The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News


Articles from this source (24)

Baseload Power Doesn’t Make Sense Anymore - CleanTechnica

  2024-03-15 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Baseload power is getting obsolete because it is inflexible. There is no need to try to save it. Solar, wind, and batteries are better.

Fish To Frolic Among Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - CleanTechnica

  2024-03-08 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

A new offshore wind farm will host an aquaculture pilot project, featuring Hexicon's unique two-headed floating turbines.

  Tagged under: Farming | Wind Power | Fish

Air Pollution Hides Increases in Rainfall - CleanTechnica

  2024-02-26 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

how aerosol and greenhouse gas emissions influence extreme rainfall across the seasons. Greenhouse gases largely increase rainfall

Bill McKibben On Global Heating, Capitalism, Insurance, And Social Friction - CleanTechnica

  2024-01-13 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Bill McKibben is musing about what happens to the global economy as insurance companies decline to offer coverage in some areas.

  Tagged under: Economics | Insurance | Capitalism

20,000 Communities Demand Local Wind Turbines

  2023-09-07 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Octopus Energy has assembled an army of 20,000 communities clamoring for local wind turbines and cheap electricity.

  Tagged under: Wind Power | Electricity

Solar Up 20X, Fossil Fuel Use Down In California

  2023-08-22 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

California’s been getting a lot of bad press lately. There seems like an endless supply of videos on social media of robberies and shoplifting incidents, some committed in broad daylight. Housing shortages and homelessness, high interest rates, and even bad environmental stories flow out of the state as fast as residents supposedly do to other […]

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Housing | California

US Goes Bonkers Over Floating Solar Power Plants

  2023-06-15 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

The Garden State is emerging as a floating solar powerhouse, and there's plenty more where that came from.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Google Installing 500 Megawatts of Solar for Environmental Justice

  2023-05-18 by Zachary Shahan in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Solar power is not just for rich people, but it’s not free and you typically need to show a decent credit score to finance it. As with many things in life, the less wealthy people in society are left behind a bit as we transition into this cleaner, more financially sensible (in the long term) […]

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Finance

E-Fuels, Renewable Natural Gas, & Carbon Capture Are Deep Fakes

  2023-05-12 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

E-fuels, renewable natural gas, carbon capture -- fossil fuel companies will stop at nothing to protect their business model.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Capture and Storage

BYD Unleashes The Seagull In China — And It’s Cheaper Than A Petrol-Powered Honda Fit!

  2023-04-29 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Earlier this month, BYD launched the updated Qin Plus EV. It comes with a high-efficiency heat pump as standard. The electric motor has been upgraded to 150 kW. So, you can get a full BEV with a heat pump, with a 150 kW motor, and with a 57.6 kWh Blade battery for just $20,350 in […]

Chinese Researchers Announce 711 Wh/kg Lithium Battery

  2023-04-25 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Researchers in China report they have created a lithium-ion battery with an energy density of more the 700 Wh/kg. Wow!

  Tagged under: Lithium

Canada’s Oil Pipeline To Nowhere Tripling Costs Could Have Built HVDC Across The Country

  2023-03-13 by Michael Barnard in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

The Trans Mountain Pipeline was a bad idea from the start. Dropping federal opposition to it in 2016 to bring in the carbon tax was a good choice. Everything after that has been and will continue to be a spiral into the abyss.

Switching The World To Renewable Energy Will Cost $62 Trillion, But The Payback Would Take Just 6 Years

  2022-09-06 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Mark Jacobson and his team have published a renewable energy study in which they argue the payback time is just 6 years.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Transition One Will Convert Your Old Gasmobile To Electric Power In About 4 Hours - CleanTechnica

  2022-02-16 (or before) in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

What My Tesla Model Y Taught Me This Week

  2022-02-06 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

During my first real road trip with my Model Y, I learned a lot of cool stuff.

  Tagged under: Tesla

Nissan Teases Teeny, Tiny Micra EV, & A Solid-State Battery Plan, Too

  2022-01-31 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Nissan relaunches a 100% electric version of its Micra subcompact, and a low cost, long range solid-state battery could be in the works, eventually.

  Tagged under: Batteries

GM Blows Past Biden Renewable Energy Goals With 100% By 2025

  2021-09-30 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

GM unleashes its latest renewable energy announcement just in time to pressure Congress on climate action.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Joe Biden | US Politics

Moving from Pain to Gain on Climate Solutions

  2021-09-16 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

In a new opinion piece by Sam Butler-Sloss and published by Carbon Tracker, the case is made for reframing the narrative around climate change action. To proposal is to move from pain to gain at COP26. First, the author asks, “How can we bring forward this great wave of innovation and wealth generation to avoid […]

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change

US Dept. Of Energy Drops $52.5 Million Green Hydrogen Bomb On Natural Gas Lobby

  2021-07-08 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Natural gas stakeholders will have to fight for an ever-shrinking piece of the hydrogen pie as the Biden administration ramps up its green hydrogen commitment.

  Tagged under: Hydrogen | Joe Biden

What Would Planting 100 Million Trees Per Week Do In 5, 50, & 500 Years?

  2021-02-16 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

A trillion trees, low-tillage agriculture, and a sustainable economy would mean that in about 500 years we would have the level of CO2 about where we want to keep it, probably around 300 ppm.

  Tagged under: Trees | Economics

Mediocrity Is The Enemy Of The Solution

  2020-12-16 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Do leaders have a clear understanding of what the problems are and the technologies we need to eliminate emissions? We think the answer to both questions is no.

New Solar Power Breakthrough From Maker Of Things That Make Solar Cells

  2020-07-01 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Solar power is getting yet another breakthrough makeover, this time from Meyer Burger, the company that gave us low cost, high efficiency PERC technology.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Innovation

The Short List Of Climate Actions That Will Work

  2019-09-29 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

The following are the climate change solutions or approaches that I see from my investigations and discussions as gaining consensus and consilience on their viabiilty. It's not the how, but the what.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Banks Funneled $1.9 Trillion Into Fossil Fuels Since Paris Agreement

  2019-03-22 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

A new report published this week shows that 33 global banks provided $1.9 trillion to fossil fuel companies since the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement at the end of 2015 and that the amount of fossil fuel financing has increased in each of the past two years. 

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

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