The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
2024-06-19 by in jonathonporritt.comWhat I really hate about this election-specific “debate” about immigration (over and above the customary but still sickening dishonesty) is the way it drives out any compassion, any empathy for all those caught up in the “need to move”, not just as asylum-seekers, but even as economic migrants.
Tagged under: Migration | Climate Change Impacts
“Nuclear War: A Scenario”: An Absolute Must-Read - Jonathon Porritt
2024-05-24 by in jonathonporritt.comI sometimes fantasise about MRCs – Mandatory Reading Commitments– for a pre-designated category of “people of influence” here in the UK: politicians (including all would-be politicians), business leaders, the commentariat (in all shapes and sizes), NGO bosses, civil servants, community activists and so on. Let's say somewhere between 150,000 and 250,000 people. As soon as they're appointed to such a position of influence, they have to sign up to an MRC: to read 25 books a year (one a fortnight), selected by a group of wise, politically neutral trusted figures, selecting the 25 books from a shortlist of 25...
Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Activism
Mainstream Climate Science: The New Denialism? - Jonathon Porritt
2024-03-07 by in jonathonporritt.comThis is a bit of a long one! So here’s my “Executive Summary” so you can decide whether to commit the time to the rest of it: mainstream climate scientists run the risk of becoming the new climate deniers.
Tagged under: The Paris Agreement | IPCC | Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Science | Activism | Disinformation and Misinformation
Hyping Hydrogen: The Fossil Fuel Industry's Final Scam
2022-09-01 (or before) in jonathonporritt.comTagged under: Hydrogen
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