The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: TIME Magazine


Articles from this source (18)

'Unprecedented' Beryl Signals Climate Change's Impact | TIME

  2024-07-03 by in TIME Magazine

Research has shown that climate change can make some of these disasters more intense and more frequent.

The Rooftop Solar Industry Could Be On the Verge of Collapse | TIME

  2024-01-25 in TIME Magazine

Complicated financial products helped the U.S. rooftop-solar-power industry grow, but now put it at risk of implosion.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Collapse

Apocalyptic Optimism Could Be the Antidote for Climate Fatalism | TIME

  2024-01-24 in TIME Magazine

If we embrace the reality that things will get worse before they get better, we will be equipped to fight climate change.

The Case Against Dams

  2023-09-26 in TIME Magazine

Deadly dam failures will become more common, and removing them helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  Tagged under: Libya

Antonio Guterres' Climate Change Letter to His Great-Great Granddaughter

  2023-04-20 in TIME Magazine

The U.N. Secretary-general knows our future generations will hold us accountable.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Antonio Guterres

What Comes After the Coming Climate Anarchy?

  2022-08-15 in TIME Magazine

Our civilization is slowly collapsing—but the next one is already rising

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Collapse

A Top CEO Was Ousted After Making His Company More Environmentally Conscious. Now He's Speaking Out

  2021-11-22 (or before) in TIME Magazine

The former CEO was well-known for making the food company more environmentally conscious, and many thought he was ousted for it.

How Industrial Fishing Creates More CO2 Emissions Than Air Travel

  2021-03-17 in TIME Magazine

A new study is the first to calculate the immense carbon toll of dragging weighted nets along the ocean floor

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Air Travel

'If This Task Was Urgent Before, It’s Crucial Now.' U.N. Says World Has 10 Months to Get Serious on Climate Goals

  2021-02-26 in TIME Magazine

The UN climate change body, in a new report, says that current emissions targets are not enough to avoid severe climate impacts

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

The World Is Headed for 3 Degrees of Warming This Century, U.N. Report Warns—But a Green Pandemic Recovery Could Offer Hope

  2020-12-09 in TIME Magazine

The world is behind on commitments to limit global warming, but a green recovery from Covid could set us back on track

  Tagged under: Climate Change

The Climate Is Breaking Down. Architect Bjarke Ingels Has a Masterplan for That

  2020-10-31 (or before) in TIME Magazine

Ingels' next project redesigns the planet to cut greenhouse emissions, clean up pollution and adapt to climate change

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

Don't Try to Change the Minds of Climate-Denying Politicians. Vote Them Out

  2020-07-09 in TIME Magazine

The right to vote is our most powerful tool to tackle climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change

'They're Trying to Wipe Us Off the Map.' Why Independent Farming in America Is Close to Extinction

  2020-01-24 (or before) in TIME Magazine

A perfect storm of factors has lead to the biggest crisis for American farmers in decades.

  Tagged under: Farming | Finance

The Reason Fossil Fuel Companies Are Finally Reckoning with Climate Change

  2020-01-16 (or before) in TIME Magazine

Protesters have swarmed Shell's headquarters in recent years

  Tagged under: Shell | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Activism

How Flooding Is Devastating the Central African Republic

  2020-01-16 (or before) in TIME Magazine

A photographer documents the worst flooding in two decades

  Tagged under: Africa

A Glacier the Size of Florida Is Becoming Unstable. It Has Dire Implications for Global Sea Levels

  2019-11-14 (or before) in TIME Magazine

Thwaites glacier in Antarctica might be past the point of no return.

  Tagged under: Antarctic | Sea Level

These U.N. Climate Scientists Think They Can Halt Global Warming for $300 Billion

  2019-11-13 (or before) in TIME Magazine

The solution would stabilize CO2 emissions for 15-20 years, they say

  Tagged under: Climate Change


  2019-03-10 (or before) in TIME Magazine

Breaking news and analysis from Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

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