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Topic: Chile

Related Articles (21)

Extreme fire weather in Chile driven by climate change and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) - Scientific Reports

  2024-01-23 in Nature

A string of fierce fires broke out in Chile in the austral summer 2023, just six years after the record-breaking 2017 fire season. Favored by extreme weather conditions, fire activity has dramatically risen in recent years in this Andean country. A total of 1.7 million ha. burned during the last decade, tripling figures of the prior decade. Six of the seven most destructive fire seasons on record occurred since 2014. Here, we analyze the progression during the last two decades of the weather conditions associated with increased fire risk in Central Chile (30°–39° S). Fire weather conditions (including high temperat...

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Stepping-up climate action and climate justice: Chile's path towards a new model of climate governance - IOPscience

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In pictures: How climate change is causing loss and damage around the world by UNDP Climate on Exposure

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Here are the many faces of loss and damage caused by climate change around the world –and what it can look like for those on the frontlines.

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Winter heatwave in Andes is sign of things to come, scientists warn

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Human-caused climate disruption and El Niño push temperature in mountains to 37C

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Climate scientist and politician Maisa Rojas: ‘You don’t only take decisions based on evidence and science’

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Chile’s new environment minister on reconciling green goals and the realities of government, and why she wants her developing country to be a global climate pioneer

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More Than a Decade of Megadrought Brought a Summer of Megafires to Chile - Inside Climate News

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CHIGUAYANTE, Chile—As the dark curtain descended, turning the blazing afternoon sun over the braided currents of the Bío Bío River into a burnt orange twilight, a firefighting helicopter with a gigantic bucket dangling below it emerged from the gloom and followed the river back toward the city of Concepcion. Life in Chiguayante, across the river […]

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Incendios en Chile: “La política pública no ha sido capaz de avanzar a la velocidad de los hechos” | ENTREVISTA

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El registro de una familia angustiada que decidió meterse dentro de una piscina para salvarse de los incendios forestales se ha viralizado. Las imágenes del fuego, que ya han arrasado con 270 000 hectáreas en siete regiones del país, son impactantes y los testimonios de aquellos que lograron escapar de las llamas y sobrevivir son […]

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Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips | Reuters

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Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history.

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Lithium Mining Is Leaving Chile’s Indigenous Communities High and Dry (Literally)

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As the metal fuels the clean tech boom, companies race to mine the Atacama Region. At stake: fragile ecosystems, scarce water resources, and ancient ways of life.

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Codelco shuts Ventanas smelter

  2022-06-19 in Mining Journal | The leading publication for global mining news

Intoxication forces smelter shutdown

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'There is no water': A climate alarm as lake in Chile turns to a desert

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“We have to beg God to send us water — I’ve never seen it like this,” a resident near the Penuelas reservoir said.

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‘Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point

  2022-06-01 in The Guardian

Unprecedented drought makes water a national security issue as more than half of Chile’s 19 million population lived in area with ‘severe water scarcity’ by end of 2021

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Sunak urged to issue green bonds with higher returns if climate goals missed

  2022-05-02 in The Guardian

Thinktank says following Chile’s example would give ministers greater incentive to meet targets

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Unprecedented 13-Year Drought in Chile Drives Nation to Ration Water | Earth.Org

  2022-04-12 by in Earth.Org

The capital city of Santiago will implement water cuts from every four, six, or 12 days depending on water availability as the drought in Chile persists.

  Tagged under: Drought | Chile

Chile Writes a New Constitution, Confronting Climate Change Head On

  2021-12-28 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Chile

Record-breaking drought in Chile makes climate change ‘very easy’ to see

  2021-09-06 (or before) in South China Morning Post

‘We already have overwhelming evidence and it is climatic evidence’, said the country’s Science Minister Andres Couve.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Chile

Chile drought: fruit crops under threat

  2021-09-06 (or before) in Fruit Net

Growers may be forced to abandon some crops after record dry spell in July, says Fedefruta

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Chile drought: fruit crops under threat

  2021-8-13 in Fruit Net

Growers may be forced to abandon some crops after record dry spell in July, says Fedefruta

  Tagged under: Drought | Chile

The rush to ‘go electric’ comes with a hidden cost: destructive lithium mining | Thea Riofrancos

  2021-06-14 in The Guardian

As the world moves towards electric cars and renewable grids, demand for lithium is wreaking havoc in northern Chile, says academic Thea Riofrancos

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Chile inaugura primeira usina termossolar da América Latina [vídeo] - Engenharia é:

  2021-06-11 in Engenharia : Tudo sobre Engenharia, Tecnologia, Cincia, Energia Verde e muito mais! - Engenharia :

O Chile inaugurou na terça-feira a primeira usina termossolar da América Latina, um vasto complexo apelidado de Cerro Dominador no deserto do Atacama que dá um impulso à busca do país pela neutralidade de carbono até 2050. Em uma área de mais de 700 hectares, 10.600 espelhos circundam uma torre de 250 metros de altura […]

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