The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Sicilian producers in ‘race against time’ as drought continues
2024-6-21 in Fruit NetSituation is extreme for region's fruit and vegetable producers, with around half the island said to be at serious risk of desertification
Tagged under: Collapse | Drought | Agriculture | Italy
Climate change having huge impact on farmers
2023-9-21 in Fruit NetMore than 70 per cent of farmers have already seen large impacts of climate change on their farm, new global research from Farmer Voice survey reveals
Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Agriculture
Horticulture sector dismayed at government u-turn
2023-5-10 in Fruit NetFood and farming groups baffled and angered by Defra decision to ditch plans to publish a horticulture strategy
Tagged under: Farming
Europe's flood damage begins to emerge
2021-09-06 (or before) in Fruit NetProduction has been affected in large parts of Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland
Chile drought: fruit crops under threat
2021-09-06 (or before) in Fruit NetGrowers may be forced to abandon some crops after record dry spell in July, says Fedefruta
Chile drought: fruit crops under threat
2021-8-13 in Fruit NetGrowers may be forced to abandon some crops after record dry spell in July, says Fedefruta
Europe's flood damage begins to emerge
2021-7-22 in Fruit NetProduction has been affected in large parts of Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland
Tagged under: Germany
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