The Elephant

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Topic: Glaciers

Related Articles (6)

Vulnerability of Denman Glacier to Ocean Heat Flux Revealed by Profiling Float Observations

  2023-12-31 (or before) in Advancing Earth and Space Sciences Journal

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Inside China's Experiment to Save a Melting Glacier - Bloomberg

  2023-07-08 (or before) in Bloomberg

The experiment in the Tibetan Plateau could help preserve thousands of jobs, though it’s a temporary solution as global temperatures continue to rise.

  Tagged under: China | Glaciers

Himalayan glacier loss speeding up with dire outcome for millions

  2023-06-20 (or before) in YouTube

New research shows glaciers in the Hindu Kush Mountain range in the Himalayas could lose 75% of its ice by the end of the century. The report shows melting i...

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Regional cumulative mass change of reference glaciers

  2023-03-29 (or before) in world glacier monitoring service - under the auspices of: ICSU (WDS), IUGG (IACS), UNEP, UNESCO, WMO

  Tagged under: Glaciers

Rapid retreat of Thwaites Glacier in the pre-satellite era - Nature Geoscience

  2022-09-05 in Nature

The Thwaites Glacier grounding zone has experienced sustained pulses of rapid retreat over the past two centuries, according to sea floor observations obtained by an autonomous underwater vehicle.

  Tagged under: Antarctic | Glaciers

Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s

  2019-12-10 by Fiona Harvey in The Guardian

Scale and speed of loss much higher than predicted, threatening inundation for hundreds of millions of people

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