The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Climate Home News


Articles from this source (48)

Oil-reliant Azerbaijan chosen to host Cop29 climate talks

  2023-12-09 by in Climate Home News

Azerbaijan gets two-thirds of its revenue from oil and gas, one of the highest percentages of any country in the world

  Tagged under: COP29

Leaks reveal how McKinsey drives African climate agenda

  2023-11-27 by in Climate Home News

Whistleblowers caution about the increasing role of McKinsey in the climate agenda, promoting carbon markets and energy transition plans

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Energy | Carbon Pricing | Africa

The subtle art of scaling up climate adaptation

  2023-11-20 by in Climate Home News

Climate funds are the early adopters of a different way of doing finance, prioritising the natural world and scaling up climate adaptation.

  Tagged under: Finance

The cruise industry says LNG is a climate solution. It's not

  2023-09-26 by in Climate Home News

Some of the biggest players in the cruise industry are claiming to be green and use LNG, while continuing to use fossil fuels

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

Maritime court hearing: Small islands demand urgent climate action

  2023-09-11 by in Climate Home News

At the maritime court hearing, small islands seek climate clarity, potentially setting precedent for other courts worldwide

How Portugal eucalyptus plantation play a role on wildfires

  2023-08-31 by in Climate Home News

Paper packages are championed as an alternative to plastic, but eucalyptus plantations are fuelling disaster in Portugal.

  Tagged under: Wildfires

Green funds in Indonesia were spent clearing forests for biomass

  2023-06-01 by in Climate Home News

Millions of dollars in green funds were spent reviving a project by Indonesia's Medco group, which cleared rainforests in Papua.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Trees | Indonesia | Finance

Study: Fossil fuel firms owe $209bn a year for climate damage

  2023-05-19 by in Climate Home News

Fossil fuel firms owe $209bn a year in reparations for the climate damage they have caused, according to a new study

After court blocks renewables push, US promotes carbon capture & hydrogen

  2023-05-11 by in Climate Home News

The Environmental Protection Agency will set limits on power plants' emissions, forcing them to clean up or shut down

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Hydrogen | Carbon Capture and Storage

Paris agreement's police force begins with rebuke to Vatican

  2023-05-11 by in Climate Home News

The Pope's home state has not yet issued a climate plan, which is against the rules of the Paris Agreement it ratified last year

  Tagged under: The Paris Agreement

Insurer quits climate alliance, citing legal fears

  2023-04-03 by in Climate Home News

Insurance company Munich Re has left the Net Zero Insurance Alliance, fearing legal action from politicians in the US Republican party

  Tagged under: Insurance | Net Zero

Revealed: Shell's massive stake in dubious rice carbon offsets

  2023-03-28 by in Climate Home News

An investigation by Climate Home found Shell 'brokered' dubious rice projects in China that could generate worthless carbon offsets.

  Tagged under: Shell

High Seas Treaty exempts deep-sea mining from stricter environmental rules

  2023-03-08 by in Climate Home News

Despite the setback campaigners hope countries will be emboldened to protect marine ecosystems as they negotiate seabed mining rules

Portugal agrees to swap Cape Verde's debt for environmental investment

  2023-01-24 by in Climate Home News

Cape Verde owes around $150m to the Portugese state - but Portugal says it will write off the debt if the African island nation spends the money on environmental measures

  Tagged under: Africa | Finance

Airlines plot fight-back against France's short-haul flights ban

  2023-01-19 by in Climate Home News

The aviation industry plans to argue that banning short-haul flights is ineffective and impinges on EU citizens' right to travel between countries

  Tagged under: France | Air Travel

My people have lived in the Amazon for 6,000 years: You need to listen to us

  2022-07-01 by in Climate Home News

As the planet warms and biodiversity collapses, those encouraging and profiting from the destruction of the Earth must be charged with ecocide

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Collapse

DR Congo approves auction of oil blocks in one of the world's largest carbon sinks

  2022-05-03 by in Climate Home News

At least three of 16 oil blocks earmarked for drilling overlap with the world’s largest tropical peatland complex, posing a double threat to the climate

  Tagged under: Congo

The heat in Delhi is unbearable. This is what the climate crisis feels like

  2022-04-29 by in Climate Home News

A short walk in the afternoon is exhausting. Heatwaves will keep getting worse until we stop burning fossil fuels

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Fossil Fuels

Experts sound the alarm on oil sector's blue hydrogen push

  2022-02-15 in Climate Home News

EU green investment rules facilitate the rollout of blue hydrogen, a fuel that could be more polluting than the fossil gas it is set to replace

  Tagged under: Hydrogen

Typhoon Rai's trail of destruction in the Philippines reignites loss and damage calls

  2022-01-11 in Climate Home News

More than 400 people were killed and seven million lost homes or livelihoods to the category 5 storm that hit the Philippines in December

Researchers are excited by 'tantalising' prospect of open IEA energy data

  2022-01-10 in Climate Home News

The International Energy Agency is proposing to lift the paywall on its extensive energy database, in a potential boon for climate research

A race for lithium is sparking fears of water shortages in northern Argentina

  2022-01-07 in Climate Home News

The salt flats of Catamarca hold rich resources for a green revolution, but the impact of mining on water sources has nearby communities worried

  Tagged under: Argentina | Lithium | Water Resources

'Extraordinary progress' - Beijing meets air pollution goals after coal crackdown

  2022-01-04 in Climate Home News

Social media protests and US direct diplomacy pushed authorities in China's capital to clean up heavy industry and home heating

  Tagged under: Coal | Activism

A rush to mine the deep ocean has environmentalists worried

  2021-12-03 in Climate Home News

Tiny Nauru is behind a push to fast-track talks on mining rules for the deep seabed, which could see fragile habitats opened to exploitation as early as 2023

  Tagged under: Oceans

China 'trumps' the west by pledging larger share of IMF relief to African nations

  2021-12-01 in Climate Home News

President Xi Jinping promised to share around a quarter of China's pandemic recovery boost with Africa, more than European and American countries

  Tagged under: China | Africa

Mia Mottley: the 'fearless' leader pushing a global settlement for the climate frontlines

  2021-11-18 in Climate Home News

The first female prime minister of Barbados is elevating wonky discussions on the future of global finance to the highest political level

  Tagged under: Caribbean | Finance

How tracking forest biomass change from space informs carbon cycling models

  2021-11-18 in Climate Home News

Sponsored content: Using a combination of data from different satellites, scientists are predicting the amount of above-ground biomass stored in the world's forests

  Tagged under: Predictions | Climate Change | Trees

India's vulnerability to coal shocks exposed amid surging energy demand and prices

  2021-10-05 in Climate Home News

The country's looming energy crisis raises serious questions over India's coal expansion plan as private investors move away from the sector, analysts say

  Tagged under: India | Coal

Conservation summit opens amid debate over role of indigenous people

  2021-09-03 in Climate Home News

A group of human rights NGOs has organised a counter-summit, claiming mainstream conservation measures aren't respecting indigenous peoples' rights

As the Taliban seizes control of Afghanistan, coal is a key source of revenue

  2021-08-26 in Climate Home News

Mining was a major source of finance for the Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan and has strategic importance as the militants seek to govern

  Tagged under: Coal | Finance

Putin sounds methane alarm, under satellite surveillance and EU pressure

  2021-04-27 in Climate Home News

The Russian president has raised concern about the warming impact of methane emissions, calling for research collaboration but making no policy promises

  Tagged under: Methane | Vladimir Putin | Russia

Total signs deal to build East African oil pipeline, despite lack of finance

  2021-04-12 by in Climate Home News

Uganda and Tanzania have given political backing to the 1,445km East African Crude Oil Pipeline, but climate campaigners are deterring investment

  Tagged under: Africa | Finance

Total's play for Ugandan oil tests the climate commitment of international banks

  2021-03-19 by in Climate Home News

A final investment decision on the East African Crude Oil Pipeline is expected at the end of March, as campaigners urge financial institutions to avoid fossil fuels

  Tagged under: Africa | TotalEnergies | Fossil Fuels

'Science-based' corporate climate targets are no such thing, says former advisor

  2021-02-24 in Climate Home News

As the number of businesses setting 'science-based' targets surges, experts are calling for more transparency over how those numbers are calculated

Climate leaders welcome reforming WTO chief, as carbon trade wars loom

  2021-02-16 in Climate Home News

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala brings an awareness of climate issues to the UN trade body, where member states are set to clash over carbon border taxes

10 myths about net zero targets and carbon offsetting, busted

  2020-12-11 by in Climate Home News

Carbon neutrality targets are often not as ambitious as they sound, relying on problematic carbon offsets and unproven technologies

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Carbon Offsetting

US has officially left the Paris Agreement, amid election to determine climate future

  2020-11-04 in Climate Home News

The race for the White House could take days or weeks to settle, with major implications for the prospects of tackling the climate crisis

  Tagged under: The Paris Agreement

Greta Thunberg looks to UN security council election for leverage on climate

  2020-06-10 in Climate Home News

Youth activists have written to small island negotiators, urging them to use their vote to pressure Canada and Norway into ending oil extraction

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism

Carbon offsets have patchy human rights record. Now UN talks erode safeguards

  2019-12-09 in Climate Home News

A new global carbon market could unleash finance for projects around the world. But protections for local communities were weakened in draft rules at Cop25

  Tagged under: Finance

One of the world's biggest emitters is trying to fly under the radar at Cop25

  2019-12-06 in Climate Home News

Australia is the third biggest fossil fuel exporter, has high emissions and plans to use a loophole to meet its pledges. Don't let them stay in the background

The UK must steer the Paris Agreement out of its 'perilous decade'

  2019-12-04 in Climate Home News

Demands for action are outstripping political will. The diplomatic task of bridging the expectations gap falls to the hosts of next year's climate talks

  Tagged under: The Paris Agreement

In a climate emergency, there must be compensation for victims

  2019-12-03 in Climate Home News

With impacts spreading, declarations of climate emergency are worthless unless those making them help the afflicted

Loss and damage: Who pays for the impacts of the heated Earth?

  2019-12-03 in Climate Home News

The current system for accounting for loss and damage from climate change is contentious and up for review at UN talks in Madrid

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

Climate Home

  2019-11-01 (or before) in Climate Home News

Climate change news, analysis, commentary, video and podcasts focused on developments in global climate politics

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Russian draft climate law gutted after industry intervention

  2019-10-25 in Climate Home News

Draft bill, which had been seen as step towards modernising Russia's economy, loses legal targets and support for low carbon projects

  Tagged under: Russia

Emmanuel Macron's war on climate activism

  2019-10-23 in Climate Home News

Why are climate protesters being tear-gassed under the watch of France's president, a self-defined climate champion?

  Tagged under: Activism | France

Finland to be carbon neutral by 2035. One of the fastest targets ever set

  2019-06-03 in Climate Home News

Incoming prime minister Antti Rinne presented the climate goal as part of a package with increased welfare spending on Monday

EU, China agree to work together on clean energy

  2019-04-10 in Climate Home News

After a Brussels summit dominated by trade tensions, the two major powers presented a united front on climate change and clean energy

  Tagged under: China | Climate Change | European Union

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