The Elephant

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Topic: GDP

Featured Articles:

Valuing What Counts: Framework to Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product

  2023-06-06 (or before) in LinkedIn

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most widely used benchmark to measure a countrys economic progress and the value of the goods and services it produces.

GDP also reflects a harmful anachronism at the heart of global policymaking:our economic models and measurements overlook many aspects that sustain life and contribute to human well-being, while perversely placing disproportionate value on activities that deplete the planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Related Articles (19)

What is GDP and how is it measured? - BBC News

  2023-09-17 (or before) in The BBC

A basic guide to how the economy is measured and why that calculation matters.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Is green growth happening? An empirical analysis of achieved versus Paris-compliant CO2–GDP decoupling in high-income countries

  2023-09-05 (or before) in The Lancet

The decoupling rates achieved in high-income countries are inadequate for meeting the climate and equity commitments of the Paris Agreement and cannot legitimately be considered green. If green is to be consistent with the Paris Agreement, then high-income countries have not achieved green growth, and are very unlikely to be able to achieve it in the future. To achieve Paris-compliant emission reductions, high-income countries will need to pursue post-growth demand-reduction strategies, reorienting the economy towards sufficiency, equity, and human wellbeing, while also accelerating technological change and efficiency improvemen...

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | The Paris Agreement | GDP | CO2 | Economic Growth

Valuing What Counts: Framework to Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product

  2023-06-06 (or before) in LinkedIn

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most widely used benchmark to measure a countrys economic progress and the value of the goods and services it produces.

GDP also reflects a harmful anachronism at the heart of global policymaking:our economic models and measurements overlook many aspects that sustain life and contribute to human well-being, while perversely placing disproportionate value on activities that deplete the planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Why GDP doesn't work, and what Scotland should replace it with

  2023-05-29 (or before) in The National | Scottish News

LAST week the Beyond Growth Conference, the biggest European conference to discuss an alternative economic model, took place in Brussels. Over…

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Wellbeing economy - Early Day Motions - UK Parliament

  2023-05-12 (or before) in

That this House welcomes the call made by President Michael D Higgins of Ireland on 28 April 2023 at a reception for the Think-Tank for Action on Social Change to look beyond the current obsession with economic growth and rebalance economy, ecology and ethics; notes that this call is well-aligned with the aims of the European Parliament’s examination of the Beyond Growth agenda; further notes that such a call has far-reaching implications for the teaching and practice of economics in which the obsession with perpetual growth has left society blinkered to the ecological catastrophe we now face; agrees with President Higgins...

  Tagged under: GDP | Economic Growth | Economics


  2023-05-06 (or before) in Growth Kills

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | GDP | Economics

Fixing unhealthy homes would hit GDP growth, but benefit families - report

  2023-04-03 in RNZ - NZ News, Current Affairs, Audio On Demand

New research shows household incomes would increase as a result of a retrofit programme.

  Tagged under: GDP | Economic Growth

Can statisticians move beyond GDP?

  2023-03-16 (or before) by in The Times & The Sunday Times

Every month, and to much fanfare, the Office for National Statistics publishes its latest estimates of gross domestic product. GDP is rightly regarded as the mo

  Tagged under: GDP | Economic Growth

Pursuing economic growth will kill us all in the end | Letter

  2023-02-02 in The Guardian

Letters: I risked prison to stand up against an system that will lead to ecological and societal collapse – we must look for alternative economic models, writes Zoe Cohen

  Tagged under: Activism | GDP | Economics | Economic Growth | Collapse

World economy set to lose up to 18% GDP from climate change if no action taken, reveals Swiss Re Institute's stress-test analysis | Swiss Re

  2022-06-14 (or before) in Swiss Re


  Tagged under: Climate Change | GDP | Economics | Economic Growth

Moving Beyond GDP: The Case for Wealth as a Core Measure of National Progress

  2022-04-29 (or before) in Earth Negotiations Bulletin - International Institute for Sustainable Development

Despite its frequent use as the main measure of progress, GDP fails to account for health, happiness, inequality, and environmental sustainability. An expert panel explored how a focus on wealth could inform policymaking in Africa—and how to make the shift.

  Tagged under: Africa | GDP | Economic Growth | Health | Sustainability

The poverty of ‘economic growth’

  2021-06-12 (or before) by in Al Jazeera

Simplistic stories of GDP growth are blinding us to the social and ecological destruction it so often entails.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

The Tragedy of Growth

  2021-03-06 (or before) in Positive Money - Making money and banking work for society

To protect wellbeing and avoid ecological disaster we must abandon GDP growth and transform our economic system Critiques of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic progress are widespread. However ‘beyond GDP’ narratives often seek to complement the dominant indicator with other measures of progress, aiming for ‘inclusive’ or ‘green’ growth, instead of […]

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse, analysis finds

  2020-10-12 in The Guardian

Trillions of dollars of GDP depend on biodiversity, according to Swiss Re report

  Tagged under: GDP | Insurance | Wildlife | Economic Growth | Collapse

GDP Is the Wrong Tool for Measuring What Matters

  2020-07-29 (or before) by in Scientific American

It’s time to replace gross domestic product with real metrics of well-being and sustainability

  Tagged under: GDP | Economic Growth | Sustainability

Britons want quality of life indicators to take priority over economy

  2020-05-10 in The Guardian

Polls finds majority would like ministers to prioritise health and wellbeing over GDP during coronavirus crisis

  Tagged under: GDP | Economics | Economic Growth | Health

Global economic growth will take big hit due to loss of nature

  2020-02-12 by Fiona Harvey in The Guardian

Damage to environment could wipe £368bn a year from growth by 2050 and UK will be hard hit, WWF warns

  Tagged under: Animal Populations | Biodiversity Loss | Natural World | Economics | GDP | Fish | Economic Growth | Trees

Nicola Sturgeon: Wellbeing as important as economic growth - BBC News

  2020-01-24 (or before) in BBC

In a speech later, Ms Sturgeon will say Scotland is creating an economy where "collective wellbeing" is as fundamental as GDP.

  Tagged under: Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

It's time to retire metrics like GDP. They don't measure everything that matters | Joseph Stiglitz

  2019-11-24 by Joseph Stiglitz in The Guardian

The way we assess economic performance and social progress is fundamentally wrong, and the climate crisis has brought these concerns to the fore

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | GDP | Economic Growth

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