The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Marc Hudson


Articles from this source (7)

Book! Carbon Capture and Storage in the United Kingdom: History, Policies and Politics

  2024-04-16 in Marc Hudson

This book (title is self-explanatory) has just come out. You can see table of contents etc (and buy it!) here. The history of CCS is (imho) both fascinating and important. CCS has a lot longer history than many of its advocates (and opponents) understand. This book is not the final word on the subject, but…

Labor sleepwalking us to disaster on climate as on defence…

  2023-05-01 in Marc Hudson

The Australian Labor Party is going to get us all killed. Either slowly - via climate change - or quickly, as collateral damage in a war between China and the USA. And there is an interesting parallel in the policy processes underlying both disasters. I just finished reading 'Sleepwalk to War: Australia’s Unthinking Alliance with…

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Two climate videos, one glaring silence (spoilers – it’s social movements)

  2023-03-06 in Marc Hudson

Thanks to Twitter, I saw two videos yesterday - one which is very recent, about the so-called "activist industrial complex" and the other from three years ago by the Financial Times, presented by the actress Nicola Walker. Both, in their ways, are good to think with, but perhaps not for the reasons their creators think.…

  Tagged under: Activism

Of XR’s “The Big One” – likely numbers and likely consequences

  2023-02-07 in Marc Hudson

In April the next (and final?) XR event will take place, in London. In January the organisation click-baited a "We Quit" statement (see here for more.) They are claiming they will get 100 thousand people to turn up and... (mill around? sell newspapers to each other? something else?) So, two things. First the numbers. There's…

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion

Where does the #climate “movement” Gogh from here? Of sunflowers, dandelions and strategy

  2022-10-15 in Marc Hudson

My two cents /fifty pence on the Van Gogh/Sunflowers Just Stop Oil Painting Action, the commentary and what next for people who give a damn. tl;dr: everyone is missing the point except me (obvs) and if everyone listened to me, had listened to me, all the world's problems would have been solved ages ago and…

Cher, incentive structures and our inevitable doom

  2022-05-17 in Marc Hudson

Cher is on the CD in the lovely Arcadian café I am sitting in. “Do you believe?”, she is asking me And then she sings the magic words “I really don’t think you’re strong enough.” Too right, Ms Cher. Strength is the issue. Last night I had a zoom call with an academic who…

Crash test dummies and movement building

  2017-02-04 in Marc Hudson

Do you ever feel you're strapped into a car that almost deliberately, wilfully, crashes into a wall? Sort of a Groundhog Day/Source Code mash-up, with Camus ruefully driving a Facel Vega and getting hit by a boulder that some clown had let roll down a hill? I do. It's like we in the 'social movement…

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