagged under: Activism | Women and Children | Children

‘We just pray for rain’: Niger is in the eye of the climate crisis – and children are starving

  2022-06-20 in The Guardian

Aguié’s clinic is full of malnourished children, with more dying in villages, as the global food crisis worsens years of drought

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa | Women and Children | Children

Mothers at the searing edge of climate change in this hottest city on Earth

  2022-06-15 in ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Pregnant women and new mothers are at the receiving end in Jacobabad in southern Pakistan as they battle heatwave in their daily lives.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Climate Change | Women and Children

Here in Poland, “Going Green” Means Burning Even More Coal

  2022-05-27 in The Nation

With parents and children struggling to breathe, climate activism is a matter of life and death.

  Tagged under: Coal | Fossil Fuels | Russia | Women and Children | Activism | Children

Sustainability and climate change: a strategy for the education and children’s services systems

  2022-05-22 (or before) in GOV.UK

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Women and Children | Sustainability | Children

Children on the Road to Nowhere – Watching the World Go Bye

  2022-05-15 (or before) in Eliot Jacobson's Collapse of Everything Blog

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Bangladeshi children leaving school to work due to climate crisis | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera

  2022-05-15 (or before) in Al Jazeera

As families migrate after climate-related disasters, UNICEF says 1.7 million of country’s children are now labourers.

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Pesticides and environmental injustice in the USA: root causes, current regulatory reinforcement and a path forward - BMC Public Health

  2022-05-02 (or before) in

Many environmental pollutants are known to have disproportionate effects on Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) as well as communities of low-income and wealth. The reasons for these disproportionate effects are complex and involve hundreds of years of systematic oppression kept in place through structural racism and classism in the USA. Here we analyze the available literature and existing datasets to determine the extent to which disparities in exposure and harm exist for one of the most widespread pollutants in the world – pesticides. Our objective was to identify and discuss not only the historical injustices...

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children

The smell of money: why locals think Peru’s billion-dollar fishmeal sector stinks

  2022-01-21 in The Guardian

Those living in the coastal city of Chimbote say the industry pollutes the air and water, makes their children sick and has put local fishers out of work

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Women and Children

‘A Trash Heap for Our Children’: How Norilsk, in the Russian Arctic, Became One of the Most Polluted Places on Earth - Inside Climate News

  2021-11-28 in Inside Climate News

This article is part of a series produced in partnership with NBC News and Undark Magazine, a non-profit, editorially independent digital magazine exploring the intersection of science and society. It was 2 a.m. and the sun was shining, as it does day and night in mid-July in Norilsk, a Siberian city 200 miles north of the […]

  Tagged under: Arctic | Russia | Women and Children | Children

Indigenous Women in Peru Seek to Turn the Tables on Big Oil, Asserting ‘Rights of Nature’ to Fight Epic Spills - Inside Climate News

  2021-11-05 in Inside Climate News

In Peru’s northern Amazon rainforest, across a million acres known as Lot 1AB, a parade of foreign oil companies have for over 50 years drilled, spilled crude and dumped billions of gallons of toxic “production water” on the once pristine land. Throughout that time, the firms have largely evaded responsibility for cleaning up the mess […]

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Women and Children

Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes | Science

  2021-10-08 in Science | AAAS

Young generations are severely threatened by climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice | Women and Children | Children

Young people’s climate anxiety revealed in landmark survey

  2021-09-22 in Nature

Children worldwide worry about the future and feel let down by governments, a huge study on attitudes towards climate change has found. Children worldwide worry about the future and feel let down by governments, a huge study on attitudes towards climate change has found.

  Tagged under: Climate Anxiety and Grief | Women and Children | Children

Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

Wealthy nations must do much more, much faster The UN General Assembly in September 2021 will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis. They will meet again at the biodiversity summit in Kunming, China, and the climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK. Ahead of these pivotal meetings, we—the editors of health journals worldwide—call for urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5°C, halt the destruction of nature, and protect health. Health is already being harmed by global temperature increases and the des...

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Health | Women and Children | Biodiversity Loss

‘Use your £11bn climate fund to pay for family planning,’ UK told

  2021-08-26 in The Guardian

More than 60 NGOs call for spending rule change, saying people on frontline of climate crisis want greater access to reproductive healthcare

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Health | Women and Children | Finance

The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis

  2021-08-20 (or before) in UNICEF

Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

If children are to live with the climate crisis, we must green the curriculum | Meryl Batchelder

  2021-08-19 in The Guardian

Sustainability and the environment should be a thread running through every subject, says science teacher Meryl Batchelder

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Sustainability | Children

Climate crisis: our children face wars over food and water, EU deputy warns

  2021-04-30 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Frans Timmermans says older people need to make sacrifices to protect the future

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Fossil Fuels | Women and Children | Children

Evidence of Fracking Chemicals Found in Bodies of Pennsylvania Children

  2021-03-23 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

One 9-year-old had 91 times the average level of biomarkers for toluene, a chemical that can damage livers and kidneys.

  Tagged under: Fracking | Women and Children | Children

This Bioplastic Made From Fish Scales Just Won the James Dyson Award

  2021-03-07 (or before) by in Smithsonian Magazine

British product designer Lucy Hughes has invented a biodegradable plastic made from fish offcuts

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Women and Children | Sustainability | Innovation

CIFF: Children's Investment Fund Foundation

  2021-03-05 (or before) in CIFF: Children's Investment Fund Foundation

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Juliana v. United States — Our Children's Trust

  2021-02-16 (or before) in Our Children's Trust

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

The life-altering effects heat is having on American children

  2021-02-16 in The Guardian

Global heating takes a disproportionate toll on Black and Latino children – and the danger begins before they are even born

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

How one oil industry group went to bizarre lengths to market natural gas to women

  2020-12-15 by in Canada's National Observer

The website Women for Natural Gas is a pink-tinged, fancy-cursive-drenched love letter to the oil and gas industry, complete with testimonials from several women. But there’s a catch: The women don’t exist. 

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Eco-reproductive concerns in the age of climate change - Climatic Change

  2020-11-27 (or before) in Springer Verlag

Media reports and public polls suggest that young people in many countries are increasingly factoring climate change into their reproductive choices, but empirical evidence about this phenomenon is lacking. This article reviews the scholarship on this subject and discusses the results of the first empirical study focused on it, a quantitative and qualitative survey of 607 US-Americans between the ages of 27 and 45. While 59.8% of respondents reported being “very” or “extremely concerned” about the carbon footprint of procreation, 96.5% of respondents were “very” or “extremely concerned&r...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Women and Children | Climate Change Mitigation | Children

Climate ‘apocalypse’ fears stopping people having children – study

  2020-11-27 in The Guardian

Survey of 600 people finds some parents regret having offspring for same reason

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Greta Thunberg guest edits Assembly’s climate issue — Assembly | Malala Fund

  2020-11-19 (or before) in Assembly | Malala Fund

This issue of Assembly is dedicated to all the young women on the front lines of the climate movement.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Women and Children

Reuters finds 3,810 U.S. areas with lead poisoning double Flint’s

  2020-09-01 (or before) in Reuters

Since last year, Reuters has obtained neighborhood-level blood lead testing results for 34 states and the District of Columbia. This data allows the public its first hyper-local look at communities where children tested positive for lead exposure in recent years.

  Tagged under: USA | Louisiana | California | Health | Women and Children | Children

On coronavirus, men are calling all the shots. We're seeing why it matters | Gaby Hinsliff

  2020-05-22 in The Guardian

Women are naturally more cautious: would the government have made so many missteps over the lockdown if it was more inclusive, says the Guardian columnist Gaby Hinsliff

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Coronavirus shows us it’s time to rethink everything. Let's start with education | George Monbiot

  2020-05-12 in The Guardian

The pandemic is a tough lesson in the workings of the natural world – and proves how vital a knowledge of ecology really is, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Greta Thunberg and children's group hit back at attempt to throw out climate case

  2020-05-05 in The Guardian

Brazil, France and Germany say UN can’t hear complaint against five countries of flouting child rights to clean air

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Brazil | Germany | France | Women and Children | Children

World failing to provide children with a healthy life and a climate fit for their future: WHO-UNICEF-Lancet

  2020-02-19 (or before) in World Health Organisation

No single country is adequately protecting children’s health, their environment and their futures, finds a landmark report released today by a Commission of over 40 child and adolescent health experts from around the world. As climate and commercial threats intensify, WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission presses for radical rethink on child health. 

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

The world is failing to ensure children have a 'liveable planet', report finds

  2020-02-19 in The Guardian

Children with tiny carbon footprint suffer twofold from poor health and effects of the climate crisis

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

'Modi is afraid': women take lead in India's citizenship protests

  2020-01-21 in The Guardian

Housewives, grandmothers and students in Delhi at centre of resistance to new citizenship laws

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Activism | India

CHILDREN Of The Ignorant : New Zealand Schools To Terrify Children About The ‘Climate Crisis’

  2020-01-14 in Anthropogenic Climate - TRACKING ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE ALARMISM

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will nev…

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths

  2019-12-16 in The Guardian

Dell, Microsoft and Tesla also among tech firms named in case brought by families of children killed or injured while mining in DRC

  Tagged under: Tesla | Congo | Cobalt | Africa | Women and Children | Children

The Human Rights of Children Depend on Urgent Climate Action - The WorldPost - Berggruen Institute

  2019-12-10 (or before) in Berggruen Institute

Failing to stop fossil fuel production violates children’s rights to life and health.

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

  2019-12-01 (or before) in Daily Mail Online

Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

  Tagged under: Congo | Cobalt | Health | Women and Children | Children

Climate crisis will affect lifelong health of young, warn doctors

  2019-11-13 in The Guardian

Lancet Countdown tracks impacts of global heating covering disease, wildfires and malnutrition

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Health | Women and Children | Children

Heathrow expansion violates climate rights of children, say lawyers

  2019-10-17 in The Guardian

Appeal court to hear fresh challenge against plans for construction of third runway

  Tagged under: Activism | Greenhouse Gases | Air Travel | Women and Children | Children

There is Nothing Naïve About Moral Clarity | by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson | Medium

  2019-09-28 (or before) in Medium

We should approach the climate crisis with the moral clarity of children. Some things are simply right and some things are simply wrong.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Greta Thunberg, 15 kids file UN complaint to force nations to fight climate change

  2019-09-23 in Climate Liability News

print By Karen Savage Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and 15 other young people from around the world have filed a human rights complaint against  five countries for continuing to promote fossil fuels and failing to reduce carbon emissions. The group has asked the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to …

  Tagged under: Litigation | Climate Change | United Nations | Greta Thunberg | Activism | Children | Women and Children

Parents told not to terrify children over climate change as rising numbers treated for 'eco-anxiety'

  2019-09-17 (or before) in The Telegraph

Rising numbers of children are being treated for &ldquo;eco-anxiety&rdquo;, experts have said, as they warn parents against &ldquo;terrifying&rdquo; their youngsters with talk of climate catastrophe.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Anxiety and Grief | Women and Children | Children

UK is 'sleepwalking into crisis of childhood', charity warns

  2019-07-08 in The Guardian

Action for Children found young people struggle to fit in and worry about issues such as Brexit

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

'Hell is coming': week-long heatwave begins across Europe

  2019-06-24 in The Guardian

Temperatures could hit 40C from Spain to Switzerland, with authorities urging children and older people to stay indoors

  Tagged under: Spain | Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Women and Children | France | Children

In Just One Decade, Corporations Destroyed 50 Million Hectares of Forest—An Area the Size of Spain

  2019-06-11 (or before) in Common Dreams

"These companies are destroying our children's future by driving us towards climate and ecological collapse."

  Tagged under: Collapse | Women and Children | Trees

Analysis: Why children must emit eight times less CO2 than their grandparents

  2019-04-10 by in Carbon Brief

Global emissions of CO2 need to decline precipitously over the next few decades, if the world is to meet the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to “well below 2C” and, ideally, below 1.5C.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Climate crisis: today’s children face lives with tiny carbon footprints

  2019-04-10 in The Guardian

Next generation must keep their own carbon levels at a fraction of their grandparents’ in order to prevent catastrophe

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Women and Children | Children

Capitalism is destroying the Earth. We need a new human right for future generations | George Monbiot

  2019-03-15 in The Guardian

The children on climate strike are right: their lives should not be sacrificed to satisfy our greed, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Women and Children | Children | Activism

Making the case for emergency climate action - Climate Emergency Declaration

  2018-09-12 by in Climate Emergency Declaration - Call to declare a climate emergency

By Jane Morton As climate catastrophe looms ever closer, some opinion leaders still hold fast to the view that we must not mention the seriousness of our plight for fear of demoralising people. But how could we explain to our children, in some dystopian future of runaway global warming, that we held back from telling Read more about Making the case for emergency climate action[…]

  Tagged under: Women and Children

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Sources (63)

99 Percent
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Al Jazeera
American Alliance of Museums - American Alliance of Museums
Assembly | Malala Fund
Berggruen Institute
Business Green
Canada's National Observer
Carbon Brief
CIFF: Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Climate Emergency Declaration - Call to declare a climate emergency
Climate Liability News
Common Dreams
Daily Mail Online
Dark Matter Women WItnessing
Eliot Jacobson's Collapse of Everything Blog
Extinction Rebellion UK
Financial Times
Indy100 | News | Politics | YouTube and TikTok News
Inside Climate News
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
La Prensa Latina
Nation Africa
Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights
Our Children's Trust - News and Articles on Science and Technology
Population Health | GirlPlanet.Earth
Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island
Red, Green and Blue
Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy
Rolling Stone - Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage
Science | AAAS
Smithsonian Magazine
Springer Verlag
The BMJ: British Medical Journal
The Climate Brink
The Guardian
The Hill
The Nation
The New York Times
The Telegraph
Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism
University of Washington
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews
Women's Agenda - News for professional women and female entrepreneurs
World Health Organisation

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