The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Africa

Related Articles (223)

Zimbabwe drought: Digging riverbeds in desperate search for water

  2024-08-29 in The BBC

The southern Africa region is facing one of the worst droughts in living memory.

  Tagged under: Water Resources | Rivers | Zimbabwe | Drought | Africa

Palette to paycheck: the Lagos gallery helping children make a living from their art

  2024-03-13 in The Guardian

The Children’s Art Gallery supports young Nigerian artists from low-income families, helping them sell their work around the world and build a better life

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Nigeria | Africa | Children

Diplomats fear growing power of Iranian factions that want nuclear weapons

  2024-03-10 in The Guardian

Warnings that war in Gaza and Iran’s lack of cooperation on its nuclear programme are strengthening hand of hardliners

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Food Supplies Threatened in Southern Africa After Driest February on Record - Bloomberg

  2024-03-08 in Bloomberg

Zambia has declared protracted dry spell a national disaster as price of staple food surges.

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Senator Omtatah to take the Uyombo nuclear power plant war international

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Environmentalists say geothermal not exploited and as they stopped the Lamu coal-fired plant, they will stop this one.

  Tagged under: Kenya | Nuclear Power | Africa

Reforestation programs could threaten vast area of tropical grasslands

  2024-02-29 (or before) in Science Daily

New research reveals the scale of inappropriate reforestation projects across Africa. A new study reveals that an area the size of France is threatened by forest restoration initiatives, such as the AFR100 initiative (African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative), due to inappropriate restoration in the form of tree-planting.

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Land degradation in South Africa: Justice and climate change in tension

  2024-02-29 (or before) in British Ecological Society Journals

Abstract Land degradation is a global problem impacting biodiversity and livelihoods, with profound effects on resource-based livelihoods. As such, it impedes progress towards sustainable developme...

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A country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030.

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Climate change: alarming Africa-wide report predicts 30% drop in crop revenue, 50 million without water

  2024-02-28 by in The Conversation

A new study reveals that from 2050, Africa will suffer from food and water scarcity, and a massive loss of jobs in agriculture, unless climate change mitigation measures are put in place now.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Mitigation | Africa

Shell must clean up pollution before it leaves Niger delta, report says

  2024-02-28 in The Guardian

Firm told it must take responsibility for toxic legacy of pollution and safe decommissioning of abandoned oil infrastructure

  Tagged under: Shell | Africa

How Scotland is working with African countries on a massive renewable energy boom – Dr Richard Dixon

  2024-02-28 in The Scotsman

Renewable energy projects have benefits for rural electrification, energy security, job creation and even health – as well as the fight against climate change

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Conflation of reforestation with restoration is widespread | Science

  2024-02-16 in Science | AAAS

Across Africa, vast areas of nonforest are threatened by inappropriate restoration in the form of tree planting

  Tagged under: Africa

Ill-judged tree planting in Africa threatens ecosystems, scientists warn

  2024-02-15 in The Guardian

Research reveals area size of France is under threat by restoration projects taking place in unsuitable landscapes

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Trees | Africa

22: Religious groups as environmental activists

  2024-02-12 (or before) in Elgaronline from Edward Elgar Publishing

We first recall counterexamples where religion is used to exclude poor people from access to nature, e.g. high-caste Hindus consider rivers as sacred and simultaneously exclude Dalits from water use. We also recall the strong links between European Christianity and coloniality. Moreover, religion does not always mean organised religions with scriptures and clergy. In human societies, the difference between natural entities and anthropomorphic or zoomorphic religious beings is not clear cut. Snowed mountain tops are worshipped as Apus in the Andes. In India many Indigenous villages conserve sacred groves. In this thematic chapter...

  Tagged under: Rivers | Mexico | Religion | Indonesia | Africa | Activism | India

Hotter weather and a recurring drought in store for Cape Town soon, experts warn

  2024-01-21 in IOL | News that Connects South Africans

If you think the 35ºC heat on Friday was hot, then it is likely you will be hopping from the frying pan into the fire soon, if the warnings of climate change experts are anything to go by.

  Tagged under: Drought | South Africa | Africa

Women, girls suffer the most from climate displacement

  2024-01-21 in Nation Africa

Forced to leave their homes behind, this vulnerable population is bearing the biggest brunt of global warming

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Africa

Scientists discover southern Africa's temps will rise past rhinos' tolerance

  2024-01-17 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Southern Africa contains the vast majority of the world's remaining populations of both black and white rhinoceroses (80% and 92%, respectively). The region's climate is changing rapidly as a result global warming. Traditional conservation efforts aimed at protecting rhinos have focused on poaching, but until now, there has been no analysis of the impact that climate change may have on the animals.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Africa

More than 160 elephants die in Zimbabwe, with many more at risk

  2024-01-17 in The Guardian

Drought in Hwange national park was the cause of most of the deaths, and wildlife experts fear the climate crisis could make such events look normal

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Drought | Zimbabwe | Africa

What Happens When Africa's Largest Lake Runs Out of Fish?

  2024-01-14 (or before) in National Geographic

The fishermen who rely on Lake Victoria's once-abundant perch population for their livelihood know they are living on borrowed time.

  Tagged under: Fishing | Famine and Food Insecurity | Africa | Fish

Air pollution kills 780,000 people in Africa each year

  2024-01-14 (or before) in Chemical and Engineering News

Modeling study from NASA suggests Saharan dust storms account for much of the burden

  Tagged under: Africa

Water Scarcity in Africa: Everything You Need to Know

  2024-01-14 (or before) in Global Citizen

The water crisis across Africa is only getting worse due to climate change. By 2025, hundreds of millions of people will experience water scarcity.

  Tagged under: Africa | Water Resources

Awash with fossil fuel money, African football is sowing the seeds of its own destruction | David Goldblatt

  2024-01-07 in The Guardian

As Afcon kicks off under an oil firm’s banner, it is a tragic irony that the climate crisis is making the game ever more unsafe to play outdoors

  Tagged under: Africa | Fossil Fuels

African vultures declining at a critical rate | University of St Andrews news

  2024-01-07 (or before) in University of St Andrews News

  Tagged under: Africa | Birds

Climate and vaccine misinformation seemed worlds apart – but it turned out the Cranky Uncle was a universal figure

  2024-01-06 in The Guardian

A game that teaches people how to spot climate misinformation is now being rolled out – with the same cantankerous central character – to combat vaccine hesitancy in the developing world

  Tagged under: Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Disinformation and Misinformation | Health | Africa

Birds of prey in Africa experiencing population collapse, study finds

  2024-01-04 in The Guardian

Several species have vanished across swathes of the continent – and scientists say their disappearance holds unknown risks for humans

  Tagged under: Collapse | Birds | Africa | Wildlife

African savanna raptors show evidence of widespread population collapse and a growing dependence on protected areas - Nature Ecology & Evolution

  2024-01-04 in Nature

A compilation of survey data from pre- and post-2000 for 42 raptor species across parts of West, Central, East and southern Africa shows 88% of species in population decline and reveals trends across regions, protected areas and species size.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Africa

‘They attacked us. They displaced us’: grieving South Sudanese confront Swedish oil giant over their days of slaughter

  2023-12-31 in The Guardian

A historic trial, which will call on 61 witnesses worldwide, is expected to set a precedent for global corporations in foreign jurisdictions

  Tagged under: Middle East | Africa

World will look back at 2023 as year humanity exposed its inability to tackle climate crisis, scientists say

  2023-12-29 in The Guardian

Disastrous events included flash flooding in Africa and wildfires in Europe and North America

  Tagged under: COP28 | Wildfires | Africa

Rice Hits Fresh 15-Year High as Food Security Fears Fuel Demand - Bloomberg

  2023-12-27 in Bloomberg

Rice prices surged to a fresh 15-year high, fueled by strong demand and lingering supply concerns.

  Tagged under: Africa | India

A naturalist finds hope despite climate change in an era he calls 'The End of Eden'

  2023-12-23 in NPR

South African naturalist Adam Welz has traveled the world, documenting the profound impact of climate change on wild species. He says his research has convinced him despair isn't the answer.

  Tagged under: Africa

Compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe impacts from Horn of Africa flooding exacerbated by climate change and Indian Ocean Dipole – World Weather Attribution

  2023-12-07 (or before) in World Weather Attribution

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change Impacts | Africa | India

Leaks reveal how McKinsey drives African climate agenda

  2023-11-27 by in Climate Home News

Whistleblowers caution about the increasing role of McKinsey in the climate agenda, promoting carbon markets and energy transition plans

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Energy | Carbon Pricing | Africa

Revealed: Saudi Arabia’s grand plan to ‘hook’ poor countries on oil

  2023-11-27 in The Guardian

Climate scientists say fossil fuel use needs to fall rapidly – but oil-rich kingdom is working to drive up demand

  Tagged under: COP28 | Fossil Fuels | Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Africa

‘The river took it all’: Somalis wait for waters to recede as floods kill dozens

  2023-11-22 in The Guardian

Bilan reporters describe devastation across Somalia as ‘once-in-a-century’ floods hit a country reeling from a six-year drought

  Tagged under: Drought | Rivers | Middle East | Africa

Corruption and Rights Abuses Are Flourishing in Lithium Mining Across Africa, a New Report Finds - Inside Climate News

  2023-11-15 by in Inside Climate News

On a Sunday afternoon in March 2023, Darlington Vito was shot in the head outside an industrial lithium mine in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe.  A subsistence miner, he had been searching for chunks of ore in a rubble pile when a security guard at the mine site fired his weapon without warning, family members and local […]

  Tagged under: Colonialism | Zimbabwe | Africa | Lithium

Centre of deadly bird flu outbreaks shifts from Asia to Europe and Africa

  2023-10-19 in The Guardian

Increase of virus in wild birds is driving evolution and spread of new strains, researchers found

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Africa

Decision near on $4bn Uganda pipeline, Standard Bank says

  2023-10-18 by in Energy Voice

A controversial $4 billion crude oil pipeline to link Uganda and Tanzania has overcome a key hurdle that delayed a final decision, according to Standard

  Tagged under: Africa

South Africa’s penguins heading toward extinction; will no-fishing zones help?

  2023-10-17 in Mongabay

CAPE TOWN — The endangered African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) could be extinct in the wild in just over a decade. To protect the bird’s food supply and slow its population collapse, South Africa is throwing a protective no-fishing cordon around its main breeding colonies. But the devil is in the details, and conservationists say time […]

  Tagged under: Fish | Collapse | Africa | Extinction

Cut down once again: Uncontrolled logging puts new Sahel reforestation projects at risk

  2023-10-06 in Mongabay

This report was produced with the support of the Rainforest Journalism Fund in partnership with the Pulitzer Center. MOKOLO, Cameroon — The sun is already beating down this morning, a Saturday in July, at Mansour-Sabongari village. Young locals sit chatting in the shade of a forest plantation developed by the  Reforestation 1400 project. The project […]

  Tagged under: Africa | Trees

Weather tracker: South Africa hit by storms and unseasonably low temperatures

  2023-09-25 in The Guardian

Temperatures 10-15C below norm forecast in South Africa while risk of wildfires rises in Australia after unusual spring heatwaves

  Tagged under: South Africa | Africa | Heatwaves | Wildfires

UN: 700 Million People Don't Know When — Or If — They Will Eat Again

  2023-09-25 (or before) by in VOA - Voice of America English News

Need is rising as humanitarian funding is drying up, UN food chief says

  Tagged under: Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Health

As World’s Problems Grow More Challenging, UN Chief Gets Bleaker

  2023-09-25 (or before) by in VOA - Voice of America English News

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ assessment, delivered in his no-nonsense style, aimed to shock

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East

Elephants on the march across African borders as fatalities are on the rise

  2023-09-20 in The Guardian

More carcasses found as animals roam long distances and clash with local people in search for water

  Tagged under: Africa | Wildlife | Zimbabwe

Climate action must respond to extreme weather driving health crisis, says WHO

  2023-09-19 in The Guardian

Melting ice caps and rising sea levels are urgent but people care more about the floods, wildfires and droughts that are here now, New York summit hears

  Tagged under: COP28 | Libya | Drought | Africa | Ice Melting | Sea Level | Health | Middle East | Wildfires

Fast and fair renewable energy for Africa: Lessons from Kenya - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

  2023-09-19 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Africa

Climate Change made Libya's deadly rainfall up to 50 times more likely - study | Reuters

  2023-09-19 in Reuters

Climate Change made the heavy rainfall that led to deadly floods in Libya up to 50 times more likely, scientists said on Tuesday.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Libya | Flooding | Extreme Rainfall | Africa

‘Disastrous beyond comprehension’: 10,000 missing after Libya floods

  2023-09-12 in The Guardian

Neighbourhoods washed away in port city of Derna, where two dams burst, with many bodies swept out to sea

  Tagged under: Libya | Africa | Middle East

Targeting Congolese exploration, Greenpeace pursues insurers

  2023-09-08 by in Energy Voice

The report finds that coverage for the oil blocks would be “prohibitively expensive” for any winning companies. Congo lacks the capacity domestically to provide insurance.

  Tagged under: Congo | Africa | Insurance | Greenpeace

Africa proposes global carbon taxes to fight climate change - BBC News

  2023-09-08 (or before) in The BBC

Despite suffering some of the worst impacts of climate change, the continent only gets 12% of financing.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Climate Change Impacts

African leaders call for debt relief to help tackle climate crisis

  2023-09-06 in The Guardian

Nairobi declaration, issued at first Africa Climate Summit, also includes call for global carbon taxes

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Finance

CDP: Extreme heat is worst climate hazard for world's cities

  2023-08-24 in Business Green

Non-profit reveals extreme heat it the most widely reported climate hazard among global cities

  Tagged under: Africa | Extreme Heat

Landscape of conquest: frontier water alienation and Khoikhoi strategies of survival, 1652–1780

  2023-08-17 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries European settlers ousted the Khoikhoi and San from much of the land they inhabited in south‐western Africa using a strategic combination of technology an...

  Tagged under: Africa

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert

  2023-08-12 in The Guardian

Water scarcity threatening agriculture faster than expected, warns Cop15 desertification president

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa

‘Like a blowtorch’: Mediterranean on fire as blazes spread across nine countries

  2023-07-26 in The Guardian

‘There is no magical defence mechanism,’ says Greek prime minister as fires burn in northern Africa and southern Europe

  Tagged under: Spain | Africa | Heatwaves | Greece

Southern Europe braces for second heat storm in a week

  2023-07-16 in The Guardian

New system pushing into region from north Africa could lead to temperatures above record 48.8C

  Tagged under: Spain | Africa | Greece

Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu declares state of emergency over food - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in The BBC

The president plans to provide protection to farmers targeted by notorious kidnapping gangs.

  Tagged under: Farming | Nigeria | Africa

Nigerian kidnap gangs drive big-time Nigerian farmers away - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in The BBC

Some of those key to boosting agricultural output in Africa's most-populous nation have given up.

  Tagged under: Farming | Nigeria | Africa

Past and projected climate change impacts on heat-related child mortality in Africa - IOPscience

  2023-07-10 (or before) in IOPscience

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Climate Change Impacts | Children

What a world 1.5 degrees hotter would look like

  2023-06-30 (or before) in | IPS Journal

To mitigate the worst climate change impacts, we need to consider implementing climate solutions outside of the free economic market

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Justice

Demand for EV mineral skyrockets, leaving miners largely overlooked - Washington Post

  2023-06-15 (or before) in The Washington Post

South Africa is the world’s largest producer of manganese, but the EV industry has done little to protect miners from the neurological hazards of the mineral.

  Tagged under: Minerals | South Africa | Africa

Reconciling theory with the reality of African heatwaves

  2023-06-15 (or before) in Nature

Extreme weather damage databases report no significant heatwave impacts in sub-Saharan Africa since 1900, yet the region has experienced a number of heatwaves and will be affected disproportionately by them under climate change. Addressing this reporting discrepancy is crucial to assess the impacts of future extreme heat there.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Climate Change Impacts | Heatwaves

Army of fake social media accounts defend UAE presidency of climate summit

  2023-06-08 in The Guardian

Sultan Al Jaber – Cop28 president and CEO of state oil firm – is ‘ally the climate movement needs’, posts say

  Tagged under: COP28 | Africa | Middle East

Renewable Energy Grid Survey points to 66 GW development pipeline in South Africa

  2023-06-06 (or before) by in Engineering News|Real-Economy News

A new survey of South Africa’s renewable-energy development pipeline, and its potential implications  for grid planning and investment, reveals that there is currently a 66 GW pipeline of wind and solar projects in South Africa and that a number of these projects are envisaged to be coupled with battery storage. The pipeline also includes some 2 GW of gas-to-power. The ‘Renewable Energy Grid Survey’, which has been compiled by Eskom in collaboration with the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) and the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) indicates that about 18.3 GW is at an a...

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Africa | Wind Power | Electricity Grid

Quest for coveted EV battery metals yields misery in Guinea - Washington Post

  2023-05-21 (or before) in The Washington Post

The soaring demand for electric vehicles is fueling dramatic changes in Guinea, home to the world’s largest bauxite reserves.

  Tagged under: Africa | Minerals | Mining

‘No one saw this level of devastation coming’: climate crisis worsens in Somalia

  2023-05-19 in The Guardian

Torrential rain, coming on top of the country’s worst drought in four decades, has forced 250,000 people to leave their homes

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa | Middle East

‘The city was underwater’: quarter of a million Somalis flee flooded homes

  2023-05-17 in The Guardian

Climate crisis a key factor in flash flooding of Beledweyne as rains end drought and Shabelle River breaks its banks

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa | Rivers | Middle East

Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health and children are especially vulnerable

  2023-05-17 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

I studied medicine at the University of Cape Town, graduating in 1989. Over six years as an undergraduate I was taught the science of medicine by teachers who were superb scientists and clinicians. I graduated with a keen sense of pathology, anatomy, microbiology and all the specialties. Unsurprisingly, I was acutely aware of how the politics of the day impacted on how I practised medicine in South Africa and from a very early undergraduate stage it didn’t take a genius to realise that ethnicity had a direct impact on the pattern of diseases and patient outcomes. Yet we were not taught about the social determinants of heal...

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Women and Children

Warning signs across the world suggest climate change is now out of control – Dr Richard Dixon

  2023-05-15 (or before) in The Scotsman

Wildfires rage in Canada, heatwaves in Europe, Africa and Asia, sea ice and glaciers disappearing – the effects of climate change are becoming impossible to ignore

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Heatwaves | Wildfires

Impact of warmer seas on fish stocks leads to rise in pirate attacks

  2023-05-11 in The Guardian

Study of piracy hotspots in east Africa and South China Sea found that piracy increases when fish populations decline and vice versa

  Tagged under: Africa | Fish

Conflict and climate disasters combine to create record rise in displaced people

  2023-05-11 in The Guardian

Ukraine war and Pakistan’s ‘monsoon on steroids’ among events driving surge on ‘scale never seen before’ as 71m people displaced

  Tagged under: Conflict | Africa | Middle East

Insurance giant ‘breached international guidelines’ by backing oil pipeline

  2023-05-05 (or before) in The Bureau Investigates

A group of NGOs allege that Marsh is contributing to the serious harm caused by the pipeline by providing the insurance services necessary for the project to progress

  Tagged under: Africa | Insurance | Finance

Who's Insuring the East African Crude Oil Pipeline? — #StopEACOP

  2023-05-05 (or before) in Stop EACOP

Which insurers have ruled out support for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline? Check our list

  Tagged under: Insurance | Africa

Insurance giant Marsh signs on for environmentally disastrous pipeline project

  2023-05-05 (or before) in The Bureau Investigates

Company defies its employees to broker project that will generate 33 million tons of carbon emissions each year

  Tagged under: Africa | EACOP | Insurance


  2023-05-05 (or before) in Stop EACOP

For too long, giant multinational oil companies have been making empty promises to the people of Uganda and neighboring countries in East and Central Africa. They’ve convinced governments and investors to pour money into proposed fossil fuel projects, but the reality is that the value of oil is plummeting.

  Tagged under: Africa | EACOP

Warming increases the risk of civil war in Africa | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2023-05-03 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Armed conflict within nations has had disastrous humanitarian consequences throughout much of the world. Here we undertake the first comprehensive ...

  Tagged under: Conflict | Climate Change | Africa

Revealed: most of EU delegation to crucial fishing talks made up of fishery lobbyists

  2023-04-26 in The Guardian

Europe accused of ‘neocolonialism’ for using vassal small island states to sway policy and continue ‘disgraceful plundering’ of distant waters

  Tagged under: Pacific Ocean | Africa | Fish | Wildlife | Indonesia

Opinion | My Continent Is Not Your Giant Climate Laboratory

  2023-04-18 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Geoengineering

Swimming pools of the rich driving city water crises, study says

  2023-04-10 in The Guardian

Pools and well-watered gardens at least as damaging as climate emergency or population growth

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa

Tunisia to cut off public water supplies overnight due to drought

  2023-04-05 (or before) in Reuters

Tunisia will cut off water supplies to citizens for seven hours a night in response to the country's worst drought on record, state water distribution company SONEDE said in a statement on Friday.

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa

Revealed: UAE plans huge oil and gas expansion as it hosts UN climate summit

  2023-04-04 in The Guardian

Exclusive: UAE’s fossil fuel boss will be the president of Cop28, making a mockery of the summit, say campaigners

  Tagged under: COP28 | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Middle East

More of SA’s parking lots are getting solar makeovers | Business

  2023-03-26 (or before) by in

South African landlords are turning their parking areas into clean energy hubs as they seek to reduce electricity costs and shield their tenants from rolling blackouts.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | South Africa | Africa | Electricity

Somalia drought: 43,000 died in 2022 and this year’s toll will be higher, study finds | The Independent

  2023-03-20 (or before) in The Independent

‘Unrelenting droughts’ have created worst hunger crisis for 70 years says

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Health

As the disturbing scenes in Tunisia show, anti-migrant sentiments have gone global | Nesrine Malik

  2023-03-13 in The Guardian

President Saied is scapegoating his country’s small black migrant population to distract from political failings. Does this sound familiar, asks Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East

Children face acute risk amid Malawi’s deadliest cholera outbreak

  2023-03-10 in The Guardian

The disease, which has killed 1,500 people since last March, has been aggravated by heavy rains and an overburdened health system

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Women and Children | Children

Scientists prove clear link between deforestation and local drop in rainfall

  2023-03-01 in The Guardian

Study adds to fears Amazon is approaching tipping point after which it will not be able to generate its own rainfall

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Extreme Rainfall | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Africa | Trees | Indonesia | Tipping Points

Educating for the Anthropocene: Schooling and Activism in the Face of Slow Violence

  2023-02-16 (or before) in MIT

The work of environmental educators and activists in India and South Africa offers new models for schooling and environmental activism. Education has never play

  Tagged under: Activism | South Africa | Africa | India

Insurance giant Marsh in firing line over controversial East Africa pipeline

  2023-02-07 in

Non-profits allege Marsh’s involvement in EACOP line must be ‘scrutinised’

  Tagged under: Africa | Insurance | TotalEnergies

Nigeria floods: Songs and testimonies from a drowning world - BBC News

  2023-01-29 (or before) in The BBC

Portraits of communities devastated by the worst recorded floods in Nigeria.

  Tagged under: Nigeria | Africa

Portugal agrees to swap Cape Verde's debt for environmental investment

  2023-01-24 by in Climate Home News

Cape Verde owes around $150m to the Portugese state - but Portugal says it will write off the debt if the African island nation spends the money on environmental measures

  Tagged under: Africa | Finance

African activists cast doubt over climate talks' credibility

  2023-01-17 in Associated Press News

MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) — Climate activists in Africa are expressing anger toward the United Nations climate agency, accusing it of allowing corporations and individuals with dubious climate credentials to greenwash their polluting activities by participating in its annual climate conference.

  Tagged under: Activism | Africa

Let’s face reality. Fossil fuel interests have destroyed the Cops – we need something new | Bill McGuire

  2023-01-16 in The Guardian

It beggars belief that the UN thought it a good idea to allow an authoritarian petro-state to host the already compromised summit, says Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of climate hazards

  Tagged under: COP28 | Africa | Middle East

Unprecedented Drought Emergency In The Horn Of Africa – OpEd

  2022-12-28 in

By J Nastranis The United Nations has warned that the Horn of Africa is facing an unprecedented drought emergency, which will unleash catastrophic consequences. Communities in the region are in the…

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa

COP27: BP chief listed as delegate for Mauritania - BBC News

  2022-11-19 (or before) in BBC

Chief executive of leading oil company is registered for COP27 as a delegate from poor African nation.

  Tagged under: COP27 | BP | Africa

‘False solutions’: scepticism over Saudi carbon capture plan

  2022-11-19 in The Guardian

Kingdom’s Cop27 announcement of new storage hub part of pattern of delaying fossil fuel transition, experts say

  Tagged under: COP27 | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Carbon Capture and Storage

Climate change exacerbated heavy rainfall leading to large scale flooding in highly vulnerable communities in West Africa – World Weather Attribution

  2022-11-17 (or before) in World Weather Attribution

  Tagged under: Extreme Rainfall | Climate Change | Africa

‘It turns out that a sandstorm is not the same wherever it happens’

  2022-11-16 in The Guardian

Stark difference in experience of sandstorms in Cairo and Dubai raises questions as climate crisis deepens

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East

Africa has vast gas reserves – here’s how to stop them adding to climate change

  2022-11-15 by in The Conversation

Developed nations threaten to consume more than their fair share of Earth’s dwindling carbon budget.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa

The colonial exploitation of Africas fossil fuels must stop

  2022-11-13 (or before) in Context News

  Tagged under: Africa | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero

UN unveils satellite-based system to spot methane #GlobalWarming #Sustainability #ClimateCrisis [Video]

  2022-11-12 in Energy News Videos

The UN unveiled on Friday a satellite-based system to detect methane emissions as part of efforts to cut down on the major contributor to global warming. MARS will use data from global mapping satellites to detect methane "hot spots" and large plumes of the gas, and identify its source, the UN Environment Programme said in a statement.

  Tagged under: Africa | Methane | Sustainability

How dash for African oil and gas could wipe out Congo basin tropical forests

  2022-11-10 in The Guardian

Third of Congo basin’s tropical forests are under threat from fossil fuel investments, undermining climate action, report warns

  Tagged under: COP27 | Congo | Rainforests | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Trees

Global South Climate Database - Carbon Brief

  2022-11-01 (or before) in Carbon Brief

The “Global South Climate Scientists Database” was launched to ensure that journalists can contact scientists from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific.

  Tagged under: Africa | South America

Two-thirds of US money for fossil fuel pours into Africa despite climate goals

  2022-10-31 in The Guardian

Joe Biden will fly to Africa to attend the Cop27 talks in Egypt but the US funnels billions to dirty projects on the continent

  Tagged under: COP27 | Joe Biden | Africa

‘Monstrous’ east African oil project will emit vast amounts of carbon, data shows

  2022-10-27 in The Guardian

Experts say crude oil pipeline from Uganda to Tanzania will produce 25 times host nations’ combined annual emissions

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Africa | Fossil Fuels

OPINIONISTA: Fossil fuel multinationals can never pay Africa enough compensation – the price is life on Earth

  2022-10-24 by in Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations

Many Africans live close to the land – as subsistence or small-scale farmers, or from fishing in rivers, lakes and coastal waters. When the oil and gas industry trumpets the jobs it will create, it never mentions the jobs, the land and the water it will destroy.

  Tagged under: Africa | Fish | Rivers

Chad – Floods Affect Almost 1 Million as Damage to Crops Increases Food Insecurity – FloodList

  2022-10-08 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Africa

‘Reckless’ coal firms plan climate-busting expansion, study finds

  2022-10-06 in The Guardian

Coal is the most polluting of all fossil fuels and investors must stop funding it, say campaigners

  Tagged under: COP27 | Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Climate Change | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Russia | India

Cop27 host Egypt warns UK not to backtrack from climate agenda

  2022-10-03 in The Guardian

Unusual diplomatic intervention prompted by fears over Liz Truss’s commitment to net zero

  Tagged under: COP27 | Africa | Net Zero | Middle East

All dried up: The materiality of drought in Ladismith, South Africa - Elisa Savelli, Maria Rusca, Hannah Cloke, Tyrel J Flügel, Abdulrazak Karriem, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, 2022

  2022-09-22 (or before) in Sage Journals

This paper conceptualises droughts as socioecological phenomena coproduced by the recursive engagement of human and non-human transformations. Through an interd...

  Tagged under: Drought | South Africa | Africa

State of Climate in Africa highlights water stress and hazards

  2022-09-05 in World Meteorological Organization

Water stress and hazards like withering droughts and devastating floods are hitting African communities, economies and ecosystems hard. Rainfall patterns are disrupted, glaciers are disappearing and key lakes are shrinking. Rising water demand combined with limited and unpredictable supplies threatens to aggravate conflict and displacement, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

  Tagged under: Drought | Conflict | Africa

Environmentalist Elizabeth Wathuti: ‘Perhaps I had something President Biden really needed to hear’

  2022-08-30 in The Guardian

Kenya’s rising climate star tells how her speech at Cop26 grabbed a world leader’s attention, and urges policymakers to go beyond mere pledges

  Tagged under: Activism | Joe Biden | COP26 | Africa | Sustainability

Europe Is Trying to Solve Its Energy Crisis With Fossil Fuel Projects in Africa

  2022-08-20 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Struggles for social justice and climate justice must be united to transform society amid government inaction.

  Tagged under: Africa | Climate Justice

When Extreme Weather Reigns, Disinformation Pours

  2022-07-29 by in DeSmog

Editor’s Note: This is part of a regular column, Gaslit, which navigates society’s dysfunctional relationship with fossil fuel disinformation. Have a tip or idea? Get in touch. Recent extreme weather across the globe is showing us how rapidly the climate is changing in an increasingly warming world. Heatwaves are scorching Europe, the United States, North Africa, Siberia, […]

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Wildfires | Heatwaves | Drought | Africa | Disinformation and Misinformation

Congo to Auction Land to Oil Companies: ‘Our Priority Is Not to Save the Planet’

  2022-07-24 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Congo | Land Use | Africa | Greenpeace | Trees

Climate change amplifies the risk of conflict, study from Africa shows

  2022-07-13 in Mongabay

In October 2021, the city of Guriel in Somalia’s Galguduud region became the epicenter of fierce fighting between the national army and a paramilitary group that left more than 100 people dead and displaced another 100,000. In November, the government declared a national emergency as drought intensified over 80% of the country, including in Galguduud. […]

  Tagged under: Drought | Conflict | Climate Change | Africa

Green Energy’s Dirty Secret: Its Hunger for African Resources

  2022-07-04 (or before) by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

The scramble for battery metals threatens to replicate one of the most destructive dynamics in global economic history.

  Tagged under: Batteries | Congo | China | Minerals | Africa | Colonialism

Cop15: lack of political leadership leaves crucial nature summit ‘in peril’, warn NGOs

  2022-06-28 in The Guardian

Nairobi biodiversity talks end in stalemate, prompting open letter to world leaders calling for action before Montreal conference

  Tagged under: Africa | Wildlife

‘We just pray for rain’: Niger is in the eye of the climate crisis – and children are starving

  2022-06-20 in The Guardian

Aguié’s clinic is full of malnourished children, with more dying in villages, as the global food crisis worsens years of drought

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa | Women and Children | Children

How climate change, overfishing and COVID drove irregular migration from West Africa

  2022-06-16 by in The Conversation

The influx of migrants from West Africa must be viewed as a manifestation of problems in the countries of origin.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa

‘Apocalyptic skies’: the dust storms devastating Gulf states and Syria

  2022-06-03 in The Guardian

Rising frequency of storms due to climate crisis is causing more loss of life and more destruction, say experts

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Saudi Arabia

Sooty hands and damaged lungs: the toll of Nigeria’s illegal refineries

  2022-05-29 in The Guardian

A recent clampdown on illegal oil refineries in Rivers State was welcomed by campaigners alarmed at the mounting medical toll on those living in the area. But will it have a lasting impact?

  Tagged under: Nigeria | Africa | Rivers | Fossil Fuels

Solar power shines through after a slow start in Africa | Financial Times

  2022-05-26 in Financial Times

The case for the renewable energy source is becoming clearer on the ‘sun continent’

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Africa

Apocalypse now? The alarming effects of the global food crisis

  2022-05-21 in The Guardian

The Bank of England governor warned last week of ‘apocalyptic’ food price rises. Yet war in Ukraine, climate change and inflation are already taking their toll all over the world

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Economics | Famine and Food Insecurity

Crop harvests for direct food use insufficient to meet the UN’s food security goal - Nature Food

  2022-05-15 (or before) in Nature

Elimination of hunger will require shifts in crop usage by 2030. Calories will need to be obtained from crops currently harvested for purposes other than direct food consumption. Sub-Saharan Africa, however, will likely fall short even if all harvested calories are used directly as food.

  Tagged under: Africa

South Africa’s April floods made twice as likely by climate crisis, scientists say

  2022-05-13 in The Guardian

Brutal heatwave in India and Pakistan also certain to have been exacerbated by global heating, scientists say

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | South Africa | Africa | India

Climate change increases cross-species viral transmission risk - Nature

  2022-04-29 (or before) in Nature

At least 10,000 virus species have the capacity to infect humans, but at present, the vast majority are circulating silently in wild mammals1,2. However, climate and land use change will produce novel opportunities for viral sharing among previously geographically-isolated species of wildlife3,4. In some cases, this will facilitate zoonotic spillover—a mechanistic link between global environmental change and disease emergence. Here, we simulate potential hotspots of future viral sharing, using a phylogeographic model of the mammal-virus network, and projections of geographic range shifts for 3,139 mammal species under clim...

  Tagged under: Predictions | Climate Change | Africa | Wildlife

Moving Beyond GDP: The Case for Wealth as a Core Measure of National Progress

  2022-04-29 (or before) in Earth Negotiations Bulletin - International Institute for Sustainable Development

Despite its frequent use as the main measure of progress, GDP fails to account for health, happiness, inequality, and environmental sustainability. An expert panel explored how a focus on wealth could inform policymaking in Africa—and how to make the shift.

  Tagged under: Africa | GDP | Economic Growth | Health | Sustainability

‘Relentless’ destruction of rainforest continuing despite Cop26 pledge

  2022-04-28 in The Guardian

Tropics lost 11.1m hectares of tree cover in 2021, including forest critical to limiting global heating and biodiversity loss

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | COP26 | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

Wildfires will pose great socioeconomic risk in future, say researchers

  2022-03-22 in The Guardian

Chinese and American scientists say western and central Africa may be hit in future

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Africa

Better use of groundwater could transform Africa, research says

  2022-03-21 in The Guardian

Studies ‘debunk the myth that Africa is running out of water’ but say resource needs to be better managed

  Tagged under: Africa

Dedicating my next 20 years to climate change: An interview with Sir David King FRS MAE - Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub

  2022-03-14 in Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub

AAAS Award winner and former UK Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King, shares his ambitious plans to tackle the global challenge of climate change. About Sir David King FRS MAE Professor Sir David King FRS MAE is a South African-born British chemist, Emeritus Professor and head of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group. He is the founder and Chair for the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge. Sir David was Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government and Head of the Government Office for Science from 2000 to... Read More Read More

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa

UN climate report: 'Atlas of human suffering' worse, bigger | AP News

  2022-02-28 (or before) in Associated Press News

Deadly with extreme weather now, climate change is about to get so much worse. It is likely going to make the world sicker, hungrier, poorer, gloomier and way more dangerous in the next 18 years with an “unavoidable” increase in risks, a new United Nations science report says.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Africa | Climate Change | Middle East

Global expansion and redistribution of Aedes-borne virus transmission risk with climate change

  2022-02-28 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Author summary The established scientific consensus indicates that climate change will severely exacerbate the risk and burden of Aedes-transmitted viruses, including dengue, chikungunya, Zika, and other significant threats to global health security. Here, we show more subtle impacts of climate change on transmission, caused primarily by differences between the more heat-tolerant Aedes aegypti and the more heat-limited Ae. albopictus. Within the next century, nearly a billion people could face their first exposure to viral transmission from either mosquito in the worst-case scenario, mainly in Europe and high-elevation tropical ...

  Tagged under: Africa | Climate Change | Health | Climate Change Mitigation | Climate Change Impacts

Lake Malawi's Fish Defy Death - While Their World Heritage Home Is Threatened | We Don't Have Time

  2022-02-28 (or before) in

By Jeffrey Barbee January 27, 2022 In the shallow rocky waters below a high granite outcrop a fish lies sideways, fallen onto the sand below. Its skin the hue of a rotting corpse, the fish is unmoving, apparently dead. But looks can be deceiving. As scavenger fish approach, the play-dead fish springs into action, snapping up the would-be eaters in a flurry of motion. One of hundreds of new fish species discovered in the warm waters of Lake Malawi in the last four decades, the play-dead fish’s only home is now in danger of being destroyed. Play dead fish Nimbochromis livingstonii. Picture: Ken McKaye/ Lake...

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Extreme Weather | Africa | Fish | Rivers | Insects | Legislation | Electricity | Health | Trees | Finance

Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

  2022-02-22 by in

Hunger is on the rise in Africa. Learn facts about drought, famine, malnutrition, and hunger in Africa as well as how you can help World Vision respond.

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity

Illegal overfishing by Chinese trawlers leaves Sierra Leone locals ‘starving’

  2022-02-01 in The Guardian

As illegal industrial-scale fishing by foreign fleets pillages fish populations, despairing coastal communities say they feel powerless

  Tagged under: Africa | Fish | Wildlife

Campaigners force Shell to halt oil exploration on South African coast

  2021-12-28 in The Guardian

Court instructs company to stop tests along Wild Coast after concerns raised about wildlife and lack of consultation

  Tagged under: Shell | South Africa | Africa | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Activism

Africa: Severe Water Stress, Absolute Scarcity for 2 to 4 Billion Humans By 2025

  2021-12-24 in

Now it comes to the scary water crises, as it is estimated that, globally, over two billion people live in countries that experience high water stress.

  Tagged under: Africa

No mountain high enough: study finds plastic in ‘clean’ air

  2021-12-21 in The Guardian

Microplastics from Africa and North America found airborne in French Pyrenees, 2,877 metres above sea level

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Africa | Sea Level | France

Oil company accused of drilling in African wildlife reserve, offering jobs for silence

  2021-12-18 (or before) in National Geographic

Canada-based ReconAfrica appears to have flouted Namibian law, legal experts say.

  Tagged under: Africa | Wildlife | Namibia

As eco-anxieties mount, Africa's young people urge action on clima

  2021-12-08 (or before) by in News Thomson Reuters Foundation News

Africa has the world's youngest population, and youth activists from Sudan to South Africa have been vocal in pushing for bolder policy action

  Tagged under: Activism | Africa

Why the Climate Panic About Africa Is Wrong

  2021-12-07 (or before) by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

Once again, the rich world sees Africans as a threat to the planet.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Coal | Africa

China 'trumps' the west by pledging larger share of IMF relief to African nations

  2021-12-01 in Climate Home News

President Xi Jinping promised to share around a quarter of China's pandemic recovery boost with Africa, more than European and American countries

  Tagged under: China | Africa

‘Battery arms race’: how China has monopolised the electric vehicle industry

  2021-11-25 in The Guardian

Chinese companies dominate mining, battery and manufacturing sectors, and amid human rights concerns, Europe and the US are struggling to keep pace

  Tagged under: Batteries | Congo | Africa | Electric Cars | Cars

China cancels proposed 3GW coal plant in the Limpopo MM-SEZ

  2021-11-18 in Fossil Free South Africa - The SA campaign for fossil fuel divestment

The Chinese Embassy in South Africa has confirmed in correspondence with Fossil Free SA that China will not be funding the proposed 3GW power plant in the Limpopo MM-SEZ

  Tagged under: Coal | South Africa | Africa

Christian Parenti: Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence

  2021-11-11 (or before) in YouTube

In his lecture Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence Dr. Christian Parenti talks about our new climate reality. From Africa to As...

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Conflict | Climate Change | Africa

Will climate change stop Arabia from being Saudi?

  2021-10-29 (or before) in openDemocracy

The power of the House of Saud is a direct product of the West’s obsession with oil – can it survive a global shift to green energy?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Saudi Arabia

EU carbon border levy could sabotage climate goals, says thinktank

  2021-10-28 in The Guardian

Requiring carbon certificates could lead African producers to sell in markets with lower standards

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Africa

groundWork Homepage

  2021-10-28 (or before) in Groundwork

groundWork is a non-profit environmental justice service and developmental organization working primarily in Southern Africa in the areas of Climate & Energy Justice, Coal, Environmental Health, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, and Waste.

  Tagged under: Coal | Africa | Health | Climate Justice

Rich countries break ‘totemic’ $100B annual climate pledge

  2021-10-25 in Politico

That undermines a bargain where developing countries were to cut emissions in return for climate finance.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | COP26 | Africa | Climate Change | Finance

Oil and gas group says African American ‘genetics’ are to blame for health problems, not pollution

  2021-10-19 (or before) in Think Progress

  Tagged under: Africa | Health

Can green energy power Africa's future? - BBC News

  2021-09-25 (or before) in The BBC

Energy access is a big issue for businesses in Africa, but can the continent go green as well?

  Tagged under: Africa

Madagascar on the brink of climate change-induced famine - BBC News

  2021-09-06 (or before) in BBC

The country is on the brink of experiencing the world's first "climate change famine", the UN says.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Madagascar

Climate crisis: Over 200 health journals urge world leaders to tackle “catastrophic harm”

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

More than 200 health journals have called on governments to take emergency action to tackle the “catastrophic harm to health” from climate change. A joint editorial says that while recent targets to reduce emissions and conserve biodiversity are welcome, they are not enough and need to be matched with credible short and longer term plans.1 The editorial was published simultaneously on 6 September in 233 international titles including The BMJ , the Lancet , the New England Journal of Medicine , the East African Medical Journal , the Chinese Science Bulletin , the National Medical Journal of India , and the Medical J...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Health | India

Tunisia plants seeds of hope against climate change

  2021-09-02 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Tunisian farmers are turning to the past to ensure a future by planting indigenous seeds as the North African country suffers at a time of drought, disease and climate change.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Climate Change | Africa

Opec member urges oil producers to focus more on renewable energy

  2021-09-01 in The Guardian

Iraqi minister and International Energy Agency chief urge countries to move away from fossil fuel dependency

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Middle East

Without help for oil-producing countries, net zero by 2050 is a distant dream | Ali Allawi and Fatih Birol

  2021-09-01 in The Guardian

To meet climate targets and avoid economic collapse, countries such as Iraq need international support in the transition to clean energy, say Iraq’s deputy PM Ali Allawi and IEA executive director Fatih Birol

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Middle East | Collapse

‘Everything is changing’: the struggle for food as Malawi’s Lake Chilwa shrinks

  2021-08-30 in The Guardian

The livelihoods of 1.5 million people are at risk as the lake’s occasional dry spells occur ever more frequently

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Africa | Fish | Wildlife | Sustainability

From 1m trees to a tree graveyard: how Dubai’s conservation plans went awry

  2021-08-24 in The Guardian

Hundreds of thousands of trees have died after costly real estate projects thwarted attempts to halt desertification

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Trees

Madagascar on the brink of climate change-induced famine

  2021-08-24 in The BBC

The country is on the brink of experiencing the world's first "climate change famine", the UN says.

  Tagged under: Africa | Madagascar | Famine and Food Insecurity

Centre for Environmental Rights – Advancing Environmental Rights in South Africa

  2021-07-11 (or before) in Centre for Environmental Rights, South Africa

We are activist lawyers who defend the right of communities and civil society organisations to an environment not harmful to health or wellbeing for

  Tagged under: Activism | South Africa | Africa | Health

BP is planning to drill for fossil gas on edge of world’s largest cold-water coral reef | The Independent

  2021-06-21 (or before) in The Independent

Exclusive: Oil giant’s plan to drill off west coast of Africa could raise the risk of biodiversity loss, further global heating and toxic fuel spills, an investigation reveals

  Tagged under: BP | Climate Change | Africa | Coral Reefs | Biodiversity Loss

A Big Oil Project in Africa Threatens Fragile Okavango Region

  2021-06-20 (or before) in Yale E360

A Canadian company is drilling exploratory wells in Namibia for what could be a major oil and gas find. Local residents and conservationists fear the project could use up scarce water supplies and cause widespread ecological disruption downstream in the world-renowned Okavango Delta.

  Tagged under: Africa | Namibia

New oilfield in African wilderness threatens lives of 130,000 elephants

  2021-06-20 in The Guardian

Exploratory project in Botswana and Namibia is threat to ecosystems, local communities and wildlife, conservationists say

  Tagged under: Africa | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Namibia

(PDF) Environmental assessment of the East African Rift Valley lakes

  2021-06-14 (or before) in ResearchGate

PDF | An assessment of the East African Rift Valley lakes was initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with funding from Global... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  Tagged under: Africa

‘Catastrophic’: Sierra Leone sells rainforest for Chinese harbour

  2021-05-17 in The Guardian

Controversial deal with China would be disastrous for fishing and protected rainforest, say opponents

  Tagged under: China | Rainforests | Africa | Fish

Oil excavation in Africa’s Kavango region must be stopped to meet world climate promises | The Independent

  2021-05-15 (or before) in The Independent

The climate column: Oil play in the Kavango region of Namibia and Botswana will affect climate targets, endanger indigenous communities and could be disastrous for conservation

  Tagged under: Oil Industry | Conservation | Africa | Climate Change | Wildlife | Namibia

Third of global food production at risk from climate crisis

  2021-05-14 in The Guardian

Food-growing areas will see drastic changes to rainfall and temperatures if global heating continues at current rate

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Rainfall | Drought | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Africa | Food Production and Consumption

Total signs deal to build East African oil pipeline, despite lack of finance

  2021-04-12 by in Climate Home News

Uganda and Tanzania have given political backing to the 1,445km East African Crude Oil Pipeline, but climate campaigners are deterring investment

  Tagged under: Africa | Finance

Ignoring climate change will lead to unprecedented, societally disruptive heat extremes in the Middle East

  2021-03-26 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

The Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) is a climate change hot spot where summers warm much faster than in the rest of the world. Some parts of the region are already among the hottest locations globally. A new international study led by scientists from the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center of the Cyprus Institute and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry predicts that ignoring the signals of climate change and continuing business as usual with increasing greenhouse gas emissions will lead to extreme, life-threatening heatwaves in the region. Such extraordinary heat events will have a severe impact on the people of...

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Greenhouse Gases | Africa | Predictions | Climate Change | Middle East

Tullow Oil paid UCD €2m to run courses in Africa, South America

  2021-03-25 (or before) in The Irish Times

Oil company funded a number of academic posts at UCD as part of five-year agreement

  Tagged under: Africa

World's top emitters a long way from aligning with climate goals | Reuters

  2021-03-23 (or before) in Reuters

The world's biggest carbon-emitting companies are far from aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement, a report by the leading climate-focused investor group showed on Monday.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Japan | Food Production and Consumption | Finance | India

Total's play for Ugandan oil tests the climate commitment of international banks

  2021-03-19 by in Climate Home News

A final investment decision on the East African Crude Oil Pipeline is expected at the end of March, as campaigners urge financial institutions to avoid fossil fuels

  Tagged under: Africa | TotalEnergies | Fossil Fuels

UK climate leadership seen weakened by aid cut for world's poor | Reuters

  2021-03-16 (or before) in Reuters

Britain's decision to cut its aid budget will likely dent its reputation on the global diplomatic stage and may weaken a push for other wealthy governments to find more funding to help poor nations tackle climate change, aid groups and think-tanks said.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Finance

Shell in Nigeria: Polluted communities 'can sue in English courts' - BBC News

  2021-02-14 (or before) in BBC

The UK Supreme Court's ruling is a victory for communities severely hit by pollution in the Niger Delta.

  Tagged under: Shell | Nigeria | Africa

Could a deadly pig virus transform Germany’s fixation on 'cheap meat'?

  2021-01-07 in The Guardian

African swine fever and Covid outbreaks among workers have raised questions over mega farms for pork

  Tagged under: Farming | Germany | Africa

‘Large-scale human rights violations’ taint Congo national park project

  2020-11-26 in The Guardian

Conservation groups proposing a protected area in the river basin accused of ignoring the interests of the Baka people

  Tagged under: Congo | Africa | Rivers | Trees

Sahel region is 'canary in the coalmine' on climate, says UN official

  2020-10-19 in The Guardian

Mark Lowcock criticises ‘totally inadequate’ effort to help Sahel countries adapt to global heating

  Tagged under: Coal | Africa | Mali

Creaming off commodity profits: Europe’s re-export boom and Africa’s earnings crisis in the coffee and cocoa sectors

  2020-10-01 in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

This briefing uses historical export data and a combination of institutional sources to track how mark-ups on African coffee and cocoa exports have changed relative to European coffee and cocoa re-...

  Tagged under: Europe | Capitalism | Africa | Colonialism

Botswana says it has solved mystery of mass elephant die-off

  2020-09-21 in The Guardian

Elephants may have ingested toxins produced by bacteria found in waterholes

  Tagged under: Africa | Zimbabwe | Extinction

Africa's Great Green Wall just 4% complete halfway through schedule

  2020-09-07 in The Guardian

Report calls for more support if plan to plant 100m hectares of vegetation is to be realised

  Tagged under: Africa | Trees

Floods Washed Away More Than 25% of Nigeria’s Rice Harvest

  2020-09-05 (or before) in Bloomberg

Floods washed away at least two million tons of rice in Nigeria, the second-largest importer of the grain. That is more than 25% of the previously projected national output of 8 million tons, according to estimates by a farmers’ organization.

  Tagged under: Farming | Nigeria | Africa

'Our dead are buried there': Ebo logging decree sparks anger in Cameroon

  2020-08-11 in The Guardian

Ebo forest is home to hundreds of rare species including Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees

  Tagged under: Nigeria | Africa | Wildlife | Trees

Global warming trends highlight 'enormous challenge' of meeting Paris climate pledge, WMO says | Reuters

  2020-07-09 (or before) in Reuters

Global temperatures will continue to warm over the next five years, and may even temporarily rise to more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Thursday.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Wildlife

Dry tropical forests may be more at risk than wet rainforests, study says

  2020-07-03 in The Guardian

Areas with a drier climate have seen greater loss of biodiversity from global warming

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Africa | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Climate-exodus expected in the Middle East and North Africa

  2020-06-07 (or before) in

Climate change could lead to more climate refugees from the Middle East and North Africa according to calculations by a team of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, led by J. Lelieveld.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Middle East

High winds kill thousands of migrating birds in 'disaster' over Greece

  2020-04-09 in The Guardian

Swallows and swifts on their annual flight from Africa to Europe have been found dead across Greece

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Africa | Wildlife | Greece

Locust crisis poses a danger to millions, forecasters warn

  2020-03-20 in The Guardian

Experts fear swarms like those seen in Africa will become more common as tropical storms create favourable breeding conditions

  Tagged under: Africa | Conflict | Middle East

'Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?

  2020-03-18 in The Guardian

As habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics

  Tagged under: Africa | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

Pope urges politicians to take 'drastic measures' on climate change | Reuters

  2020-03-10 (or before) in Reuters

Pope Francis challenged governments on Sunday to take "drastic measures" to combat global warming and reduce the use of fossil fuels, saying the world was experiencing a climate emergency.

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Climate Change | Africa | Forest Fires | Fossil Fuels | Pope Francis | Finance

Plan to drain Congo peat bog for oil could release vast amount of carbon

  2020-02-28 in The Guardian

Oil exploration in one of the greatest carbon sinks on the planet could release greenhouse gases equivalent to Japan’s annual emissions

  Tagged under: Congo | Greenhouse Gases | Africa | Fossil Fuels

East Africa locust outbreak sparks calls for international help | Environment News | Al Jazeera

  2020-01-25 (or before) in Al Jazeera

Desert locust infestation threatens food security and livelihoods in region reeling from drought and deadly floods.

  Tagged under: Drought | Africa

‘Hypocrisy’: 90% of UK-Africa summit’s energy deals were in fossil fuels

  2020-01-24 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Almost £2bn went to oil and gas despite a UK pledge to support cleaner energy in African countries

  Tagged under: Africa | Fossil Fuels


  2020-01-24 (or before) in GOV.UK

A summary of 27 commercial deals worth over £6.5bn from across the African markets invited to the UK-Africa Investment Summit

  Tagged under: Africa

UK could tap into Africa's $24bn market for off-grid solar power

  2020-01-21 in The Guardian

Rapidly growing sector could prove lucrative as Britain seeks post-Brexit trade opportunities

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Africa | Electricity Grid

How Flooding Is Devastating the Central African Republic

  2020-01-16 (or before) in TIME Magazine

A photographer documents the worst flooding in two decades

  Tagged under: Africa

Britons reach Africans’ annual carbon emissions in just two weeks

  2020-01-05 in The Guardian

Research for Oxfam shows inequality between footprints of people in UK and in countries including Rwanda, Ethiopia and Malawi

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Africa

Deadly drought in southern Africa leaves millions hungry

  2019-12-30 (or before) in YouTube

The worst drought in decades is impacting 45 million people in 14 countries across southern Africa.Zimbabwe is one of the countries most affected. Al Jazeera...

  Tagged under: Drought | South Africa | Africa | Zimbabwe

Lebanon heads for meltdown as protesters keep returning to streets

  2019-12-25 in The Guardian

Power of the street has run headlong into a system invested in entrenched graft and incompetence

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Activism

Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths

  2019-12-16 in The Guardian

Dell, Microsoft and Tesla also among tech firms named in case brought by families of children killed or injured while mining in DRC

  Tagged under: Tesla | Congo | Cobalt | Africa | Women and Children | Children

The role of innovation in augmenting Healthcare – the ColaLife Story

  2019-11-29 in ColaLife - Making co-packaged ORS and Zinc the go-to treatment for diarrhoea

I have spent the last two days (27 to 28-Nov-19) at the Africa Health Extension Summit (#AHES19) in Nairobi where I told an abbreviated version of the ColaLife story to illustrate the role of innov…

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Innovation

Quarter of world's pig population 'to die due to African swine fever'

  2019-10-31 in The Guardian

World Organisation for Animal Health warns spread of disease has inflamed worldwide crisis

  Tagged under: Africa | Health

Scientists endorse mass civil disobedience to force climate action | Reuters

  2019-10-26 (or before) in Reuters

Almost 400 scientists have endorsed a civil disobedience campaign aimed at forcing governments to take rapid action to tackle climate change, warning that failure could inflict "incalculable human suffering."

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Wildlife | US Politics

Large-scale afforestation of African savannas will destroy valuable ecosystems: African scientists speak out about global plans to plant trees on their continent in order to fight climate change

  2019-10-23 (or before) in Science Daily

Scientists from around the world argue that the suggested afforestation of large areas of Africa to mitigate climate change will destroy valuable ecological, agricultural, and tourist areas, while doing little to reduce global CO2 levels.

  Tagged under: Africa | Climate Change | Trees

Bittersweet nature of nitrogen calls for better management practices

  2019-10-23 (or before) in UN Environment Programme

Nearly 80 per cent of the air we breathe is nitrogen, a harmless inert gas. However, nitrogen also combines with other atoms to form chemical compounds—known as “reactive nitrogen” or “fixed nitrogen” (Nr)—that are essential for life on Earth but, at high concentrations, also hugely damaging to the environment.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Africa | Caribbean | Climate Change Mitigation

Banks warned over Saudi Aramco by environmental groups

  2019-10-17 in The Guardian

Ten green groups send letter to express concern over planned market float

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

  2019-10-09 in The Guardian

New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers

  Tagged under: BP | Shell | Exxon | Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Africa | Chevron | Fossil Fuels | Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

'The crisis is already here': young strikers facing climate apartheid

  2019-09-19 in The Guardian

Young activists call for north-south solidarity to tackle climate emergency that threatens to exacerbate inequality and conflict

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism | Bolsonaro | Greenhouse Gases | Nigeria | Africa

Africa’s tropical land emitted more CO2 than the US in 2016, satellite data shows - Carbon Brief

  2019-08-13 in Carbon Brief

Africa’s tropical land released close to 6bn tonnes of CO2 in 2016, according to data taken by satellites. This means that, if Africa’s tropical regions were a country, it would be the second largest emitter of CO2 in the world – ahead of the US, which currently emits 5.3bn tonnes of CO2 a year.

  Tagged under: Africa

Can planting billions of trees save the planet?

  2019-06-19 in The Guardian

Organisations from around the world are reforesting at an unprecedented rate

  Tagged under: Africa | Madagascar | Kenya | Trees

Tech firms to check suppliers after mining revelations in Tanzania

  2019-06-18 in The Guardian

Apple says it is ‘deeply committed to responsible sourcing of materials’

  Tagged under: Africa


  2019-05-26 (or before) in SolarAid | Combatting poverty and climate change

Lighting up every home, school and clinic in Africa by 2030

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Africa

BUSINESS MAVERICK OP-ED: Who will make the energy transition just?

  2019-05-26 by in Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations

The power cuts South Africans endured earlier in 2019 were a vivid reminder to all of us of the defining role that a reliable, constant supply of energy plays in our daily lives. But like addicts who depend on a ready supply regardless of the crushing cost, our current systems for delivering energy are killing us.

  Tagged under: South Africa | Africa

Universal basic income doesn’t work. Let’s boost the public realm instead | Anna Coote

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

A study of UBI trials concludes that making cash payments to all is no solution to poverty and inequality, says author Anna Coote

  Tagged under: Africa | India

‘Death by a thousand cuts’: vast expanse of rainforest lost in 2018

  2019-04-25 in The Guardian

Pristine forests are vital for climate and wildlife but trend of losses is rising, data shows

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

Historians rethink the Green Revolution

  2019-02-26 in Geography Directions - Geographical expertise applied to the issues that matter most

By Glenn Davis Stone, Washington University in St. Louis A memorable episode of The West Wing, the dramatic series about the US presidency, features a President Nimbala of a fictive African republi…

  Tagged under: Africa

Climate change 'cause of most under-reported humanitarian crises'

  2019-02-21 in The Guardian

Report says few headlines sparked by food crises that ravaged Madagascar, Ethiopia and Haiti

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change | Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Caribbean | Madagascar

The battle on the frontline of climate change in Mali - BBC News

  2019-01-22 (or before) in The BBC

Climate change is aggravating the conflict in Mali and making it harder to survive. writes Lyse Doucet.

  Tagged under: Africa | Global Warming | Conflict | Climate Change | Mali

John Kerry: Europe must tackle climate change or face migration chaos

  2018-11-16 in The Guardian

The ex-US secretary of state, speaking at a Guardian Live event, predicts mass movement from Africa

  Tagged under: Predictions | Climate Change | Africa | European Union

Top White House aide 'fired' after Melania Trump intervention, report says – as it happened

  2018-11-13 by Lauren Gambino in The Guardian

First lady called for Mira Ricardel, top aide to John Bolton, to go after the two had a dispute over plane seating during Africa trip

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Africa | US Politics

Climate change is exacerbating world conflicts, says Red Cross president

  2018-10-21 in The Guardian

‘It’s obvious some of the violence we are observing … is directly linked to climate change,’ says Peter Maurer

  Tagged under: Conflict | Climate Change | Africa | Committee on Climate Change UK

Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture

  2017-09-12 in The Guardian

Fertile soil is being lost at rate of 24bn tonnes a year through intensive farming as demand for food increases, says UN-backed study

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa | Middle East

We fought apartheid. Now climate change is our global enemy | Desmond Tutu

  2014-09-20 in The Guardian

On the eve of the UN Climate Summit, Desmond Tutu argues that tactics used against firms who did business with South Africa must now be applied to fossil fuels to prevent human suffering

  Tagged under: South Africa | Africa | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels

Activist groups take aim at World Bank for assisting corporate land takeovers in Africa

  2012-04-23 by in Deep Green Resistance News Service

By John Vidal & Claire Provost / The Guardian The World Bank is helping corporations and international investors snap up cheap land in Africa and developing countries worldwide at the expense of local communities, environment and farm groups said in a statement released on Monday to coincide with the bank’s annual land and poverty conference […]

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa | Activism | Colonialism

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Sources (84)

Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub
Al Jazeera
Associated Press News
British Ecological Society Journals
Business Green
Carbon Brief
Centre for Environmental Rights, South Africa
Chemical and Engineering News
Climate Home News
ColaLife - Making co-packaged ORS and Zinc the go-to treatment for diarrhoea
Context News
Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations
Deep Green Resistance News Service
Earth Negotiations Bulletin - International Institute for Sustainable Development
Elgaronline from Edward Elgar Publishing
Energy News Videos
Energy Voice
Engineering News|Real-Economy News
Financial Times
Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Fossil Free South Africa - The SA campaign for fossil fuel divestment
Geography Directions - Geographical expertise applied to the issues that matter most
Global Citizen
Inside Climate News
IOL | News that Connects South Africans
IOPscience | IPS Journal
Nation Africa
National Geographic
News Thomson Reuters Foundation News
openDemocracy - News and Articles on Science and Technology
PLOS - Open Science
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
Sage Journals
Science Daily
Science | AAAS
SolarAid | Combatting poverty and climate change
Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals
The BMJ: British Medical Journal
The Bureau Investigates
The Conversation
The Guardian
The Independent
The Irish Times
The New York Times
The Scotsman
The Washington Post
Think Progress
TIME Magazine
Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism
UN Environment Programme
University of St Andrews News
VOA - Voice of America English News
World Meteorological Organization
World Weather Attribution
Yale E360

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