The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Counter Punch


Articles from this source (19)

Capitalism Is Killing Us

  2024-08-23 by in Counter Punch

Neither politicians (across the continuum) nor corporate media pundits engage in meaningful public discourse on climate and the environment. They choose

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Can Humanity Repair Its Relationship With Nature? Weaving Earth Education Center Offers a Promising Path

  2024-07-25 by in Counter Punch

Disconnection from nature is a catalyst for the present environmental crisis and several physical, mental, and emotional illnesses. With mental health

Climate Agreements Suck

  2024-03-25 by in Counter Punch

Global CO2 is on a rampage, skyrocketing upwards like never before, double-to-triple rates of only one year ago, see: CO2 Bursting into the Atmosphere. This is not supposed to be happening. It is twisting the planet’s climate system into a pretzel that doesn’t know which way to turn next. There are plenty of reasons to believe it is going to get much, much worse. The planet’s climate system is already so far whacked-out that it’s breathing fire.

Greenland Cascading 30 Million Tons Per Hour

  2024-03-15 by in Counter Punch

Facing recently conducted an interview about spooky new developments in Greenland. The ice sheet is cascading/gushing at unheard of rates never

Coastal Cities at High Noon

  2024-03-08 by in Counter Punch

Antarctica, the massive continent of ice, the size of the continental US and Mexico combined, is breaking apart more and more as a recent scientific

  Tagged under: Sea Level | Antarctic

Antarctica Under Siege and XR Takes a Radical Turn

  2024-01-05 by in Counter Punch

Antarctica has finally succumbed to rapid climate change. This past year (2023) brought changes to the icy continent that left climate scientists feeling

  Tagged under: Activism | Ice Melting | Climate Change | Antarctic | Extinction Rebellion

Showdown at COP28

  2023-11-17 by in Counter Punch

“$200 trillion is needed to stop global warming” (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) Buckle up, fireworks will be going off in a couple weeks in the pristine

  Tagged under: COP28 | Global Warming | Finance

Accountability Needed at the Country’s Most Toxic Site

  2023-05-26 by in Counter Punch

On the edge of Washington state, just a few miles from the great Columbia River, boiling radioactive sludge is seeping out of a huge underground tank

  Tagged under: Rivers | Washington State

Monster Heat Hits 1/3rd of World Population

  2023-04-24 by in Counter Punch

Global warming is hitting full stride as SE Asia, inclusive of parts of China and India literally roast. It’s a bad omen for the rest of the world as the entire planet is threatened by an emerging El Niño event starting this year. El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño-Southern oscillation that originates in the equatorial Pacific every few years, bringing on more heat throughout the planet. According to, El Niño is forecast to return in 2023 and could set new temperature records.

  Tagged under: El Niño | India

Disturbing Sea Level Studies

  2023-04-14 by in Counter Punch

For decades, climate scientists have been sounding the alarm that unless the nations of the world stop emitting greenhouse gases global warming will bring

  Tagged under: Sea Level

Ozone Troubles, Once Again

  2023-04-07 by in Counter Punch

NASA: “Without ozone, the Sun’s intense UV radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface.” It was 36 years ago in panic mode when the world came together

Are Green Resource Wars Looming?

  2022-10-14 by in Counter Punch

Much of the excitement over the Inflation Reduction Act, which became law this summer, focused on the boost it should give to the sales of electric

Polar Scientist Explains Peril of Thwaites

  2022-06-10 by in Counter Punch

Ted Scambos, a polar scientist with 20 trips to Antarctica under his belt, makes a living trekking across glaciers, measuring the speed, thickness, and

  Tagged under: Antarctic

Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as "Feeding the World"

  2020-12-01 in Counter Punch

The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness

  Tagged under: Farming

Expert IPCC Reviewer Speaks Out

  2020-11-20 in Counter Punch

Expert IPCC Reviewer Speaks Out Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion/XR recently interviewed Peter Carter, M.D., who has the distinguished

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | IPCC | Extinction

Money Capital vs Life Capital: the War of Values We Live or Die By

  2020-07-16 in Counter Punch

Under the name of ‘growth’, self-multiplying private money sequences turn all that exists into ever more of their own demand with no life necessity regulating them. We now know a few billionaires own more than the majority of the world. What is not tracked is how they exponentially increase their fortunes by massive pollution and depletion of all that supports life to auto-maximize their profits - from the air and the water to the ice-caps and the biomes of our soil and guts. This is shamefully called ‘the free market’, and ‘overpopulation’ of the poor is still blamed for the results.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

10C Above Baseline

  2020-05-22 in Counter Punch

Earth at 10°C above pre-industrial is unimaginable. It’s a deadly horrifying thought, but as shall be explained herein, it should not be dismissed out of

BlackRock Takes Command

  2020-04-08 in Counter Punch

The mainstream financial press has been remarkably quiet about the Federal Reserve’s appointment (March 24) of BlackRock to manage its massive corporate

Globalizing the War on Indigenous People: Bolsonaro and Modi

  2020-01-24 in Counter Punch

A man who has repeatedly romanticized dictatorship and advocated the use of torture seems like an odd choice for guest of honor at the annual celebration

  Tagged under: Indigenous People | India | Bolsonaro

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