The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Economics

Featured Articles:

Revising the cost of climate change  — Harvard Gazette

  2024-08-26 by in Harvard Gazette

New study of economic toll yields projections "six times larger than previous estimates."

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Unpriced Environmental Costs: The Top Externalities of the Global Market

  2024-08-07 (or before) in S&P Global S&P Global

The world’s publicly listed companies depend on natural capital for their operations yet cause trillions of dollars in environmental costs that are not accounted for each year.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Major energy companies conceal 47% of biodiversity damage, according to research

  2024-08-02 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

A study by the UPV/EHU's Research Group on Circular Economy, Business Performance and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals reveals that energy companies conceal 47% of the damage wrought on biodiversity as a result of their activity. The study is published in the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

  Tagged under: Sustainable Development Goals | Sustainable Development | Disinformation and Misinformation | Energy | Economics

Valuing What Counts: Framework to Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product

  2023-06-06 (or before) in LinkedIn

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most widely used benchmark to measure a countrys economic progress and the value of the goods and services it produces.

GDP also reflects a harmful anachronism at the heart of global policymaking:our economic models and measurements overlook many aspects that sustain life and contribute to human well-being, while perversely placing disproportionate value on activities that deplete the planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics

  2023-02-19 (or before) in YouTube

In this feature-length documentary, Marilyn Waring demystifies the language of economics by defining it as a value system in which all goods and activities are related only to their monetary value. As a result, unpaid work (usually performed by women) is unrecognized while activities that may be environmentally and socially detrimental are deemed productive. Waring maps out an alternative vision based on the idea of time as the new currency.

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | Economics

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DICE: A fundamentally flawed model

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William Nordhaus won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for a model designed to assess the economic consequences of climate change. But it is fundamentally unreliable, say leading economists.

  Tagged under: Economics

Revising the cost of climate change  — Harvard Gazette

  2024-08-26 by in Harvard Gazette

New study of economic toll yields projections "six times larger than previous estimates."

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Unpriced Environmental Costs: The Top Externalities of the Global Market

  2024-08-07 (or before) in S&P Global S&P Global

The world’s publicly listed companies depend on natural capital for their operations yet cause trillions of dollars in environmental costs that are not accounted for each year.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

How unpriced environmental costs exceed profits at a quarter of top corporates

  2024-08-06 in Business Green

New S&P report attempts to put a price on the environmental externalities that continue to fuel market failures around the world - and reaches some sobering conclusions

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Major energy companies conceal 47% of biodiversity damage, according to research

  2024-08-02 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

A study by the UPV/EHU's Research Group on Circular Economy, Business Performance and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals reveals that energy companies conceal 47% of the damage wrought on biodiversity as a result of their activity. The study is published in the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

  Tagged under: Sustainable Development Goals | Sustainable Development | Disinformation and Misinformation | Energy | Economics

Pothole Economics: The Disastrous Saboteurs of Our Future

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For the past forty-plus years, Republicans — just like dysfunctional HOAs — have been stealing from America’s future…

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Climate inflation is eating your paycheck — and it’s only going to get worse 

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Climate inflation is a big problem; it is ongoing, growing and permanent because our weather is on track to get far more violent and costly.

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London Stock Exchange: $7.2tr green economy outpaced only by tech sector over past decade

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Green economy is the second best-performing industry globally over the last 10 years, new London Stock Exchange Group report claims

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Growth is enriching an elite and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights | Olivier De Schutter

  2024-07-02 in The Guardian

Economic growth allows the few to grow ever-wealthier. Ending poverty and environmental catastrophe demands fresh thinking

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Germany’s top climate envoy says ‘this is the critical decade’ after Dutton ditches 2030 target

  2024-06-14 in The Guardian

Representative from Europe’s biggest economy and key player in global climate talks says deep emissions cuts by 2030 ‘essential’ to limit climate heating to 1.5C

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Colonial erasures in gender and climate change solutions

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Extractive economic growth fundamentally contradicts the goals of socioecological sustainability and social justice.

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The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature

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Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals.

  Tagged under: Economics

How expensive the climate change is ? - interview with prof. Anders Levermann

  2024-05-13 (or before) in YouTube

The recent research published in Nature revealed that climate change can cost the world even 19% of income cut till 2049. But those are rather conservative e...

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Economics

UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet

  2024-05-07 in The Guardian

Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

  Tagged under: Economics

Long-term macroeconomic effects of climate change: A cross-country analysis

  2024-05-03 (or before) in

We study the long-term impact of climate change on economic activity across countries, using a stochastic growth model where productivity is affected …

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate Econometrics: Can the Panel Approach Account for Long‐Run Adaptation?

  2024-05-03 (or before) in Wiley Online Library

The panel approach with fixed effects and nonlinear weather effects has become a popular method to uncover weather impacts on economic outcomes, but its ability to capture long-run climatic adaptat...

  Tagged under: Economics

Assessing the Materiality of Nature-Related Financial Risks for the UK

  2024-04-25 (or before) in

Nature degradation could cause a 12% loss to UK GDP - First-of-its-kind analysis quantifies the impact that nature degradation, both domestically and internationally, could have on the UK’s economy and financial sector.

  Tagged under: Economics

Nobel Prize-winning economist calls for climate tax on billionaires

  2024-04-24 by in HEATED | Emily Atkin | Substack

And she called for the money to be sent directly to the world's most climate-vulnerable people.

  Tagged under: Economics

Steve Keen explains: Everything wrong with Neoclassical climate economics

  2024-04-18 (or before) in YouTube

Steve Keen Joins us at the University of Sussex to talk about the flaws of Neoclassical climate economics.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

What could go wrong? How $38tr in climate damages could knock a fifth off global income

  2024-04-17 in Business Green

Major new analysis from the Potsdam Institute warns climate impacts through to 2050 could do significantly more economic damage than previously expected

  Tagged under: Economics

The economic commitment of climate change - Nature

  2024-04-17 in Nature

Analysis of projected sub-national damages from temperature and precipitation show an income reduction of 19% of the world economy within the next 26 years independent of future emission choices.

  Tagged under: Economics

World Bank must take ‘quantum leap’ to tackle climate crisis, UN expert says

  2024-04-10 in The Guardian

Simon Stiell calls for reform at development banks to enable governments to provide more climate finance to developing world

  Tagged under: Economics

Kicking the Thames can down the river – the cost to the environment, to the economy and to the rest of the industry - Dieter Helm

  2024-04-05 by in Dieter Helm

Failure to bring in special administration now to address Thames Water's problems has wider implications for the economy and the environment.

  Tagged under: Economics

Against free trade: Neoclassical and steady-state perspectives - Journal of Evolutionary Economics

  2024-04-04 (or before) in Springer Verlag

The author argues against free trade as a “default position” for international trade. He shows that arguments for free trade based on comparative advantage do not hold in reality. First, free trade makes cost-internalization for single countries difficult leading to standard-lowering competition and misallocation. Second, the international mobility of capital leads to absolute rather than comparative advantage for single countries, thus leading to maldistribution. Finally, the ecological basis seriously limits the scope for catching-up. Priority should be given alternatively to domestic production of a steady-state t...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

(PDF) The Trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration

  2024-04-01 (or before) in ResearchGate

PDF | The ‘Great Acceleration’ graphs, originally published in 2004 to show socio-economic and Earth System trends from 1750 to 2000, have now been... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  Tagged under: Economics

Energy and the U.S. Economy: A Biophysical Perspective | Science

  2024-04-01 (or before) in Science | AAAS

A series of hypotheses is presented about the relation of national energy use to national economic activity (both time series and cross-sectional) which offer a different perspective from standard economics for the assessment of historical and ...

  Tagged under: Economics

In Defense of a Steady‐State Economy

  2024-04-01 (or before) in Wiley Online Library

  Tagged under: Economics

The Economics of Climate Change: What Universities Won't Teach College Students

  2024-03-20 (or before) in

Americans, especially students, are being whipped into a panic over the allegedly existential threat of climate change. Yet the actual research, summarized in the UN’s own periodic reports and in the research of a Nobel laureate in the field, shows that at best only a modest “leaning against the wind” could be justified according to standard economic science.

  Tagged under: Economics

Over 50 experts tell Bank of England: push forward with climate work

  2024-03-18 in Positive Money - Making money and banking work for society

LONDON, 18th March 2024 – Today over 50 leading economists and civil society voices have written to Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, calling for the Bank to step up its work to align the financial sector with climate goals as a matter of urgency.  Marking Bailey’s fourth anniversary as governor of the […]

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Rethinking Economics or Rethinking My Economics by Angus Deaton

  2024-03-14 (or before) in International Monetary Fund

Questioning one’s views as circumstances evolve can be a good thing

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Jerome Powell just revealed a hidden reason why inflation is staying high: The economy is increasingly uninsurable

  2024-03-12 in Fortune

Housing and auto insurance costs are soaring because of climate change and more expensive car parts, says Fed Chairman Jerome Powell.

  Tagged under: USA | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Insurance

Why the world cannot afford the rich

  2024-03-12 in Nature

Equality is essential for sustainability. The science is clear — people in more-equal societies are more trusting and more likely to protect the environment than are those in unequal, consumer-driven ones. Equality is essential for sustainability. The science is clear — people in more-equal societies are more trusting and more likely to protect the environment than are those in unequal, consumer-driven ones.

  Tagged under: Economics | Consumption | Capitalism | Sustainability

Food Supplies Threatened in Southern Africa After Driest February on Record - Bloomberg

  2024-03-08 in Bloomberg

Zambia has declared protracted dry spell a national disaster as price of staple food surges.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Drought | Agriculture | Zimbabwe | Africa | Economics

Measuring the Doughnut: A good life for all is possible within planetary boundaries

  2024-03-05 (or before) in

Humanity is continuing a path towards ecological instability. While resource consumption is unprecedented, significant parts of the human population a…

  Tagged under: Climate Justice | Economics | Doughnut Economics

Financial toll of climate crisis hitting women harder, UN says

  2024-03-05 in The Guardian

Rural households led by women lose about 8% more income to heat stress than male-led families, data shows

  Tagged under: Extreme Heat | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Women and Children

How to 'decouple' emissions from economic growth? These economists say you can't.

  2024-03-04 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

At least, not fast enough to reach international climate targets.

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics

Global Resources Outlook press statement by UNEP Executive Director

  2024-03-02 (or before) in UN Environment Programme

UNEP Executive Director, Inger Andersen, speaks at the launch of Global Resources Outlook 2024, highlighting the urgent need to address the triple planetary crisis through sustainable resource management and circular economy models. She emphasizes the benefits of decoupling economic growth from resource use and environmental impacts. The report outlines actionable steps for achieving this goal, urging strong resolutions at the UNEA-6.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth


  2024-03-01 in Collapse 2050

Let's collectively wind down what we all know is a waste of our lives. After all, 10 years of real living beats 30 years of pointless monotony.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Economics

Energy Costs: The Price Of Power - Master Investor

  2024-02-23 in Master Investor

Countries with lower energy costs are more competitive, says Victor Hill.

  Tagged under: Economics

The solar panel theory of socioeconomic unfairness

  2024-02-22 in Business Green

Terry Pratchett's famous economic theory tells us a lot about the urgent need for a net zero transition where the costs and benefits are fairly distributed right across the income scale

  Tagged under: Economics | Solar Energy | Net Zero

Land, Water, Air and Freedom

  2024-02-12 (or before) in

‘Land, Water, Air and Freedom is a tour de force, deftly weaving together insights from decades of research on ecological distribution conflicts and the global environmental justice movement. Spanning an impressive range of regions and issues, Professor Martínez-Alier's inspiring research sheds light on the complex power relations and socio-ecological processes surrounding environmental justice struggles. This vital book challenges dominant economic paradigms, identifies alternative pathways toward wellbeing, sustainability, and justice, and offers important tools for activism.’ – Alice Mah, University o...

  Tagged under: Economics | Activism | Sustainability

Approaching the Energy Cliff

  2024-02-07 by in resilience

The longer we wait to act, the higher the cliff, the more painful the landing, and the more difficult the transition to a steady state economy.

  Tagged under: Economics

To get to net zero, we may have to sell off the UK’s future

  2024-01-27 in The Guardian

The cost of decarbonising is vast. Something like the privatisations of the 80s may be needed to raise enough funds

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Economics

World scientists’ warning: The behavioural crisis driving ecological overshoot - Joseph J Merz, Phoebe Barnard, William E Rees, Dane Smith, Mat Maroni, Christopher J Rhodes, Julia H Dederer, Nandita Bajaj, Michael K Joy, Thomas Wiedmann, Rory Sutherland, 2023

  2024-01-18 (or before) in Sage Journals

Previously, anthropogenic ecological overshoot has been identified as a fundamental cause of the myriad symptoms we see around the globe today from biodiversity...

  Tagged under: Economics

‘Cheaper to save the world than destroy it’: why capitalism is going green

  2024-01-15 in The Guardian

Akshat Rathi argues that around the world economies are switching to clean technology as prices drop

  Tagged under: Economics | Electric Cars | Capitalism | Cars | India

Bill McKibben On Global Heating, Capitalism, Insurance, And Social Friction - CleanTechnica

  2024-01-13 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Bill McKibben is musing about what happens to the global economy as insurance companies decline to offer coverage in some areas.

  Tagged under: Economics | Insurance | Capitalism

‘We can’t pretend the ecological crisis is separate’: the economist thinking differently about climate breakdown

  2024-01-10 in The Guardian

James Meadway, once a Labour adviser and now a podcast host, says the separation between climate and economy has to end

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Finance

James Robertson obituary

  2023-12-06 in The Guardian

Writer, thinker and champion of green economics, monetary reform and new ways of looking at employment

  Tagged under: Economics

Mandela's granddaughter slams 'climate apartheid'

  2023-12-04 (or before) in The BBC

Social activist Ndileka Mandela says "the global north is using economic and legal power to subjugate poor nations".

  Tagged under: Economics | Activism

Capitalogenic disease: social determinants in focus

  2023-12-01 in BMJ Global Health

Scholarship on the social determinants of health and disease has become firmly established over the past several decades. This school of thought has created space for academics and health professionals to consider the structural factors that may produce ill health, generate health inequalities and prevent access to healthcare or other goods and services necessary for human welfare.1 Research on social determinants has been developed through attention to ‘structural violence’,2 ‘commercial determinants’3 and the ‘causes of the causes’ of disease.4 These are useful analytical developments. But ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Ending extreme poverty has a negligible impact on global greenhouse gas emissions - Nature

  2023-11-29 in Nature

Global emissions associated with the economic growth needed to alleviate extreme poverty are limited.

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate crisis and energy costs fuel £600 rise in UK household food bill, analysis finds

  2023-11-27 in The Guardian

Extreme weather contributing one-third of all food price inflation with worse to come in 2024, warn climate researchers

  Tagged under: Economics

UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds

  2023-11-27 in The Guardian

Inequalities of income, wealth and power cost UK £106.2bn a year compared with average developed OECD country

  Tagged under: Health | Economics

Giant batteries drain economics of gas power plants

  2023-11-21 in Yahoo

Giant batteries that ensure stable power supply by offsetting intermittent renewable supplies are becoming cheap enough to make developers abandon scores of projects for gas-fired generation world-wide. The long-term economics of gas-fired plants, used in Europe and some parts of the United States primarily to compensate for the intermittent nature of wind and solar power, are changing quickly, according to Reuters' interviews with more than a dozen power plant developers, project finance bankers, analysts and consultants. They said some battery operators are already supplying back-up power to grids at a price competitive with...

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Economics | Wind Power | Electricity Grid | Finance

Homo economicus - Wikipedia

  2023-11-20 (or before) in Wikipedia

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate change models based on grossly wrong interpretation of economic stakes

  2023-11-19 by in Irish Examiner

  Tagged under: Economics

Fed Chair Powell is ignoring the greatest threat to our economy: climate risk

  2023-11-17 in The Hill

Given that there is no bigger threat to the stability of our economy than climate change, we hoped he would address our concerns. 

  Tagged under: Economics

Maria Powell: Madison's long history of racist planning and development

  2023-11-14 (or before) by in The Capital Times: Madison WI News

Flying in the face of its stated commitment to racial equity and social justice, Madison is as racist and classist as less “progressive” cities — and when it comes to

  Tagged under: Economics | Housing | Finance

NuScale Cancels Small Nuclear Reactor Power Plant in Utah as Costs Climb - Bloomberg

  2023-11-10 (or before) in Bloomberg

NuScale Power Corp., the first company with US approval for a small nuclear reactor design, is canceling plans to build a power plant for a Utah provider as costs surge. The move is a major setback to the burgeoning technology that has been heralded as the next era for atomic energy.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Economics

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

  2023-11-03 (or before) in Taxation and Customs Union - EU

The CBAM will initially apply to imports of certain goods and selected precursors whose production is carbon intensive and at most significant risk of carbon leakage: cement, iron and steel, aluminium, fertilisers, electricity and hydrogen.

  Tagged under: Economics

Loading the DICE Against Pensions - Carbon Tracker Initiative

  2023-10-30 (or before) in Carbon Tracker Initiative

Pension funds are risking the retirement savings of millions of people by relying on economic research...

  Tagged under: Economics

When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics

  2023-10-29 by in The Intercept

How an elite clique of math-addled economists hijacked climate policy.

  Tagged under: Economics

Slow solutions to fast-moving ecological crises won’t work – changing basic human behaviours must come first

  2023-10-18 by in The Conversation

Ecological overshoot is driven by human consumption and a belief in endless economic growth. Could the marketing and media industries that feed those habits also help change them?

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

How Climate Change Affects Water Markets Globally

  2023-10-18 in Bloomberg

More extreme weather is reshaping the availability of water, a commodity embedded in almost every product bought and sold in international markets

  Tagged under: Drought | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Water Resources | Rivers

As climate risks mount, the insurance safety net is collapsing

  2023-10-10 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Natural disasters now cost the U.S. insurance industry $100 billion a year. What happens when no one wants to pick up the tab?

  Tagged under: Economics | Insurance | Collapse

a world safe for spending

  2023-10-06 in Tanja Sail

The IMF’s key argument is that greater spending will not generate greater growth. This kind of macroeconomics is no fun because there’s no reason it needs to be true.

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | Economics

Inconsistent definitions of GDP: Implications for estimates of decoupling

  2023-10-04 (or before) in

Efforts to assess the possibilities for decoupling economic growth from resource use and negative environmental impacts have examined their historical…

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Have some economists severely underestimated the financial hit from climate change? Recent evidence suggests yes

  2023-10-03 by in The Conversation

When economists model climate impacts, they look to what past weather shocks have done to the economy. But this does not remotely capture what climate change could do.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Carbon Capture and Storage

Ecological Macroeconomics | Book chapter by Peter Victor in Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics

  2023-09-28 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

This account of ecological macroeconomics begins with its origins, including the development of some of its defining components by key contributors, followed by an overview of recent research in ec…

  Tagged under: Economics

‘Staggering’ green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief

  2023-09-26 in The Guardian

IEA’s Fatih Birol says uptake of solar power and EVs is in line with net zero goal but rich countries must hasten their broader plans

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Electric Cars | EVs | Net Zero | Cars

To grow the economy in a way that benefits people and the planet, politicians must think outside the box | Mariana Mazzucato

  2023-09-18 in The Guardian

We rely on too many old ideas. Governments must foster growth that is innovative and sustainable, says economist Mariana Mazzucato

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Innovation

What is GDP and how is it measured? - BBC News

  2023-09-17 (or before) in The BBC

A basic guide to how the economy is measured and why that calculation matters.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

World Bank spent billions of dollars backing fossil fuels in 2022, study finds

  2023-09-12 in The Guardian

Campaigners estimate about $3.7bn in trade finance was supplied to oil and gas projects despite bank’s green pledges

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels | Finance

Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries

  2023-09-05 (or before) in The Lancet

The decoupling rates achieved in high-income countries are inadequate for meeting the climate and equity commitments of the Paris Agreement and cannot legitimately be considered green. If green is to be consistent with the Paris Agreement, then high-income countries have not achieved green growth, and are very unlikely to be able to achieve it in the future. To achieve Paris-compliant emission reductions, high-income countries will need to pursue post-growth demand-reduction strategies, reorienting the economy towards sufficiency, equity, and human wellbeing, while also accelerating technological change and efficiency improvemen...

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | The Paris Agreement | GDP | CO2 | Economic Growth

Buckle Up. Climate Change Could Destroy Half Our Economies

  2023-09-04 in The Issue

I’m Umair Haque, and this is The Issue: an independent, nonpartisan, subscriber-supported publication. Our job is to give you the freshest, deepest, no-holds-barred insight about the biggest issues—the ones that matter most. New here? Get the Issue in your inbox daily. Today's Read: 11 Minutes. 💡Authoritative New Research

  Tagged under: Economics

Hockey sticks of prosperity and doom

  2023-09-03 by in Collaborative data platform and canvas | Observable

<span style="color:#3f6bee">Socio-economic</span> trends vs <span style="color:#e61f00">Earth system</span> trends between 1750 and 2010 The other week I made some charts for The Polycrisis newsletter. They were for a piece written by Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp on understanding globalization through hockey sticks and crosses. The hockey sticks represent inexorable growth. The crosses represent distributional conflicts. The centrepiece of all these charts was a simple reproduction of a chart appearing i

  Tagged under: Economics

Income-based U.S. household carbon footprints (1990–2019) offer new insights on emissions inequality and climate finance

  2023-08-30 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Current policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase adaptation and mitigation funding are insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. It is clear that further action is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and achieve a just climate future. Here, we offer a new perspective on emissions responsibility and climate finance by conducting an environmentally extended input output analysis that links 30 years (1990–2019) of United States (U.S.) household-level income data to the emissions generated in creating that income. To do this we draw on over 2.8 billion inter-sectoral tran...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Health | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change Mitigation | Finance

The true cost of climate pollution? 44% of corporate profits.

  2023-08-28 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Yet governments are still pouring $7 trillion into subsidies for fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels

New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power – pv magazine International

  2023-08-23 (or before) in pv magazine International

In a recent study, researchers from the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) questioned the planned development of new nuclear capacities in the energy strategies of the United States and certain European countries.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Nuclear Power | Economics

Critics of ‘degrowth’ economics say it’s unworkable – but from an ecologist's perspective, it’s inevitable

  2023-08-16 by in The Conversation

Access to fossil fuels allowed humanity to overshoot Earth’s biophysical limits. The crises we now face are all symptoms of this overshoot, and the only fix is to cut our demands on the biosphere.

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics | Fossil Fuels

The Collapse of Civilization in Southern Mesopotamia - Cliometrica

  2023-08-15 (or before) in Springer Verlag

In the late ninth century, rural settlement, agriculture, and urbanization all collapsed in southern Mesopotamia. We first document this collapse using newly digitized archaeological data. We then present a model of hydraulic society that highlights the collapse of state capacity as a proximate cause of the collapse of the economy and a shortened horizon of the ruler as a potential driver of the timing of the collapse. Using cross sections of tax collection data for 27 districts in southern Mesopotamia in 812, 846, and 918, we verify that the proximate cause of the crisis was the collapse in state capacity, which meant that the ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Collapse

Shades of green growth scepticism among climate policy researchers - Nature Sustainability

  2023-08-07 in Nature

The idea that technology and green growth strategies can sufficiently decouple economic growth from associated environmental impacts has both supporters and opposers. This study presents the views of climate policy researchers from 73 countries on different growth models, including green growth, agrowth and degrowth.

  Tagged under: Economics

We must talk more about costs in any debate about the environment

  2023-08-07 (or before) by in The Times & The Sunday Times

As Oscar Wilde wrote, a cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. We all instinctively get the sort of character described her

  Tagged under: Economics

We bailed out the banks but we’re not prepared to bail out the planet | Larry Elliott

  2023-07-30 in The Guardian

US and UK must use financial firepower of the state to put economies on a saner course

  Tagged under: Economics | Joe Biden | US Politics

IMF increasingly worried about 'material' impact of climate change on economies | Reuters

  2023-07-28 (or before) in Reuters

The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday called for better coordinated efforts to address the causes of climate change, warning extreme weather is posing material risks to countries globally, especially developing economies already saddled with high debts.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Sustainability | Finance

Climate change threatens to cause the next economic mega-shock

  2023-07-20 in Chatham House

The stark disconnect between climate science and financial market sentiment will eventually end. It looks increasingly likely to be a sudden and painful adjustment.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Losing altitude

  2023-07-17 (or before) in New Economics Foundation

The economics of air transport in Great Britain

  Tagged under: Economics

Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom | by Caitlin Johnstone | Medium

  2023-07-13 (or before) in

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | Economics

The planet warms, the world economy cools – the real global recession is ecological | Larry Elliott

  2023-07-09 in The Guardian

Governments focus on the climate when they have few other economic worries. That can no longer be the case

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Economics | Fossil Fuels

Climate grief is real – and I cannot keep watching images of our dying planet | David Shearman

  2023-07-04 in The Guardian

Our leaders’ addiction to economic growth and its consumption of environmental resources has me paralysed with fear and solastalgia

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Financial models on climate risk ‘implausible’, say actuaries | Financial Times

  2023-07-04 in Financial Times

Lack of understanding of full economic damage caused by ‘hothouse’ conditions, report finds

  Tagged under: Economics

Weaponizing economics: Big Oil, economic consultants, and climate policy delay

  2023-07-04 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

The role of particular scientists in opposing policies to slow and halt global warming has been extensively documented. The role of economists, however, has received less attention. Here, I trace t...

  Tagged under: Economics

Canada Offers Lesson in the Economic Toll of Climate Change

  2023-07-03 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Wildfires

Did Hyman Minsky find the secret behind financial crashes? - BBC News

  2023-06-28 (or before) in BBC

The US economist Hyman Minsky grew up during the Great Depression, which shaped his views as he sought to explain how it had happened and how a repeat could be prevented.

  Tagged under: Economics

Study suggests 21st century economic growth will be slower than expected

  2023-06-25 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

The global economy will grow slower in the 21st century than economists have expected, a finding that has implications for our ability to adapt to climate change in the coming decades, according to new research.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth

From Davos to Reykjavík: decoupling wellbeing from growth | By Tim Jackson

  2023-06-22 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

In June this year, Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdóttir hosted the first Wellbeing Economy Forum in Reykjavík. Tim Jackson’s keynote there explored the relationship between the ‘wellbeing e…

  Tagged under: Economics

Loss of fossil fuel assets would not impoverish general public, study finds

  2023-06-22 in The Guardian

Research allays fears that rapid scaling back of production would hit people’s savings and pensions hard

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels

The climate crisis is this century’s biggest threat. We need a global finance pact that reflects the task ahead | Chris Bowen, Steven Guilbeault and James Shaw

  2023-06-22 in The Guardian

As climate change ministers, we urge multilateral banks to come together to help vulnerable nations, who face cascading challenges

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Finance

'Growth doom loop': Report warns under-investment will see UK lag behind in global race to net zero

  2023-06-20 in Business Green

Think tank IPPR warns UK is suffering from 'investment-phobia' and must move quickly to reap the economic benefits of the green transition

  Tagged under: Economics | Net Zero | Economic Growth

Nature at risk of breakdown if Cop15 pledges not met, world leaders warned

  2023-06-20 in The Guardian

Author of landmark UK review into the economic value of nature joins UN environment chief in calls for ‘action, not just words’ on biodiversity goals

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife

The planet’s economist: has Kate Raworth found a model for sustainable living?

  2023-06-08 in The Guardian

The long read: Her hit book Doughnut Economics laid out a path to a greener, more equal society. But can she turn her ideas into meaningful change?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Doughnut Economics

Valuing What Counts: Framework to Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product

  2023-06-06 (or before) in LinkedIn

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most widely used benchmark to measure a countrys economic progress and the value of the goods and services it produces.

GDP also reflects a harmful anachronism at the heart of global policymaking:our economic models and measurements overlook many aspects that sustain life and contribute to human well-being, while perversely placing disproportionate value on activities that deplete the planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Deloitte research reveals inaction on climate change could cost the world’s economy US$178 trillion by 2070 | Deloitte Middle East | Press release

  2023-05-30 (or before) in Deloitte UK | Audit, Consulting, Financial Advisory and Tax services

Deloitte’s Global Turning Point Report finds that unchecked climate change could cost the global economy US$178 trillion over the next 50 years, unless global leaders unite in a systemic net-zero transition

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Net Zero | Middle East

Why GDP doesn't work, and what Scotland should replace it with

  2023-05-29 (or before) in The National | Scottish News

LAST week the Beyond Growth Conference, the biggest European conference to discuss an alternative economic model, took place in Brussels. Over…

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

How much do fossil fuel companies owe in climate reparations?

  2023-05-25 (or before) in Quartz | Make business better

Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Chevron are the companies that owe the most for damages to the climate

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Chevron | Shell | Economics | Exxon | BP | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

Degrowth isn't the same as a recession – it's an alternative to growing the economy forever

  2023-05-23 by in The Conversation

Not only is degrowth is not the same as negative GDP growth, it is actually better for the planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | Degrowth | Economic Growth

El Nino on the way, could wipe out $3 trillion of world economy

  2023-05-23 (or before) in Business News - Read Latest Startup, Tech, Markets, Finance, Science News - Business Insider India

  Tagged under: Economics | Oceans | El Niño | India

A response to The Economist: Shut up and let me grow    – Timothée Parrique

  2023-05-22 (or before) in TimothŽe Parrique

  Tagged under: Economics

Meet the Money Behind The Climate Denial Movement

  2023-05-20 (or before) by in Smithsonian Magazine

Nearly a billion dollars a year is flowing into the organized climate change counter-movement

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Economics | Disinformation and Misinformation

Reflections on 'Beyond Growth' | Frankly #31

  2023-05-19 (or before) in YouTube

On this Frankly, Nate reflects on the Beyond Growth Conference held at the European Parliament, including the stunning public acknowledgement by EU President...

  Tagged under: Economics | Degrowth | Economic Growth

Once a fringe theory, "greedflation" gets its due

  2023-05-18 in Axios

  Tagged under: Economics

Lecture: Plenary 4 – Understanding the biophysical limits to growth to build an economy that respects planetary boundaries - Beyond Growth 2023 Conference

  2023-05-16 (or before) in 15-17 May 2023 - Beyond Growth 2023 Conference

  Tagged under: Economics

Economists without borders

  2023-05-13 (or before) in Frontpage - Economists without borders

  Tagged under: Economics

Wellbeing economy - Early Day Motions - UK Parliament

  2023-05-12 (or before) in

That this House welcomes the call made by President Michael D Higgins of Ireland on 28 April 2023 at a reception for the Think-Tank for Action on Social Change to look beyond the current obsession with economic growth and rebalance economy, ecology and ethics; notes that this call is well-aligned with the aims of the European Parliament’s examination of the Beyond Growth agenda; further notes that such a call has far-reaching implications for the teaching and practice of economics in which the obsession with perpetual growth has left society blinkered to the ecological catastrophe we now face; agrees with President Higgins...

  Tagged under: GDP | Economic Growth | Economics

Home Page

  2023-05-10 (or before) in New Climate Economy

The New Climate Economy Report shows how countries at all levels of income can achieve economic growth while combating climate change

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth

Our Global Voices

  2023-05-08 (or before) in Population Health | GirlPlanet.Earth

Women's global voices on planetary health, culture and personal choices

  Tagged under: Economics | Health | Women and Children

Revisiting the social cost of carbon | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2023-05-08 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is a central concept for understanding and implementing climate change policies. This term represents the economic ...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics


  2023-05-06 (or before) in Growth Kills

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | GDP | Economics

From Luddites to limits? Towards a systematization of growth critiques in historical perspective

  2023-05-06 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

While economic growth is still at the centre of politics around the world, driven by economic crises and ecological breakdown critiques of growth as well as calls for post-growth or degrowth are on...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Climate should be considered in ‘all economic planning’, says expert

  2023-04-30 in Channel 4

We were joined by Environmental Economist Dr Matthew Agarwala.

  Tagged under: Economics

President condemns ‘obsession’ with economic growth

  2023-04-30 (or before) in The Irish Times

In reception for think tank Tasc, Michael D Higgins condemned ‘neo-liberalism’ and urged country to ‘rebalance economy, ecology and ethics’

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

All that is unsavory about Holistic Management

  2023-04-22 in Racing to Extinction: Thoughts and (soon!) a book

Hiding behind his ecologist title, Allan Savory (founder of Holistic Management), states without evidence that his grazing scheme will save biodiversity while at the same time reversing desertification and even climate change. The theory of Holistic Management is to design livestock grazing systems to balance social, economic, and environmental considerations.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

What Would It Take to Defeat Big Oil? A Progressive Economist Weighs In.

  2023-04-19 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

To be successful, climate mitigation policies must not exacerbate global inequality, economist Gregor Semieniuk says.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change Mitigation

Drastic climate action is the best course for economic growth, new study finds » Yale Climate Connections

  2023-04-14 by in Yale Climate Connections

For decades, economists believed immediate action to fight climate change would decimate the economy, but a new study adds to a growing body of research showing that the economic benefits of climate action outweigh the costs.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth

Just how far is ‘beyond growth’ for policy makers?—Economics for Rebels podcast with Tim Jackson

  2023-04-14 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Ecological economists integrating ecological and critical social perspectives have long been working on ideas to bring about just sustainability transformations. This podcast aims at communicating …

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Sustainability

Rise of the Climate Rating Agencies

  2023-04-12 by in The American Prospect

Government and the private sector rely increasingly on risk-modeling firms that claim they can zero in on exposure to climate change.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | US Politics

Five Times Faster by Simon Sharpe review – a radical but realistic path to net zero emissions

  2023-04-09 in The Guardian

A former civil servant makes a persuasive case for dropping economy-wide emissions targets and focusing on tipping points where green technologies become affordable

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Net Zero | Tipping Points | Finance

Escape from Overshoot: Economics for a Planet in Peril | Book by Peter A. Victor

  2023-04-03 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Earth is in overshoot. The relentless pursuit of economic growth in the name of “progress” has stressed the planet beyond its limits. This richly illustrated book by CUSP co-investigato…

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Pacific trade deal ‘will make mockery of UK’s climate ambitions’

  2023-04-03 in The Guardian

CPTPP membership will result in more deforestation and endanger animal welfare, say campaigners

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Economics | Wildlife | Trees

UK natural capital - Office for National Statistics

  2023-03-31 (or before) in

Natural capital accounts for peatlands measures the ecosystem services which nature provides from this dramatic landscape, including water, carbon sequestration, food and recreation.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Love can radicalise our economy

  2023-03-28 (or before) in The Ecologist

Vivien Dinh speaks to Satish Kumar about his new book, 'Radical Love: From Separation to Connection with the Earth, Each Other, and Ourselves'.

  Tagged under: Economics

Shifting from Publications to Public Actions: Kent researchers win Sustainability in Higher Education award – School of Economics News

  2023-03-27 (or before) in Blogs at Kent- Showcasing groundbreaking work at Kent

  Tagged under: Economics | Sustainability

America’s Fossil Fuel Economy is Heading for Collapse – It Signals the End of the Oil Age

  2023-03-24 in Age of Transformation

US oil production is about to peak, but the world is unprepared for the tremendous economic and political consequences. The only path through is energy and economic transformation.

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels | Collapse

Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

  2023-03-22 (or before) in Annual Reviews

Despite three decades of political efforts and a wealth of research on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990. Exploring this rise through nine thematic lenses—covering issues of climate governance, the fossil fuel industry, geopolitics, economics, mitigation modeling, energy systems, inequity, lifestyles, and social imaginaries—draws out multifaceted reasons for our collective failure to bend the global emissions curve. However, a common thread that emerges across the reviewed literature is the cent...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change Mitigation | The Paris Agreement

New partnership launches AI-powered global climate law and policy database - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2023-03-20 (or before) in London School of Economics

The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, and Climate Policy Radar are delighted to announce a new partnership to offer upgraded open data resources on global climate laws, policies and legal cases. 

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth

  2023-03-19 (or before) in Society for Conservation Biology Journal

Abstract Increasing evidence—synthesized in this paper—shows that economic growth contributes to biodiversity loss via greater resource consumption and higher emissions. Nonetheless, a review of in...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Biodiversity Loss

GSI Seminar Series: Simon Sharpe Economics and Diplomacy of Climate Action

  2023-03-19 (or before) in YouTube

GSI Seminar Series: Simon Sharpe Economics and Diplomacy of Climate Action

  Tagged under: Economics

The COP28 Agenda is a Recipe for Economic Armageddon: An Open Letter to Sultan Al Jaber, President of COP28

  2023-03-15 (or before) by in Bylines Supplement

This open letter is co-published by Byline Supplement with the Age of Transformation, a newsletter by Nafeez Ahmed promoting systems-thinking for the ‘global phase-shift’.

  Tagged under: Economics | COP28

The Next Decade Will Be The Most Pivotal in History: This is the Global Phase-Shift

  2023-03-12 in Age of Transformation

Human civilisation is experiencing a Great Metamorphosis in which our energy, politics, economics, culture, values and worldviews are being completely rewritten.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Still Counting - BWB Bridget Williams Books

  2023-03-12 (or before) in

Leading feminist scholar Marilyn Waring provides an essential assessment of wellbeing economics – where progress is measured using a wider than usual set of economic indicators.

  Tagged under: Economics

Economic growth is fuelling climate change – a new book proposes 'degrowth communism' as the solution

  2023-03-03 by in The Conversation

What does Karl Marx have to say about climate change? Quite a lot, according to a new book.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Degrowth | Economic Growth

It’s high time to rethink how the World Bank operates

  2023-02-19 in The Guardian

Many believe there is little future in trying to tackle problems of the 2020s with institutions created in the 1940s

  Tagged under: Economics

Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics

  2023-02-19 (or before) in YouTube

In this feature-length documentary, Marilyn Waring demystifies the language of economics by defining it as a value system in which all goods and activities are related only to their monetary value. As a result, unpaid work (usually performed by women) is unrecognized while activities that may be environmentally and socially detrimental are deemed productive. Waring maps out an alternative vision based on the idea of time as the new currency.

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | Economics

Towards a Model of Baumol’s Cost Disease in a Postgrowth Economy | Working Paper

  2023-02-16 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

This working paper describes an extension of the stock-flow consistent FALSTAFF model to test the existence of a monetary growth imperative. The extension is designed to simulate the phenomenon kno…

  Tagged under: Economics

World Bank chief resigns after climate stance misstep

  2023-02-16 in The Guardian

David Malpass was criticised when he dodged question about fossil fuels’ link to climate crisis

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels

Scientists Issue “Warning to Humanity” that Tree Species Extinction Could Bring Economic as well as Ecosystem Crisis | Botanic Gardens Conservation International

  2023-02-10 (or before) by in Botanic Gardens Conservation International

Scientists who revealed ⅓ of tree species are facing extinction call on leaders to do more to protect threatened species, as new research reveals the impact of extinction on humanity and planet

  Tagged under: Economics | Extinction

Pursuing economic growth will kill us all in the end | Letter

  2023-02-02 in The Guardian

Letters: I risked prison to stand up against an system that will lead to ecological and societal collapse – we must look for alternative economic models, writes Zoe Cohen

  Tagged under: Activism | GDP | Economics | Economic Growth | Collapse

Post-growth transition, working time reduction, and the question of profits

  2023-01-30 (or before) in

The ecological macroeconomics literature has developed models, which outline the transition from today's growth-dependent economies to post-growth sys…

  Tagged under: Economics

The Mordor Economy | Frankly #23

  2023-01-28 (or before) in YouTube

This week, Nate walks through the path we are currently on en route to the Great Simplification - a path towards a “Mordor Economy”. Based on data from colle...

  Tagged under: Economics

Timothée Parrique: “Degrowth: Slow is the New Cool” | The Great Simplification #32

  2023-01-23 (or before) in YouTube

On this episode, we meet with social scientist and researcher at the School of Economics and Management of Lund University, Timothée Parrique.What is degrowt...

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics

Call for new taxes on super-rich after 1% pocket two-thirds of all new wealth

  2023-01-16 in The Guardian

$26tn of new wealth created since start of pandemic went to richest, Oxfam report reveals

  Tagged under: Economics

Without health there is no wealth. Why do so few governments understand this? | Tim Jackson

  2023-01-16 in The Guardian

Politicians are wrong to believe that we can only afford decent care in good economic times, says Tim Jackson of the University of Surrey

  Tagged under: Economics | Health

Limits to economic growth - Nature Physics

  2022-12-25 (or before) in Nature

Across the world, decisions on investment and policy are made under the assumption of continuous economic expansion. Fundamental physical limits may soon put an end to this phase of development, as foreshadowed by the 1972 report The Limits to Growth.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Climate Change and Economic Production by Country

  2022-12-23 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Prioritization of carceral spending in U.S. cities: Development of the Carceral Resource Index (CRI) and the role of race and income inequality

  2022-12-22 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Background Policing, corrections, and other carceral institutions are under scrutiny for driving health harms, while receiving disproportionate resources at the expense of prevention and other services. Amidst renewed interest in structural determinants of health, roles of race and class in shaping government investment priorities are poorly understood. Methods Based on the Social Conflict Model, we assessed relationships between city racial/ economic profiles measured by the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE) and budgetary priorities measured by the novel Carceral Resource Index (CRI), contrasting investments in car...

  Tagged under: Economics | Housing | Health

The global economic costs of climate change inaction

  2022-12-20 by in Oxford Economics

Quantifying the economic cost of climate change inaction becomes crucial, particularly in a rapidly warming planet. Read our latest article to learn more"

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help

  2022-12-15 (or before) in Nature

Wealthy countries can create prosperity while using less materials and energy if they abandon economic growth as an objective. Wealthy countries can create prosperity while using less materials and energy if they abandon economic growth as an objective.

  Tagged under: Economics | Degrowth | Economic Growth

Fueling Resistance

  2022-12-14 (or before) in MIT

In Fueling Resistance, Kate Neville dissects the processes, and political economy framework, of resistance to two different alternative fuel projects in two distinct and disparate locations. The comparison centers on resistance to a biofuel project in Kenya and a fracking project in the Yukon territory of Canada. The unwritten premise is that these two energy projects, and the subsequent resistance to them, may not have obvious similarities given their distinct characteristics and locations but in fact have several elements in common. Neville outlines how these cases can be viewed as similar and concludes that understanding the ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Colonialism | Rivers | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Wind Power | Health | Climate Justice | Food Production and Consumption | Finance | Biodiversity Loss

Sunak’s government ‘going backwards’ on green economy, says CBI

  2022-12-05 in The Guardian

Business bosses ‘confused and disappointed’ by PM’s lack of growth plan in face of recession

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak | Economics | Economic Growth

Sunak’s growth fetish is a problem: he’s heading for the same budget trap as Truss | Tim Jackson

  2022-11-16 in The Guardian

The siren call of climate-burning expansion bewitches British politics. More of the same will emerge in the autumn statement, says Tim Jackson, professor of sustainable development at the University of Surrey

  Tagged under: COP27 | Rishi Sunak | Economics | Economic Growth

I predicted the 2008 crash – these are the global 'megathreats' I can see now | Nouriel Roubini

  2022-11-05 in The Guardian

Life as we know it is under threat, as short-term-thinking politicians ignore the signs that point to a dystopian future, says Nouriel Roubini

  Tagged under: Predictions | Economics

European project to explore pathways towards post-growth economics

  2022-10-25 (or before) by in

The ERC is providing 10 million euros for an ICTA-UAB project that will study how to escape from a growth economy and ensure social welfare and...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Loss aversion

  2022-10-08 (or before) in

Definition of loss aversion, a central concept in prospect theory and behavioral economics.

  Tagged under: Economics

Are there limits to economic growth? It’s time to call time on a 50-year argument

  2022-10-06 (or before) in Nature

Researchers must try to resolve a dispute on the best way to use and care for Earth’s resources. Researchers must try to resolve a dispute on the best way to use and care for Earth’s resources.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

How to Save the Planet: Degrowth vs Green Growth?

  2022-09-05 (or before) in YouTube

As the climate crisis looms ever larger, a critical question has taken the stage: is economic growth incompatible with ecological sustainability? Green growt...

  Tagged under: Economics | Degrowth | Economic Growth | Sustainability

Analysis: New UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s Links to Climate Science Denial

  2022-09-05 by in DeSmog

Liz Truss was announced as the new leader of the Conservative Party today after riding to power with the support of libertarian groups opposed to climate action.  A vocal advocate of free-market economics, during her campaign Truss called solar farms on agricultural land “depressing” and on Sunday claimed “gas is a very important transition fuel” […]

  Tagged under: Economics

Lotka's wheel and the long arm of history: how does the distant past determine today's global rate of energy consumption?

  2022-09-03 (or before) in ESD

Abstract. Global economic production – the world gross domestic product (GDP) – has been rising steadily relative to global primary energy demands, lending hope that technological advances can drive a gradual decoupling of society from its resource needs and associated environmental pollution. Here we present a contrasting argument: in each of the 50 years following 1970 for which reliable data are available, 1 exajoule of world energy was required to sustain each 5.50±0.21 trillion year 2019 US dollars of a global wealth quantity defined as the cumulative inflation-adjusted ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation | Capitalism

Degrowth economy: The climate solution no one is talking about

  2022-09-02 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Economics | Degrowth

Cumulative carbon emissions and economic policy: In search of general principles

  2022-08-26 (or before) in

We exploit recent advances in climate science to develop a physically consistent, yet surprisingly simple, model of climate policy. It seems that key …

  Tagged under: Economics

Drivers of peak warming in a consumption-maximizing world - Nature Climate Change

  2022-08-26 (or before) in Nature

An analysis of climate change mitigation policies in an idealized integrated assessment framework highlights the importance of economic growth, and investment in technologies such as large-scale carbon dioxide removal, to limit peak warming.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation

How hot will it get in a world run by economists? A physicist’s take on climate change policy

  2022-08-26 (or before) in

Physics is the foundation of current concerns about climate change, but climate policy sometimes appears like a baroque superstructure built with little reference to the foundations. For example, global temperatures depend on the accumulated stock of carbon dioxide emissions released into the atmosphere over all time, not the flow of emissions in any given year, but climate policy remains overwhelmingly pre-occupied with emission flows, not carbon stocks.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board

  2022-08-25 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production - PubMed

  2022-08-14 (or before) in PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information

Growing evidence demonstrates that climatic conditions can have a profound impact on the functioning of modern human societies, but effects on economic activity appear inconsistent. Fundamental productive elements of modern economies, such as workers and crops, exhibit highly non-linear responses to …

  Tagged under: Economics

UK industry’s heavy energy users fear enforced winter shutdowns

  2022-08-13 in The Guardian

With their bills already soaring, fuel-intensive firms are now on notice that they may have to cease operations

  Tagged under: Economics

After 25 Years of Futility, Democrats Finally Jettison Carbon Pricing in Favor of Incentives to Counter Climate Change - Inside Climate News

  2022-08-12 by in Inside Climate News

The nation’s first comprehensive climate law, expected to be sealed with a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday, will not look anything like the program imagined by either climate economists or those in Washington and the environmental movement who had faith in bipartisan action. From the time that the world first agreed […]

  Tagged under: Economics | Carbon Pricing | Climate Change

How economics solved acid rain

  2022-08-12 (or before) in Environmental Defense Fund - Building a vital earth for everyone

Environmental Defense Fund's ability to reduce acid rain shows how it's possible to cut pollution cost-effectively, using market incentives.

  Tagged under: Economics

Postgrowth Mindset | Blog by Richard McNeill Douglas

  2022-08-10 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Mainstream politics has long proved resistant to the arguments of those who question the pursuit of unending economic growth. CUSP researcher Richard McNeill Douglas suggests a treatment.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Many countries have decoupled economic growth from CO₂ emissions, even if we take offshored production into account

  2022-08-05 (or before) in Our World in Data

Historically, CO2 emissions have been strongly correlated with how much money we have. This is particularly true at low-to-middle incomes. The richer we are, the more CO2 we emit. This is because we use more energy – which often comes from burning fossil fuels. 

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels | Economic Growth

Ask Prof Wolff: The Case for Degrowth

  2022-08-02 (or before) in YouTube

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I would love to hear you talk about degrowth. It's something I've been reading a little about for a few years. I probably ...

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics | Capitalism

Market value alone is selling nature short, governments told

  2022-07-12 (or before) by in News Thomson Reuters Foundation News

A four-year study reveals that humanity's failure to go beyond narrow economic valuations of natural resources is ruining the planet

  Tagged under: Economics

Why an end to economic growth is inevitable

  2022-06-29 by in New Statesman Magazine

Fifty years after the Limits to Growth report was published, the concept of post-growth remains largely taboo.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Statistical Review of World Energy | Energy economics | Home

  2022-06-29 (or before) in BP - British Petroleum

This year’s 71st edition of the bp Statistical Review of World Energy helps to make sense of the greatest challenges and uncertainties facing the global energy system for almost 50 years

  Tagged under: BP | Economics

Climatenomics - Washington, Wall Street, and the Economic Battle to Save our Planet

  2022-06-14 (or before) in

The economic impact of climate change is rattling the foundation of our economy at its very core. The good news about this economic earthquake is that it just might be the thing that saves our planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

World economy set to lose up to 18% GDP from climate change if no action taken, reveals Swiss Re Institute's stress-test analysis | Swiss Re

  2022-06-14 (or before) in Swiss Re


  Tagged under: Climate Change | GDP | Economics | Economic Growth

Fossil Fuel Subsidies

  2022-05-25 (or before) in International Monetary Fund

Subsidies are intended to protect consumers by keeping prices low, but they come at a high cost. Subsidies have sizable fiscal costs (leading to higher taxes/borrowing or lower spending), promote inefficient allocation of an economy’s resources (hindering growth), encourage pollution (contributing to climate change and premature deaths from local air pollution), and are not well targeted at the poor (mostly benefiting higher income households). Removing subsidies and using the revenue gain for better targeted social spending, reductions in inefficient taxes, and productive investments can promote sustainable and equitable ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Ukraine invasion may be start of ‘third world war’, says George Soros

  2022-05-24 in The Guardian

Veteran philanthropist tells World Economic Forum civilisation ‘may not survive’ what is coming

  Tagged under: Economics | Russia

Estimates of economic and environmental damages from tipping points cannot be reconciled with the scientific literature | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2022-05-22 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Estimates of economic and environmental damages from tipping points cannot be reconciled with the scientific literature

  Tagged under: Economics | Tipping Points

Apocalypse now? The alarming effects of the global food crisis

  2022-05-21 in The Guardian

The Bank of England governor warned last week of ‘apocalyptic’ food price rises. Yet war in Ukraine, climate change and inflation are already taking their toll all over the world

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Economics | Famine and Food Insecurity

A climate solution where all sides can win | Ted Halstead

  2022-05-06 (or before) in YouTube

Why are we so deadlocked on climate, and what would it take to overcome the seemingly insurmountable barriers to progress? Policy entrepreneur Ted Halstead p...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Tipping Fossil Fuels out of the Global Economy - Simon Sharpe March 9th 2022

  2022-03-15 (or before) in YouTube

Simon Sharpe is the Director of Economics, UN Climate Action Champions.He discusses how evolutionary and complexity economic thinking can guide governments t...

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels

A mechanism that can change the world | Stefan Brunnhuber | TEDxDresden

  2022-03-05 (or before) in YouTube

Ending poverty. Offering education to everyone. Saving our environment. Transforming into a sustainable and fair society is possible but it is very expensive...

  Tagged under: Economics | Sustainability | Finance

Make younger generation pay net zero bill, say peers

  2022-03-04 (or before) in The Telegraph

It is fairer to put burden on those who will live in carbon-neutral world rather than those paying bills now, says committee

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Net Zero | Electricity

The First Step Toward Saving the Planet Is Ignoring the Economists

  2022-03-04 by in Rolling Stone - Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage

The U.N.’s latest climate report shows that we don’t know how expensive the climate crisis will be, which means cost-benefit analyses weighing how to combat it are pointless

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Economics

Shrinking footprints - The Inquiry

  2022-03-01 (or before) in The Economy 2030 Inquiry | Shaping a decade of change

The impacts of the net zero transition on households and consumption

  Tagged under: Economics | Net Zero

Geoff Mann · Check Your Spillover: The Climate Colossus · LRB 10 February 2022

  2022-02-18 (or before) by in London Review of Books

In the face of climate change, the long run – which remains the sacred temporality of economics – is a misleading...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Reform $1.8 trillion yearly environmentally harmful subsidies to deliver a nature-positive economy — Business For Nature

  2022-02-17 (or before) in Business For Nature

Ahead of the last round of CBD negotiations before the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15, The B Team and Business for Nature launch a joint brief called “Financing Our Survival: Building a Nature-Positive Economy through Subsidy Reform”. It aims to inform government and business decision making on Environmentally Harmful Subsidy (EHS) reform.

  Tagged under: Economics

UK green economy has failed to grow since 2014, according to official data

  2022-02-17 in The Guardian

Office for National Statistics finds ‘no significant change’ in turnover and jobs in low-carbon and renewable energy sector

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy

Imperialist appropriation in the world economy: Drain from the global South through unequal exchange, 1990–2015

  2022-02-15 (or before) in

Unequal exchange theory posits that economic growth in the “advanced economies” of the global North relies on a large net appropriation of resources a…

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Food Prices Approach Record Highs, Threatening the World’s Poorest

  2022-02-03 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Economics

Dark Side To Solar? More Reports Tie Panel Production To Toxic Pollution

  2022-02-02 (or before) by in Forbes

A major new study of the economics of solar, published in Harvard Business Review, finds that the waste produced by solar panels will make electricity from solar four times more expensive than the world’s leading energy analysts thought.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Shell | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Economics | Electricity

Green energy measures saving households £1,000 a year – analysis

  2022-01-28 in The Guardian

Savings come largely from efficient electrical appliances and boilers but insulation could halve future bills

  Tagged under: Economics | Insulation

Low-carbon ambitions must not interfere with ‘normal life’, says Xi Jinping

  2022-01-26 in The Guardian

President signals more cautious approach to climate crisis and says China must ‘overcome notion of rapid success’

  Tagged under: Economics

What is the EU’s ‘taxonomy’ for sustainable finance, and will states agree on it?

  2022-01-25 (or before) in China Dialogue | China environment and climate news

The system classifying sustainable economic activities has divided the bloc’s member states but could be headed for a compromise solution

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

McKinsey: fundamental transformation of global economy needed for net zero

  2022-01-25 in The Guardian

$9tn of annual investment required to avoid most catastrophic climate impacts, consultancy says

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero

We can afford to reverse poverty and climate breakdown. What we can’t afford is the alternative | Kevin Watkins

  2022-01-24 in The Guardian

Our global finance system is failing to rise to the challenges we face. It’s time it was reimagined – and grounded in our shared humanity

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

Transition, hedge, or resist? Understanding political and economic behavior toward decarbonization in the oil and gas industry

  2022-01-19 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

Many oil and gas firms claim they are going green. But are they actually walking the talk? We analyze the political and economic behavior of publicly traded oil majors to understand the degree to w...

  Tagged under: Economics

Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement

  2022-01-12 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

Climate change research is at an impasse. The transformation of economies and everyday practices is more urgent, and yet appears ever more daunting as attempts at behaviour change, regulations, and...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

How the politics of prosecco explain what took the fizz out of the Democrats | Mark Blyth

  2021-12-31 in The Guardian

Joe Manchin torpedoed his own party’s key bill for the same reason interwar Italy protected the sparkling wine, says political economist Mark Blyth

  Tagged under: Economics | US Politics

Definition of Steady State Economy

  2021-12-29 (or before) in Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy

A steady state economy is the sustainable solution to limits to growth. It mildly fluctuates in size, and does not exceed ecological limits.

  Tagged under: Economics

Alok Sharma: Cop26 must not become ‘bunch of meaningless promises’

  2021-12-29 in The Guardian

Climate summit president makes clear UK net zero agenda is responsibility of all government colleagues

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26 | Net Zero | The Paris Agreement

Fringe Farming as part of an integrated green economic recovery | Sustain

  2021-12-28 (or before) in Find out about sustainable food and farming in the UK | Sustain

A green economic recovery must include increasing access to land for agroecological farming at the edge of UK cities; to kick-start a new wave of community enterprises that connect urban and rural economies with multiple benefits.

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming

Research On Degrowth

  2021-12-19 (or before) in Annual Reviews

Scholars and activists mobilize increasingly the term degrowth when producing knowledge critical of the ideology and costs of growth-based development. Degrowth signals a radical political and economic reorganization leading to reduced resource and energy use. The degrowth hypothesis posits that such a trajectory of social transformation is necessary, desirable, and possible; the conditions of its realization require additional study. Research on degrowth has reinvigorated the limits to growth debate with critical examination of the historical, cultural, social, and political forces that have made economic growth a dominant obje...

  Tagged under: Activism | Degrowth | Economics | Economic Growth | Sustainability

A New Estimate of the ‘Most Effective’ Way to Fight Climate Change

  2021-12-17 (or before) in The Atlantic

Climate-concerned donors should focus on helping to pass climate policy, not offset their emissions, an advisory group says. &nbsp;

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Climate Change | Economics | Health

Global demand for coal could hit all-time high in 2022

  2021-12-17 in The Guardian

Electricity from coal plants has risen by 9% this year to fuel economic recovery from Covid, says watchdog

  Tagged under: Coal | Fossil Fuels | Electricity | Economics

Happy without money: Minimally monetized societies can exhibit high subjective well-being

  2021-12-16 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Economic growth is often assumed to improve happiness for people in low income countries, although the association between monetary income and subjective well-being has been a subject of debate. We test this assumption by comparing three different measures of subjective well-being in very low-income communities with different levels of monetization. Contrary to expectations, all three measures of subjective well-being were very high in the least-monetized sites and comparable to those found among citizens of wealthy nations. The reported drivers of happiness shifted with increasing monetization: from enjoying experiential activi...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

What Worries the World - November 2021

  2021-11-28 (or before) in Ipsos

Economic issues now top the world’s worry list as Coronavirus concern continues to decline in many parts of the world.

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate change litigation cases spreading around the world - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2021-11-26 (or before) in London School of Economics

Climate change litigation cases have been increasing markedly over the past six years, and pose a risk to an expanding range of companies and policymakers, according to a new report published today (Friday 2 July 2021) by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Litigation

Capitalism Reimagined: Seven dimensions of a better economic system - ImpactAlpha

  2021-11-23 by in ImpactAlpha

ImpactAlpha, Nov. 23 – In the not-too-distant future, a powerful and diverse movement has succeeded in redesigning the rules, practices, narratives and power relationships ...

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Economics

Context and Early Origins of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Climatic Change

  2021-11-19 (or before) in Springer Verlag

Climate change is a problem which is global both in terms of causes and consequences. The uncertainties are large and likely to persist. Meanwhile, the political and economic stakes of both action and inaction are much higher than those in other transboundary concerns such as acid rain and ozone depletion. The public policy impact of scientific opinions on climate change, therefore, not only depends upon what is being said, but also, who is advancing those conclusions and how they were arrived at. This was the rationale behind the setting up of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. The paper examines the ...

  Tagged under: Economics | IPCC | Climate Change | Public Opinion

COP26 – Fusion: abundant, safe and sustainable energy for the future - Fusion for Energy

  2021-11-08 in

Official publication highlights the long-term potential of fusion in the zero-carbon economy

  Tagged under: Economics | Nuclear Power | COP26 | Nuclear Fusion

World leaders announce plan to make green tech cheaper than alternatives

  2021-11-02 in The Guardian

UK, US and China among countries representing two-thirds of global economy to agree to push green energy and cars

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Electric Cars | Fossil Fuels | Cars | India

Degrowth: why some economists think abandoning growth is the only way to save the planet – podcast

  2021-10-30 (or before) by in The Conversation

We talk to three experts who argue we governments need to find alternatives for their dependence on economic growth. Listen to episode 39 of The Conversation Weekly.

  Tagged under: Economics | Degrowth | Economic Growth

Climate crisis: economists ‘grossly undervalue young lives’, warns Stern

  2021-10-25 in The Guardian

Economists have failed to take account of ‘immense risks and potential loss of life’, says author of landmark review

  Tagged under: COP26 | Economics

Resource Based Economy | A New Vision For Humanity

  2021-10-23 (or before) in Resource Based Economy | A New Vision For Humanity

THE NEXT STEP IN SOCIAL EVOLUTION Resource Based Economy offers a straightforward approach for an alternative socio-economic system unlike anything...

  Tagged under: Economics

Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

  2021-10-23 (or before) in Annual Reviews

Despite three decades of political efforts and a wealth of research on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990. Exploring this rise through nine thematic lenses—covering issues of climate governance, the fossil fuel industry, geopolitics, economics, mitigation modeling, energy systems, inequity, lifestyles, and social imaginaries—draws out multifaceted reasons for our collective failure to bend the global emissions curve. However, a common thread that emerges across the reviewed literature is the cent...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change Mitigation

The broken financial system & economy created the crisis in our climate & our living standards – Rebecca Long Bailey exclusive on the autumn #budget & #cop26 - Labour Outlook

  2021-10-22 in Labour Outlook

“As a movement we need to be clear that now is absolutely not the time for tinkering around the edges – we need a game changing, systemic rewrite.”

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26

US regulators: Climate change is a major threat to the economy

  2021-10-21 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

In a 133-page report, the Financial Stability Oversight Council noted that climate-fueled disasters are “increasing and already imposing substantial economic costs.”

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener

  2021-10-19 (or before) in GOV.UK

This strategy sets out policies and proposals for decarbonising all sectors of the UK economy to meet our net zero target by 2050.

  Tagged under: Economics | Net Zero

Treasury leak reveals rift between Johnson and Sunak over costs of zero-carbon economy

  2021-10-16 in The Guardian

With weeks to go before the Cop26 climate summit, documents show PM being warned about the risks of damage to the UK from green investment

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26 | Rishi Sunak

The ABCs of Big Oil | Ep 3: High School - Drilled | Podcast on Spotify

  2021-10-16 (or before) in

Listen to this episode from Drilled on Spotify. In the third episode of our mini-series with Earther, we head to high school, where the fossil fuel industry's efforts to shape Americans' thinking on economics and policy really ramps up.

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate action: demanding economic systems that safeguard life - The BMJ

  2021-10-08 in BMJ Blogs

“As health and social inequalities widen, and we learn more about the power held over human lives by an ever-diminishing number of individuals and corporations, I predict that more doctors [...]More...

  Tagged under: Economics | Predictions | Health

Estimates of the economic damages from climate change

  2021-10-01 in And Then There's Physics

Since I’ve discussed climate economics before, I thought I would briefly highlight a recent seminar involving, amongst others, Steve Keen and Tim Lenton. The topic was are the estimates of ec…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Collapse, environment, and society

  2021-09-28 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Historical collapse of ancient states poses intriguing social-ecological questions, as well as potential applications to global change and contemporary strategies for sustainability. Five Old World case studies are developed to identify interactive inputs, triggers, and feedbacks in devolution. Collapse is multicausal and rarely abrupt. Political simplification undermines traditional structures of authority to favor militarization, whereas disintegration is preconditioned or triggered by acute stress (insecurity, environmental or economic crises, famine), with breakdown accompanied or followed by demographic decline. Undue atten...

  Tagged under: Economics | Famine and Food Insecurity | Collapse | Sustainability

What Climate Change Requires of Economics | by Daron Acemoglu - Project Syndicate

  2021-09-28 by Daron Acemoglu in Project Syndicate

Daron Acemoglu identifies two main areas where the discipline will need to rethink longstanding assumptions and models.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Economic Growth

Is Green Growth Possible?

  2021-09-27 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

The notion of green growth has emerged as a dominant policy response to climate change and ecological breakdown. Green growth theory asserts that continued economic expansion is compatible with our...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Degrowth | Economics | Economic Growth

From elite folk science to the policy legend of the circular economy - ScienceDirect

  2021-09-23 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Economics

Nuclear-powered subs open opportunities for Australia

  2021-09-16 in Minerals Council of Australia

Reforming the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is the first step in developing the skills and infrastructure to support the critical technology needed to acquire nuclear-powered submarines as announced today by the Australian, British and United States governments. This is an incredible opportunity for Australia’s economy – not only will we develop the skills and infrastructure to support this naval technology, but it connects us to the growing global nuclear power industry and its supply chains.

  Tagged under: Economics | Nuclear Power | Minerals

Tool - Transition Pathway Initiative

  2021-09-14 (or before) by in Transition Pathway Initiative

The TPI tool is a corporate climate action benchmark which assesses how prepared companies are for the transition to a low-carbon economy.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Audit office blames UK government for botched £1.5bn green homes scheme

  2021-09-08 in The Guardian

Spending watchdog says home insulation drive was fatally rushed and missed chance to cut heating bills and create jobs

  Tagged under: Economics | Greenhouse Gases | Insulation | Housing

Climate impact of a transatlantic flight could cost global economy $3,000

  2021-09-06 in The Guardian

Economic cost of climate crisis has cut 37% from global GDP this century, say researchers

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Economics | Economic Growth

William D. Nordhaus - Economist

  2021-09-02 (or before) in Department of Economics

William D. Nordhaus

  Tagged under: Economics

Is Capitalism Compatible with Environmentalism? | Science Museum

  2021-09-01 (or before) in Science Museum

Journalist and broadcaster Jon Snow will chair a panel of experts in economics, policy and climate science to explore how to reconcile boosting profits with stewardship of our planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism


  2021-08-23 (or before) in Oxford Alumni

James Meade Professor of Economics about the UK’s legal commitment to reach net-zero climate emissions by 2050

  Tagged under: Economics | Net Zero

Economists' erroneous estimates of damages from climate change

  2021-08-22 (or before) in e-Print archive

Economists have predicted that damages from global warming will be as low as 2.1% of global economic production for a 3$^\circ$C rise in global average surface temperature, and 7.9% for a 6$^\circ$C rise. Such relatively trivial estimates of economic damages -- when these economists otherwise assume that human economic productivity will be an order of magnitude higher than today -- contrast strongly with predictions made by scientists of significantly reduced human habitability from climate change. Nonetheless, the coupled economic and climate models used to make such predictions have been influential in the international climat...

  Tagged under: Economics | Tipping Points | Predictions | Climate Change | Collapse

Economic Growth - Facing Future

  2021-08-21 (or before) in Facing Future

Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet “Global civilization has an operating system. It is disastrously flawed. It is killing us. It is known by two common names: money and growth economics. Money is a virus of the mind which uses humanity [and nature] for its own reproduction.” – Stuart Scott, Director of the Facing Future … Continue reading "Economic Growth"

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Oceans | Farming | Wildfires | Drought | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Methane | Economics | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Economic Growth | Sea Level | Trees | Sustainability

Urgent need for post-growth climate mitigation scenarios - Nature Energy

  2021-08-20 (or before) in Nature

Established climate mitigation scenarios assume continued economic growth in all countries, and reconcile this with the Paris targets by betting on speculative technological change. Post-growth approaches may make it easier to achieve rapid mitigation while improving social outcomes, and should be explored by climate modellers.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation

Climate effects on US infrastructure: the economics of adaptation for rail, roads, and coastal development - Climatic Change

  2021-08-20 (or before) in Springer Verlag

Changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level, and coastal storms will likely increase the vulnerability of infrastructure across the USA. Using models that analyze vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation, this paper estimates impacts to railroad, roads, and coastal properties under three infrastructure management response scenarios: No Adaptation; Reactive Adaptation, and Proactive Adaptation. Comparing damages under each of these potential responses provides strong support for facilitating effective adaptation in these three sectors. Under a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario and without adaptation, overall costs are pro...

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Economics | Sea Level | Climate Change Impacts | Trains

Breaching tipping points would increase economic costs of climate change impacts - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2021-08-16 (or before) in London School of Economics

Exceeding tipping points in the climate system could lead to a measurable increase in the economic impacts of climate change,...

  Tagged under: Economics | Tipping Points | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

UK spending far more on polluting policies than green ones, says WWF

  2021-08-12 in The Guardian

Just £145m of budget went on environment with £40bn spent on emissions-increasing measures, says charity

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Rishi Sunak

Urgent need for post-growth climate mitigation scenarios - Nature Energy

  2021-08-08 (or before) in Nature

Established climate mitigation scenarios assume continued economic growth in all countries, and reconcile this with the Paris targets by betting on speculative technological change. Post-growth approaches may make it easier to achieve rapid mitigation while improving social outcomes, and should be explored by climate modellers.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation

Past world economic production constrains current energy demands: Persistent scaling with implications for economic growth and climate change mitigation

  2021-08-08 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Climate change has become intertwined with the global economy. Here, we describe the contribution of inertia to future trends. Drawing from thermodynamic principles, and using 38 years of available statistics between 1980 to 2017, we find a constant scaling between current rates of world primary energy consumption E ( t ) and the historical time integral W of past world inflation-adjusted economic production Y, or W ( t ) = ∫ 0 t Y ( t ′ ) d t ′. In each year, over a period during which both E and W more than doubled, the ratio of the two remained nearly unchanged, that is λ = E ( t ) ( t ) / W ( t ) = 5 ....

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Nuclear Power | Predictions | Climate Change | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation

Economics Needs a Climate Revolution

  2021-07-29 (or before) in Gernot Wagner

With its fixation on equilibrium thinking and an exclusive focus on market factors that can be precisely measured, the neoclassical orthodoxy in economics is fundamentally unequipped to deal with today's biggest problems. Change within the discipline is underway, but it cannot come fast enough.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

New Zealand rated best place to survive global societal collapse

  2021-07-28 in The Guardian

Study citing ‘perilous state’ of industrial civilisation ranks temperate islands top for resilience

  Tagged under: Climate Change Adaption | New Zealand | Climate Change | Collapse | Economics

Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use: An international analysis of social provisioning

  2021-07-27 (or before) in

Meeting human needs at sustainable levels of energy use is fundamental for avoiding catastrophic climate change and securing the well-being of all peo…

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Post Growth Institute

  2021-07-27 (or before) in Post Growth Institute

An international, not for profit organization working to enable collective wellbeing within ecological limits. We develop and promote ideas, experiences, training, and alliances that facilitate the equitable circulation of money, power and resources in our communities and global economy.

  Tagged under: Economics

Carbon border taxes are defensible but bring great risks | The Economist

  2021-07-26 (or before) in The Economist Magazine

The EU’s proposal may set off another trade war

  Tagged under: Economics | European Union

William Nordhaus versus the United Nations on Climate Change Economics - Econlib

  2021-07-26 (or before) in Econlib - The Library of Economics and Liberty

William Nordhaus was a co-recipient of this year’s Nobel Prize in economics for his pioneering work on the economics of climate change. On the day of the Nobel announcement, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) released a special report1 advising the governments of the world on various steps necessary to limit […]

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Economics

Economic failures of the IPCC process | Prof Steve Keen on Patreon

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Patreon

  Tagged under: Economics | IPCC

Limits to Growth

  2021-07-25 (or before) in KPMG Advisory Services

What is the balance of the pursuit of economic growth and its effects on environmental and social factors?

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Cassandra's Legacy: Why Economists Can't Understand Complex Systems: Not Even the Nobel Prize, William Nordhaus

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Cassandra's Legacy

  Tagged under: Economics

The debate on World Dynamics: A response to Nordhaus - Policy Sciences

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Springer Verlag

In a recent paper published in the Economic Journal, Professor William D. Nordhaus of Yale University reviewed World Dynamics by Jay W. Forrester. In his criticism, Nordhaus signals three “serious problems” and several additional “questionable assumptions” of sufficient importance to undermine the usefulness of Forrester's book. However, a careful examination of his analysis shows that each point made by Nordhaus rests on a misunderstanding of World Dynamics, a misuse of empirical data, or an inability to analyze properly the dynamic behavior of the model by static equilibrium methods.The three “ser...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Climate economics: Make supply chains climate-smart - Nature

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Nature

Society's infrastructure is hit hard by extreme weather. Networks of trade, transport and production need to adapt globally, says Anders Levermann.

  Tagged under: Economics

The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

Forecasts by economists of the economic damage from climate change have been notably sanguine, compared to warnings by scientists about damage to the biosphere. This is because economists made thei...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

MIT Predicted in 1972 That Society Will Collapse This Century. New Research Shows We’re on Schedule.

  2021-07-19 (or before) in VICE

A 1972 MIT study predicted that rapid economic growth would lead to societal collapse in the mid 21st century. A new paper shows we’re unfortunately right on schedule.

  Tagged under: Economics | Predictions | Economic Growth | Collapse

Prices and quantities: Unsustainable consumption and the global economy

  2021-07-11 (or before) in

The ecological unsustainability of current consumption patterns is now well documented. One aspect of this problem which has not been sufficiently add…

  Tagged under: Economics

Integrated perspective on translating biophysical to economic impacts of climate change

  2021-07-01 in

  Tagged under: Economics

Economics Needs a Climate Revolution | by Tom Brookes & Gernot Wagner - Project Syndicate

  2021-06-28 by Tom Brookes & Gernot Wagner in Project Syndicate

Tom Brookes & Gernot Wagner warn that the neoclassical orthodoxy is utterly unequipped to grapple with climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Economic Growth

New Florida Law Mandates Cities Keep Using Fossil Fuels

  2021-06-26 in Gizmodo | The Future Is Here

Florida just took a huge step backward in the clean energy revolution. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a piece of legislation into law earlier this week that requires Florida cities and towns to keep using fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Florida | Climate Change | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Legislation | Sustainable Cities | Finance

Growth without economic growth

  2021-06-19 (or before) in European Environment Agency

Economic growth is closely linked to increases in production, consumption and resource use and has detrimental effects on the natural environment and human health. It is unlikely that a long-lasting, absolute decoupling of economic growth from environmental pressures and impacts can be achieved at the global scale; therefore, societies need to rethink what is meant by growth and progress and their meaning for global sustainability.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Health | Sustainability

Credo: Economic beliefs in a world in crisis – by Brian Davey

  2021-06-14 (or before) in Credo: Economic beliefs in a world in crisis - by Brian Davey

  Tagged under: Economics

Chapter 19: Commoning – Credo: Economic beliefs in a world in crisis

  2021-06-14 (or before) in Credo: Economic beliefs in a world in crisis - by Brian Davey

  Tagged under: Economics

How persistent is civilization growth?

  2021-06-12 (or before) in e-Print archive

In a recent study (Garrett, 2011), I described theoretical arguments and empirical evidence showing how civilization evolution might be considered from a purely physical basis. One implication is that civilization exhibits the property of persistence in its growth. Here, this argument is elaborated further, and specific near-term forecasts are provided for key economic variables and anthropogenic CO2 emission rates at global scales. Absent some external shock, civilization wealth, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions will continue to grow exponentially at an average rate of about 2.3% per year.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

The poverty of ‘economic growth’

  2021-06-12 (or before) by in Al Jazeera

Simplistic stories of GDP growth are blinding us to the social and ecological destruction it so often entails.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Scientists have cost-effectively harvested lithium from seawater

  2021-06-04 in Electrek

Researchers have figured out how to extract lithium, an essential part of EV batteries, from seawater in an economical way.

  Tagged under: Economics | Lithium | Batteries

Global Land Outlook | UNCCD

  2021-06-04 (or before) in UNCCD

Sustainable, healthy land is an integral part of our society, economy and environment, and a fundamental aspect of human well-being. It is important that this message is communicated in a compelling way.

  Tagged under: Economics | Health

War footing needed to correct economists climate change failings

  2021-05-25 (or before) in CNBC

Economic forecasts predicting the potential impact of climate change grossly underestimate the reality and have delayed global recovery efforts by decades, a leading professor has said.

  Tagged under: Economics | Predictions | Climate Change

Fracking 101: What You Should Know - EcoWatch

  2021-05-11 in EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life

Fracking involves blasting water, chemicals and frac sand deep into the earth to break up rock formations and extract natural gas and crude oil. It's one of the most important environmental issues today, and a case study in how a new technology that offers immediate economic and political advantages can overpower environmental and health concerns.

  Tagged under: Environmental Protection Agency USA | Water Resources | Fracking | Health | Economics

Making money work for climate

  2021-04-27 (or before) in

MAKING MONEY WORK FOR CLIMATE All public actors must take responsibility and fight the climate emergency. Yet, central banks—the pillars of our economy—remain dangerously passive. Central banks can significantly influence how polluting and “green” activities are financed. They supervise the monetary and financial system

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

An Economist’s Guide to Spending Bezos’s Billions on Climate Change

  2021-04-21 (or before) in Gernot Wagner

The money would go far in politics, but it will also allow for technological experimentation and will take a fundraising burden off recipients.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Net zero targets are fossil fuel greenwashing

  2021-04-03 by in Deep Green Resistance News Service

Friends of Earth International (FoEI) published a report revealing the greenwashing of net zero emissions of the fossil fuel industries. In this piece, Kim Hill writes about the problems with the concept of economic growth that the report does not acknowledge. Originally published at Medium. Featured image: Headline on World Coal Association website, March 2017 By […]

  Tagged under: Economics | Net Zero | Economic Growth

Inflection Point: Before net-zero, comes the peak

  2021-03-25 (or before) in Business News: Business News India, Business News Today, Latest Finance News, Business News Live | The Financial Express

In developed countries, emissions have already peaked. Their decision is only about the path to net-zero. Emerging economies like India, instead, will go through a high-growth phase with rising energy demand and emissions. So, before a net-zero year can be targeted, India must discuss options for its peaking year

  Tagged under: Economics | Greenhouse Gases | Net Zero | India

Stimulus Is an Environmental Disaster Waiting to Happen

  2021-03-21 (or before) by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

A public jobs guarantee is the only way to provide economic recovery without endangering the climate.

  Tagged under: Economics

We’re Hurtling Toward Global Suicide | The New Republic

  2021-03-20 (or before) in The New Republic

Why we must do everything differently to ensure the planet’s survival

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Economics

The material foundations of a low-carbon economy

  2021-03-19 (or before) in

The transition to a low-carbon environment is rapidly accelerating and with it the potential for severe environmental and social degradation. The extr…

  Tagged under: Economics

Decoupling material use and economic performance –

  2021-03-14 (or before) in - The Material Flow Analysis Portal

  Tagged under: Economics

The economic consequences of conserving or restoring sites for nature - Nature Sustainability

  2021-03-09 (or before) in Nature

Nature benefits people in diverse ways, but insight on the relative value of conserving or restoring versus using intensively is limited. Synthesizing data from 62 sites worldwide, this study finds benefits from conservation and restoration often outweighing private ones and that these rise with the social cost of carbon.

  Tagged under: Economics | Sustainability

Ten Point Plan For A Green Recovery — The Climate Coalition

  2021-03-07 (or before) in The Climate Coalition

Read our 10 Point Plan for a green, fair and healthy economic recovery

  Tagged under: Economics | Coal | Health

The Tragedy of Growth

  2021-03-06 (or before) in Positive Money - Making money and banking work for society

To protect wellbeing and avoid ecological disaster we must abandon GDP growth and transform our economic system Critiques of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic progress are widespread. However ‘beyond GDP’ narratives often seek to complement the dominant indicator with other measures of progress, aiming for ‘inclusive’ or ‘green’ growth, instead of […]

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

With America Back In The Paris Agreement, We Must Be ‘All In’ On Climate

  2021-03-05 (or before) by in Forbes

The only way we will get to net zero by mid century is to implement science-based interim targets based on concrete strategies for moving our economy, society and financial system away from fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Economics | Joe Biden | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | The Paris Agreement

China's five-year plan for economy is crucial to meeting net zero by 2060

  2021-03-04 in The Guardian

Imminent economic blueprint has implications for planet – and whether Paris agreement likely to be met

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Economics | Net Zero | The Paris Agreement

Our Mission | UN Global Compact

  2021-03-01 (or before) in UN Global Compact

Creating a sustainable and inclusive global economy delivering lasting benefits to all.

  Tagged under: Economics

Worker wellbeing and productivity in advanced economies: Re-examining the link | Journal paper by Amy Isham, Simon Mair and Tim Jackson

  2021-02-26 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Labour productivity is a key concept for understanding the way modern economies use resources and features prominently in ecological economics. Ecological economists have questioned the desirability of labour productivity growth on both environmental and social grounds. In this paper we aim to contribute to ongoing debates by focusing on the link between labour productivity and worker wellbeing.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Re-framing the threat of global warming: an empirical causal loop diagram of climate change, food insecurity and societal collapse - Climatic Change

  2021-02-25 (or before) in Springer Verlag

There is increasing concern that climate change poses an existential risk to humanity. Understanding these worst-case scenarios is essential for good risk management. However, our knowledge of the causal pathways through which climate change could cause societal collapse is underdeveloped. This paper aims to identify and structure an empirical evidence base of the climate change, food insecurity and societal collapse pathway. We first review the societal collapse and existential risk literature and define a set of determinants of societal collapse. We develop an original methodology, using these determinants as societal collapse...

  Tagged under: Economics | Conflict | Climate Change | Collapse

Human destruction of nature is 'senseless and suicidal', warns UN chief

  2021-02-18 in The Guardian

UN report offers bedrock for hope for broken planet, says António Guterres

  Tagged under: Economics | Deforestation | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels

Living the Good Life in a Non-Growth World --- The Talk Version – Economics from the Top Down

  2021-02-18 in Economics from the Top Down – New ideas in economics and the social sciences

The talk version of my recent paper on degrowth.

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics | Economic Growth

How Much the Oil and Gas Industry Paid Lying Texas Republicans

  2021-02-17 (or before) in Earther | Gizmodo

As the crisis of rolling blackouts in Texas unfolds this week, some of the state’s loudest Republican politicians are falsely dragging “frozen wind turbines” as the cause. But behind the wind energy smears is a dizzying amount of fossil fuel money.

  Tagged under: Chevron | Economics | Texas | Wind Power | Finance

'Put a big fat price on carbon': OECD chief bows out with climate rally cry

  2021-02-17 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Ángel Gurría says action on environmental crises must be defining focus of wealthy countries after Covid

  Tagged under: Economics

The Smokestacks Come Tumbling Down | by Alex Steffen | The Nearly Now

  2021-02-16 (or before) in The Nearly Now

Why momentum is building towards a clean economy boom.

  Tagged under: Economics

The Economics of Immense Risk, Urgent Action and Radical Change: Towards New Approaches to the Economics of Climate Change

  2021-02-16 (or before) in National Bureau of Economic Research | NBER

Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

What Would Planting 100 Million Trees Per Week Do In 5, 50, & 500 Years?

  2021-02-16 in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

A trillion trees, low-tillage agriculture, and a sustainable economy would mean that in about 500 years we would have the level of CO2 about where we want to keep it, probably around 300 ppm.

  Tagged under: Trees | Economics

A 5 Trillion Dollar Subsidy: How We All Pay For Fossil Fuels

  2021-02-06 (or before) by in Forbes

Each year, fossil fuel producers receive trillions of dollars in subsidies. This reflects an epic market failure. Our atmosphere is a vital shared resource, and current policies allow producers to treat it like a garbage dump. Climate action is key to protect our health and the health of the planet.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Health

Rich countries must update financial vows to tackle climate crisis, says UN

  2021-02-04 in The Guardian

Patricia Espinosa says fulfilling $100bn-a-year promise must be top priority to support developing world

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26 | Finance

Nature's Future, Our Future - The World Speaks

  2021-02-03 in IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature

The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas has compiled the voices of a range of global organisations and world leaders on the importance of protecting and conserving nature amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the result of a global pandemic, we are witnessing an unprecedented call to transform human society and economies and thus reset the relationship between people and nature. This compilation aims to capture a critical moment, as we work together to build the momentum for transformative action to address the major crises of our planet by maintaining nature and ecosystems.

  Tagged under: Economics

Prosperity comes at 'devastating' cost to nature

  2021-02-02 in The BBC

Landmark review calls for fundamental change in our approach to economics to stem nature loss.

  Tagged under: Economics

The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2021-02-02 (or before) in London School of Economics

The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (2006) assessed a wide range of evidence on the impacts of climate change and on the economic costs.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Climate Change Impacts

Economics' failure over destruction of nature presents ‘extreme risks’

  2021-02-02 in The Guardian

New measures of success needed to avoid catastrophic breakdown, landmark review finds

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Economics | Wildlife

Changing minds and money

  2021-02-02 (or before) in Wildlife and Countryside Link

Hannah Conway, Policy Officer at Wildlife and Countryside Link, writes on the shift in economic thinking around the true value of nature ahead of the publication of the Dasgupta Review on the 'Economics of Biodiversity'.

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife

Nature is a blind spot in economics that we ignore at our peril, says Dasgupta Review

  2021-02-02 (or before) in GOV.UK

A fundamental change in how we think about and approach economics is needed if we are to reverse biodiversity loss and protect and enhance our prosperity, an independent, global review on the Economics of Biodiversity said today (Tuesday 2 February).

  Tagged under: Economics | Biodiversity Loss

Economics of biodiversity review: what are the recommendations?

  2021-02-02 in The Guardian

Landmark report says GDP should be ditched as measure of wealth and nature valued to protect wildlife and humans

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife | Economic Growth

French tech firm Schneider Electric tops global league of green firms

  2021-01-25 in The Guardian

Paris-based company worth €70bn now seen as world’s most sustainable company on Global 100 index

  Tagged under: Economics | France

Helping poorest tackle climate crisis will boost global growth, says IMF head

  2021-01-25 in The Guardian

Kristalina Georgieva says investing to create resilient economies is a ‘win-win-win-win’ scenario

  Tagged under: COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Economics | Economic Growth

Sustainability: What are the alternatives to economic growth?

  2021-01-14 (or before) in European Environment Agency

How can societies and people prosper and grow without harming the environment and climate? Is it possible to implement the European Green Deal through social innovations that have little or no environmental impact? To broaden the sustainability debate, a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, explores alternative ways of thinking about growth and progress.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Sustainability

Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future

  2021-01-13 (or before) in Frontiers

We report three major and confronting environmental issues that have received little attention and require urgent action. First, we review the evidence that future environmental conditions will be far more dangerous than currently believed. The scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its lifeforms — including humanity — is in fact so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well-informed experts. Second, we ask what political or economic system, or leadership, is prepared to handle the predicted disasters, or even capable of such action. Third, this dire situation places an extraordinary responsibility on s...

  Tagged under: Economics | Predictions | Climate Change | Health | Sustainability | Extinction

There’s a simple way to green the economy – and it involves cash prizes for all | Henry D Jacoby

  2021-01-05 in The Guardian

The ‘carbon dividend’ is so elegant that it seems too good to be true, says Henry D Jacoby, of MIT’s joint program on the science and policy of global change

  Tagged under: Economics | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels

Eight steps to turn the world around - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2020-11-27 (or before) in London School of Economics

Sean Kidney sets out eight steps to drive change in global capital and channel trillions towards investment in the green, resilient and inclusive economy of the future.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Capitalism

Money Rebellion - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2020-11-24 (or before) in Extinction Rebellion UK

Why Money Rebellion? Our economic system determines the course of our lives Its rules govern everything that matters to us – but this system is willing to sacrifice our health, climate and natural world to favour the fortunes of the few. The system is killing us It cannot protect us from the crises to come, […]

  Tagged under: Economics | Extinction Rebellion | Health

The 'market' won't save us from climate disaster. We must rethink our system | Robert S Devine

  2020-11-19 in The Guardian

Expecting the free market to fix global warming is like trying to pound nails with a saw

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | US Politics

Paris Climate Agreement passes the cost-benefit test - Nature Communications

  2020-11-15 (or before) in Nature

Relative economic benefits of achieving temperature targets have not properly accounted for damages at higher temperatures. Here the authors integrate dynamic cost-benefit analysis with a damage-cost curve and show that the Paris Climate Agreement constitutes the economically optimal policy pathway for the future.

  Tagged under: Economics | The Paris Agreement

Reaching UK net zero target cheaper than we thought, says climate adviser

  2020-11-12 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Chris Stark says cost is surprisingly low but criticises government for absence of a plan

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Net Zero

Revealed: Covid recovery plans threaten global climate hopes

  2020-11-09 in The Guardian

Exclusive: analysis finds countries pouring money into fossil fuels to fight recession

  Tagged under: Economics | Joe Biden | Fossil Fuels | US Politics

Providing decent living with minimum energy: A global scenario

  2020-10-21 (or before) in

It is increasingly clear that averting ecological breakdown will require drastic changes to contemporary human society and the global economy embedded…

  Tagged under: Economics

His Holiness Pope Francis: Our moral imperative to act on climate change -- and 3 steps we can take

  2020-10-11 (or before) by in TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

The global climate crisis will require us to transform the way we act, says His Holiness Pope Francis. Delivering a visionary TED Talk from Vatican City, the spiritual leader proposes three courses of action to address the world's growing environmental problems and economic inequalities, illustrating how all of us can work together, across faiths and societies, to protect the Earth and promote the dignity of everyone. "The future is built today," he says. "And it is not built in isolation, but rather in community and in harmony." (In Italian with subtitles. Watch this talk in English at and Spanish at go...

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Religion | Pope Francis

Large potential reduction in economic damages under UN mitigation targets - Nature

  2020-10-09 (or before) in Nature

If the world can meet the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C, economic damage will probably be greatly reduced, especially in poorer countries.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change Mitigation

Approximate calculations of the net economic impact of global warming mitigation targets under heightened damage estimates

  2020-10-09 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Efforts to mitigate global warming are often justified through calculations of the economic damages that may occur absent mitigation. The earliest such damage estimates were speculative mathematical representations, but some more recent studies provide empirical estimates of damages on economic growth that accumulate over time and result in larger damages than those estimated previously. These heightened damage estimates have been used to suggest that limiting global warming this century to 1.5 °C avoids tens of trillions of 2010 US$ in damage to gross world product relative to limiting global warming to 2.0 °C. However,...

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Economics | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation

Church of England Unloads Exxon Shares on Failed Emission Goals

  2020-10-09 (or before) in Bloomberg

Its pensions board is now fully divested from the oil giant for not meeting key climate criteria

  Tagged under: Exxon | Climate Change | Economics

An analysis of the Trump Administration’s economic and policy arguments for withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2020-09-28 (or before) in London School of Economics

This report investigates whether the evidence supports the reasons given by the Trump Administration to justify its decision to withdraw the US from the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, and concludes that the decision is irrational and does not promote the best interests of the American people.

  Tagged under: Economics | Donald Trump | Climate Change

The economic case for the United States to remain in the Paris Agreement on climate change - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2020-09-28 (or before) in London School of Economics

This policy brief examines the economic case for the United States to continue its participation in the Paris Agreement on climate change and finds that withdrawing is a mistake.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | The Paris Agreement

Business Green

  2020-09-22 (or before) in Business Green

The UK's leading source of information for the green economy, delivering the latest news and in-depth analysis on green business and environmental issues.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Sustainability

Climate Week: Prince Charles calls for 'swift' action on climate change - BBC News

  2020-09-21 (or before) in The BBC

Covid-19 provides an opportunity to "reset" the economy for a more sustainable future, he says.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

What is ECG

  2020-09-12 (or before) in Economy for the common good

ECG in a nutshell About ECG Vision and Values ECG contributes to a culture of good living in a peaceful and sustainable civilization. Read more Our Network ECG works together with numerous initiatives on economic justice, climate justice, equal rights and more. Read more

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Justice

Nobel prize-winning economics of climate change is misleading and dangerous – here's why

  2020-09-09 by in The Conversation

This celebrated research gives governments a reason to give climate change a low priority, but is based on spurious empirical data.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Federal Report Warns of Financial Havoc From Climate Change (Published 2020)

  2020-09-09 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

‘Funk Money’: The End of Empires, The Expansion of Tax Havens, and Decolonization as an Economic and Financial Event*

  2020-08-25 (or before) in Oxford Academic

Abstract. This article explores the question of what happened to European assets in the process of decolonization. It argues that decolonization created a money

  Tagged under: Economics

The revolving door between City banks and Westminster is distorting our economy | Simon Jenkins

  2020-08-20 in The Guardian

It cannot be right for the former chancellor to ‘advise’ an industry that massively overlaps with government, says Guardian columnist Simon Jenkins

  Tagged under: Economics

Richard Smith

  2020-08-19 (or before) by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Richard Smith is an economic historian. He wrote his UCLA history Ph.D. thesis on the transition to capitalism in China and held post-docs at the

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

How Individualist Economics Are Causing Planetary Eco-Collapse

  2020-08-19 (or before) by Richard Smith in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

While capitalism has brought unprecedented development, this same motor of development is now driving towards ecological collapse, threatening to doom us all.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism | Collapse

New Report on Unrecorded Capital Flight Finds Developing Countries are Net-Creditors to the Rest of the World

  2020-08-18 (or before) in Global Financial Integrity

Global Financial Integrity (GFI), the Centre for Applied Research at the Norwegian School of Economics and a team of global experts have released a study showing that since 1980 developing countries lost US$16.3 trillion dollars through broad leakages in the balance of payments, trade misinvoicing, and recorded financial transfers.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Think 'sanctions' will trouble China? Then you're stuck in the politics of the past | Ai Weiwei

  2020-08-06 in The Guardian

The complex history of how China and the US once embraced each other should inform how the current showdown is tackled, says artist and activist Ai Weiwei

  Tagged under: Economics | US Politics | Activism

Letter from economists: to rebuild our world, we must end the carbon economy

  2020-08-04 in The Guardian

The carbon economy amplifies racial, social and economic inequities, creating a system that is fundamentally incompatible with a stable future

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Economics

Most Popular Myths of Mainstream Economics - - Natural Aquariums and Sustainable Life

  2020-07-23 in

These are in my opinion the most popular myths of mainstream (neoclassical, neoliberal) economics. Comments, critiques and suggestions are welcome. Note that most of these myths are also the myths of modern Western industrial education that generally fosters a sufficient … Continue reading →

  Tagged under: Economics

Governments put 'green recovery' on the backburner

  2020-07-15 in The Guardian

G20 countries aim their pandemic bailout spending at fossil fuel industries, leaving Paris climate change targets in doubt

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

For Effective Climate Change Activism, Focus on Supply

  2020-07-14 (or before) in Bloomberg

To effect change, climate activists need to pursue both divestment and limiting demand for carbon emissions.

  Tagged under: Activism | Climate Change | Economics

Scientists’ warning on affluence - Nature Communications

  2020-06-28 (or before) in Nature

Current environmental impact mitigation neglects over-consumption from affluent citizens as a primary driver. The authors highlight the role of bottom-up movements to overcome structural economic growth imperatives spurring consumption by changing structures and culture towards safe and just systems.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation

It’s Time to Nationalize the Fossil Fuel Industry

  2020-06-26 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

We must institute public ownership of the fossil fuel industry to avert catastrophe, says economist Robert Pollin.

  Tagged under: Economics

Fairly sharing 1.5: national fair shares of a 1.5 °C-compliant global mitigation effort - International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

  2020-06-10 (or before) in Springer Verlag

The problem of fairly distributing the global mitigation effort is particularly important for the 1.5 °C temperature limitation objective, due to its rapidly depleting global carbon budget. Here, we present methodology and results of the first study examining national mitigation pledges presented at the 2015 Paris climate summit, relative to equity benchmarks and 1.5 °C-compliant global mitigation. Uniquely, pertinent ethical choices were made via deliberative processes of civil society organizations, resulting in an agreed range of effort-sharing parameters. Based on this, we quantified each country’s range of fai...

  Tagged under: Brazil | Economics | International Agreements | Climate Justice | Climate Change Mitigation | India | Japan

The Stark Racial Inequity of Personal Finances in America (Published 2020)

  2020-06-09 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

Coronavirus is an ‘SOS signal for the human enterprise’

  2020-06-05 in The Guardian

UN environment chief and economist warn human wealth depends on nature’s health

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife | Health

The Actual Problem With Saying “Human Capital Stock”

  2020-05-28 by in Slate Magazine

A White House adviser wasn’t invoking slavery—but the phrase has other issues.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

The Competitive Enterprise Institute

  2020-05-18 (or before) in Competitive Enterprise Institute - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Founded in 1984, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is widely recognized as a leading and effective advocate for freedom on a wide range of critical economic and regulatory policy issues.

  Tagged under: Economics

Labour to plan green economic rescue from coronavirus crisis

  2020-05-17 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Ed Miliband calls for creation of ‘zero-carbon army’ for eco-friendly industries

  Tagged under: Economics

The Altruist Within: In pursuit of sustainability and justice in a broken financial system | By Tim Jackson

  2020-05-14 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

This blog is an edited version of a keynote CUSP director Tim Jackson gave at the 2013 Sea of Faith Annual Conference in Leicester. In outlining the philosophical foundation of a different approach to economics, this essay speaks as much to the financial crisis from 2008, as it does to the current health and economic predicament from COVID-19.

  Tagged under: Economics | Health | Sustainability

Home - Transition Pathway Initiative

  2020-05-12 (or before) by in Transition Pathway Initiative

The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) is a global, asset-owner led initiative which assesses companies' preparedness for the transition to a low carbon economy.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Publications and news - Transition Pathway Initiative

  2020-05-12 (or before) by in Transition Pathway Initiative

The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) is a global, asset-owner led initiative which assesses companies' preparedness for the transition to a low carbon economy.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Britons want quality of life indicators to take priority over economy

  2020-05-10 in The Guardian

Polls finds majority would like ministers to prioritise health and wellbeing over GDP during coronavirus crisis

  Tagged under: GDP | Economics | Economic Growth | Health

Disobedience, Protest, and the Pandemic: Climate Change and Citizen Action under Conditions of Social Distancing | Blog by Graeme Hayes

  2020-05-05 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Civil disobedience is not just a checklist of components, but a tradition of morally purposeful action and an expression of citizenship, CUSP Fellow Graeme Hayes writes. As the pandemic ushers in new social norms, and political and economic interests may seek to capitalise on the crisis to further deepen social inequality, how social movements rethink their tactics may have profound consequences for the effectiveness of future protests.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Capitalism | Activism

Wealth tax rise could raise £174bn to tackle Covid-19, expert says

  2020-04-22 in The Guardian

UK taxes should be central to debate on paying for pandemic, suggests Richard Murphy

  Tagged under: Economics

Meet the Hidden Architect Behind America's Racist Economics

  2020-04-12 (or before) in Institute for New Economic Thinking | Institute for New Economic Thinking

Nobel laureate James Buchanan is the intellectual linchpin of the Koch-funded attack on democratic institutions, argues Duke historian Nancy MacLean

  Tagged under: Economics

Amsterdam to embrace 'doughnut' model to mend post-coronavirus economy

  2020-04-08 by Daniel Boffey in The Guardian

Dutch officials and British economist to use guide to help city thrive in balance with planet

  Tagged under: Doughnut Economics | Economics | Covid-19 | Europe

No more business as usual

  2020-04-06 by in Schumacher Institute

Rethinking economic value for a post-Covid world. A national conversation has begun which is alarming, yet also familiar. It talks about costs and trade-offs, losses and accounts. It is a conversation about human lives framed

  Tagged under: Economics

The Green New Deal Is Cheap, Actually

  2020-04-06 by in Rolling Stone - Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage

Decarbonizing will cost trillions of dollars, but it’s an investment that will have big return — for the economy and the environment

  Tagged under: Economics

G-FEED: COVID-19 reduces economic activity, which reduces pollution, which saves lives.

  2020-03-18 (or before) in Global Food, Environment and Economic Dynamics

  Tagged under: Covid-19 | Air Quality | Economics

Change in the political economy of land value capture in England | Journal Paper

  2020-02-28 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Variations in the character, performance and impact of policies and practices to capture land value for the community are usually examined by analysing experience in different countries. This paper…

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate policy needs negative carbon-dioxide emissions

  2020-02-25 (or before) in The Economist Magazine

The world is not remotely ready to provide them | Briefing

  Tagged under: Economics

G20 sounds alarm over climate emergency despite US objections

  2020-02-23 in The Guardian

Group’s first reference during Trump administration to global heating signals growing economic concerns over climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Teck Resources pulling application for Frontier oil sands mine - The Globe and Mail

  2020-02-23 in The Globe and Mail: Canadian, World, Politics and Business News & Analysis

The Teck mine had already passed a lengthy regulatory review and Ottawa was expected to decide this week whether to approve the project

  Tagged under: Oil Industry | Canada | Climate Change | Economics | Finance

JP Morgan economists warn climate crisis is threat to human race

  2020-02-21 in The Guardian

Leaked report for world’s major fossil fuel financier says Earth is on unsustainable trajectory

  Tagged under: Economics

The European Green Deal will bypass the poor and go straight to the rich | Daniela Gabor

  2020-02-19 in The Guardian

For all the talk of retraining Polish miners, this fund will most likely line the pockets of the carbon finance elites, says economist Daniela Gabor

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

Global economic growth will take big hit due to loss of nature

  2020-02-12 by Fiona Harvey in The Guardian

Damage to environment could wipe £368bn a year from growth by 2050 and UK will be hard hit, WWF warns

  Tagged under: Animal Populations | Biodiversity Loss | Natural World | Economics | GDP | Fish | Economic Growth | Trees

The Great Affordability Crisis Breaking America

  2020-02-09 (or before) by in The Atlantic

In one of the best decades the American economy has ever recorded, families were bled dry.

  Tagged under: Housing | Economic Growth | Health | Economics | Finance

Government Agency Warns Global Oil Industry Is on the Brink of a Meltdown

  2020-02-04 in VICE

We are not running out of oil, but it's becoming uneconomical to exploit it—another reason we need to move to renewables as quickly as possible.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Economics | Oil Industry | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Bubble | Climate Change

Ofgem sets out nine-point plan to prioritise climate crisis

  2020-02-03 in The Guardian

Regulator aims to support investment in low-carbon technology while protecting households from price rises

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Ofgem | Economics

The Nobel Prize for Climate Catastrophe

  2020-01-28 (or before) by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

The economist William Nordhaus will receive his profession’s highest honor for research on global warming that’s been hugely influential—and entirely misguided.

  Tagged under: Economics

For the Economy, Climate Risks Are No Longer Theoretical

  2020-01-28 (or before) by in The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial & Economic News, World News and Video

Climate crises in the next 30 years may resemble financial crises in recent decades: potentially quite destructive, largely unpredictable and, given the powerful underlying causes, inevitable.

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildfires | Climate Change | Economic Growth

Regenerative Farming And The Green New Deal

  2020-01-26 (or before) in Data For Progress

The Green New Deal is a broad and ambitious agenda that includes a commitment by the federal government to invest in communities, infrastructure, technology, and good jobs to help the United States meet the challenges of climate change and achieve economic and environmental justice.

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming | Climate Change | Climate Justice

The material footprint of nations

  2020-01-25 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

This original research paper addresses a key issue in sustainability science: How many and which natural resources are needed to sustain modern economies? Simple as it may seem, this question is far from trivial to answer and has indeed not been addressed satisfactorily in the scholarly literature. We use the most comprehensive and most highly resolved economic input–output framework of the world economy together with a detailed database of global material flows to calculate the full material requirements of all countries covering a period of two decades. Called the “material footprint,” this indicator provides...

  Tagged under: Economics | Consumption | Sustainability

European Economic and Social Committee calls for a new vision of prosperity - Wellbeing Economy Alliance

  2020-01-24 in Wellbeing Economy Alliance

Post January 24, 2020 Ambassadors, Media releases, Members news, WEAll News Ambassadors ambassadors, cusp, eu, members, policy, tim jackson 5650

  Tagged under: Economics | European Union

Nicola Sturgeon: Wellbeing as important as economic growth - BBC News

  2020-01-24 (or before) in BBC

In a speech later, Ms Sturgeon will say Scotland is creating an economy where "collective wellbeing" is as fundamental as GDP.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Climate Change Could Blow Up the Economy. Banks Aren’t Ready. (Published 2020)

  2020-01-23 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Davos 2020: Mnuchin says Greta Thunberg, should study economics at college

  2020-01-23 (or before) in CNBC

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sharply criticized the financial credentials of 17-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg on Thursday.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism | Economics

From loo roll to dumplings: Hong Kong protesters weaponise purchasing power

  2020-01-23 by Verna Yu in The Guardian

The ‘yellow economic circle’ movement aims to promote locally owned businesses – and shun Chinese ones

  Tagged under: China | Activism | Economics

The Business of Wellbeing: New WEAll guide launches today - Wellbeing Economy Alliance

  2020-01-21 in Wellbeing Economy Alliance

Post January 21, 2020 bizguide, Media releases, Scotland, WEAll News bizguide bizguide, business, case study, guidance, Guide, publication 5638

  Tagged under: Economics

Humans risk living in an empty world, warns UN biodiversity chief

  2020-01-20 in The Guardian

Ahead of the World Economic Forum, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema urges governments to take definitive action on climate, deforestation and pollution

  Tagged under: Economics | Deforestation | Wildlife

Wellbeing and Productivity: A Review of the Literature | Working Paper by Amy Isham, Simon Mair and Tim Jackson

  2020-01-20 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

This report reviews the relationships between the different aspects of wellbeing, productivity, and productivity growth. It is the culmination of a desk-based evidence review, survey, and a mapping workshop held with experts from backgrounds including psychology, sociology, economics, and design. The focus is on wellbeing and labour productivity.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Carbon Commentary | Chris Goodall

  2020-01-19 (or before) in Carbon Commentary | Chris Goodall

A critical appraisal of issues in the move to a low-carbon economy. Chris Goodall is the author of "Sustainability: All That Matters" and "Ten Technologies to Save the Planet".

  Tagged under: Economics | Sustainability

CUSP | Understanding Sustainable Prosperity

  2020-01-10 (or before) in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

CUSP is an internationally leading research organisation, dedicated to tackling the post-growth challenge. The research addresses not just the economic aspects of sustainable prosperity, but also its social, political and philosophical dimensions. Working closely with business, social enterprise, civil society and government, the Centre aims to develop pragmatic steps towards an inclusive economy that works for everyone.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Greta Thunberg: At Davos we will tell world leaders to abandon the fossil fuel economy

  2020-01-10 in The Guardian

Averting catastrophe would be the best business decision to emerge from the economic forum in its 50 years of existence, says climate activist Greta Thunberg and others

  Tagged under: Economics | Greta Thunberg | Activism | Fossil Fuels

Russia announces plan to ‘use the advantages’ of climate change

  2020-01-05 in The Guardian

Kremlin website recognises global heating as a problem but lists ‘positive’ economic effects

  Tagged under: Russia | Climate Change | Greenhouse Gases | Vladimir Putin | Economics

166. Solving the Climate Crisis by Fixing the Politics of Kyoto Protocol and Paris Accords | Gerald Kutney - The Disruptors

  2020-01-02 by in The Disruptors

Gerald Kutney (@geraldkutney) is a climate scientist, professor, journalist/speaker, author and founder/consultant of 6esm, a C-level consulting firm focused on the bio-economy, renewable energy and the politics of the Kyoto Protocol and others like it.

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Kyoto Agreement

CUSP | Understanding Sustainable Prosperity

  2020-01-01 (or before) in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

CUSP is an internationally leading research organisation, dedicated to tackling the post-growth challenge. The research addresses not just the economic aspects of sustainable prosperity, but also its social, political and philosophical dimensions. Working closely with business, social enterprise, civil society and government, the Centre aims to develop pragmatic steps towards an inclusive economy that works for everyone.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

The biggest business con of 2019: fleecing workers while bosses get rich

  2019-12-29 in The Guardian

From Boeing to Whole Foods, companies are touting social responsibility as profits soar. Don’t believe a word of it

  Tagged under: Economics

Pathways to the Post-Carbon Economy – INSURGE intelligence – Medium

  2019-12-09 (or before) in Medium

In this exclusive online symposium, INSURGE curates a range of experts, thinkers, and practitioners to explore their very different perspectives on civilization’s transition to a post-carbon economy. We are crowdfunding adversarial investigations into power, to empower people and save the planet. Join us via

  Tagged under: Economics

Europe’s state of the environment 2020: change of direction urgently needed to face climate change challenges, reverse degradation and ensure future prosperity

  2019-12-04 (or before) in European Environment Agency

Europe will not achieve its 2030 goals without urgent action during the next 10 years to address the alarming rate of biodiversity loss, increasing impacts of climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources. The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) latest ‘State of the Environment’ report published today states that Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency. The report says, however, there is reason for hope, amid increased public awareness of the need to shift to a sustainable future, technological innovations, growing community initiatives and stepped up EU action lik...

  Tagged under: Consumption | Sustainability | Biodiversity Loss | Climate Change | European Union | Europe | Climate Change Impacts | Economics

Tackling climate crisis is what we should be doing, says new IMF boss

  2019-11-30 in The Guardian

In an exclusive interview, Kristalina Georgieva tells why global heating is as big a threat to economic stability as another financial crash

  Tagged under: Economics

Unraveling the claims for (and against) green growth

  2019-11-27 (or before) in Science | AAAS

Can the global economy grow indefinitely, decoupled from Earth's limitations?

  Tagged under: Economics

A system that steals from our future

  2019-11-26 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

“We have been mortgaging the health of future generations to realize economic and development gains in the present”

  Tagged under: Economics | Health

A global movement for green & fair economies

  2019-11-25 (or before) in Green Economy Coalition

Championing equality. Tackling climate change. Protecting nature. Safeguarding prosperity. We're the world's largest alliance for green economic reform.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

It's time to retire metrics like GDP. They don't measure everything that matters | Joseph Stiglitz

  2019-11-24 by Joseph Stiglitz in The Guardian

The way we assess economic performance and social progress is fundamentally wrong, and the climate crisis has brought these concerns to the fore

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Tackling the political economy of transformative change | Blog by Daniel Hausknost

  2019-11-21 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

For Joseph Schumpeter, ‘creative destruction’ was an inherent feature of Capitalist development; what if we apply its logic to transformative political change instead? We have plenty of solutions at hand, Daniel Hausknost argues; it's time for decisions.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Charles Koch talks environment, politics, business and more

  2019-11-20 (or before) in

What does one of the world’s most influential entrepreneurs really think about the current state of politics, the economy, the future of business, and the environment?Charles Koch, chairman and CEO of Koch Industries, sat down with best-sell...

  Tagged under: Economics | US Politics

Why climate change is an irrelevance, economic growth is a myth and sustainability is forty years too late | Global Comment

  2019-11-20 in Global Comment

Have climate-change activists got it wrong? This is what Kevin Casey thinks the real problem is

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Activism | Economic Growth | Sustainability

Canada's farmers pushed to the brink by politics, weather and banks

  2019-11-18 in The Guardian

Poor conditions coupled with dismal harvests are taking a severe toll on workers’ mental health

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming | Health | Finance

Why ending fossil fuel subsidies and investing in solar is essential for decarbonisation and prosperity - Solarcentury

  2019-11-15 in Solarcentury - International solar PV company

David Edwards, Solarcentury Strategy and Resources Director, takes us through the numbers. The Earth’s carbon budget is rapidly expiring. Since the Paris Agreement, world leaders, major corporations and financial investors have talked much about the importance of transitioning to a decarbonised global economy. However, their ongoing subsidising of and investment in fossil fuels is already […]

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Fossil Fuels | Decarbonisation | Economics

Don’t Call Me a Pessimist on Climate Change. I Am a Realist

  2019-11-12 in resilience

Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is the greatest waste by weight produced by industrial economies. Climate change is a waste management problem!

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels

Ecological reconstruction » BIOS: Ecological reconstruction

  2019-11-10 (or before) in BIOS: Ecological reconstruction

We are living in the ruins of a fossil-fuelled economy. To phase out fossil fuel use, the material structures and social practices of production, transport and housing must be reconstructed. This necessary transition is analogous to the post-war reconstruction, during which the physical infrastructure was rebuilt and foundations of the welfare society were laid. The […]

  Tagged under: Economics | Housing

War, empire and racism in the Anthropocene | by Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE intelligence | Medium

  2019-11-08 (or before) in Medium

The biophysical-economics and military-logics of industrial hyperreality

  Tagged under: Economics

UK campaigners call for citizens' assembly to repair democracy

  2019-11-04 in The Guardian

Letter to Guardian says Britain’s democratic system is in urgent need of an upgrade

  Tagged under: Economics

The rental economy: ‘It’s not a trend, it’s a movement’

  2019-10-31 in Marketing Week

Tired of a throwaway culture based on cheap products, shoppers are increasingly opting to rent products, from fashion to furniture, in their search for sustainable solutions that suit modern attitudes to ownership.

  Tagged under: Economics

Burning questions about insurance and climate | Greenbiz

  2019-10-28 (or before) in Greenbiz

Will insurers and banks step up to help reduce risk and build resistance — or contribute to crashing the economy?

  Tagged under: Insurance | Economics

US green economy has 10 times more jobs than the fossil fuel industry

  2019-10-23 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Economics | Coal

Russia’s Thawing Permafrost May Cost Economy $2.3 Billion a Year

  2019-10-22 (or before) in Bloomberg

Russia plans to pay more attention to the impact climate change is having on its vast permafrost area.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Vladimir Putin | Russia

UK urges World Bank to channel more money into tackling climate crisis

  2019-10-20 in The Guardian

Size of British contribution also hinges on better gender equality and an anti-poverty approach

  Tagged under: Economics

Growing pain: the delusion of boundless economic growth

  2019-10-16 (or before) in openDemocracy

Gambling on a future of continued economic growth is a bad bet with long odds and extremely high stakes.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

Bank of England boss says global finance is funding 4C temperature rise

  2019-10-15 in The Guardian

Mark Carney says capital markets are financing projects likely to fuel a catastrophic rise in global heating

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Economics | Finance | Capitalism

The Massive Cost of Not Adapting to Climate Change

  2019-10-13 (or before) in Bloomberg

The world must invest $1.8 trillion by 2030 to prepare for the effects of global warming. A new report said the payoff could be four times that.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth

Firms ignoring climate crisis will go bankrupt, says Mark Carney

  2019-10-13 in The Guardian

Bank of England governor warns of financial collapse linked to climate emergency

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Collapse

Macroeconomic and Financial Policies for Climate Change Mitigation: A Review of the Literature

  2019-10-11 (or before) by in International Monetary Fund

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of this century. Mitigation requires a large-scale transition to a low-carbon economy. This paper provides an overview of the rapidly growing literature on the role of macroeconomic and financial policy tools in enabling this transition. The literature provides a menu of policy tools for mitigation. A key conclusion is that fiscal tools are first in line and central, but can and may need to be complemented by financial and monetary policy instruments. Some tools and policies raise unanswered questions about policy tool assignment and mandates, which we describe. The literature is ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Climate Change Mitigation

Greta Thunberg is right: It’s time to haul ass on climate change

  2019-10-04 by David Roberts in Vox

Economically and politically, early ambition is better.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Climate Change | Economics

Vaclav Smil: ‘Growth must end. Our economist friends don’t seem to realise that’

  2019-09-21 in The Guardian

The scientist and author on why humanity’s endless expansion must stop.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

The deadly hidden risks within the most prominent economic model of climate change

  2019-09-04 in The Week

Global warming is an emergency, not a trifle to be dealt with decades hence

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Why the fight against climate change will never be won with capitalism

  2019-08-24 (or before) by in - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community

Our current socio-economic system relies on the exploitation of both people and planet. In saving a world on the brink of ecological and social disaster, calls for a greener, more efficient...

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Capitalism

UK needs sustainability act to avert economic collapse, says IPPR

  2019-08-01 in The Guardian

Thinktank says country must focus on building abundance to avoid 2008-style financial crisis

  Tagged under: Economics | Greenhouse Gases | Fish | Wildlife | Collapse | Sustainability

Global financial bodies not fit for purpose, John McDonnell says

  2019-06-19 in The Guardian

IMF, WTO and World Bank not doing enough to fight climate crisis, shadow chancellor says

  Tagged under: Economics

This Civilisation is Finished: Conversations on the end of Empire – and what lies beyond | The Simplicity Collective

  2019-06-14 in Simplicity Collective - Join the Simple Living Movement

I’ve just published a new book, co-authored with philosopher-activist Rupert Read (leading spokesperson of the Extinction Rebellion in the UK). There is also a postscript by Helena Norberg-Hodge, author of Ancient Futures and producer of The Economics of Happiness. Our new book is entitled This Civilisation is Finished: Conversations on the end of Empire – […]

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Economics | Activism | Extinction

Should we pursue boundless economic growth? - Prospect Magazine

  2019-06-12 in Prospect Magazine

Is growth the source of our climate crisis or the means to fixing it? Two contributors go head-to-head

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

More than 5m people in Britain suffer low-paid, insecure work

  2019-06-11 in The Guardian

Living Wage Foundation research study shows families struggling to make ends meet

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

‘Socialism for the rich’: the evils of bad economics

  2019-06-06 in The Guardian

The long read: The economic arguments adopted by Britain and the US in the 1980s led to vastly increased inequality – and gave the false impression that this outcome was not only inevitable, but good

  Tagged under: Economics | US Politics

B Lab Global Site

  2019-06-03 (or before) in

B Lab is a global nonprofit network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. We won't stop until all business is a force for good.

  Tagged under: Economics

U.N. Climate Report Merely a Blueprint for Destroying the World Economy

  2019-06-03 (or before) by in The Heritage Foundation

What will it take to keep the planet habitable? According to some eco-warriors, all that’s necessary is to end capitalism — the one economic system that has lifted billions from poverty and suffering. The latest United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report led Eric Holthaus, a Grist writer, to tweet enthusiastically, “The world’s top scientists just gave rigorous backing to systematically dismantle capitalism as a key requirement to maintaining civilization and a habitable planet.”

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Economics | Capitalism

It is a fantasy to think that financial markets will self-regulate when it comes to climate risk

  2019-06-03 in LSE Blogs | Expert analysis & debate from LSE

Abby Innes explains how the current financial incentive framework is stacked against any traded company that tries to care about climate change. She warns that without government regulation, the ec…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

The Radical Plan to Save the Planet by Working Less

  2019-05-31 (or before) in VICE

The degrowth movement wants to intentionally shrink the economy to address climate change, and create lives with less stuff, less work, and better well-being. But is it a utopian fantasy?

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Degrowth

UK urged to take lead on biodiversity as UN issues urgent warning

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

Ministers have commissioned a report on economic case for biodiversity, but activists insist actions, not studies, are needed

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife | Activism

Dare to declare capitalism dead – before it takes us all down with it | George Monbiot

  2019-04-25 in The Guardian

The economic system is incompatible with the survival of life on Earth. It is time to design a new one, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism | US Politics

The financial sector must be at the heart of tackling climate change

  2019-04-17 in The Guardian

The industry is key to achieving a low-carbon economy, say Mark Carney, François Villeroy de Galhau and Frank Elderson

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change

Mark Carney tells global banks they cannot ignore climate change dangers

  2019-04-17 in The Guardian

Financial sector warned it risks losses from extreme weather and its stakes in polluting firms

  Tagged under: Economics | Extreme Weather | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Activism | Extinction Rebellion | Extinction

The Sequel: Life After Economic Growth

  2019-04-04 (or before) in Tikkun - The Prophetic Jewish, Interfaith & Secular Voice to Heal and Transform the World

Shaun Chamberlin writes about the central dilemma in our globalized world: growth vs. non-growth and the impact on our economy and planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth

The "New Energy Economy": An Exercise in Magical Thinking | Manhattan Institute

  2019-03-22 in

Progressive policymakers promote the idea that America is on the verge of a green revolution that will eliminate hydrocarbon use within the near future—but in reality, this is not possible.

  Tagged under: Economics

Global Warming Energy Restrictions Threaten U.S. National Security | Watts Up With That?

  2019-03-20 in Watts Up With That?

March 5, 2019 By James Taylor Download the PDF A review of all risk factors reveals that imposing carbon dioxide restrictions on the U.S. economy would diminish, rather than enhance, American military preparedness. Global warming activists claim climate change poses a threat to America’s military and national security. Their primary assertion is that alleged negative

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Activism

Buying A New Car Is Greener Than Driving An Old One...Really

  2019-02-25 (or before) in Green Car Reports - Hybrid and Electric Car News, Reviews and Buying Guides

You've probably heard it at some point: A friend claims his older vehicle is far greener than the new car with much higher fuel economy you just bought That's because, he says, the old car didn't require all the energy and natural resources your car consumed as it was built. But is that older car really greener? The short answer: No. The longer answer is...

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate and economic risks 'threaten 2008-style systemic collapse'

  2019-02-12 in The Guardian

Environmental and social problems could interact in global breakdown, report says

  Tagged under: Economics | Collapse

Oxford Economics: Oil and Natural Gas Is Driving U.S. Economic Growth Across Sectors

  2019-02-12 in Energy In Depth | A Project of IPAA

Fueled by record-setting oil and natural gas production, the U.S. extraction sector is poised to grow faster than any other industry this year, according to a new analysis by Oxford Economics. The research firm predicted that the oil, natural gas and mining sector could grow...

  Tagged under: Predictions | Economics | Economic Growth

The False Choice Between Economic Growth and Combatting Climate Change

  2019-02-09 (or before) in The New Yorker

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Economic Growth

Trump ditches coal when hyping 'revolution in American energy' in SOTU speech

  2019-02-05 by in The Hill

President Trump did not mention coal when he declared Tuesday night that his administration has “unleashed a revolution in American energy” that has lead to historic energy export highs and economic grow

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | Donald Trump | Coal | Economics

What is a circular economy? | Ellen MacArthur Foundation

  2019-01-25 (or before) in Ellen MacArthur Foundation - How to Build a Circular Economy

Definition and principles of a circular economy. Find out why it's much more than recycling, how companies are making circular economy products and dig deeper with diagrams, circular economy examples and videos.

  Tagged under: Economics

'Our house is on fire': Greta Thunberg, 16, urges leaders to act on climate | Climate crisis | The Guardian

  2019-01-25 (or before) in The Guardian

Swedish school strike activist demands economists tackle runaway global warming. Read her Davos speech here

  Tagged under: Economics | Greta Thunberg | Activism

Circular economy courses

  2019-01-25 (or before) in Ellen MacArthur Foundation - How to Build a Circular Economy

If you want to deepen your knowledge of the circular economy, learn how to stay ahead of the game and be a part of the change, our courses could be for you.

  Tagged under: Economics

How to build a circular economy | Ellen MacArthur Foundation

  2019-01-25 (or before) in Ellen MacArthur Foundation - How to Build a Circular Economy

Help build a circular economy: a better system that can help fight climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Explore circular solutions for businesses and policymakers plus courses, circular economy examples and more.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Biodiversity Loss

The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex [ACT I]

  2019-01-23 in The Art of Annihilation

January 17, 2019   “What’s infuriating about manipulations by the Non Profit Industrial Complex is that they harvest the goodwill of the people, especially young people. They target tho…

  Tagged under: Economics | Greta Thunberg

The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us | George Monbiot

  2018-11-14 in The Guardian

We can no longer tinker around the edges and hope it will help, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Economics | US Politics

Which financial architecture can protect environmental commons? | Article by Nick Molho and Tim Jackson

  2018-10-20 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

The discourse around ‘natural capital’ potentially offers a way to integrate decisions about the commons effectively into economic decisions. Investing in the commons is key to protecting the flow of services provided to society by natural capital. Recent exploration of the potential for investing in natural infrastructure has highlighted numerous mechanisms, which could help turn this proposition into a reality.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Britain fell for a neoliberal con trick – even the IMF says so | Aditya Chakrabortty

  2018-10-17 by Aditya Chakrabortty in The Guardian

The fund reports that Britain’s finances are weaker than all other nations except Portugal, and says privatisation is to blame, says Guardian columnist Aditya Chakrabortty

  Tagged under: Economics | Finance

Climate Science Deniers Respond to IPCC 1.5C Report with Anger, Fear, and Distortion

  2018-10-11 by in DeSmog

A big UN report arrived on Monday, saying in no uncertain terms that the world has up to two decades to massively cut emissions by transforming the global economy if we want to avoid terrible climate impacts. Given the implications of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) findings — government intervention, progressive social policies, more international aid […]

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Climate Change | Disinformation and Misinformation | Climate Change Impacts | Economics

Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change (Published 2018)

  2018-08-01 by in The New York Times

We knew everything we needed to know, and nothing stood in our way. Nothing, that is, except ourselves. A tragedy in two acts.

  Tagged under: CO2 | US Politics | Climate Change | Exxon | Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Economics

Prosperity without Growth—Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow

  2017-04-27 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

The publication of Prosperity without Growth was a landmark in the sustainability debate. This substantially revised and re-written edition updates its arguments, outlining the foundations for the economy of tomorrow.

  Tagged under: Economics | Sustainability

Aid in reverse: how poor countries develop rich countries | Jason Hickel

  2017-01-14 in The Guardian

New research shows that developing countries send trillions of dollars more to the west than the other way around. Why?

  Tagged under: Economics

It's the economy that needs to be integrated into the environment - not the other way around | Andrew Simms

  2016-06-14 in The Guardian

Andrew Simms: BP’s call for a ‘meaningful carbon price’ is the latest example of wrongly trying to apply economic theories and tools to the environment

  Tagged under: Carbon Pricing | Economics | BP

Failing to put a value on nature condemns it

  2015-11-23 in The Guardian

Placing an economic value on ‘natural capital’ forces companies to conserve nature rather than destroy it

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Wildlife | Capitalism

What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change

  2014-11-18 in IEEE Spectrum

Today’s renewable energy technologies won’t save us. So what will?

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Coal | Climate Change | Economics | Innovation | Carbon Capture and Storage

Scientists vindicate 1972 'Limits to Growth' – urge investment in 'circular economy' | Nafeez Ahmed

  2014-06-04 in The Guardian

Nafeez Ahmed: Early warning of civilisational collapse by early to mid 21st century startlingly prescient - but opportunity for transition open

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Collapse

Why the economy needs nature | Tony Juniper

  2013-01-09 in The Guardian

Tony Juniper: Nature is not a drag on growth – its protection is an unavoidable prerequisite for sustaining economic development

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife | Economic Growth

“The True Costs of Automobility: External Costs of Cars”

  2012-12-31 in

First, the good news: another academic study  using conventional cost-benefit analysis finds that motorists in the 27 EU countries have a net economic cost to society, with the UK second only to Ge…

  Tagged under: Economics | Cars


  2012-10-28 in Why Green Economy?

How do we deal with the world’s urgent interconnected economic and environmental crises? Different people are talking about the green economy as the solution – but not everyone agrees on what…

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy

Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out - William E. Rees, 1992

  1992-10-01 in Sage Journals

Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out uses the concepts of human carrying capacity and natural capital to de...

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Sources (218)

15-17 May 2023 - Beyond Growth 2023 Conference
Age of Transformation
Al Jazeera
And Then There's Physics
Annual Reviews e-Print archive
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Carbon Tracker Initiative
Cassandra's Legacy
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Channel 4
Chatham House
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Collapse 2050
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Economy for the common good
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KPMG Advisory Services
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London Review of Books
London School of Economics
LSE Blogs | Expert analysis & debate from LSE
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Minerals Council of Australia
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New Climate Economy
New Economics Foundation
New Scientist
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Our World in Data
Oxford Academic
Oxford Alumni
Oxford Economics
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PLOS - Open Science
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
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Positive Money - Making money and banking work for society
Post Growth Institute
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Prospect Magazine
PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information
pv magazine International
Quartz | Make business better
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Resource Based Economy | A New Vision For Humanity
Rolling Stone - Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage
S&P Global S&P Global
Sage Journals
Schumacher Institute
Science Museum
Science | AAAS
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Slate Magazine
Smithsonian Magazine
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Tanja Sail
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Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
The American Prospect
The Art of Annihilation
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The Capital Times: Madison WI News
The Climate Coalition
The Conversation
The Disruptors
The Ecologist
The Economist Magazine
The Economy 2030 Inquiry | Shaping a decade of change
The Globe and Mail: Canadian, World, Politics and Business News & Analysis
The Guardian
The Guardian
The Heritage Foundation
The Hill
The Intercept
The Irish Times
The Issue
The Lancet
The National | Scottish News
The Nearly Now
The New Republic
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The New Yorker
The Telegraph
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Tikkun - The Prophetic Jewish, Interfaith & Secular Voice to Heal and Transform the World
TimothŽe Parrique
Transition Pathway Initiative
Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism
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Watts Up With That?
Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Why Green Economy?
Wildlife and Countryside Link
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews
Wiley Online Library
Yale Climate Connections

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