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Topic: Israel

Related Articles (8)

Diplomats fear growing power of Iranian factions that want nuclear weapons

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Don’t Expect Gas Companies to Pause Business on Gaza’s Behalf

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Meanwhile, an Israeli minister has joked that new offshore drilling means new warships.

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‘Tax Cheat Twelve’ Vote to Cut IRS Funding in Israel Bill

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The 12 House Democrats received a combined $8 million in campaign support from AIPAC and its affiliates last year.

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Israeli official slams Greta Thunberg after she backs Palestinians in Gaza

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Israeli army spokesperson apologises after saying: ‘Whoever identifies with Greta in any way in the future, in my view, is a terror supporter.’

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Saudi nukes: A desire for energy, weapons, or just leverage?

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Riyadh's pursuit of civilian nuclear energy is fast becoming regarded as a geopolitical strategy to influence the US, exert leverage over Iran and Israel, and explore potential partnerships with Russia and China.

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Three-party Lebanon oil and gas consortium to begin drilling in September

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The latest development comes after a major breakthrough in the maritime borders dispute between Lebanon and Israel following US mediation. Drilling for oil and gas off the coast of Lebanon…

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Severe climate-driven loss of native molluscs reported off Israel’s coast

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Mediterranean study finds subtidal populations of cockles, whelks and other species have collapsed by 90%

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Israel fish deaths linked to rapid warming of seas

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Bacterial infection alongside quick rise in marine temperature may have triggered mortality, suggests study

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