The Elephant

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Topic: Oregon

Related Articles (25)

US admits dams in Pacific north-west have devastated Native Americans

  2024-06-19 in The Guardian

US says dams killed off salmon, inundated villages and burial grounds, and spirited wealth away from tribes

  Tagged under: Hydroelectricity | Oregon | Washington State | Salmon | Fish

Oregon Dismantling Environmental Reviews in the Name of Renewables?

  2024-02-24 by in Collapse Curriculum

The Erosion of NEPA and the Illusion of Green Progress

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‘Hope is a discipline’: youth climate case plaintiff on why he’s suing the US government

  2023-12-31 in The Guardian

Nathan Baring of Alaska is part of a group of young activists suing the US, which they say ‘willfully ignored’ dangers of fossil fuels

  Tagged under: Oregon | Fossil Fuels | Alaska | Activism

Eight people taken to hospital as waves up to 30ft high pound California coast

  2023-12-29 in The Guardian

Six million people under high surf warning as powerful storms sweep through California and Oregon

  Tagged under: California | Oregon

Struggling salmon fishermen getting federal help in Oregon and along West Coast, but it may be too late - OPB

  2023-10-23 in Oregon Public Broadcasting

U.S. Department of Commerce declared a Chinook fishery disaster for 2018, 2019 and 2020 when salmon populations plummeted.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Fish | Salmon

Environmental group offers tourists bird’s-eye view on Northwest conservation issues - OPB

  2023-10-22 in Oregon Public Broadcasting

A conservation group is helping people see a different perspective of the Snake River dams in southeastern Washington.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Washington State | Rivers

Likely culprit found for recent gray whale die-off

  2023-10-15 (or before) in Oregon Live

Over the past four years, hundreds of gray whales have washed up dead on the beaches of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada – and scientists have been trying to figure out what’s causing the majestic animals to die en masse for so many years. Now, researchers from Oregon State University have an answer.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Whales and Dolphins | Mexico

Oregon mussels died at alarming rates this summer. Researchers don’t know why - OPB

  2023-09-28 (or before) in Oregon Public Broadcasting

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As Work Begins on the Largest US Dam Removal Project, Tribes Look to a Future of Growth

  2023-07-31 (or before) in

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The largest dam removal project in United States history is underway along the California-Oregon border — a process that won't conclude until the end of next year with the help of heavy machinery and explosives.

  Tagged under: Oregon | California

Oregon County Sues Fossil Fuel Entities and Enablers for Contributing to Deadly 2021 Heatwave

  2023-06-22 by in DeSmog

Major fossil fuel entities and trade associations including Koch Industries, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Western States Petroleum Association, as well as consulting behemoth McKinsey & Company, were slapped with the latest climate liability lawsuit today with the filing of a complaint in the Oregon Circuit Court in Multnomah County, Oregon. The northwestern Oregon […]

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Amazon fights Oregon data center clean energy bill

  2023-03-29 (or before) in Oregon Live

The legislation is encountering stiff opposition.

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Ocean salmon fishing ban off California and Oregon as stocks plummet

  2023-03-24 in The Guardian

Adult fall-run Chinook salmon returned to California’s rivers in near record low numbers in 2022

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Brutal heatwave scorches US west, sparking fires and health warnings

  2022-08-31 in The Guardian

Several California cities broke heat records, rising as high as 112F in the LA suburbs, and blazes erupted as residents were forced to flee

  Tagged under: Oregon | Heatwaves | California | Health

‘All that’s needed is a spark’: why the US may be headed for a summer of mega-fire

  2022-07-07 in The Guardian

An explosive spring season has already burned more land than the 10-year average, with summers only expected to intensify

  Tagged under: Oregon | Wildfires | Drought | Texas | California | Alaska

Oregon’s Intertidal Ecosystem Is Approaching a Tipping Point | Hakai Magazine

  2022-05-29 (or before) by in Hakai Magazine

Ecologists are already finding the warning signs—hopefully it’s not too late.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Tipping Points

‘The fire moved around it’: success story in Oregon fuels calls for prescribed burns

  2021-08-12 in The Guardian

Oregon’s Bootleg fire has offered new evidence that Indigenous techniques can change how megafires behave

  Tagged under: Oregon | Wildfires | Climate Change

Tax-Funded Forest Institute in Oregon Misled Public, May Have Broken State Law, Audit Finds

  2021-07-28 (or before) by in Pro Publica

State auditors found that an agency intended to educate the public about forestry presented biased information favoring the timber industry and possibly violated state law. The audit was prompted by our investigation last year into the agency.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Trees

Bootleg Fire is burning up carbon offsets - CNN

  2021-07-28 (or before) by in CNN

These forests were meant to survive one hundred years. Persistent drought and wildfire conditions are threatening carbon offsets. The question is whether these offsets matter, if their stored carbon goes up in smoke due to climate change.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Wildfires | Drought | Climate Change | Trees

American west stuck in cycle of ‘heat, drought and fire’, experts warn

  2021-07-13 in The Guardian

Wildfires in several states are burning with worrying ferocity across a tinder-dry landscape

  Tagged under: Oregon | Wildfires | Drought | California

Our climate change turning point is right here, right now | Rebecca Solnit

  2021-07-12 in The Guardian

People are dying. Aquatic animals are baking in their shells. Fruit is being cooked on the tree. It’s time to act

  Tagged under: Oregon | Shell | Extreme Weather | Climate Change | Washington State

Joe Biden blames climate crisis for deadly heatwave in western US and Canada

  2021-06-30 in The Guardian

Record-shattering temperatures linked to dozens of deaths, buckled roads, blackouts and wildfires

  Tagged under: Oregon | Joe Biden | Extreme Weather | Wildfires | Heatwaves | Washington State

‘It’s like a rotting carcass of its former self’: funeral for an Oregon glacier

  2021-05-02 in The Guardian

Worried researchers hold ceremony for Clark glacier to illustrate how climate crisis is eroding icepacks

  Tagged under: Oregon

Big Money Bought the Forests. Small Logging Communities Are Paying the Price.

  2020-06-11 by in Pro Publica

Wall Street investment funds took control of Oregon’s private forests. Now, wealthy timber corporations reap the benefits of tax cuts that have cost rural counties billions.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Trees

Sea urchin population soars 10,000% in five years, devastating US coastline

  2019-10-24 in The Guardian

Voracious purple urchins in waters of California and Oregon pose threat to mighty kelp forests and risk upending delicate ecosystems

  Tagged under: Oregon | Oceans | Wildlife | California | Trees

How Republicans killed Oregon’s climate crisis bill – by fleeing the state

  2019-06-29 in The Guardian

After legislators fled the state, rightwing groups pledged their support and protesters demonstrated outside the state house

  Tagged under: Oregon | US Politics | Activism

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