The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: WIRED Magazine


Articles from this source (23)

How Much Energy Would It Take to Pull Carbon Dioxide out of the Air? | WIRED

  2024-06-06 by in WIRED Magazine

A physicist runs the math on direct air capture and warns: This tech won't save us from climate catastrophe.

Rampant Wildfires Are Threatening a Collapse of the Amazon Rainforest

  2024-03-09 in WIRED Magazine

Rainforests in South America are burning this year faster than ever before, setting the course for a collapse of the Amazon in the coming decades.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Amazon Rainforest | Wildfires

The US Buried Nuclear Waste Abroad. Climate Change Could Unearth It

  2024-03-02 in WIRED Magazine

A new report says melting ice sheets and rising seas could disturb waste from US nuclear projects in Greenland and the Marshall Islands.

  Tagged under: Pollution | Sea Level | Greenland | Ice Melting | Nuclear Power

The World’s Essential Aquifers Are in Deep Trouble

  2024-01-24 in WIRED Magazine

New research finds that the groundwater systems that hydrate your life are in rapid, sometimes accelerating decline around the globe. Here’s how to stop the retreat.

Can Rock Dust Soak Up Carbon Emissions? A Giant Experiment Is Set to Find Out

  2023-12-08 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

This Brutal Summer in 10 Alarming Maps and Graphs

  2023-08-30 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

Antarctic Sea Ice Is at Record Lows. Is It an Alarming Shift?

  2023-05-28 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Antarctic

Alt-Meat Trounces Animal Meat's Massive Inefficiencies

  2023-05-13 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

An Ominous Heating Event Is Unfolding in the Oceans

  2023-04-30 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Oceans

The Quest to Defuse Guyana’s Carbon Bomb

  2022-12-25 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

El Niño Is Coming—and the World Isn’t Prepared

  2022-12-24 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: El Niño

These Giant Copper Orbs Show Just How Much Metal Comes From a Mine

  2022-10-24 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Copper

Pakistan’s ‘Monster Monsoon’ Shows the Wrath of Climate Change

  2022-09-03 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Nuclear Power Plants Are Struggling to Stay Cool

  2022-07-25 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

Humanity Has Turned Land Itself Into a Menace

  2022-01-20 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

At the End of the World, It’s Hyperobjects All the Way Down

  2021-11-16 in WIRED Magazine

Do you feel lost? Alone? Powerless in the face of forces beyond your control? Timothy Morton can help—if you’re ready to have your reality blown apart.

Cars Are Going Electric. What Happens to the Used Batteries?

  2021-11-03 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Batteries | Electric Cars | Cars

Alternatives to Cobalt, the Blood Diamond of Batteries

  2021-04-22 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Batteries | Cobalt

Did QuantumScape Just Solve a 40-Year-Old Battery Problem?

  2021-04-14 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Batteries

How Steel Might Finally Kick Its Coal Habit

  2021-02-10 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Coal

Opinion: The Global South Is Redefining Tech Innovation

  2019-11-14 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Innovation

How the Climate Crisis Is Killing Us, in 9 Alarming Charts

  2019-11-14 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

Companies Expect Climate Change to Cost Them $1 Trillion in 5 Years

  2019-09-27 (or before) in WIRED Magazine

  Tagged under: Climate Change

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