The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Slate Magazine


Articles from this source (9)

If You Want a Car This Heavy, You Should Pay Through the Nose

  2023-01-31 by in Slate Magazine

It’s time to tax vehicles for weighing too much—even if they’re electric.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Electric Cars | Cars

How Burning Wood Pellets in Europe Is Harming the U.S. South

  2022-01-03 by in Slate Magazine

Many European nations have relied on biomass as a “renewable energy” source. At best, that terminology is a stretch. At worst, it’s greenwashing.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change

This Attorney Took On Chevron. Then Chevron-Linked Judges and Private Prosecutors Had Him Locked Up.

  2021-08-12 by in Slate Magazine

All of their names should be known widely.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Chevron | Judiciary

California Reveals That the Transition to Renewable Energy Isn’t So Simple

  2020-08-19 by in Slate Magazine

Sometimes the features of a wind-and-solar system turn out to be bugs.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Wind Power | California | Electricity Grid

The Actual Problem With Saying “Human Capital Stock”

  2020-05-28 by in Slate Magazine

A White House adviser wasn’t invoking slavery—but the phrase has other issues.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

How Greta Thunberg Captured Our Attention on Climate

  2019-09-09 by in Slate Magazine

We’re finally ready to absorb her bleak message, and maybe act on it.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism | Climate Change

People Love to Say “We” Are Causing Climate Change. But Who Is We?

  2018-10-10 by in Slate Magazine

Everyone is not equally complicit here.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

What Really Happens After Societal Collapse: Dog Eat Dog, or Lions and Lambs Lying Together?

  2017-06-21 by in Slate Magazine

Pop culture tells us that societal collapse will lead to every man fighting for himself, but some research suggests that it’s human nature to work together.

  Tagged under: Collapse

Fox News Claims Solar Won't Work in America Because It's Not Sunny Like Germany

  2013-02-08 by in Slate Magazine

Thanks to Fox News and its expert commentators, millions of Americans now understand the real, hidden reason why Germany's solar-energy industry is so...

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

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