The Elephant

A resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens interested in climate change and the environmental emergency

Source: Climate. Justice. Solutions.


Articles from this source (37)

It's official: US air quality got worse in 2023

  2024-03-22 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

When it comes to air quality, neighboring countries are in it together. In 2023, wildfire smoke from across the Canadian border became a primary source of air pollution in major U.S. cities, according to a report released this week.  The annual World Air Quality Report by IQAir, a Swiss air quality technology company, showed that […]

How to 'decouple' emissions from economic growth? These economists say you can't.

  2024-03-04 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

At least, not fast enough to reach international climate targets.

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics

Biden’s climate law fines oil companies for methane pollution. The bill is coming due.

  2024-02-20 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Recent research suggests that the IRA’s methane fee could batter the oil and gas industry to the tune of more than $1 billion.

Climate change has killed 4 million people since 2000 — and that’s an underestimate

  2024-01-30 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

“Nobody is counting it, and nobody is moving in the direction of counting it."

  Tagged under: Health

The link between climate change and a spate of rare disease outbreaks in 2023

  2023-12-22 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

The temperature-sensitive pathogens that caught U.S. communities off guard are a grim preview of the future.

  Tagged under: Health

As climate risks mount, the insurance safety net is collapsing

  2023-10-10 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Natural disasters now cost the U.S. insurance industry $100 billion a year. What happens when no one wants to pick up the tab?

  Tagged under: Economics | Insurance

The 7 climate tipping points that could change the world forever

  2023-08-30 (or before) in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

As the world warms, these Earth systems are changing. Could further warming make them spiral out of control?

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Climate Change | Trees | Tipping Points

The true cost of climate pollution? 44% of corporate profits.

  2023-08-28 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Yet governments are still pouring $7 trillion into subsidies for fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Economics | Fossil Fuels

Climate change is coming for your olive oil, too

  2023-08-25 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Overall inflation is easing. But heatwaves in Europe have doubled the price of live oil over the past year.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Heatwaves

On Maui, returning home means confronting toxic risks

  2023-08-22 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

A growing body of research has demonstrated that wildfires leave behind a trail of toxic chemicals that can take years to eliminate.

  Tagged under: Wildfires

Youth v. Fossil Fuels

  2023-06-09 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

In Held v. Montana, 16 youth climate activists argue Montana's enthusiastic support of fossil fuels violates their constitutional rights.

  Tagged under: Activism | Fossil Fuels

Should we pull carbon out of the air with trees, or machines?

  2023-05-30 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

It’s not as simple as it sounds.

  Tagged under: Trees

Is carbon capture viable? In a new rule, the EPA is asking power plants to prove it.

  2023-05-12 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

“The EPA is calling the bluff on the power industry.”

Deadly heat threatens the lives and livelihoods of 1 billion people in India

  2023-04-24 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Increasingly extreme heat waves will imperil India's development goals and slow economic growth, new research shows

  Tagged under: Economic Growth

Rich countries export twice as much plastic waste to the developing world as previously thought

  2023-03-13 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Current estimates only cover “the tip of the plastic waste iceberg.”

Starved of new talent: Young people are steering clear of oil jobs

  2022-10-18 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Who wants to work for the brands that brought you climate change?

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Extreme weather is making mining waste a major problem

  2022-06-02 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

New report calls for revamped safety standards as companies race to meet demand for clean energy minerals.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Minerals

Study: Climate change is creating disease hotspots

  2022-04-28 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

“The coming decades will not only be hotter, but sicker.”

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Biden administration moves to restore mercury rules for power plants weakened under Trump

  2022-02-01 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

EPA reaffirmed its authority to regulate mercury and other hazardous air pollutants.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Donald Trump

Native opposition to Nevada lithium mine grows

  2021-10-28 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Tribes near the proposed mine at Thacker Pass say they weren't adequately consulted.

  Tagged under: Lithium

US regulators: Climate change is a major threat to the economy

  2021-10-21 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

In a 133-page report, the Financial Stability Oversight Council noted that climate-fueled disasters are “increasing and already imposing substantial economic costs.”

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics

Indigenous resistance has cut U.S. and Canada's annual emissions

  2021-09-10 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

A new study shows indigenous resistance cut emissions by at least 25%.

What Biden could learn from Bill Clinton's unfinished work on environmental justice

  2021-02-24 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

"The boogeyman when you’re fighting systemic racism is implementation."

  Tagged under: Joe Biden

Exxon's "emission reduction plan" doesn't pledge to cut emissions

  2020-12-15 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

This semantic trick allows oil companies to “cut” emissions and grow them at the same time.

  Tagged under: Exxon

How the Kingston coal ash spill unearthed a nuclear nightmare

  2020-12-15 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Workers wondered: What happened the night the dredging stopped?

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Coal

Can we ‘restore’ the climate? These young activists want us to try.

  2020-12-11 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

They’re ready to talk about carbon removal. Are you?

  Tagged under: Activism

The surprising reasons why people ignore the facts about climate change

  2020-07-28 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Two new studies dig into the reasons why people ignore facts about climate change. The takeaway: Evidence alone isn’t enough.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

The curse of 'both-sidesism': How climate denial skewed media coverage for 30 years

  2020-07-28 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Study finds big newspapers -- including the NYT -- favored arguments against climate action.

A pipeline, a protest, and a polluted past

  2020-06-12 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

A small pipeline poses big questions about the future of natural gas in New York.

  Tagged under: Electricity Grid

A landmark lawsuit against Big Oil is back from the dead

  2020-05-28 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Will ExxonMobil, Shell, and friends have to pay for seawalls?

  Tagged under: Shell | Exxon

Weathercasters are talking about climate change — and how we can solve it

  2020-01-28 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

As more weathercasters talk about the science of climate change on the air, some are taking the next step and discussing how to solve it.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

U.N. report: 'Human rights might not survive' climate crisis

  2019-07-03 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

It's time for human rights defenders to come together on climate action, expert says.

Climate movement grandpa James Hansen says the Green New Deal is 'nonsense'

  2019-04-24 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

His solution to climate catastrophe? You may want to sit down for this one: a carbon tax.

Devil's Bargain

  2018-02-08 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

We already have planet-cooling technology. The problem is, it’s killing us.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Geoengineering

Mass extinction threatens the world's pollinators — and its crops

  2016-02-26 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

A new UN-sponsored study suggests that 40 percent of invertebrate pollinators could go extinct.

None of the world's top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use

  2013-04-17 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

A sobering new study finds that the world's biggest industries burn through $7.3 trillion worth of free natural capital a year. And it's the only reason they turn a profit.

What is the safe upper limit for atmospheric CO2?

  2008-01-01 in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

The nation's top climate scientist, NASA's James Hansen, apparently now believes "the safe upper limit for atmospheric CO2 is no more than 350 ppm," according to an op-ed by the great environmental writer Bill McKibben. Yet while preindustrial levels were 280, we're now already at more than 380 and rising 2 ppm a year! Like many people, in the 1990s I believed 550 was the target needed to avoid climate catastrophe -- but now it's clear that: 550 ppm would lead to the greatest disaster ever experienced by human civilization -- returning us to temperatures last seen when sea levels were some 80 feet higher. This is especially tr...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Amazon Rainforest | Sea Level

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