The Elephant

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Source: Niels Bohr Institute


Articles from this source (3)

Past temperature in Greenland adjusted

  2021-08-18 by in Niels Bohr Institute

During a period of several thousand years up until the last ice age ended approximately 12,000 years ago, the climate pattern in Greenland did not fit and this was a mystery to researchers. Now researchers from the Niels Bohr

Greenland ice cores reveal warm climate of the past

  2021-08-17 by in Niels Bohr Institute

New research from the NEEM ice core drilling project in Greenland shows that the warm Eemian period - 130,000 and 115,000 years ago was warmer than previously thought.

Rise in temperatures and CO2 follow each other closely in climate change

  2020-04-10 by in Niels Bohr Institute

New research from the Niels Bohr Institute indicates that, contrary to previous opinion, the rise in temperature and the rise in the atmospheric CO2 follow each other closely in terms of time.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

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