The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries | Science Advances
2024-06-25 (or before) in Science | AAASTransgression of planetary boundaries by human activities have now brought humanity well beyond a “safe operating space.”
Tagged under: Doughnut Economics | Collapse
Measuring the Doughnut: A good life for all is possible within planetary boundaries
2024-03-05 (or before) in ScienceDirect.comHumanity is continuing a path towards ecological instability. While resource consumption is unprecedented, significant parts of the human population a…
Tagged under: Climate Justice | Economics | Doughnut Economics
The planet’s economist: has Kate Raworth found a model for sustainable living?
2023-06-08 in The GuardianThe long read: Her hit book Doughnut Economics laid out a path to a greener, more equal society. But can she turn her ideas into meaningful change?
Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Doughnut Economics
New analysis reveals that no country is living in the Doughnut | DEAL
2022-11-20 (or before) in Doughnut EconomicsA study led by the DEAL Team's Andrew Fanning tracks nations' progress relative to the Doughnut since the early 1990s
Tagged under: Doughnut Economics
Creating City Portraits | DEAL
2022-11-06 (or before) in Doughnut EconomicsA methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city and turning it into a tool for transformative action
Tagged under: Doughnut Economics
2022-11-06 (or before) in Doughnut EconomicsTurning the ideas of #DoughnutEconomics into action.
Tagged under: Doughnut Economics
The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations
2021-11-18 (or before) in NaturePrevious research has shown that no country currently meets the basic needs of its residents at a level of resource use that could be sustainably extended to all people globally. Using the doughnut-shaped ‘safe and just space’ framework, we analyse the historical dynamics of 11 social indicators and 6 biophysical indicators across more than 140 countries from 1992 to 2015. We find that countries tend to transgress biophysical boundaries faster than they achieve social thresholds. The number of countries overshooting biophysical boundaries increased over the period from 32–55% to 50–66%, depending on the i...
Tagged under: Health | Doughnut Economics
Amsterdam to embrace 'doughnut' model to mend post-coronavirus economy
2020-04-08 by Daniel Boffey in The GuardianDutch officials and British economist to use guide to help city thrive in balance with planet
Tagged under: Doughnut Economics | Economics | Covid-19 | Europe
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