The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: CNN


Articles from this source (50)

Scientists have more evidence to explain why billions of crabs vanished around Alaska | CNN

  2024-08-21 by in CNN

Warmer, ice-free conditions in the southeast Bering Sea are roughly 200 times more likely now than before humans began burning planet-warming fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Sealife | Climate Change Impacts | Alaska | Arctic

Why your Mediterranean beach vacation might be bad for your health | CNN

  2024-07-20 in CNN

More than 87 percent of the Mediterranean Sea is polluted with microplastics and other pollutants including toxic metals and industrial chemicals, according to a new report.

An ‘unusual and rare’ wind turbine failure is littering Nantucket beaches with debris, angering locals | CNN

  2024-07-18 by in CNN

Debris from a broken offshore wind turbine has for days been washing up on Nantucket shorelines, prompting beach closures and frustrating locals at the peak of the summer season.

Beryl strengthens into the earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record after devastating Windward Islands | CNN

  2024-07-01 by in CNN

Hurricane Beryl has strengthened into a Category 5 Atlantic hurricane — the earliest on record — as it powers across the Caribbean after bringing devastation to the Windward Islands, where at least one person is dead.

Why some scientists think extreme heat could be the reason people keep disappearing in Greece | CNN

  2024-06-19 by in CNN

As climate change fuels longer and more severe heat waves, scientists are trying to unravel the impacts of extreme heat on the body, and in particular the brain.

  Tagged under: Greece

Analysis: Misinformation has created an alternative world for some Americans | CNN Politics

  2024-04-28 by in CNN

As the US approaches the third straight election in which misinformation is expected to play a role, it’s important to understand what’s driving people who don’t believe in US elections.

  Tagged under: Disinformation and Misinformation

Nanoplastics linked to heart attack, stroke and early death, study finds | CNN

  2024-03-06 by in CNN

People with nanoplastics in their arteries were twice as likely to have a heart attack, stroke or die early from any cause, a new study found.

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef suffers ‘extensive’ coral bleaching, as scientists fear seventh mass bleaching event | CNN

  2024-02-29 by in CNN

The southern Great Barrier Reef is suffering from extensive coral bleaching due to heat stress, the reef’s managers said Wednesday, raising fears that a seventh mass bleaching event could be unfolding across the vast, ecologically important site.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Extreme Heat | Coral Reefs | Great Barrier Reef | Australia

February 27-28, 2024 -- Smokehouse Creek Fire in Texas

  2024-02-27 in CNN

An out-of-control wildfire is threatening Texas Panhandle towns and forcing residents to evacuate.

  Tagged under: Texas

The Amazon has survived changes in the climate for 65 million years. Now it’s heading for collapse, a study says | CNN

  2024-02-14 by in CNN

The Amazon rainforest is on course to reach a crucial tipping point as soon as 2050, with devastating consequences the world’s ability to tackle climate change, a study shows.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Collapse | Tipping Points

Climate change: the 1.5-degree goal may be ‘deader than a doornail,’ and scientists are bitterly divided over it | CNN

  2024-01-18 by in CNN

Countries agreed in 2015 to try and keep global warming to 1.5 degrees. But what if the battle to stay under this limit has already been lost?

  Tagged under: Global Warming

UK government approves controversial $2.5B project for ‘carbon negative’ power plant | CNN

  2024-01-16 by in CNN

The multi-billion dollar project involves burning wood pellets, which some scientists say isn’t effective in mitigating global heating and may even worsen climate change.

The planet is heating up faster than predicted, says scientist who sounded climate alarm in the 1980s | CNN

  2023-11-02 by in CNN

The planet is on track to heat up at a much faster rate than scientists have predicted, meaning a key global warming threshold could be breached this decade, according to a new study co-authored by James Hansen — the scientist credited with being the first to sound the alarm on the climate crisis.

More than 100 dolphins dead in Amazon as water hits 102 degrees Fahrenheit | CNN

  2023-10-01 by in CNN

More than a hundred dolphins have been found dead in the Brazilian Amazon amid an historic drought and record-high water temperatures that in places have exceeded 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Drought | Rivers | Whales and Dolphins | South America | Brazil | Health

French ski resort closes permanently because of snowfall shortage | CNN

  2023-09-16 by in CNN

La Sambuy, a family skiing destination in the French Alps, is the latest winter sports resort to permanently close because global warming has shrunk its ski season to just a few weeks.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | France

Biden administration cancels years-long attempt to drill in Alaska National Wildlife Refuge | CNN Politics

  2023-09-06 by in CNN

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect more than 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, stymieing a years-long attempt to drill in the protected region.

  Tagged under: Arctic | Wildlife | Joe Biden | US Politics | Health | Alaska | Finance

'Catastrophic' loss: Huge colonies of emperor penguins saw no chicks survive last year as sea ice disappears | CNN

  2023-08-24 by in CNN

As rapidly warming global temperatures help push Antarctica’s sea ice to unprecedented lows, it’s threatening the very existence of one of the continent’s most iconic species: emperor penguins.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Antarctic | Insurance | Health | Finance

Why did the Maui fire spread so fast? Drought, nonnative species and climate change among possible reasons | CNN

  2023-08-09 by in CNN

Drought conditions are becoming more extreme and common in Hawaii and other Pacific islands.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Health | Wildfires | Finance

Long-lost Greenland ice core suggests potential for disastrous sea level rise | CNN

  2023-07-20 by in CNN

A recently-discovered ice core taken from beneath Greenland’s ice sheet decades ago reveals that much of the country was ice-free around 400,000 years ago – an alarming finding that could have disastrous implications for sea level rise.

  Tagged under: Sea Level

At least two dead in oil platform fire in Gulf of Mexico | CNN

  2023-07-07 by in CNN

At least two people were killed after a fire broke out Friday at the Nohoch Alfa oil platform at the Bay of Campeche, in the Gulf of Mexico, the state-owned Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) said in a statement.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Mexico | Health | Finance

Rainforest destruction soared in 2022 despite global pledges to halt deforestation, new report finds | CNN

  2023-06-27 by in CNN

The destruction of the world’s rainforests ramped up last year, despite global pledges to end deforestation by 2030, according to a new report.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Climate Change | Brazil | Health | Trees | Finance

Triple-digit heat across Texas is forecast to break energy records | CNN

  2023-06-15 by in CNN

Summer is still a week away and the Lone Star State is already sweltering, as triple-digit heat could lead to more than 75 heat records being broken across Texas this week.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Texas | Health | Finance

The Biden administration sees hydrogen as a game-changing climate technology. The reality is far more complicated | CNN Politics

  2023-06-05 by in CNN

The Biden administration on Monday announced a goal to produce 50 million metric tons of clean hydrogen fuel by 2050 – a roadmap that, if successful, would cut around 10% of the country’s planet-warming pollution by the same date.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Hydrogen | Joe Biden | US Politics | Electricity | Health | Finance

Pigs, rabbits and fish are dying from searing temperatures in China | CNN Business

  2023-06-02 by in CNN

With parts of China experiencing record high temperatures and heavy rains, reports of farm animals and crops suffering from extreme weather patterns are dominating headlines in the country, raising concerns about food security in the world’s second largest economy.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming | Fish | Flooding | Rivers | Health | Food Production and Consumption | El Niño | Trees | Finance

Shanghai records its highest May temperature in more than 100 years | CNN

  2023-05-29 by in CNN

The Chinese city of Shanghai recorded its highest May temperature in more than 100 years on Monday, hitting a record 36.1 degrees Celsius (nearly 97 degrees Fahrenheit).

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Finance

Global loss of wildlife is 'significantly more alarming' than previously thought, according to a new study | CNN

  2023-05-22 by in CNN

The global loss of wildlife is “significantly more alarming” than previously thought, according to a new study that found almost half the planet’s species are experiencing rapid population declines.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

The world's largest lakes are shrinking dramatically, and scientists say they have figured out why | CNN

  2023-05-18 by in CNN

More than half of the world’s largest lakes and reservoirs have lost significant amounts of water over the last three decades.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Water Resources | Finance

Opinion: Biden betrays our generation by greenlighting the Willow Project | CNN

  2023-04-07 by in CNN

President Joe Biden's recent approval of the Willow Project in Alaska has alarmed many young people. Climate activists Sophia Kianni, Greta Thunberg, and Vanessa Nakate urge Biden to consider our collective future before short-term political gains.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Activism | Joe Biden | Health | Alaska | Finance

The oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño looms. Here are 6 things to watch for | CNN

  2023-04-01 by in CNN

It's unclear how strong the coming El Niño will be -- some models predict it could reach super-strength, others suggest it will be more moderate.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Drought | Predictions | Climate Change | Antarctic | Flooding | El Niño | Health | Climate Change Impacts | Finance

'Doomsday glacier,' which could raise sea level by several feet, is holding on 'by its fingernails,' scientists say | CNN

  2022-09-05 by in CNN

The Thwaites “doomsday” glacier is eroding along its underwater base. Scientists now say it has the capability of retreating much faster than it has in the past decade.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | Antarctic | Sea Level

Record-breaking heat wave in Europe will be the norm by 2035, analysis shows | CNN

  2022-08-25 by in CNN

Taking a longer-term view, the analysis found that an average summer in central Europe by 2100 would be more than 4 degrees Celsius hotter than it was in the pre-industrial era.

China's worst heatwave in 60 years is forcing factories to close | CNN Business

  2022-08-16 by in CNN

China's Sichuan province has ordered all factories to shut down for six days to ease a power shortage in the region as a scorching heat wave sweeps across the country.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | China

More than 200 congressional staffers urge Pelosi and Schumer to act on climate or risk dooming younger generations | CNN Politics

  2022-07-13 by in CNN

For Democratic Congressional staffers -- many of whom are young -- passing massive investments in clean energy tax credits to deal with the climate crisis is especially urgent.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | US Politics | Climate Change | Legislation

White House official blasts 'outrageous' oil profits, leaves door open to windfall profit tax | CNN Politics

  2022-06-09 by in CNN

A White House official is strongly criticizing Big Oil for banking huge profits in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which the administration has blamed for soaring gas prices.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | US Politics | Russia | Finance

As California's big cities fail to rein in their water use, rural communities are already tapped out | CNN

  2022-06-05 by in CNN

Rural Californians live with the daily worry that they won't have enough water to bathe with or drink.

  Tagged under: Drought | Fish | California | Trees | Water Resources

How Exxon, BP and Shell help Russia pump oil and gas - CNN

  2022-02-27 (or before) by in CNN

The West is promising "massive" sanctions on Moscow in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Any action on energy could

  Tagged under: BP | Shell | Exxon | Russia

Opinion: Why protecting the planet is essential to preventing future pandemics - CNN

  2022-01-19 (or before) by in CNN

Both habitat loss and the wildlife trade increase the likelihood that diseases will make the jump from animals to humans.

  Tagged under: Wildlife

'This is not normal': Extreme weather events stun CNN meteorologist - CNN Video

  2021-12-16 (or before) in CNN

The Midwest is experiencing unprecedented weather with extreme heat and tornado force winds. CNN meteorologist Tom Sater said "this is not December weather."

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather

Climate change: Not a single G20 country is in line with the Paris Agreement, analysis shows - CNN

  2021-10-04 (or before) by in CNN

None of the world's major economies -- including the entire G20 -- have a climate plan that meets their obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement, according to an analysis published Wednesday, despite scientists' warning that deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are needed now.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | The Paris Agreement

France not doing enough to tackle climate change, court rules - CNN

  2021-09-25 (or before) by in CNN

A Paris court has found France legally responsible for its failure to meet targets intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | France | Climate Change

Five million people under evacuation order in Japan as rain batters south coast - CNN

  2021-08-14 (or before) by in CNN

More than 5 million residents in Japan have been ordered to evacuate their homes due to the threat of flooding and landslides, as torrential rains batter the country's southwestern tip.

  Tagged under: Japan

Bootleg Fire is burning up carbon offsets - CNN

  2021-07-28 (or before) by in CNN

These forests were meant to survive one hundred years. Persistent drought and wildfire conditions are threatening carbon offsets. The question is whether these offsets matter, if their stored carbon goes up in smoke due to climate change.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Wildfires | Drought | Climate Change | Trees

Opinion: Seeking your climate refuge? Consider this - CNN

  2021-07-25 (or before) by in CNN

Jamie Beck Alexander writes that anyone who is uprooting their lives because of the climate crisis -- like her family has done -- shouldn't move in silence. In their new community, they should signal the urgency and gravity of the issue by showing up to city council meetings and being an early warning for communities that have yet to experience the direct and devastating effects of the climate crisis.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Shell ordered to slash CO2 emissions in landmark climate ruling - CNN

  2021-05-27 (or before) by in CNN

A Dutch court has ruled that Royal Dutch Shell must dramatically reduce its carbon emissions in a landmark climate decision that could have far reaching consequences for oil companies.

  Tagged under: Shell | Climate Change

Climate change: Why Norway, the UK and Canada are climate hypocrites - CNN

  2021-02-19 (or before) by in CNN

In Oslo, street lamps are powered by renewables. To conserve energy, the smart lights dim when nobody is around. The Norwegian capital, like the rest of the country, is proud of its exceptional green credentials. Its public transportation system too is powered entirely by renewable energy. Two thirds of new cars sold in the city are electric. There's even a highway for bees.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Electric Cars | Bees | Cars

Brazilian court blocks government's decision to revoke key mangrove protections - CNN

  2020-11-09 (or before) by in CNN

A Brazilian court blocked government's move to revoke key regulations protecting the country's tropical mangroves after the move was fiercely criticized by environmental and climate groups.

  Tagged under: Brazil

Climate crisis: UN warns world risks becoming 'uninhabitable hell' for millions unless leaders take climate action - CNN

  2020-10-14 (or before) by in CNN

There has been a "staggering" rise in natural disasters over the past 20 years and the climate crisis is to blame, the United Nations said Monday.

Massive mystery holes appear in Siberian tundra — and could be linked to climate change | CNN

  2020-09-04 by in CNN

The dramatic 30-meter (100-feet) deep hole in Western Siberia is the latest of several to have formed in the region since 2014. Scientists think the craters are formed by an explosive buildup of methane gas but there is still a lot they don’t know.

  Tagged under: Methane | Russia | Arctic

BP will slash oil output by 40% and pour billions into green energy - CNN

  2020-08-05 (or before) by in CNN

BP is planning to slash oil and gas production and pour billions of dollars into clean energy as part of a major strategic overhaul unveiled on Tuesday, alongside a huge second quarter loss and dividend cut.

  Tagged under: BP

Climate change: Trump's rollback of climate change regulations will be felt far beyond his presidency - CNNPolitics

  2019-10-19 (or before) by in CNN

In his time in office, President Trump has rolled back dozens of environmental regulations, and critics say the impacts of his policies will be felt for generations to come.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

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