The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Chartbook | Adam Tooze | Substack


Articles from this source (3)

Carbon Note 2: The "Western" energy transitions - narcissism of small differences.

  2023-04-09 (or before) by in Chartbook | Adam Tooze | Substack

Did Putin’s war on Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis lead to a retreat from the energy transition in Europe? Did Russian aggression expose the vanity of green ideology? Was a war what we needed to relearn the “basic math” that modern societies cannot do without some combination of fossil fuels and nuclear? This was the contention of pieces in

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Fossil Fuels | Vladimir Putin | Russia

Chartbook #64: Energy crisis 2021 - the China shock

  2021-12-28 (or before) by in Chartbook | Adam Tooze | Substack

Like it or not, we live under the shadow of China. First there was the “China shock” to labour markets which has - whatever its actual size - become a cause célèbre in the US. Then there was the fear of a Chinese financial attack - the idea of a balance of financial terror between the US and China. In 2008 that failed to materialize. In 2015 the tremors of the Shanghai meltdown were felt around the world. That has come back to haunt us in 2021 with the Evergrande crisis. Since 2020 we have been battling with COVID - contagion from China in the literal sense. In 2021 America’s military leaders had ...

Chartbook Newsletter #24 - by Adam Tooze - Chartbook

  2021-07-01 (or before) by in Chartbook | Adam Tooze | Substack

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