The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Consider Watering Your Street Trees
2023-06-18 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllUrban trees provide myriad benefits, while putting up with so much of our chaos. Here's what we can do to help them.
Tagged under: Trees
It's Time For Everyone to Stop Ignoring E-Bikes
2023-06-09 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllFind out why it's crucial for reports to focus on the potential of e-bikes.
Trees Are a ‘Must-Have’ Medicine When Addressing Mental Health
2023-05-26 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllThe positive impact of trees is well-documented in a growing body of scientific studies in the U.S. and around the world.
Considerations for Regenerative Farming on a Small Scale
2023-05-26 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllSmallholders, homesteaders, hobby farmers, and other small-scale growers can use regenerative farming techniques to ensure growing sustainably for years to come.
Tagged under: Farming
E-Bikers Ride Much Farther and More Frequently Than Regular Bikers
2023-05-26 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllThey are not 'cheating,' but are serious transportation.
The Fuzzy Math of Net-Zero Is Under Attack
2022-08-27 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllWe can't plant enough trees to make a dent in the climate crisis.
Tagged under: Net Zero | Trees
What Is the Carbon Footprint of a Solar Panel? Overview and Emissions
2020-06-19 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for AllLearn about the carbon footprint of solar panels, how it is calculated, and how emissions between solar panels and standard electricity compare.
Tagged under: Solar Energy | Electricity
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