The Elephant

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Topic: Alaska

Related Articles (55)

Scientists have more evidence to explain why billions of crabs vanished around Alaska | CNN

  2024-08-21 by in CNN

Warmer, ice-free conditions in the southeast Bering Sea are roughly 200 times more likely now than before humans began burning planet-warming fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Sealife | Climate Change Impacts | Alaska | Arctic

El Niño forecast to drive record heat from the Amazon to Alaska in 2024

  2024-02-29 in The Guardian

Coastal areas facing ‘enormous and urgent climate crisis’ as event supercharges human-caused global heating, scientists say

  Tagged under: El Niño | South America | Alaska

In an era of climate change, Alaska’s predators fall prey to politics

  2024-01-14 by in Popular Science

With Alaska's wildlife numbers declining, agencies are blaming—and culling—predators. The true threat is much more complex.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Alaska

‘Hope is a discipline’: youth climate case plaintiff on why he’s suing the US government

  2023-12-31 in The Guardian

Nathan Baring of Alaska is part of a group of young activists suing the US, which they say ‘willfully ignored’ dangers of fossil fuels

  Tagged under: Oregon | Fossil Fuels | Alaska | Activism

Why Are Alaska's Rivers Turning Orange?

  2023-12-21 (or before) by in Scientific American

Streams in Alaska are turning orange with iron and sulfuric acid. Scientists are trying to figure out why

  Tagged under: Rivers | Alaska

There's a crisis in the Yukon River

  2023-12-03 in Yahoo

EAGLE VILLAGE, Alaska - When Jody Potts-Joseph was growing up, her family mushed sled dogs during the harsh Alaskan winters to hunt and trap, feeding them salmon caught from the Yukon River by the thousands. But after rebuilding her sled dog team as an adult, Potts-Joseph, a member of the Han Gwich'in tribe, had to turn to store-bought dog food. The river that was once renowned for its salmon doesn't have enough to offer anymore.Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and in

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Opinion | More lightning, more wildfires and a warmer world. Welcome to the ‘doom loop’ | South China Morning Post

  2023-11-17 in South China Morning Post

Climate-induced lightning is becoming more frequent and powerful, triggering more wildfires, particularly in Siberia, Canada and Alaska, and releasing the carbon locked in permafrost.

  Tagged under: COP28 | Permafrost | Wildfires | Alaska | Russia

Approval of divisive Alaska oil project upheld in blow to US climate goals

  2023-11-10 in The Guardian

Advocates warned of ‘tragic consequences’ should the project in a remote part of northern Alaska go ahead

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Joe Biden | Alaska

Billions of Alaska snow crabs likely vanished due to warm ocean, study says

  2023-10-21 in The Guardian

The crabs starved to death en masse because the change in water temperature increased their caloric needs, according to the NOAA

  Tagged under: Fish | Oceans | Wildlife | Alaska | Sealife

'The Next Climate Litmus Test': Sen. Merkley Joins Fight Against CP2 LNG Terminal

  2023-09-29 in Common Dreams

CP2, which the Biden administration is expected to either approve or reject in the coming months, would emit 20 times the climate pollution expected from the controversial Willow oil drilling project in Alaska.

  Tagged under: Alaska

Biden administration cancels controversial oil leases in Alaska wildlife refuge

  2023-09-06 in The Hill

The Biden administration on Wednesday confirmed it will cancel seven controversial oil and gas leases in an Alaskan wildlife refuge issued at the very end of the Trump administration  The admi…

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Biden administration cancels years-long attempt to drill in Alaska National Wildlife Refuge | CNN Politics

  2023-09-06 by in CNN

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect more than 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, stymieing a years-long attempt to drill in the protected region.

  Tagged under: Arctic | Wildlife | Joe Biden | US Politics | Health | Alaska | Finance

How Warming Ruined a Crab Fishery and Hurt an Alaskan Town

  2023-06-11 (or before) in Yale E360

As the world warms, extended spikes in ocean temperatures are triggering the collapse of key marine populations. For the Aleut community of St. Paul, Alaska, the loss of the snow crab fishery is having a profound economic impact and raising questions about the future.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | Fish | Collapse | Alaska | Sealife

Harvard climate expert draw fire for serving on Willow oil company board - The Washington Post

  2023-04-22 in The Washington Post

Jody Freeman has served on the board of ConocoPhillips for 11 years. She’s made a “positive difference,” she said, but her detractors disagree.

  Tagged under: Alaska

Biden approves Alaska gas exports as critics condemn another ‘carbon bomb’

  2023-04-14 in The Guardian

Energy department gives green light to exports from liquefied natural gas (LNG) program, after Willow project approved last month

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Joe Biden | US Politics | Alaska

Opinion: Biden betrays our generation by greenlighting the Willow Project | CNN

  2023-04-07 by in CNN

President Joe Biden's recent approval of the Willow Project in Alaska has alarmed many young people. Climate activists Sophia Kianni, Greta Thunberg, and Vanessa Nakate urge Biden to consider our collective future before short-term political gains.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Activism | Joe Biden | Health | Alaska | Finance

Opinion | How Big of a Climate Betrayal Is the Willow Oil Project?

  2023-03-16 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Alaska

How Biden Got From ‘No More Drilling’ to Backing a Huge Project in Alaska

  2023-03-13 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Alaska

Willow Project: US government approves Alaska oil and gas development - BBC News

  2023-03-13 (or before) in The BBC

President Biden approves an $8bn oil drilling project, in a move that has angered climate activists.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Alaska | Activism

Biden Officials Back Alaska Oil Project Scorned as Carbon Bomb

  2023-03-11 (or before) in Bloomberg

The Biden administration has decided to authorize a mammoth ConocoPhillips oil project in northwest Alaska, despite arguments by opponents that it will exacerbate climate change, according to people familiar with the matter.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Climate Change | Russia | Alaska

Outrage as US government advances $8bn Alaska oil drilling plan

  2023-02-01 in The Guardian

Interior department report recommends scaled-back version of ConocoPhillips’ Willow project despite Biden campaign pledge

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Fossil Fuels | Alaska

US gets 1 bid for oil and gas lease in Alaska’s Cook Inlet

  2023-01-07 (or before) in

(AP) - The U.S. government on Friday said it received on bid for the right to drill offshore for oil and gas in Alaska’s Cook Inlet near habitat for bears, salmon, humpback whales and endangered beluga whales.

  Tagged under: Whales and Dolphins | Salmon | Alaska

1 billion crabs go missing, causing cancellation of Alaskan snow crab season

  2022-10-16 (or before) in Massachusetts Local News, Breaking News, Sports and Weather

This marks the first time that the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has canceled the winter snow crab season, coming as a consequence of their massive population drop.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Wildlife | Alaska | Sealife

The New York Times: Digital and Home Delivery Subscriptions

  2022-10-14 in The New York Times

Discover the value of independent Times journalism today.

  Tagged under: Fish | Alaska | Sealife

BLM reconsiders Trump-era midnight orders opening Alaska lands

  2022-08-17 by in E&E News | Essential Energy and Environment News

The Biden administration will review orders meant to open 28 million acres of the Last Frontier to resources development, issued in January 2021 by

  Tagged under: Alaska

‘All that’s needed is a spark’: why the US may be headed for a summer of mega-fire

  2022-07-07 in The Guardian

An explosive spring season has already burned more land than the 10-year average, with summers only expected to intensify

  Tagged under: Oregon | Wildfires | Drought | Texas | California | Alaska

Overwintering fires in boreal forests - Nature

  2022-07-05 (or before) in Nature

Large forest fires in Alaska and the Northwest Territories can ‘overwinter’ and then reignite in the following fire season, contributing up to one-third of the burned area in individual years.

  Tagged under: Forest Fires | Alaska | Trees

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: The animals at risk from Alaska oil drilling - BBC News

  2022-04-29 (or before) in The BBC

As Donald Trump pushes forward with plans for drilling in the Alaskan wilderness, what is at stake?

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Arctic | Wildlife | Alaska

Arctic Report Card 2021

  2021-12-16 (or before) in YouTube

Arctic Report Card: Update for 2021 - Tracking recent environmental changes, with 14 essays prepared by an international team of 111 researchers from 12 diff...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Arctic | Ocean Acidification | Rivers | Alaska

Eyewitnesses to disaster: Commercial fishermen implore action on the collapse of Alaska ecosystems

  2021-10-30 (or before) in The Seattle Times

The North Pacific ecosystem is asking us to re-calibrate. Fish and crab stocks are crashing. As professional commercial fishermen, we need regulatory rules nimble enough to deal with new, rapidly-changing realities.

  Tagged under: Pacific Ocean | Fish | Collapse | Alaska | Washington State | Sealife

Court Blocks a Vast Alaskan Drilling Project, Citing Climate Dangers

  2021-08-19 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Litigation | Alaska

Why whales in Alaska have been so happy - BBC News

  2021-08-11 (or before) in The BBC

What will happen to Alaska's whales when tourism returns to waters stilled by Covid?

  Tagged under: Whales and Dolphins | Alaska

When Climate Change Came for My Favorite Glacier

  2021-07-30 in Outside Magazine

As a college student, writer Julia Rosen spent a summer on Alaska’s Taku Glacier, which kept growing for decades in spite of warming temperatures. Now, she reckons with its uncertain fate.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Alaska

Alaska Red King Crab Dethroned by Scientific Fraud -

  2021-04-26 by in Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility -

Bristol Bay red king crab is nearing commercial extinction due to scientific fraud by the fisheries branch of NOAA, according to a complaint filed by PEER.

  Tagged under: Fish | Alaska | Extinction | Sealife

Federal appeals court rejects Trump administration permit for offshore oil project in Arctic Alaska

  2021-01-06 (or before) in Anchorage Daily News: Alaska News, Politics, Outdoors, Science and Events

Agencies did not follow environmental requirements in reviews that led to the permit, the court said.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Arctic | Alaska

‘Forever chemicals’ pollute water from Alaska to Florida

  2020-12-22 in The Guardian

Whichever state you are in, there could be harmful PFAS chemicals in water near you

  Tagged under: Florida | PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Alaska

Trump kick-starts oil drilling licence sales in Arctic refuge

  2020-12-03 in The Guardian

Fossil fuel extraction sell-off in pristine Alaskan wilderness set for 6 January, predating Biden inauguration by days

  Tagged under: Oceans | Joe Biden | Donald Trump | Arctic | Wildlife | Alaska

Trump in final push to open up Alaska's Arctic refuge to oil and gas drilling

  2020-08-17 in The Guardian

Interior department to reportedly auction leases before year’s end as critics condemn plan to drill in America’s ‘last great wilderness’

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Arctic | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Alaska

Most polar bears to disappear by 2100, study predicts

  2020-07-20 in The Guardian

Melting Arctic sea ice could cause starvation and reproductive failure for many as early as 2040, scientists warn

  Tagged under: Arctic | Greenhouse Gases | Predictions | Wildlife | Ice Melting | Russia | Alaska

Arctic warming, as seen by Alaska’s Native Inupiat - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

  2020-07-08 in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

We’re taking on all the risks of these global and environmental changes, said one Native Inupiat whaling captain. “The train wreck is here... we’re just looking at it and trying to figure out: What do we do now? Who’s responsible? Now we have to deal with it.”

  Tagged under: Arctic | Alaska

Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills | Reuters

  2020-05-19 (or before) in Reuters

The Trump administration has ended a two-year rent holiday for solar and wind projects operating on federal lands, handing them whopping retroactive bills at a time the industry is struggling with the fallout of the coronavirus outbreak, according to company officials.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | USA | Donald Trump | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Wind Power | US Politics | California | Alaska

Elite Panic vs. the Resilient Populace - James B. Meigs, Commentary Magazine

  2020-04-17 in

North America’s strongest recorded earthquake struck just off the Alaskan coast at 5:36 p.m., on March 27, 1964. The shaking from the magnitude 9.2 quake

  Tagged under: Alaska

Interior Alaska is too warm for North Pole’s annual Christmas ice park

  2019-11-21 in Anchorage Daily News: Alaska News, Politics, Outdoors, Science and Events

Officials canceled the event for the first time in 14 years, citing lack of ice on ponds to harvest for ice carving.

  Tagged under: Ice Melting | Alaska

Warm ocean water delays sea ice for Alaska towns, wildlife | AP News

  2019-11-19 (or before) in Associated Press News

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The U.S. research vessel Sikuliaq can break through ice as thick as 2.5 feet (0.76 meters). In the Chukchi Sea northwest of Alaska this month, which should be brimming with floes, its limits likely won’t be tested.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Arctic | Wildlife | Alaska

Climate warming is changing Arctic freshwater ecosystems

  2019-10-25 in The Freshwater Blog

The Delta River in Alaska. Much of the river's watershed consists of arctic tundra, which is at risk from climate warming. Image: Bureau of Land Management | Flickr Creative Commons Biodiversity in arctic lakes, rivers and wetlands is increasingly threatened by climate warming, according to a report published earlier this year. It is suggested that…

  Tagged under: Arctic | Rivers | Wetlands | Alaska

Sea Ice| ACCAP

  2019-09-04 in ACCAP - Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

Sea Ice Updates on seasonally relevant ice extent and ice thickness, as well as historical analyses Sea ice plays a profound role in the climate, environment, and economies of Alaska. Nothing in th…

  Tagged under: Alaska

Air Temperature| ACCAP

  2019-09-04 in ACCAP - Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

Air Temperature Includes historical analyses, spatial trends, and changes in extremes Temperatures in Alaska and the Arctic are rising twice as fast as other parts of the U.S. and-except for sea ic…

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Arctic | Alaska

Trump Moves to Open 16.7 Million Acre Alaskan Rainforest to Corporate Exploitation - EcoWatch

  2019-08-28 in EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life

Trump has reportedly ordered the U.S. Department of Agriculture to open Alaska's 16.7 million-acre Tongass National Forest — the planet's largest intact temperate rainforest — to logging and other corporate development projects, a move that comes as thousands of fires are ripping through the Amazon rainforest and putting the "lungs of the world"

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Wildfires | Rainforests | Forest Fires | Alaska | Trees

North Pole: multiple lightning strikes follow record-low sea ice levels

  2019-08-13 in The Guardian

‘Furthest north lightning strikes in Alaska forecaster memory’ hit as high temperatures and widespread fires plague region

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Arctic | Sea Level | Alaska

Arctic wildfires spew soot and smoke cloud bigger than EU

  2019-08-12 in The Guardian

Plume from unprecedented blazes forecast to reach Alaska as fires rage for third month

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Wildfires | Arctic | Greenhouse Gases | Russia | Alaska

Alaska records warmest month ever in July with coastline barren of sea ice

  2019-08-08 in The Guardian

Average temperature for month amid Arctic heatwave was 58.1F (14.5C), nearly 1F above previous high set in July 2004

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Arctic | Alaska

Scientists say climate change is pushing Alaska’s weather ‘into record territory.’ - The Washington Post

  2019-07-30 in The Washington Post

Alaska will soon shatter its record for warmest month, and between sea ice loss, permafrost melt and skyrocketing temperatures, scientists say climate change is thrusting its weather “into record territory.”

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Alaska

Meet the 'star ingredient' changing fortunes in Alaska's waters: seaweed

  2019-06-11 in The Guardian

Growing awareness of the climate crisis and a shift to plant-based diets have turned kelp farming into a thriving industry

  Tagged under: Oceans | Alaska

Harvard chemist: Permafrost N2O levels 12 times higher than expected

  2019-06-06 in Harvard Gazette

A recent study shows that nitrous-oxide emissions from thawing Alaskan permafrost are about 12 times higher than previously assumed. About a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere is covered in permafrost, which is thawing at an increasing rate. And, even though researchers are monitoring carbon dioxide and methane, no one seems to be monitoring N2O, the most potent greenhouse gas.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Arctic | Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Alaska | Sustainability

Emissions from thawing Arctic permafrost may be 12 times higher than thought, scientists say

  2019-04-17 in The Independent

‘This needs to be taken more seriously than it is right now,’ says author of new study

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Arctic | Alaska | Feedback Loops | Ice Melting | Methane | Permafrost | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

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