The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Earth.Org


Articles from this source (7)

What the 'Warming Stripes' Tell Us About Climate Change

  2024-06-21 by in Earth.Org

#ShowYourStripes Day is an event to turn the climate conversation into action by sharing Ed Hawkins' famous "warming stripes" visualization.

Experts Warn of Imminent Mass Coral Bleaching as Oceans Warm

  2024-03-06 by in Earth.Org

The imminent mass coral reef bleaching event could be the world in the history of our planet, experts have warned.

  Tagged under: Coral Reefs | Oceans

Atmospheric CO2 Jump in 2024 off Track With Trajectory Needed to Meet 1.5C Goal, Met Office Says | Earth.Org

  2024-01-19 by in Earth.Org

Atmospheric CO2 levels in 2024 are forecast to build up faster than the trajectory required to stay on track with the 1.5C threshold.

The Biggest Environmental Problems Of 2021

  2024-01-03 by in Earth.Org

From deforestation and plastic pollution to fast fashion and food waste, here are 15 of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime.  

  Tagged under: Deforestation

13 Major Companies Responsible for Deforestation | Earth.Org

  2023-01-29 by in Earth.Org

Between 1990 and 2016, the world lost 1.3 million sq km of forest. There are many, but here are 12 companies that are responsible for deforestation.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Trees

Unprecedented 13-Year Drought in Chile Drives Nation to Ration Water | Earth.Org

  2022-04-12 by in Earth.Org

The capital city of Santiago will implement water cuts from every four, six, or 12 days depending on water availability as the drought in Chile persists.

  Tagged under: Drought | Chile

Enhanced Weathering for Carbon Capture | Earth.Org

  2020-02-10 by in Earth.Org

In enhanced weathering, ocean alkalinity is increased through depositing rock particles into the ocean, mitigating ocean acidification.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Ocean Acidification | Carbon Capture and Storage

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