The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations - Public policy journal


Articles from this source (5)

An Australian Holocaust: greenhouse gas emissions and mass deaths - Pearls and Irritations

  2023-08-30 by in John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations - Public policy journal

Australian governments and mining firms are cold-bloodedly contemplating the needless deaths of 5.3 million human beings.

Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere hits high not seen for millions of years, threatening accelerated global heating - Pearls and Irritations

  2023-06-14 by in John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations - Public policy journal

Some of the worst consequences of climate change can still be avoided by solar panels and wind turbines and electrifying our transportation.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Are Australia’s climate–security risks too hot to handle? - Pearls and Irritations

  2023-05-03 by in John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations - Public policy journal

Climate-related risks to human and regional security is our biggest risk, but there is a big black hole in the government’s discourse.

Climate catastrophe now inevitable without emergency action - Pearls and Irritations

  2022-02-03 by in John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations - Public policy journal

By relying on consultants for policymaking, the government avoids making any serious contribution to the global effort to minimise temperature rise.  This is the second part of a two-part article. Read the first part here. The Glasgow COP26 meeting demonstrated the fallacy of adopting the populist objective of net zero emissions by 2050 (NZE2050) as Continue reading »

  Tagged under: COP26 | Net Zero

The "Green Hydrogen" myth. It is a delusion - Pearls and Irritations

  2021-08-16 by in John Menadue - Pearls and Irritations - Public policy journal

Are you also being swamped with optimistic articles about how essential it is for Australia to be a leader in “green hydrogen”?  “Green hydrogen” is being spruiked as essential to our decarbonised economic future and as a strategic decarbonised export opportunity. “Green hydrogen” is being distinguished from much cheaper “grey hydrogen” that we currently produce from gas (natural or Continue reading »

  Tagged under: Hydrogen

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