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Topic: Glaciers

Related Articles (5)

Vulnerability of Denman Glacier to Ocean Heat Flux Revealed by Profiling Float Observations

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Inside China's Experiment to Save a Melting Glacier - Bloomberg

  2023-07-08 (or before) in Bloomberg

The experiment in the Tibetan Plateau could help preserve thousands of jobs, though it’s a temporary solution as global temperatures continue to rise.

  Tagged under: China | Glaciers

Himalayan glacier loss speeding up with dire outcome for millions

  2023-06-20 (or before) in YouTube

New research shows glaciers in the Hindu Kush Mountain range in the Himalayas could lose 75% of its ice by the end of the century. The report shows melting i...

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Regional cumulative mass change of reference glaciers

  2023-03-29 (or before) in world glacier monitoring service - under the auspices of: ICSU (WDS), IUGG (IACS), UNEP, UNESCO, WMO

  Tagged under: Glaciers

Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s

  2019-12-10 by Fiona Harvey in The Guardian

Scale and speed of loss much higher than predicted, threatening inundation for hundreds of millions of people

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