The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Why planting trees to offset carbon emissions doesn't really work, according to experts
2023-08-27 (or before) in Salon.comNew research questions the environmental integrity of carbon trading, a multi-billion dollar industry
Tagged under: Deforestation | Trees
Is a post-car future actually possible? Experts say yes — here's how we could do it
2023-05-21 (or before) in Salon.comThough the United States seems hopelessly addicted to our vehicles, experts say we could rethink our civilization to live without them
Tagged under: Climate Change | Cars
This is what the world will look like in 100 years if we do nothing to stop climate change
2023-05-17 (or before) in Salon.comClimate change experts explain our ecological future if humanity continues polluting at the current rate
Tagged under: Climate Change
How Big Oil is manipulating the way you think about climate change
2023-05-14 (or before) in Salon.comA logic professor explains how a persistent, subtle fallacy has infected public discussion of climate change — to the oil industry's benefit
Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels
What happens when we run out of water? Thanks to climate change, a dystopian premise is coming true
2023-04-09 (or before) in Salon.comExperts say climate change is depleting or polluting our freshwater sources. Can we survive in a drier world?
Tagged under: Climate Change
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