The Elephant

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Topic: Rewilding

Related Articles (17)

UK can sustain itself if it converted all animal farmland to forest, Harvard research shows

  2024-03-13 (or before) in The Vegan Society

Researchers found the UK can convert animal farmland to forest and still grow enough protein as well as help combat climate change.

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Food Production and Consumption | Agriculture | Rewilding | Trees

Rewilding Ireland: ‘Undoing the damage’ from a history of deforestation

  2024-02-27 in Mongabay

Rewilding advocate Eoghan Daltun was unsatisfied with life in Dublin, so he sold his property and bought a farm on the Beara Peninsula of southwestern Ireland. His plan was simple: remove the invasive plant species and then put up a fence to keep out the goats and nonnative sika deer. The land did the rest, […]

  Tagged under: Rewilding

Rewilding: A Call for Boosting Ecological Complexity in Conservation

  2023-08-15 (or before) in Society for Conservation Biology Journal

Abstract Rewilding has emerged as an audacious conservation approach aiming at restoring wild species interactions and their regulation of ecosystem processes by focusing on the key role of species...

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Rewilding Methodology

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We chose our rewilding projects through a systematic selection process. Mossy earth members get to choose which interventions to support and receive interesting project updates.

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New results show dramatic improvements to soil quality at Isle of Wight Rewilding Project | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

  2023-07-07 (or before) in Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Dramatic new results from an Isle of Wight rewilding scheme have been hailed as “very significant” in the fight against pollution in the Solent.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Rewilding

Why Rewilding This Kind of Farmland Is a Win for the Planet

  2023-05-22 in Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture

New research suggests rewilding is more effective than tree-planting, and when it comes to which land to rewild, the answer is also clear: farms. 

  Tagged under: Farming | Rewilding

Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions

  2023-03-28 (or before) in Nature

Natural climate solutions are being advanced to arrest climate warming by protecting and enhancing carbon capture and storage in plants, soils and sediments in ecosystems. These solutions are viewed as having the ancillary benefit of protecting habitats and landscapes to conserve animal species diversity. However, this reasoning undervalues the role animals play in controlling the carbon cycle. We present scientific evidence showing that protecting and restoring wild animals and their functional roles can enhance natural carbon capture and storage. We call for new thinking that includes the restoration and conservation of wild a...

  Tagged under: Rewilding | Carbon Capture and Storage

How restoring key wildlife species can be a game-changing climate solution | One Earth

  2023-03-28 (or before) in Together, we can solve the climate crisis | One Earth

A new scientific paper shows how trophic rewilding, or reintroducing key species to restore top-down interactions, can "supercharge" ecosystem carbon sinks.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Rewilding

How livestock grazing is preventing the return of rainforests to the UK and Ireland

  2023-02-13 in The Week

Most of the UK and Ireland’s grass-fed cows and sheep are on land that might otherwise be temperate rainforest

  Tagged under: Rewilding | UK | Rainforests | Agriculture

The Question of Community and “Rewilding”

  2023-01-31 in Bella Caledonia

An invited response to Jeremy Leggett by Alastair McIntosh on re-wilding in Scotland. Last week the solar energy entrepreneur, Jeremy Leggett, published a blog titled Highlands Rewilding: governanc…

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Rewilding

The fight over rewilding - Tortoise

  2023-01-08 in Tortoise Media

Brexit was meant to transform land management. Some MPs have other ideas

  Tagged under: Rewilding

Replace animal farms with micro-organism tanks, say campaigners

  2022-11-12 in The Guardian

Advocates of plant-based protein say 75% of world’s farmland should be rewilded to reduce emissions

  Tagged under: COP27 | Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Rewilding

Knepp Estate: who controls and benefits from rewilding? - Sussex Bylines

  2022-05-27 (or before) in No. 29 | New articles added frequently - Sussex Bylines

Rewilding sounds good but land fragmentation and a lack of democratic control raise uncomfortable questions.

  Tagged under: Rewilding

‘We’re basically starting from zero’: Restoring Finland’s river ecosystems

  2022-01-22 in The Guardian

Teams of rewilders are facing a huge task to encourage the return of wildlife after decades of damage by the forestry industry

  Tagged under: Rivers | Wildlife | Rewilding | Trees

Pioneering rewilding project faces ‘catastrophe’ from plan for new houses

  2021-03-21 in The Guardian

Storks, butterflies and turtle doves could all suffer at the Knepp estate in West Sussex

  Tagged under: Birds | Housing | Wildlife | Butterflies and Moths | Rewilding

New partnership to advance rewilding in the Scottish Highlands | Rewilding Europe

  2020-06-23 in Rewilding Europe | Making Europe a Wilder Place

With support from Rewilding Europe, the rewilding of the Bunloit Estate will enhance wild nature, boost the local economy and lock up carbon. The estate's innovative management approach could drive…

  Tagged under: Rewilding | Innovation

Climate change: Can Finland be carbon-neutral in 15 years?

  2020-01-29 (or before) in The BBC

Finland has pledged to be carbon-neutral by 2035 - that’s twice as fast as the UK Government target. But to achieve this, they will have to make big changes, particularly in the peat industry, which currently provides energy, heating and jobs. Can the Finns turn an ambitious plan into reality?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Rewilding

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