The Elephant

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Topic: Bees

Related Articles (45)

Insect pollinators: The time is now for identifying species of greatest conservation need

  2024-08-05 (or before) in

Relatively few pollinating insects have appeared as Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in State Wildlife Action Plans, decadal-scale blueprints for wildlife conservation efforts across the ...

  Tagged under: Conservation | Bees | Insects

Plants and their pollinators are increasingly out of sync

  2024-07-30 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

As global temperatures rise and seasons shift, bees and other pollinators are missing critical connections with flowers and crops.

  Tagged under: Bees

Where are all the butterflies this summer? Their absence is telling us something important | Tony Juniper

  2024-07-13 in The Guardian

This isn’t down to one wet, cold British spring but a disturbing longer-term decline in Britain’s insects. Thankfully, we can help, says the campaigner Tony Juniper

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects | Butterflies and Moths

Air pollution threatens key crop pollinators, study finds

  2024-07-11 by in

By Shannon Kelleher Air pollution jeopardizes bees and other pollinators essential for food production, according to a new study that sheds light on a significant but underrecognized threat to beneficial insects. In a study published Thursday in the journal Nature Communications, researchers found  that bees, as well as some moths and butterflies, became about a third less efficient at foraging for food, on average, after exposure to elevated air pollution levels. The findings were based on an analysis of data from 120 scientific papers on how 40 types of insects respond to ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and parti...

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects | Butterflies and Moths

Scientists reveal "major" new factor in bumblebee decline

  2024-05-03 in Newsweek

A study found that bumblebee nests may be getting too hot, and the species are struggling to thermoregulate these temperatures.

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects

The shrill carder: once-common bumblebee heading for extinction

  2024-04-11 in The Guardian

Bombus sylvarum is now found in only a few pockets as intensive farming destroys UK wildflower habitats

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects | Extinction

Weatherwatch: how solar farms benefit bees and butterflies

  2024-03-01 in The Guardian

Research shows pollinating insects thrive in solar parks, particularly where a variety of plants are flourishing

  Tagged under: Insects | Bees | Butterflies and Moths

Beekeepers stung by wettest July on record

  2023-09-18 (or before) in Belfast Telegraph

Beekeepers are counting the cost of freak summer weather that left the insects and locally produced honey at risk.

  Tagged under: Insects | Bees

Bees struggle to find flowers because of air pollution - University of Birmingham

  2023-09-14 (or before) in University of Birmingham - A leading global university

A new study has found that air pollution is preventing pollinators finding flowers because it degrades the scent.

  Tagged under: Bees

Sharp rise in Asian hornet sightings in UK causes alarm

  2023-08-17 in The Guardian

Wildlife experts fear spread could devastate native bees, which the hornets dismember and eat

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Insects | Bees

Bee Population Decline

  2023-07-14 (or before) in

Looking for the latest buzz on how to help the bees? Look no further.

  Tagged under: Insect Populations | Bees | Insects

Recent and future declines of a historically widespread pollinator linked to climate, land cover, and pesticides | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2023-07-14 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

The acute decline in global biodiversity includes not only the loss of rare species, but also the rapid collapse of common species across many diff...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Bees | Insects | Collapse | Biodiversity Loss

Leicester study investigates pollution effect on bees - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in BBC

Dr Hannah Sampson says air pollution's impact on bees could have a knock on effect for humans.

  Tagged under: Bees

Pollinators: decline in numbers / RHS Gardening

  2023-07-14 (or before) in RHS - Inspiring everyone to grow / RHS Gardening

There is evidence that populations of bees and other pollinators are less healthy and abundant than they have been. If action is not taken, pollinator declines will have serious implications for biodiversity, food production and the ornamental garden.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Health | Food Production and Consumption

New pesticides 'may have risks for bees' - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in The BBC

Attempts to find a new generation of pesticides to replace neonicotinoids have been dealt a potential blow.

  Tagged under: Bees

Russia alarmed by large fall in bee populations - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in The BBC

Pesticides are blamed for Russia's mass bee deaths, while French honey production is also down.

  Tagged under: Bees | Russia | France

Bees get week early wakeup call from warming climate

  2023-07-11 (or before) in EurekAlert! Science News Releases

Rising temperatures are causing British bees to wake up from hibernation almost a week earlier

  Tagged under: Bees

US honeybees suffer second deadliest season on record

  2023-06-23 in The Guardian

Nearly 50% of US bee colonies died off last year, although efforts have helped the overall bee population remain ‘relatively stable’

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Insects

The Big Green Money Show - Birds, Bees and Business - Why Nature Matters (With The Wildlife Trusts and Landsec) - BBC Sounds

  2023-04-15 (or before) in The BBC

Deborah's barefoot walk, The Wildlife Trusts and one of the country's biggest landlords

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees

Save Bees • Pollinator decline and how to help

  2023-04-03 (or before) in Save Bees • Pollinator decline and how to help

Learn why pollinators are in trouble and how you can help. Healthy, happy bees need good homes with plenty of food and no poisons. Take simple steps today!

  Tagged under: Bees | Health

EU Court puts end to emergency use of bee-toxic pesticides

  2023-02-07 (or before) in EURACTIV

The EU's highest court ruled on Thursday (19 January) that EU countries should no longer be allowed temporary exemptions for banned, bee-toxic neonicotinoid pesticides, putting half of all such derogations to an end. 

  Tagged under: Bees

Honey bee life spans are 50 percent shorter today than they were 50 years ago: A drop in longevity for lab-kept honey bees could help explain colony losses and lower honey production in recent decades

  2022-12-23 (or before) in Science Daily

A new study by entomologists shows that the lifespan for individual honey bees kept in a controlled, laboratory environment is 50% shorter than it was in the 1970s. As the first study to show an overall decline in honey bee lifespan potentially independent of environmental stressors, this work hints that genetics may be influencing the broader trends of higher colony turnover rates seen in the beekeeping industry.

  Tagged under: Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects | Food Production and Consumption

Glyphosate weedkiller damages wild bee colonies, study reveals

  2022-06-02 in The Guardian

Most widely used pesticide in history harms critical ability of bumblebee to regulate nest temperature

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

UK overrules scientific advice by lifting ban on bee-harming pesticide

  2022-03-01 in The Guardian

Campaigners aghast as emergency exemption on use of thiamethoxam granted due to risk to sugar beet crop

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Being Serious about Saving Bees

  2021-12-28 (or before) in USDA

Pollinators are a vital part of agricultural production. In the United States, more than one-third of all crop production – 90 crops ranging from nuts to berries to flowering vegetables - requires insect pollination. Managed honey bee colonies are our primary pollinators, adding at least $15 billion a year by increasing yields and helping to ensure superior-quality harvests.

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects

[PDF] Discrepancy between acute and chronic toxicity induced by imidacloprid and its metabolites in Apis mellifera. | Semantic Scholar

  2021-11-22 (or before) in Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool

Oral acute and chronic toxicity of imidacloprid and its main metabolites and their main metabolites were investigated in Apis mellifera to show the rapid appearance of neurotoxicity symptoms, such as hyperresponsiveness, hyperactivity, and trembling and led to hyporesponsiveness and hypoactivity. Imidacloprid is a systemic nitroguanidine insecticide that belongs to the neonicotinoid family. As an agonist of the acetylcholine receptor, it attacks the insect nervous system and is extremely effective against various sucking and mining pests. Oral acute and chronic toxicity of imidacloprid and its main metabolites (5-hydroxyimidaclo...

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects

Pesticide and resource stressors additively impair wild bee reproduction | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2021-11-22 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

Bees and other beneficial insects experience multiple stressors within agricultural landscapes that act together to impact their health and diminish their ability to deliver the ecosystem services on which human food supplies depend. Disentangling the ...

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects | Health

Bees may take generations to recover from one exposure to insecticides

  2021-11-22 in The Guardian

Study shows reduced reproduction and other negative impacts on performance of species

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

The importance of bees in the United Kingdom

  2021-09-29 (or before) in YouTube

Bee numbers are falling around the world. What's happening to the bee population in the United Kingdom and worldwide is a microcosm of climate change. Loss...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Bees

Farm pesticides killing more bees - study - BBC News

  2021-08-08 (or before) in The BBC

Commercial formulas containing multiple chemicals should require their own licences, researchers say.

  Tagged under: Farming | Bees

The insect apocalypse: ‘Our world will grind to a halt without them’

  2021-07-25 in The Guardian

Insects have declined by 75% in the past 50 years – and the consequences may soon be catastrophic. Biologist Dave Goulson reveals the vital services they perform

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects

‘Honeybees are voracious’: is it time to put the brakes on the boom in beekeeping?

  2021-07-24 in The Guardian

The number of beehives in Britain’s cities is growing rapidly, putting pressure on native bees ‘that really need our help’, say scientists and experienced beekeepers

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Insects

With Temperatures Rising, Can Animals Survive the Heat Stress?

  2021-06-28 (or before) in Yale E360

A growing number of studies show that warming temperatures are increasing mortality in creatures ranging from birds in the Mojave Desert, to mammals in Australia, to bumblebees in North America. Researchers warn that heat stress could become a major factor in future extinctions.

  Tagged under: Birds | Extinction | Bees

Banned pesticide blamed for killing bees may be approved for fish farms

  2021-05-27 in The Guardian

Government agency appears to support introduction of system which uses insecticide US termed an ‘environmental hazard’

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

'Bee-killing' pesticide now will not be used on UK sugar beet fields

  2021-03-03 in The Guardian

Government gave emergency authorisation to a neonicotinoid earlier this year - but says chemical was not needed

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Climate change: Why Norway, the UK and Canada are climate hypocrites - CNN

  2021-02-19 (or before) by in CNN

In Oslo, street lamps are powered by renewables. To conserve energy, the smart lights dim when nobody is around. The Norwegian capital, like the rest of the country, is proud of its exceptional green credentials. Its public transportation system too is powered entirely by renewable energy. Two thirds of new cars sold in the city are electric. There's even a highway for bees.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Electric Cars | Bees | Cars

A quarter of all known bee species haven't been seen since the 1990s

  2021-01-23 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects

Halve UK pesticide use to save insects, say conservationists

  2020-07-08 in The Guardian

Wildlife Trusts report also calls for expansion of projects such as flower-rich road verges and butterfly reintroductions

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects

‘Murder hornets’: race to protect North America's honeybees from giant invader

  2020-06-25 in The Guardian

Amateur beekeepers and scientists do ‘the whole CSI thing’ to stem the feared onslaught

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Revealed: Pesticide giants make billions on toxic, bee-harming chemicals

  2020-02-20 in Greenpeace UK - Unearthed

Global pesticide giants make more than a third of their income from selling highly hazardous pesticides that threaten human health and the environment.

  Tagged under: Bees | Greenpeace | Health

Bees may struggle in winds caused by global warming, study finds

  2020-02-18 in The Guardian

Experiment revealed increased wind speeds reduced the efficiency of their foraging

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Bumblebees' decline points to mass extinction – study

  2020-02-06 in The Guardian

Populations disappearing in areas where temperatures are getting hotter, scientists say

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Insects | Insect Populations | Extinction

Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?

  2020-01-29 in The Guardian

A glass of dairy milk produces almost three times more greenhouse gas than any plant-based milk. But vegan options have drawbacks of their own

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Bees | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Immediate, science-based community action can stop insect decline

  2020-01-06 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

This year, German environmentalists collected 1.75 million signatures for a 'save the bees' law requiring an immediate transition toward organic farming. But to create healthy ecosystems worldwide, people in communities across the globe will need to take similar action based on empathy for insects—and not only for bees and butterflies—according to entomologists Yves Basset from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Greg Lamarre from the University of South Bohemia, writing in Science. The authors present immediate, science-based actions to mitigate insect decline.

  Tagged under: Farming | Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects | Health

Widespread losses of pollinating insects revealed across Britain

  2019-03-26 in The Guardian

Wild bees and hoverflies lost from a quarter of the places they were found in 1980, study shows

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

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