The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Pro Publica


Articles from this source (13)

We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajority

  2023-10-14 (or before) by in Pro Publica

The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.

Inside the “Private and Confidential” Conservative Group That Promises to “Crush Liberal Dominance”

  2023-10-14 (or before) by in Pro Publica

Leonard Leo, a key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority, is now the chairman of Teneo Network, a group that aims to influence all aspects of American politics and culture.

United Nations Seems to Boost Plastics Industry Interests, Critics Say

  2023-09-26 (or before) by in Pro Publica

Ahead of a groundbreaking treaty to reduce plastic pollution, a group of independent scientists fear that the United Nations is legitimizing industry-backed proposals such as chemical recycling.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Participated in Koch Network Donor Events

  2023-09-22 (or before) by in Pro Publica

Thomas has attended at least two Koch donor summits, putting him in the extraordinary position of having helped a political network that has brought multiple cases before the Supreme Court.

Climate Crisis Is on Track to Push One-Third of Humanity Out of Its Most Livable Environment

  2023-06-07 (or before) by in Pro Publica

As conditions that best support life shift toward the poles, more than 600 million people are already living outside of a crucial “climate niche,” facing more extreme heat, rising food scarcity and higher death rates.

It Will Cost Up to $21.5 Billion to Clean Up California’s Oil Sites. The Industry Won’t Make Enough Money to Pay for It.

  2023-05-19 (or before) by in Pro Publica

An expert used California regulators’ methodology to estimate the cost of cleaning up the state’s onshore oil and gas industry. The study found that cleanup costs will be triple the industry’s projected profits.

  Tagged under: California

This “Climate-Friendly” Fuel Comes With an Astronomical Cancer Risk

  2023-04-14 (or before) by in Pro Publica

Almost half of products cleared so far under the new federal biofuels program are not in fact biofuels — and the EPA acknowledges that the plastic-based ones may present an “unreasonable risk” to human health or the environment.

  Tagged under: Chevron | Health

A Water War Is Brewing Over the Dwindling Colorado River

  2022-12-23 (or before) by in Pro Publica

Diminished by climate change and overuse, the river can no longer provide the water states try to take from it.

  Tagged under: Colorado River | Climate Change | Rivers | California | Colorado State

How a Secretive Billionaire Handed His Fortune to the Architect of the Right-Wing Takeover of the Courts

  2022-08-22 by in Pro Publica

In the largest known political advocacy donation in U.S. history, industrialist Barre Seid funded a new group run by Federalist Society co-chair Leonard Leo, who guided Trump’s Supreme Court picks and helped end federal abortion rights.

Tax-Funded Forest Institute in Oregon Misled Public, May Have Broken State Law, Audit Finds

  2021-07-28 (or before) by in Pro Publica

State auditors found that an agency intended to educate the public about forestry presented biased information favoring the timber industry and possibly violated state law. The audit was prompted by our investigation last year into the agency.

  Tagged under: Oregon | Trees

To Understand the Medical Supply Shortage, It Helps to Know How the U.S. Lost the Lithium Ion Battery to China

  2020-04-21 (or before) by in Pro Publica

The failed U.S. effort to dominate global production of the lithium ion battery — which is key to energy independence, automobile innovation and more — holds lessons for leaders grappling with the U.S.’s reliance on China for emergency medical supplies.

  Tagged under: Lithium | Batteries | Innovation

Climate Change Won’t Stop for the Coronavirus Pandemic

  2020-04-14 (or before) by in Pro Publica

The next several months could bring hurricanes, floods and fire, on top of the pandemic currently raging through the country. How do you shelter in place during an evacuation?

  Tagged under: Climate Change

If Carbon Offsets Require Forests to Stay Standing, What Happens When the Amazon Is on Fire?

  2019-10-22 (or before) by in Pro Publica

The emergency threatening part of the world’s largest rainforest is proof that offsets are too risky to count on to cancel out corporate pollution, and that the Amazon needs help without strings attached.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

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