The Elephant

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Source: Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy


Articles from this source (88)

AGL hails performance of first big battery, says waiting for nuclear would put it out of business

  2024-08-14 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Australia’s biggest coal generator celebrates success of its first big battery, and says waiting for nuclear to replace its coal assets will put it out of business.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

The future of solar could be over our highways and up our walls

  2024-08-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Mounting solar on walls and over highways could help reshape the grid, cut costs, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

Batteries step in as coal plant trips amid heatwave and near record demand in Texas

  2024-08-09 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Big batteries step in as coal unit trips in Texas at peak time in midst of heatwave. “Always on” baseload needs back-up just as much as renewables.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Site is offline

  2024-08-08 (or before) in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Site is offline

  2024-07-25 (or before) in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says

  2024-07-16 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

AEMO boss says nuclear too slow to replace coal, and confirms that “notion of baseload” will not compete with grid powered by cheaper renewables.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Renewable Energy

“The world is changing:” Labor targets solar and battery industries in $22 billion green deal

  2024-07-03 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Labor says the world is changing, and its $22 billion Future Made in Australia deal is essential to protect its future in a low carbon world.

We need to talk about gas emissions, and the climate methane bomb

  2024-05-10 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Politicians seeking to lock gas into Australia’s future to 2050 need to understand that leaked gas emissions are likely 100 times worse than carbon dioxide emissions.

  Tagged under: Methane

Batteries the biggest player again as renewable records smashed in California, reach 156 pct of load

  2024-04-22 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Batteries become biggest supplier in California’s evening peak for fourth time in a week, as renewables smash records with 156 pct of demand.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

In the belly of the solar duck: First big battery responds as rooftop PV changes shape of grid

  2024-04-08 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Western Australia hosts the world’s biggest standalone grid and features the biggest solar duck, thanks to growth of rooftop PV. Batteries to the rescue, then, as thermal plants go quack.

If we properly priced death caused by carbon emissions, we might get to net zero a lot quicker

  2024-03-27 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Adding a price on mortality caused by carbon emissions might help change consumption patterns for items such as red meat and 4WDs. Smoking laws provide a template.

Wind turbines have negligible impact on house prices, new study finds

  2024-03-20 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Whether wind farms affect house prices is a live issue for anti wind farm campaigners in Australia, but new research out of the US shows it’s nothing to worry about.

Home battery capacity equals that of pumped hydro in Germany

  2024-03-16 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

The capacity of household batteries in Germany has reached 6 GW, about equal to the country’s pumped hydro capacity.

Super cheap transmission upgrades could double capacity and open floodgates for renewables

  2024-03-14 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Grid enhancing technologies are promising to decongest networks and bring in huge amounts of renewables. Can they work in Australia?

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Australia’s biggest smelter to launch massive wind and solar tender, says nuclear too costly

  2024-03-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

The biggest single energy consumer in Australia, the Tomago smelter, is about to launch a massive tender for wind and solar. It says nuclear is too expensive.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wind Power | Nuclear Power | Renewable Energy | Australia

How can nuclear fit into a renewable grid where base load can’t compete?

  2024-03-05 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Coalition’s push for nuclear is fundamentally flawed, not just for nuclear, but for any high capital cost base load generator. 

  Tagged under: Electricity Grid | Australia | Nuclear Power | Renewable Energy

Biggest offshore wind farm in world scraps green hydrogen proposal

  2024-03-03 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Developers had been exploring hydrogen and grid sales in tandem, but decided on the latter after winning a grid connection.

  Tagged under: Electricity Grid | Wind Power

Wind and solar projects gathering pace, despite Coalition campaign

  2024-03-03 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Despite all the doom and gloom, the wind and solar currently under construction makes it certain we will be over 50% renewable by mid 2026 at the latest and probably by late 2025.

  Tagged under: Wind Power | Solar Energy | Renewable Energy | Australia | Project 2025

Australia to seek 10 GW of wind and solar this year in biggest ever tenders

  2024-03-01 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Australia will seek 10 gigawatts of new wind and solar capacity this year, along with 3 GW of dispatchable capacity, as it races to meet its ambitious renewables target.

  Tagged under: Wind Power | Renewable Energy

The network of conservative think-tanks out to kill the switch to renewables

  2024-02-28 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Australia’s renewable energy plans are being targeted by coordinated campaigns from conservative “think tanks”, as the Coalition embraces nuclear and rails against large scale ren…

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Renewable Energy

Andrew Forrest attacks Coalition’s nuclear “bulldust” and betraying the bush

  2024-02-26 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Andrew Forrest says Coalition needs to stop the “bull dust” about nuclear energy being the “fairy godmother” to the energy transition.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

Australian researchers make water battery breakthrough

  2024-02-21 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Researchers at RMIT University find a way to replace the electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries with water, an innovation that could remove the fire risk entirely.

  Tagged under: Lithium | Innovation

Floating solar plans upsized in push to squeeze them between giant offshore wind turbines

  2024-02-15 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Group of 16 EU organisations partner to scale up floating offshore solar technology to 150MW so it can be more easily installed within existing and new offshore wind farms.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wind Power

World must spend $A18 trillion in renewables and grids by 2030 to meet climate targets

  2024-02-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

World must spend at least $A18 trillion on renewables and the grid to meet climate targets, and most can come from scrapping fossil fuel plans.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Electricity Grid

Used solar panels could supply Australia’s next resource boom: study

  2024-02-07 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

UNSW study finds that effective solar module recycling practices could eliminate the need to mine for materials to make new PV. Instead, we would “mine from waste.”

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Redflow flags next-gen flow battery as it targets bigger scale storage projects

  2024-01-30 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Redflow has a bigger, better “next generation” zinc bromide flow battery in the works it says will be competitive with all technologies on the market, including lithium.

  Tagged under: Lithium

Cost of UK’s flagship nuclear project blows out to more than $A92 billion

  2024-01-28 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Cost of UK’s flagship nuclear project blows out again, this time to a potential $A92 billion. Is the Australian Coalition still pushing this technology?

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

Households could boost solar output with two-sided panels, a tilt, and a light colour roof

  2024-01-22 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Using two-sided or bifacial solar modules could lift the output from rooftop solar systems by more than 22 per cent. But they need a light coloured roof.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Rooftop solar has key benefits, and one critical weakness, over large-scale solar farms

  2024-01-15 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

First ever life-cycle analysis comparing big and small solar systems finds rooftop PV better for the environment than even the largest, most efficient, solar farm. But there’s a catch.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Farmers says climate change is biggest threat, renewables the best solution

  2023-12-12 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Seven out of 10 farmers interviewed had already invested in emissions reduction efforts, by installing solar panels and batteries, electrifying farm equipment or planting trees.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Farming | Trees

Ted O’Brien’s nuclear love-in at COP28 gets a brutal reality check

  2023-12-11 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Release of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report provides a sobering reality check for an industry on life-support and a contrast to Ted O’Brien’s silliness at COP28 climate conferen…

  Tagged under: COP28 | Nuclear Power

Planning approval given for Australia’s biggest battery to soak up solar and replace coal

  2023-12-09 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Planning approval given for 2,000 MWh battery in Collie that could double in size and will be used to soak up solar and shift it to the evening peaks, replacing coal.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Coalition’s nuclear SMR poster boy cancels flagship project due to soaring costs

  2023-11-09 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Updated: NuScale, the US company pushing nuclear SMRs and championed by the Australian Coalition, has its flagship project cancelled by customers due to soaring costs.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

Vanadium flow batteries stake a claim for round the clock storage for renewables

  2023-10-29 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Largest vanadium flow battery in south hemisphere is going through its commissioning process at Port Pirie, with big hopes for the future of round-the-clock storage.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

South Australia takes another bold leap into deep green energy future

  2023-10-24 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

South Australia is leading the world on the integration of wind and solar. Now, it’s about to take an even bolder leap into a deep green energy future through its hydrogen jobs plan.

  Tagged under: Wind Power

Solar behind big price falls as grid demand and coal power pushed to record lows

  2023-10-22 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

The growth in renewables over the past year has had a major impact on Australia’s main electricity grid, with wholesale prices tumbling from their 2022 peaks, and grid demand and coal output …

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Electricity | Electricity Grid | Renewable Energy

New design could make lower cost, more efficient lithium-sulphur batteries a reality

  2023-10-16 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Monash researchers say they have solved a problem in the development of lithium sulphur batteries, which are touted to be half the cost of rival lithium chemistries.

  Tagged under: Lithium

Solar, batteries and microgrids essential for disaster-prone communities, study finds

  2023-09-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Losing power after a disaster is devastating for communities, a new report suggests this can be mitigated by distributed and renewable energy resources.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy

Massive solar and battery deal promises to cut commercial energy costs in half

  2023-09-07 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

A $500 million deal will install 50MW of solar and 300MWh of battery storage across ESR Australia’s commercial property portfolio by 2033.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Genex eyes trebling of revenue, says new battery already “sopping up” negative prices

  2023-09-04 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Genex says its revenue will increase threefold over next three years, with its growing storage portfolio and the “tremendous opportunity” of volatile grid pricing.

  Tagged under: Electricity Grid

“Business will kill your children:” Was Andrew Forrest’s climate speech really that “loopy”?

  2023-09-03 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Andrew Forrest has been described as “loopy” and weird for his striking speech that warns “humanity is at risk” and that “business will kill your children.” Just…

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Children

Li-ion pioneer makes breakthrough in cheaper, safer “zinc-air” batteries

  2023-08-29 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Perth-based researcher who helped pioneer now ubiquitous lithium-ion battery technology is heralding a breakthrough in zinc-air chemistry.

  Tagged under: Lithium | Innovation

Grid operator plans €16 billion link from offshore wind parks to industry hub

  2023-08-28 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

German grid operator unveils plans to underground power lines to bring electricity from wind turbines in the North Sea to consumers in the power-hungry west.

  Tagged under: Wind Power | Electricity | Electricity Grid

Stop renewables and wait for nuclear: Nationals stunning rejection of science and industry

  2023-08-14 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Nationals push to stop rollout of renewables highlights weakness of 2050 net zero targets. In their minds, everything can be delayed, even if science and industry say no.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Nuclear Power | Net Zero

Wind and solar eat fossil fuels in Europe and US, but it’s a slow burn in Australia

  2023-07-10 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

The pace of change in some of the world’s biggest grids is accelerating, but in Australia the transition is facing problems for governments and agencies.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Fossil Fuels | Electricity Grid | Wind Power

South Australia hopes to be “hydrogen superpower” with 118GW of wind and solar

  2023-06-29 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

South Australia sets sights on becoming hydrogen superpower, with more than 110GW of wind and solar, nearly 40 times its current capacity.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Hydrogen | Wind Power

Bowen kicks off capacity scheme with doubling of NSW battery tender to replace coal

  2023-06-28 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Labor begins roll-out of Capacity Investment Scheme, more than doubling size of auction in NSW to fill a gap created by planned coal plant closures.

Battery storage takes another giant leap over fossil fuels in heart of coal country

  2023-06-22 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

New deals for four hour batteries takes the technology make the next giant leap over the fossil fuel generators they will replace.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

Neoen and Tesla to build giant four-hour battery in landmark deal to squash solar duck

  2023-06-19 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Neoen is to build a massive four-hour battery in Western Australia in landmark and highly profitable contract designed to flatten solar duck in world’s biggest isolated grid.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Electricity Grid | Tesla

Problems at two CCS “success stories” cast fresh doubt on the technology

  2023-06-15 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Problems at two long-running Norwegian carbon capture and storage projects are highlighting worrying challenges for the future, report finds.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

Big batteries storm the fossil fuel citadels, and spell the end for coal and gas

  2023-06-15 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Big batteries were first built next to wind and solar farms. Now they are found within massive coal and gas compounds, eating the fossil fuel industry from the inside out.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wind Power

Queensland budgets $19bn for shift to renewables, in huge push away from coal

  2023-06-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

“The most significant investment ever:” Queensland government allocates $19 billion over four years to ensure the state meets its renewable energy targets.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

“Truly momentous:” Solar is changing everything, and Australia must seize the occasion

  2023-06-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Treasurer Jim Chalmers should introduce a solar module production tax credit so Australia can secure its position in global solar production supply chain.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Spain on track to pass 50 pct renewable energy generation in 2023

  2023-06-08 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Spain expected to surpass 50% average renewables mark on its grid this year, beating neighbouring EU powerhouses to the milestone.

  Tagged under: Spain | Renewable Energy | Electricity Grid

Electric water heaters could do work of 2 million home batteries – and save billions

  2023-06-04 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

New study finds “smart” electric water heaters can store as much energy as more than 2 million batteries and save households billions a year on energy bills.

Four charts on the unstoppable growth of solar – our best hope against climate change

  2023-05-12 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

To supply everyone with enough electricity to live a good life, we’ll need about 200 billion megawatt-hours per year. Assuming solar does the heavy lifting, is it possible?

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Climate Change | Electricity

Green hydrogen versus direct renewables – best and worst ways to use wind and solar

  2023-05-08 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

The there are good ways to use wind and solar and bad ways. And much of it comes down to where green hydrogen is applied.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Hydrogen | Wind Power

“About time:” Net Zero Authority to guide just transition from fossils to renewables

  2023-05-05 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Federal Labor announces new national body armed with $400m budget to support emissions-intensive sectors, their workers and communities to transition to clean industry.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Net Zero

Eight hour big battery trumps pumped hydro in NSW long duration storage tender

  2023-05-01 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

First big battery with eight hours storage beats pumped hydro projects to win Australia’s first long duration storage tender.

Australian renewables pioneer PacHydro rebrands, sees big demand for wind and solar

  2023-04-26 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Pacific Hydro rebrands in bid to reposition as Australia’s leading renewables-only generator – and unveils plans including a new retail arm.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Wind Power

G7 pushes for an extra terawatt of solar, but falls short on coal phaseout and gas

  2023-04-17 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

G7 agree to a big increase in offshore wind and solar capacity, but fall short of coal and gas phaseouts as Japan holds out for fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Fossil Fuels | Japan | Wind Power

Rethinking Paris: France braces for 4°C warming in “turning point” strategy

  2023-04-06 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Paris plans to use 2024 Olympics as a showcase for urban climate adaptation, including proposals to deal with 4°C of warming.

  Tagged under: France

Load shifting and energy spills: Secrets to smarter grid dominated by wind and solar

  2023-04-04 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Major new report points to role smart management of energy and demand in the rapid shift to renewables, particularly while storage plays catch-up.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Wind Power | Electricity Grid

China on track to triple its terawatt-scale wind and solar target

  2023-04-04 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Goldman Sachs report forecasts combined capacity from China solar and wind will far outstrip the government’s current 2030 target of 1.2TWh.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wind Power

Solar panels can take the heat a lot better when paired with crops

  2023-04-04 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Study finds solar panels built above crop plants can reduce surface temperatures on the panel by up to 10°C compared to traditional mounting methods.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Another big battery wanted to help replace Australia’s biggest coal generator

  2023-03-14 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

NSW is launching a new tender – likely for a big battery – focused on the “firming” gap created by the planned retirement of Australia’s biggest coal generator.

  Tagged under: Batteries | Coal

Sodium-ion battery gets world-first certification, in new boost for cheaper storage

  2023-03-09 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

China storage company becomes world’s first to get certification of international safety standards of its sodium ion battery.

  Tagged under: Batteries | China

China now has enough wind and solar to power every home

  2023-02-17 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

China installed 125GW of new wind and solar capacity in 2022, and now generates enough wind and solar to meet demands of every home, but not industry.

  Tagged under: China | Solar Energy | Wind Power

French nuclear giant EDF buys massive Australian floating offshore wind project

  2023-02-15 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

French nuclear energy giant EDF buys massive floating offshore wind project in Australia that it plans to build in stages.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Wind Power | France

Wind and solar output set landmark new milestone in Australia’s rapidly changing grid

  2023-02-12 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Renewables output breaks above 20GW in Australia’s main grid for first time, while output of wind and solar jumps 900MW to new record.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Electricity Grid | Wind Power

Solar’s stunning journey from lab curiosity to global juggernaut wiping out fossil fuels

  2023-02-10 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Leading solar researcher predicts technology will “wipe fossil fuels” out of the global economy, and help deliver a resilient, reliable and extremely cheap energy grid.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Predictions | Fossil Fuels | Electricity Grid

Clean energy investment tops $US1 trillion, sits neck and neck with fossil fuels

  2023-01-30 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Bloomberg New energy Finance says investment in low carbon energy has hit a new high – and for the first time reached parity with capital invested in fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Finance | Capitalism

Big solar smashes Australian generation record, crunches coal, to close out 2022

  2023-01-10 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Utility-scale solar generation notches up biggest month ever in Australia in December of 2022 and helps send NSW black coal output to new low.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Coal

First Nations Clean Energy Network: How renewables can avoid the mistakes of the past

  2022-11-30 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Two new guides aim to help renewables projects avoid the mistakes of the fossil fuel past and get the best outcomes for First Nations communities.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Fast transition to renewables will save the world $18 trillion, says Oxford study

  2022-09-13 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

New study says rapid switch to renewables and storage will save the the world at least $US12 trillion ($A18 trillion) if reached by 2050.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

France’s troubled nuclear fleet a bigger problem for Europe than Russia gas

  2022-08-05 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

More than half of France’s nuclear fleet are offline, its power prices are through the roof, and it faces a long-term supply problem.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | France | Russia

New coal and gas projects will erase Albo’s climate gains several times over

  2022-07-26 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Australia’s massive pipeline for new coal and gas projects will cause more emissions than avoided by Labor’s climate policies. This is very bad.

  Tagged under: Coal

Labor won’t act urgently on climate unless it’s forced to

  2022-07-16 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Labor should be aiming at emissions cuts of 70 to 80% by 2030. There is no shortage of feasible, detailed and immediately beneficial policies to do this. But they won’t.

US energy secretary says switch to wind and solar “could be greatest peace plan of all”

  2022-07-12 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

“No country has ever been held hostage to access to the sun.” US energy secretary says switch to renewables could be world’s best peace plan.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Wind Power

Rio Tinto: “technology-led” climate policies not enough to keep global warming within safe levels

  2022-02-25 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Rio Tinto says “society-led” rather than “technology-led” approach needed to keep global warming within safer levels. That means a high carbon price.

South Australia sets smashing new renewables record in final days of 2021

  2022-01-11 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

South Australia’s wind and solar supplied an average of just over 100% of local demand every day for a record stretch of almost one week in December.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Wind Power

The fossil fuel industry’s CCS offsets scheme is aggressively absurd

  2021-10-03 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

The fossil fuel industry has won a fight to enable the granting of offset certificates to carbon capture projects. It’s so much worse than it sounds.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

Sun Cable: World’s biggest solar and battery project expands again, gets Indonesia approval

  2021-09-23 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Sun Cable expands to a solar project of up to 20GW and up to 42GWh of battery storage, as it gains approval from Indonesia for a sub-sea cable.

  Tagged under: Batteries | Solar Energy | Indonesia

Big Battery Storage Map of Australia

  2021-05-10 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

This Big Battery Storage Map of Australia includes all big battery projects of 10MW or 10MWh and above. “Operating” includes those projects currently working; “Construction” means those…

Morrison’s infuriating climate pledge: We’ll only cheat if we need to

  2020-11-24 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Australia’s next big emissions projections are due soon. Renewables will do the heavy lifting, but how will the gap to Paris be filled?

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

New Zealand passes historic zero carbon bill with near unanimous bipartisan support

  2019-11-08 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

New Zealand passes landmark legislation enshrining its zero-carbon target into law with bipartisan support, although concerns linger about plans to tackle agricultural emissions.

  Tagged under: New Zealand | Climate Emergency Declarations | Legislation

Ageing ex mining chiefs set up new ginger group urging Paris exit

  2018-11-16 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

A new super-group of seasoned global warming deniers and ex mining chiefs has formed to lobby for Australia’s withdrawal from Paris accord.

Portugal reaches 100% renewables, ends fossil fuel subsidies

  2018-04-09 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Portugal grid averages 103% renewable electricity over month of March; government suspends power supply subsidies in April.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Electricity | Electricity Grid

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