The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
How Global Capital Killed Climate Science
2024-08-29 in TsakralidesAs the planet slips further into “uncharted territory”, a phrase which now almost every meteorologist uses, it is time for climate science to stop pretending: to admit, publicly, that climate scien…
Tagged under: Capitalism | Science
Can a System Revolt Against Itself? Why Climate Protest is Completely Doomed.
2024-08-27 in TsakralidesThe most successful protests in human history were led by angry mobs with simple, concrete demands: Freedom. Food. Equality. The right to vote, and so on. The anger, the urgency and the passion …
Tagged under: Activism
Climate Science Is Dead. What Now?
2024-07-25 in TsakralidesAs the planet moves further and further into the dark and sizzling depths of “uncharted territory” (a phrase which almost every climate scientist now uses), it is time for climate scien…
Why Become An Activist When The World Is Already Collapsing?
2024-07-16 in TsakralidesHow much time do I have left? This is the very first question which pops into a terminal patient’s head when they first hear their diagnosis. They simply want to know how much life they have …
Tagged under: Collapse | Activism
Beyond The Petri Dish: The Infinity State
2024-04-17 in TsakralidesSome of the greatest minds in humans were actually not very “intelligent”. They didn’t have impressive, fast computation powers. They didn’t have talents they could showcase in a circus…
Human Pets of the Consumaverse
2024-04-12 in TsakralidesAs filler humans, we are entering a new slavery situation where our master is not even human. We can’t see them because they don’t have a face, and we can’t attack them because they are virtu…
Food, Life and Sanity: the Triple Disappearing Act
2024-04-04 in TsakralidesIt is ironic but not at all surprising that, for a civilisation claiming to have taken care of its most basic needs a very long time ago, its demise will come down to the one, most basic need commo…
The Civilisational Lie
2024-03-28 in TsakralidesThis civilisation has learned to survive by extraction, exploitation and extinction. It is the teenager walking up to the fridge, taking whatever they need without ever wondering who went grocery s…
Tagged under: Extinction
The Inconvenient Message of Downsizing
2023-09-21 in TsakralidesBut of course, none of our politicians have the guts to tell us that, if emissions were to decrease at the rate they need to, the government would need to take our toys away. Instead, they promise …
Why is humanity so stupid? A biologist tries to answer the question intelligently
2020-02-22 in Tsakralides1+1=0. The tale of two competing brains I hope you’re not offended that I’ve just questioned your intelligence. This is the question that Greta Thunberg has been asking the adults of th…
Tagged under: Greta Thunberg
The Dream that Humanity is unable to wake up from
2020-01-27 in TsakralidesZen Buddhists often talk about something which may sound counter-intuitive, but is actually most profound: “The mind is a prison”. According to this concept, all of us can become consumed by our th…
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