The Elephant

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Source: Science | AAAS


Articles from this source (54)

Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades | Science

  2024-08-23 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Meeting the Paris Agreement’s climate targets necessitates better knowledge about which climate policies work in reducing emissions at the necessary scale. We provide a global, systematic ex post evaluation to identify policy combinations that have led ...

  Tagged under: The Paris Agreement

Anthropogenic amplification of precipitation variability over the past century | Science

  2024-07-26 in Science | AAAS

As the climate warms, the consequent moistening of the atmosphere increases extreme precipitation. Precipitation variability should also increase, producing larger wet-dry swings, but that is yet to be confirmed observationally. Here we show that ...

‘It’s really scary’: How rat poisons are wreaking havoc on raptors and other wildlife

  2024-07-25 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Supertoxic rodenticides can accumulate in birds, mammals, and insects, even killing some. Scientists want to understand the damage—and limit it

  Tagged under: Insects | Birds | Agriculture | Pollution

Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries | Science Advances

  2024-06-25 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Transgression of planetary boundaries by human activities have now brought humanity well beyond a “safe operating space.”

  Tagged under: Doughnut Economics | Collapse

Global food system emissions could preclude achieving the 1.5° and 2°C climate change targets | Science

  2024-05-04 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Concerted efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from food production are necessary to limit increases in global temperature.

Last Glacial Maximum pattern effects reduce climate sensitivity estimates | Science Advances

  2024-04-19 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Ice sheet–driven temperature patterns amplified glacial cooling, implying less future warming than previously estimated.

Energy and the U.S. Economy: A Biophysical Perspective | Science

  2024-04-01 (or before) in Science | AAAS

A series of hypotheses is presented about the relation of national energy use to national economic activity (both time series and cross-sectional) which offer a different perspective from standard economics for the assessment of historical and ...

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate change is an important predictor of extinction risk on macroevolutionary timescales | Science

  2024-03-08 in Science | AAAS

Both species traits and climate change explain why certain marine invertebrates went extinct across the Phanerozoic.

  Tagged under: Extinction

Dehydrate the stratosphere to curb global warming? Scientists float risky new strategy

  2024-03-01 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Seeding clouds above the western Pacific would keep water vapor, a greenhouse gas, from reaching the atmosphere’s rooftop

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

Legal limits to the use of CO2 removal | Science

  2024-02-29 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Climate targets that depend heavily on CO2 removal may contravene international law

Observed Arctic sea-ice loss directly follows anthropogenic CO2 emission | Science

  2024-02-27 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Arctic sea-ice loss during the summer scales directly with cumulative carbon dioxide emissions.

  Tagged under: Arctic

Conflation of reforestation with restoration is widespread | Science

  2024-02-16 in Science | AAAS

Across Africa, vast areas of nonforest are threatened by inappropriate restoration in the form of tree planting

  Tagged under: Africa

Sustainability limits needed for CO2 removal | Science

  2024-02-02 in Science | AAAS

The true climate mitigation challenge is revealed by considering sustainability impacts

  Tagged under: Climate Change Mitigation | Sustainability

Greater role for Atlantic inflows on sea-ice loss in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean | Science

  2024-01-31 (or before) in Science | AAAS

The eastern Arctic Ocean is becoming more like the Atlantic as climate changes.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Arctic

Genomic evidence for West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse during the Last Interglacial | Science

  2023-12-22 in Science | AAAS

Genetic analyses of a type of octopus found around Antarctica show that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the last interglacial period.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Antarctic

Avoiding ocean mass extinction from climate warming | Science

  2023-12-19 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Climate change threatens marine biodiversity with a mass extinction unless greenhouse gases are rapidly stabilized.

  Tagged under: Extinction | Oceans

After uproar, society backpedals from actions against scientists who staged climate protest at meeting

  2023-12-11 (or before) in Science | AAAS

American Geophysical Union agrees to restore researchers’ abstracts but stands by their expulsion from conference

  Tagged under: Activism

State dependence of CO2 forcing and its implications for climate sensitivity | Science

  2023-12-01 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Carbon dioxide becomes a more potent greenhouse gas as its atmospheric concentration rises

Subglacial discharge accelerates future retreat of Denman and Scott Glaciers, East Antarctica | Science Advances

  2023-10-27 in Science | AAAS

Subglacial discharge enhances ice shelf melt, accelerating retreat of Denman and Scott Glaciers into the deepest trench on Earth.

  Tagged under: Antarctic

The collapse of eastern Bering Sea snow crab | Science

  2023-10-20 in Science | AAAS

A marine heatwave precipitated the collapse of the eastern Bering Sea snow crab population.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Sealife

Observational and model evidence together support wide-spread exposure to noncompensable heat under continued global warming | Science Advances

  2023-10-13 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Analysis of observations and climate models suggest a rapid increase in noncompensable heat under moderate global warming.

  Tagged under: Global Warming

Action needed to make carbon offsets from forest conservation work for climate change mitigation | Science

  2023-10-06 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Most REDD projects deliver little to no decrease in deforestation and forest degradation.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Trees | Climate Change Mitigation

Intentional creation of carbon-rich dark earth soils in the Amazon | Science Advances

  2023-09-22 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Indigenous Amazonians have deliberately improved soils for agriculture while sequestering and storing carbon over millennia.

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest

U.S. cancels or curtails half of its Antarctic research projects

  2023-09-15 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Pandemic, renovation project, and rising costs create logistics nightmare for NSF-funded scientists

  Tagged under: Antarctic

Mandatory disclosure would reveal corporate carbon damages | Science

  2023-08-28 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Accurate reporting is critical for markets and climate policies

When will the next ocean heat wave strike? Scientists develop early warning systems

  2023-08-28 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Sea temperature forecasts could inform fisheries management and conservation

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish

Global water use efficiency saturation due to increased vapor pressure deficit | Science

  2023-08-15 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Increases in global ecosystem water use efficiency have stalled since 2001 due to a rising vapor pressure deficit.

Contributions of Stratospheric Water Vapor to Decadal Changes in the Rate of Global Warming | Science

  2023-08-09 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Decreases in stratospheric water vapor after the year 2000 slowed the rate of increase in global surface temperature.

‘We’re changing the clouds.’ An unintended test of geoengineering is fueling record ocean warmth

  2023-08-05 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Pollution cuts have diminished “ship track” clouds, adding to global warming

  Tagged under: Oceans | Geoengineering

Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters | Science

  2023-05-14 (or before) in Science | AAAS

As plastic waste pollutes the oceans and fish stocks decline, unseen below the surface another problem grows: deoxygenation. Breitburg et al. review the evidence for the downward trajectory of oxygen levels in ...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish

How close are we to the temperature tipping point of the terrestrial biosphere? | Science Advances

  2023-04-19 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Future anticipated warming could reduce the terrestrial carbon sink by ~50% by mid-century.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction | Science Advances

  2023-04-19 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Humans are causing a massive animal extinction without precedent in 65 million years.

  Tagged under: Extinction

Climate scientists open up their black boxes to scrutiny | Science

  2023-04-15 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Modelers becoming less hush-hush about tuning, the “secret sauce” that controls fine-scale processes.

A light-driven burst of hydroxyl radicals dominates oxidation chemistry in newly activated cloud droplets | Science Advances

  2023-04-09 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Freshly formed cloud droplets produce a burst of highly reactive radicals, which increases their importance in the climate system.

Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections

  2023-04-07 (or before) in Science | AAAS

ExxonMobil’s own climate models showed that fossil fuel use would cause climate warming.

  Tagged under: Exxon

The emergence of heat and humidity too severe for human tolerance

  2023-01-25 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Humid heat extremes are rapidly increasing and may have already briefly exceeded humans’ physiological survivability limit.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather

Dying in the Sun: Direct evidence for elevated UV-B radiation at the end-Permian mass extinction

  2023-01-10 (or before) in Science | AAAS

UV-B-absorbing compounds in fossil pollen suggest that UV-B radiation was a cause of the terrestrial end-Permian extinction.

  Tagged under: Extinction

What will it take to stabilize the Colorado River?

  2022-12-23 (or before) in Science | AAAS

A continuation of the current 23-year-long drought will require difficult decisions to prevent further decline

  Tagged under: Colorado River | Drought | Rivers

Investments' role in ecosystem degradation

  2022-12-07 (or before) in Science | AAAS

In their Review “Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change” (13 December 2019, p. eaax3100), Díaz et al. discuss the results of the first integrated global-scale assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The authors identify extraction of resources to provide food, feed, and industrial feedstocks as the main direct driver of the observed changes in the ecosystems on which humans depend. Socioeconomic and institutional factors represent the indirect drivers. Although Díaz et al. mention that tax havens channel funds to support illegal fis...

  Tagged under: Fish | Capitalism

Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change

  2022-12-07 (or before) in Science | AAAS

For decades, scientists have been raising calls for societal changes that will reduce our impacts on nature. Though much conservation has occurred, our natural environment continues to decline under the weight of our consumption. Humanity ...

Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet

  2022-11-06 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Developments in the planetary boundaries concept provide a framework to support global sustainability.

  Tagged under: Sustainability

Inefficient and unlit natural gas flares both emit large quantities of methane

  2022-11-01 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Natural gas flaring destroys much less methane than thought.

  Tagged under: Methane

Large contribution from anthropogenic warming to an emerging North American megadrought

  2022-09-17 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Global warming is causing megadrought in southwestern North America.

Exceeding 1.5°C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points

  2022-09-09 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Global warming greater than 1.5°C could trigger multiple climate tipping points.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2 from 1994 to 2007

  2022-07-18 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Ocean uptake of atmospheric CO2 continued apace between 1994 and 2007.

  Tagged under: Oceans

Natural gas could warm the planet as much as coal in the short term | Science | AAAS

  2022-02-05 (or before) in Science | AAAS

  Tagged under: Coal


  2022-01-13 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Ice core evidence for atmospheric oxygen decline since the Mid-Pleistocene transition

  2021-12-21 (or before) in Science | AAAS

The 1.5-million-year-old Antarctic ice indicates a balanced atmospheric oxygen budget before the Mid-Pleistocene Transition.

  Tagged under: Antarctic

Ice shelf holding back keystone Antarctic glacier within years of failure | Science | AAAS

  2021-12-18 (or before) in Science | AAAS

  Tagged under: Antarctic

To draw down carbon and cool off the planet, ocean fertilization gets another look | Science | AAAS

  2021-12-17 (or before) in Science | AAAS

  Tagged under: Oceans


  2021-12-16 (or before) in Science | AAAS

UV Dosage Levels in Summer: Increased Risk of Ozone Loss from Convectively Injected Water Vapor

  2021-11-19 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Convective injection of water vapor into the stratosphere increases the rate of ozone destruction there.

Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes | Science

  2021-10-08 in Science | AAAS

Young generations are severely threatened by climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice | Women and Children | Children

A biodiversity target based on species extinctions

  2021-09-25 (or before) in Science | AAAS

A single target comparable to the 2°C climate target may help galvanize biodiversity policy

  Tagged under: Extinction

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