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Topic: Germany

Related Articles (33)

Germany’s top climate envoy says ‘this is the critical decade’ after Dutton ditches 2030 target

  2024-06-14 in The Guardian

Representative from Europe’s biggest economy and key player in global climate talks says deep emissions cuts by 2030 ‘essential’ to limit climate heating to 1.5C

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Potentials and perspectives of food self-sufficiency in urban areas—a case study from Leipzig | Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | Cambridge Core

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Potentials and perspectives of food self-sufficiency in urban areas—a case study from Leipzig - Volume 37 Issue 3

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Hail causes massive damage in southern German town, disaster declared | South China Morning Post

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Bad Bayersoien in the southern German state of Bavaria was hit by a severe storm on Saturday with massive hailstones of up to 8cm. About 80 per cent of the buildings in the town were severely damaged.

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Germany will complete nuclear phase-out as planned but technology's risks remain - env min

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Lützerath bleibt!

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On the 14th of January 2023, a large-scale demonstration of around 35,000 people proved that the evicted village of Lützerath (Germany) has reignited the climate movement’s determination.

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France in new row with Germany and Spain over nuclear-derived hydrogen

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A new row has erupted between France, Germany and Spain over nuclear energy, with Paris furious about a lack of support from Berlin and Madrid for its efforts to have nuclear-derived hydrogen labelled as 'green' in EU legislation, sources said.

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Brussels recommends EU-wide exit from controversial energy treaty

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France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Poland are among those who had advocated an exit from the contentious agreement.

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HSBC’s secretive loan to a coal company bulldozing a village

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Senior bankers greenlit $340m deal with energy giant RWE but recommended HSBC's involvement was kept quiet

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Germans say goodbye to summer of €9 travel tickets - BBC News

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The tickets, aimed at helping the public with increasing prices, have been hailed a major success.

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Drought hits Germany's Rhine River: 'We have 30cm of water left' - BBC News

  2022-08-13 (or before) in BBC

The Rhine is a key shipping route for Germany and Europe - so what happens if it's too shallow to use?

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G7 countries to stop funding fossil fuel development overseas

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Ministers from world’s biggest economies reach agreement that could shift estimated $33bn a year to clean energy sources

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Four countries pledge tenfold rise in EU offshore wind power capacity

  2022-05-18 in Reuters

Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark on Wednesday pledged to build at least 150 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind capacity in the North Sea by 2050 to create a "green power plant"for Europe.

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Germany aims to get 100% of energy from renewable sources by 2035 | Reuters

  2022-02-28 (or before) in Reuters

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Germany | Climate Change | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance

Direct pesticide exposure of insects in nature conservation areas in Germany - Scientific Reports

  2021-12-16 (or before) in Nature

In Germany, the decline of insect biomass was observed in nature conservation areas in agricultural landscapes. One of the main causal factors discussed is the use of synthetic pesticides in conventional agriculture. In a Germany-wide field study, we collected flying insects using Malaise traps in nature conservation areas adjacent to agricultural land. We used a multi-component chemical trace element analysis to detect 92 common agricultural pesticides in ethanol from insect traps sampled in May and August 2020. In total, residues of 47 current use pesticides were detected, and insect samples were on average contaminated with 1...

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The Black Forest Holds a Secret to Making Electric Cars Greener

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A new mining process aims to produce battery-grade lithium in Germany without hurting the environment.

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“Slow Disaster Playing Out” As Germany Moves To Shut Down 8.5 GW Of Baseload Nuclear Capacity

  2021-11-29 in Watts Up With That?

In just over a month, Germany will close 3 of its newest and best nuclear power plants and more than 4050 MW of electricity will disappear from northern Europe’s power grid. 4050 MW is equivalent t…

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How will post-Merkel Germany tackle the climate crisis? | View

  2021-10-14 (or before) in Euronews

"Angela Merkel had more luck in pushing the climate agenda abroad than at home - in Germany, she had no choice but to balance between competing demands from powerful car and coal industries."

  Tagged under: Coal | Germany

Germany to widely miss 2030 climate target – draft govt report

  2021-08-20 in Clean Energy Wire

  Tagged under: Germany

Germany ‘set for biggest rise in greenhouse gases for 30 years’

  2021-08-15 in The Guardian

Increase means country will slip back from goal of cutting emissions by 40% from 1990 levels

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Germany

Heat, Floods, Fires: Jet Stream Is Key Link in Climate Disasters

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Bloomberg

Deadly weather as far apart as China, Germany and the U.S. reveal the devastating impact of a swinging jet stream.

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Europe's flood damage begins to emerge

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Production has been affected in large parts of Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland

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Germany to bring forward climate goals after constitutional court ruling

  2021-05-06 in The Guardian

Government proposes net zero deadline of 2045 instead of 2050, but critics demand actions not numbers

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‘Historic’ German ruling says climate goals not tough enough

  2021-04-29 in The Guardian

Judges order government to strengthen legislation before end of next year to protect future generations

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Ende Gelände - Wikipedia

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Could a deadly pig virus transform Germany’s fixation on 'cheap meat'?

  2021-01-07 in The Guardian

African swine fever and Covid outbreaks among workers have raised questions over mega farms for pork

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World leaders pledge to halt Earth’s destruction ahead of UN summit

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France, Germany and UK among more than 60 countries promising to put wildlife and climate at heart of post-Covid recovery plans

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Germany plans to promote 'green' hydrogen with €7 billion

  2020-06-21 (or before) in EURACTIV

The German government adopted its national hydrogen strategy yesterday (10 June), with plans to ramp up production capacity to 5 GW by 2030 and 10 GW by 2040. To achieve this, €7 billion will be invested in new businesses and research. EURACTIV Germany reports.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Hydrogen | Germany

Greta Thunberg and children's group hit back at attempt to throw out climate case

  2020-05-05 in The Guardian

Brazil, France and Germany say UN can’t hear complaint against five countries of flouting child rights to clean air

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Brazil | Germany | France | Women and Children | Children

How Germany closed its coal industry without sacking a single miner

  2020-02-16 (or before) by in Australian Breaking News Headlines & World News Online |

After Coal: Can Australia learn from Germany's efforts to end its coal era while protecting its workers and communities?

  Tagged under: Coal | Germany | Climate Change

Merkel Issues Warning on ‘Real, Dangerous’ Climate Change

  2019-12-31 (or before) in Bloomberg

Chancellor Angela Merkel called global warming “real” and “dangerous” in her New Year’s address, saying she will do everything in her power to ensure Germany makes a meaningful contribution to tackling it.

  Tagged under: Germany | Climate Change | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance

France and Germany: A neck-and-neck race on electric vehicle sales - International Council on Clean Transportation

  2019-11-22 in International Council on Clean Transportation

Are upcoming adjustments to France's vehicle taxation policy the right tactic to impact its EV sales ranking?

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European Heat Wave Shifts East; All-Time Heat Records Tumble in Germany

  2019-07-02 (or before) in Weather Underground

More than 30 locations in Central Europe—including towns and cities in Denmark, France, Germany, and Poland—set all-time temperature records on Sunday as the continent’s historic June heat wave of 2019 shifted eastward.

  Tagged under: Germany | France

Polls reveal citizen support for climate action and energy transition

  2015-04-07 in Clean Energy Wire

  Tagged under: Public Opinion | Germany

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